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51288407 No.51288407 [Reply] [Original]

Why arent there more female CEOs in society? Why are they all currently Anglo-Saxon men?

>> No.51288439

All CEOs are Indians

you uselss hole.

>> No.51288527

If top companies were headed by women then they wouldn't be top companies.
The only way that there could be 120 women CEOs in the top 300 companies is if were only 180 male CEOs in the entire country.

>> No.51288725

>Why are they all currently Anglo-Saxon men
I ponder why

>> No.51288995

because women are fucking stupid

>> No.51289028

What about achieving 40% women in prisons and as garbage persons?

>> No.51289045

Kikes gonna kike. Women are better suited raising children than running businesses. Simple as.

>> No.51289163

i'd rather have Indian CEOs even lower tier shit like IBM's who is pretty much a scammer who ended up in that role

>> No.51289177
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pic related

>> No.51289195

Society is already collapsing
we don't need anymore useless fucking women
shouldn't have given them the right to vote

>> No.51289203

So instead of white jewish millionaire men, there should be also white jewish females in leading positions?

>> No.51289228

And not a single one founded the company. They're offshoring CEOs

>> No.51289230
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> Full interview with Nikola chairman Trevor Milton and GM CEO Mary Barra on partnership $2 billion deal that gave GM an 11%
CEO of one of world's leading automakers, falls for vaporware scam company and invests $2 billion in it

>> No.51289322
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> Woman CEO and Indian boyfriend/advisor
this is the formula

>> No.51289949

1 > 3 > 2

>> No.51290041

Shh, you're not supposed to call them Anglo-Saxons you're supposed to call them "Jews". Don't you know the rules around here man? Crackers are innocent and dindu nuffin

>> No.51290541
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>Duke Energy

>> No.51290722

out of all the people in australia who are qualified for and want to become ceos, most are men.

believe it or not but men and women actually have differences in general, controversial i know, but its ok.

and most people in australia are white, woah. 90% of australias population is of european ancestry.

what does equality look like? when everyone in australia is given an equal chance? considering the demographics of australia it looks like mostly white ceos, and considering natural gender differences in aptitude and inclinations, it's mostly men.

to get 40% women you'd have to have sexist discriminatory hiring practices. where instead of the best qualified for the job you force a woman into the role to make you feel good. so you can feel good being a sexist making it harder for men then women because "men are bad"

to get more "people of color" you'd have to have racist dicriminatory hiring practices. where instead of the best qualified for the job you force a "person of color" (awful term) into the role to make you feel good. so you can feel good being a racist. making it harder for whites then "people of color" because "whites are bad"

>> No.51290783

also i said "in general" so telling me about this really smart woman you know shows you don't understand what the term "in general" means.

whenever i make a generalization or say in general i get these arguments in pushback. so dumb

yes, men and women have general differences in terms of aptitude and inclination. men and women generally have some differences in inclinations and aptitudes. for example most secretaries are women, i think because women are generally better organized.

>> No.51290808

but being better organized doesn't necessarily make for a better ceo. the ceo has to be aggressive and ambitious, something men are typically better at. women are also generally speaking very risk averse to the point of fault. companies want aggressive ceos that will help them excel and compete. and men generally are a lot more competitive.

>> No.51290817

>believe it or not but men and women actually have differences in general, controversial i know, but its ok.
No they don't, thanks to our current understanding of science. What you recognize as differences between men and women are just differences between people. Gender has nothing to do with those differences.
It's probable that we already have gender parity among CEOs. It's just that most present as their assigned sex because of how regressive and intolerant our society is.

>> No.51290828

i know i'm preaching to the choir here, but in case there are any confused tourists who are enraged by the "horrible" fact that most ceos are white males and they think its just racism and sexism. if they can objectively comprehend my arguments they'll realize thats not the case

>> No.51290856

nice bait. you took it too far by implying a large percentage of male ceos are ftm trannies. funny though. had you stuck to the "science says there are no differences between men and women" i might have taken the bait and started posting evidence of the variation in grey and white matter between men and women. and how men and women have different neuron densities in different parts of the brain.

>> No.51290865

Why does it need to be 50/50? Shouldn't it just need based on ability, and an actual willingness to do the job?

>> No.51290867
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do you guys look at women completely different once you learned about tampons? I mean, once a month they have to stuff cotton balls up their vaginas so they don't bleed everywhere. Does it just stay up in there all day? For 8 hours? do you think near the end of the day it's just a dark hole full of blood, stink, and horror? do you think some of them just go home and toss it in the trash without washing themselves? women are fucking gross, bros

>> No.51290892

Most of them eat it.

>> No.51290903

not just once a month, mate. periods last several days, and sometimes they have to change it up several times in a day (obviously if they have sex, but also in general)

>> No.51290962

so why is the media talking about how we need to make half the ceos women and half "people of color" and other similar articles.

because the media is
>baiting clicks
>and journalists are fucking stupid and just awful people in general

>> No.51291006
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>> No.51291032
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Whenever I've had to deal with "strong wamen" in the workforce I just imagine the stinking horror that's shoved up their holes. how can you take them seriously?

>> No.51291034

What do CEOs even do?
I mean if they can outsource the job to Indians how important are they?
Do they even make any real decisions?
Or are they just a punching bag for when shit goes bad?

>> No.51291053

this and /thread

>> No.51291161


>> No.51291276

Idpol is not a left/right issue.

>> No.51291319

i put leftist in quotation marks
i hang around leftypol for a while and i know lefties not all idpol lunatics. a lot of them are though.
anyways could you offer me a better term? i hate using the left right paradigm since its generally a false dichotomy that retards conversation. what should i have said instead of lefties?

>> No.51291362

>if nothing is done about it the data shows it will take hundred years for men women and niggers to all have the same wages

>> No.51291384

are they marxist? Redistributions, equality of outcome etc? Then just call them Marxists

>> No.51291459

too many economic policy implications for what is essentially just an idpol issue to call them marxists

>> No.51291472

"SJW", "woke", "radlib"

Marxists are anti-idpol.

>> No.51291506

waiting for this guy to offer a better term
i just used leftist for lack of a better term, putting it in quotation marks was the best i could do.

sjws thats it
thats the term. but i don't like that since they're not actually fighting for social justice, they just say they are, in reality they're fighting for racism and sexism against white males

>> No.51291528

wokes ok
but they're not "awake" they are very much sleeping.
radlib ok, i'll use that from now on. thanks

>> No.51291546

>Why arent there more female CEOs in society?
Why do people respond to these threads again?

>> No.51291564

pol thread

>> No.51291737

Unless you count how lefty idpol sets the agenda and righty idpol gets you tagged and targeted as a “white supremacist”.

>> No.51291906

liberal vs conservative isn't left vs right

>> No.51292219

have you ever worked with indians, anon? they do exactly what you tell them to and don't really think for themselves when it comes to work. i assume the ones higher in hierarchy are more eloquent in the way they conduct themselves.

>> No.51292300

>white jewish

>> No.51292437
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when will women want to work?

>> No.51292494
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>> No.51292870

>Why are they all currently Anglo-Saxon men?
Apparently indians now are anglo-saxon kek dumb niggerfag

>> No.51292968

Pretty sure these gentlemen are British..

>> No.51293007

Kek dilate more chink trannie

>> No.51293028

You mean it will take women 100 years to get 40% of ceo positions, seems like women need to step up a game lazy fucks

>> No.51293309

Is this juice bad?

>> No.51293677

right wing liberals and left wing conservatives
society acts like they don't even exist

>> No.51294108

what job is this? what is he trying to do?

>> No.51294332

i dunno but for some reason the media is demanding he be replaced by a woman

>> No.51294358

i mean isn't

darpa has gone too far

>> No.51294388

retardation. we're talking about CEOs of (once) useful shit like Ford, not bankers and journalists

>> No.51294477

>Or are they just a punching bag for when shit goes bad?
That's how my old company did it. It was founded by two brothers and eventually they were looking for a "CEO" aka a guy who takes care of daily business but still takes orders when it comes to major decisions.
It's not like they retired or anything, he's reporting to the founders/owners.

>> No.51294499

Who cares its all zogged

>> No.51294596
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Even male monkeys don't like playing with dolls.

>> No.51294695

>current understanding of science
>assigned sex
>regressive and intolerant
bro just go home
if this is satire then I apologize, pretty tired

>> No.51294785

He has to bathe the bugs so they can be safely eaten.

>> No.51296112
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>> No.51296146

>Why are they all currently Anglo-Saxon men?

>> No.51297969

>ceos making a difference
Brainwashed like a motherfucker.

>> No.51298233

I hope it he getting paid well. But there is a 98% chance he is being paid 50k.