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51315169 No.51315169 [Reply] [Original]

>I walked away from a generational amount of wealth in 2021 out of greed
>down 90% from ATH and still going lower it feels (1.4m ->140k)
How do I cope

>> No.51315189
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You know the drill

>> No.51315203

holy shit its sergey

>> No.51315206

same i was at $1.5m at nov 2021, now down to $70k

>> No.51315228
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>generational amount of wealth

>> No.51315739 [DELETED] 
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You could give like 50k to me so I can pay off my eastern european flat mortgage. You will get a satisfaction of knowing you turned someone's shitty life around.

>> No.51315764

Went from 2mil to 550k. Could be worse.

>> No.51315797


what coins were you holding?? If you held btc and eth you wouldn't be down so much.

>> No.51315825
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use dextools to look at new coins you can bet into and hopefully you'll make it big or something along those lines.

>> No.51315833

Poorfags haven't caught up with the times yet. 3 million dollars is needed for a comfortable retirement for ONE person.

>> No.51315845

Begging like a hobo is a bannable offense and I hope a janny finally does his fucking free "job" and bans you for a month.

>> No.51315862

>americans are so brainwashed by corporations and their own government t hey unironically believe 1.4m is something to scoff at
Jesus what a cesspool of a country. Truly sorry for you guys.

>> No.51315877
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Do it op. Keep doing it. Don't stop now.

>> No.51315930

“I need $300,000 per year passive to live comfortably”

>> No.51315974

In 40-60 years when most of us will be retired? Yes, I 100% believe it if you want to enjoy yourself.

>> No.51315994

Well, considering a simple accident can put you hundreds of thousands in debt, I don't think it's unreasonable.

>> No.51316017

It’s called insurance goon

>> No.51316051

I wish I was this naive.

>> No.51316073

Tell me when you rope so I can buy your bottom bags

>> No.51316080

>>down 90% from ATH and still going lower it feels (1.4m ->140k)
did you only hold shitcoins?

>> No.51316082

You can easily retire with just half a mill unless you're a hedonistic consoomer.

>> No.51316108

Ok guy whatever you say

>> No.51316112

Went from 23k to 3k to 14k the past since June.
I longed Lunc too early.

>> No.51316131
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>that ID
>Twitter post

>> No.51316158
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Next time listen to your intellectual superiors.

>> No.51316174


Not in the USA. Maybe in a third world country.

>> No.51316196
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You cope by buying yourself some Hiroki for another shot at generational wealth 0x5dc1962bece0f0753268604a8d7f3e89a16ae851
Easy Xs to be had since they're making a p2e card minigame. They've also partnered with a beverage company so their marketing game is on point

>> No.51316348

dude a half decent house costs that much


>onions id

says it all

>> No.51316380

Last September I put in my life savings of £50k and it's worth about £7k now

>> No.51316576

That's a man right there

>> No.51316626

don't worry, you actually are naive
anon explained it earlier: you got brainwashed by globohomo into believing you need millions and millions just to survive

>> No.51316667

how do I make money buying a softdrink lol

>> No.51316731

nice shill
advertising. more eyes = more buys, if they ever bother searching up the shit on the can

>> No.51316806

there's plenty of people on this board who got cleaned in the 2017/2018 and 2020 crashes and still made it this last bull run. Just adjust, learn, and be ready for the next time.

>> No.51316892

how did you get to 1.4m in the first place? where did you start? 140k is 10x

>> No.51317323

This right here is why Option premium sellers are wealthy. They actually close their trades.

It's not real until you realize it.

>> No.51317353

You can cope because I went from 2.5m to 3k

>> No.51317379

Probably trading shitcoins like me, but we didn't sell because we're greedy.

>> No.51317390

i miss the feeling of having financial hopium. i didnt make it during the bull run or anything close. (i had chances, but sold early). but the feeling of hope was nice.

>> No.51317524

You guys never post proof also your image sucks

>> No.51317671

wow he's literally me

>> No.51318837


>> No.51318861
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>> No.51318925

I was close to $10 mil early 21, then after may was down to $5 mil and just said fuck it amd cashed 95% of it out. what was left was back up to $1 mil late 21 but is now just over $200k. what sucks is I realized a shit load of gains then so owed over $500k taxes on income I lost so all said and done after tax my whole portfolio including what I cashed out and then put into stocks which is down 20%, is about 1.5mil even though I cashed out most...

>> No.51318940

i literally told you faggots this shit was a scam and to take your winnings and cash out while you were up, but you refused to listen
right now you should cut your losses and take this as a valuable life lesson and warning against excessive greed and hubris
but you won't
like always you'll refuse to listen to good advice
instead you'll hold on to the bitter end
you'll cling onto a desperate hope that you'll recover your losses "in the next cycle"
you'll try make it back by taking wild bets on shitcoins or leverage trades
perhaps it's because you can't take the embarrassment of admitting you were scammed
perhaps you'd rather live in fantasy than face that shame
either way you'll wait forever for the next bull run, but each day you'll check your phone and watch your life savings slowly evaporate in real time

>> No.51318958

1.1mill to 300k here. Fucking painful but whatever. Best advice I can give is focus on your job, accumulate, and we can make it on the next run (assuming the world economy doesn't completely collapse and everything goes to shit, which is a real possibility but if that happens who cares anyway)

>> No.51318961

What was your portfolio and what would have you done differently? Congratulations either way. You made it

>> No.51319001


>> No.51319387
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Next time don't be a greedy faggot.

>> No.51319754

The world was so crazy last year friend I was totally flaked out so it impaired my judgement

>> No.51320054

I went from 280k to 20k because of holding meme and it just crushed my drive to make it.
It seems I can't come back from this one

>> No.51320292


stacked blue chips during the 2018-19 bear. Top gainers was bnb and ada. Went heavy bsc ecosystem early 21. thought may was the peak and went into btc/eth to be safe.

should have taken profits much sooner, instead I panic sold after a 50% hit. Should have sold some again in October - november. should have talked to my cpa in 21 so I could loss harvest and set aside taxes in cash. Would be sitting on 3-4 mil now.

>> No.51322432

my goal is to make $5million and retire in europe

>> No.51322682
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>generational wealth
Why are zoomers so delusional?

>> No.51322713

Holy shit these memes are bussying

>> No.51323145


>> No.51323220

onions id get

>> No.51323319

Yeah. 1.4M is still a lot of cash today, (for the peasant classes) but it was only "generational" several generations ago, IMHO.

>> No.51326817

1.4 is not generational wealth spastic

>> No.51326968

I was checking the downloads folder in my mobile and saw an image of shib logo
downloaded on Jan 31 2021. I shed a teardrop inside. Wish I had the bollocks and gas to make the trade

>> No.51327009
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>> No.51327458

Invest in blockchain related project. They gaining traction. As it stand, Geeq, Near, Kadena, Iotx, and Icon are on my mind.

>> No.51327514
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Only fools like you hold meme. It make sense in a bull market. I've most of my investments in ETH BTCST MINA GEEQ and ORE. I have no doubts that they are all blue chips and worth being in everyone's portfolio.

>> No.51327559

I'd just pick one with the lowest cap and highest trading volume. Blockchain projects usually outperform their peers

>> No.51327561

The same behavioural traits that got you to 1.4 mil ensured you would lose it as well. Just holding forever with no plan of when to sell/shift is not a legit investment strategy.

>> No.51327576
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When I think of the possibilities in meme coins, the degen in me gets tempted desu. I mean, Blockchains are great. But can they do a 1000x overnight?

>> No.51327703

Yep. 2018 I lost EVERYTHING (from low 6figs) and went into debt.

2019 I hit a mil briefly, 2020 covid crash back to 100k

Currently 13mil

>> No.51327731


You will never make that money back ever again. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity for you. The perfect confluence of events at exactly the right time in this point in earth's history.

Never to be repeated again especially in this bear market which will drag on until 2024.

Many such as yourself will hit rock bottom as crypto just keeps bleeding out and people capitulate.

Better learn some coping strategies because you'll need it or you'll end up with a drug and/or alcohol addiction as you contemplate how you made more than enough money to comfortably live at your own pace, passively investing and growing your wealth without ever having to work again.

>> No.51327811
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If I'm to pick it will be GEEQ, Is natural progress and the ecosystem support secure minting and transfers of NFTs.

>> No.51327825

kek, so underrated

>> No.51327841
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Are u dying of cancer or something? 1000x in bear market. If you think so, remember you've got two kidneys. All you have to do is sell one and invest in it

>> No.51327859

you know whats funny is Ive seen the same happen with shitcoiners in 2017/18 they were bragging about their million dollar portfolio and they were warned that it would all go to shit. but did they listen? no of course not, theyre all down 99% on their garbage coins taht will never recover.
then the same happened in 2021/22 I tried to halfheartedly warn some of the shitcoiners of course they wouldnt listen, they never do. so yeah whne people are bragging about their million dollar shitcoin portfolios (were talking about "tech" here that has zero value in ther eal world) and how they found the next bitcoin/ethereum whatever then its usually time to take some profits off the top.
seeya in the next bull run faggots
>t. 2017 fag

>> No.51327948

I'm on the lookout for low cap gems I can degen into. Life is too short to spend it hunched over the computer pondering over all the qualities of the project

>> No.51328009
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I'd rather just stick to Blockchain projects. They're usually high-performance tokens... generally

>> No.51330698

This is the same mindset that made me ride it all the way down to my low kek

>> No.51330736

Who the hell wants to retire in the West? I just want enough money to fuck off to SEA.

>> No.51331000
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>generational wealth
anon, it never really began

>> No.51331047

>implying there will be a next time

kek it's over

>> No.51331128

Don't be a fag, do it again. There will be more opportunities to make money, but you will probably miss them if you sit around feeling sorry for yourself. I did what you did and get frustrated about it at times but I know if I keep my head on straight I can do it some more if I'd like, and really be in the money which is the plan. So put your balls back on and get back on that horse.

>> No.51331214
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Forgot pic. Anyone got the better resolution pic?

>> No.51331239

this, 1.4mm is not a lot of money

this, dubs of truth

>> No.51331505
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The way I personally am rationalizing it is I just got a crash course in a lot of investing knowledge in shit you can't learn and I'll be ready for the next one

>> No.51331518

1.4 mm is a lot of money for 99% of people on the planet. Maybe not for the small amount of Americans who make 200k a year at 20% tax rates, but even for most people in well developed countries 1.4mm is more than they will make in their entire working life.

>> No.51331638

good luck getting an EU country's residentship as a burger, practically impossible

>> No.51331671

golden visa 500k euros

>> No.51332600
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I always wonder what the retards that glibly claim a million dollars is "nothing" have on their balance sheets.

Then they jump to 10+ million being what you need, unaware of what a small percentage of humanity posses that kind of capital.

Lol stay broke morons.

>> No.51333083

No you're gonna need twice that amount to live comfortably in 60. Assume inflation goes to normal and sits at 2% (unlikely as fuck)

1.4 million turns into about 20k after 40 years.

>> No.51333132
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>> No.51334731

you cope by beating yourself up about it until you get rich or die.