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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51321463 No.51321463 [Reply] [Original]

this isnt normal for me.
ive always been a poorfag and ive always had friends from different financial backgrounds, its never been an issue before this summer, even in circumstances where one of the guys has had some crazy good luck to get their money (rather than earning it through ingenuity or hard work) i havent given a shit.
how can i stop thinking about it? i feel like a dickhead for being cold with them

>> No.51321483

You are a jealous dick head just like you think

>> No.51321497

amazing insight

>> No.51321500
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Truth is you resent yourself, and you are keeping distance so your friends cannot judge you.
Put in your best effort to improve your situation, and live your life without shame or bitterness.

>> No.51321516

Your inner values have changed to value money more, and now you envy those that have the value you wish you had.
Or it’s the complete opposite: you’ve become disillusioned with money and you’re realizing that having money makes normies act like retards.
Either way you’re not alone.

>> No.51321550

just stop being poor lmao

>> No.51321556


Don't YOU fucking dare talk about this anon being disillusioned with money, when you and 95% of /biz/ have a delusional view of wealth and money. OP is one of the good ones.

>> No.51321585
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yup yup. I just started a cult (really) and one of my first lessons is, "your eyes are mirrors".

>> No.51321611


>> No.51321631

Consider the dimensions in life on which you are more fortunate than your friends. Maybe health, physical fitness, lack of mental illness, supportive family, etc. Reminding yourself that you are blind to some of your own advantages is helpful for not feeling resentment for your current perceived inadequacies or misfortunes.

Besides, there's always a bigger fish: the path of resentment never ends; even with $100mil you can justifiably feel resentment towards billionaires. Likewise, even your current meager finances still likely put you in the top 10-20% of global income earners.

>> No.51321654

>Put in your best effort to improve your situation
it seems so futile, i knew all the way through august i was going to have $300 extra from my poorfag jobmart job, so spent what felt like hours and hours trying to come up with different ways i was going to be able to try and make more from it. i even broke out an old bot i wrote last year to test a bunch of theories, which doesnt sound much as one sentence but youre talking 60+ hours in 2 weeks of working on different things, all for the sake of how best to spend $300.
and then after work last saturday, i went round to a buddies for dinner and drinks, the guy randomly got $60,000 this summer because his uncle sold a hotel, its just hard knowing how shit my situation is and how easy somebody so close to me has had it.
and its not only him.
and i know its my problem and im the dickhead.
>Either way you’re not alone
well, i value money and youre right, i resent myself.

>> No.51321750

>Reminding yourself that you are blind to some of your own advantages is helpful for not feeling resentment for your current perceived inadequacies or misfortunes.
i guess its natural for all of us to gauge ourselves against others but id rather it wasnt with certain people, as it wasnt an issue before.
theres quite a few things i have going for me that they perhaps dont, even so id trade all of them to make it financially, its as important to me as any positive physical traits (im sure thatll change in time).
im trying to make it in life from literally fucking zero at 28 years old with nothing but a minimum wage job that is turning into subsistence level living, it wasnt something i was conscious of before because i always saw myself as being 'young' and felt like i was on some sort of journey but the reality of how fucked i am is hitting me hard now.
fuck i need to get off biz for a bit

>> No.51321986

Every time you get a jealous thought, replace it with wishing that person well

>> No.51322138
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Gain more money than them. They are what they are because they made that amount of money while you were scratching your butt. Now take this, the road is lonely and you need gains now more than ever

>> No.51322390

…go on

>> No.51322465

Listen, a million dollars is only a couple phone calls away.

>> No.51322495

Fuck off commie

>> No.51322533

I'm not jealous. I'm not OP. I'm envious. What they have, I deserve more and if I can't have it neither should they.

>> No.51322645

Why dont you start by getting an associates degree for a job that pays better than retail? Then go from there. You’re smarter and more self aware than most of /biz/

Godspeed anon

>> No.51322711

>investing into becoming a wagecuck
>investing into becoming a wagecuck just before impending massive amounts of white collar layoffs and the worst job market in the last century

>> No.51323430

>it wasnt something i was conscious of before because i always saw myself as being 'young' and felt like i was on some sort of journey but the reality of how fucked i am is hitting me hard now.
You don't realize how insanely lucky you are for realizing this in your 20s.

>> No.51323518

how can mirrors be real if our eyes arent real