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51283538 No.51283538 [Reply] [Original]

I hold 42 million LUNC, but I haven’t seen anyone address these 2 specific points of FUD yet:

1. How do you know that Binance will implement the burn?
2. Even if Binance implements the burn, the supply won’t burn if everyone just plans on diamond handing it.

>> No.51283549
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token not needed

>> No.51283569

binance will delist

>> No.51283584

The only answers you're gonna get for this is
>he doesn't know
>he had four months
>holy shit ngmi

Sorry mate

>> No.51283590

>1. How do you know that Binance will implement the burn?
CZ is a mad cunt
>2. Even if Binance implements the burn, the supply won’t burn if everyone just plans on diamond handing it.
It won't be just binance.

>> No.51283601

Your image is meaningless though


>> No.51283615
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thats all they ever say. pajeets really are a disgusting species. they are arrogant and ignorant and its no surprise the british were able to rob them off over 20 trillion dollars. they make it really hard for people not to be racist towards them

>> No.51283627

1. CZ lost billions and is still bagholding it. He also supported the burn idea before Do Kwon launched Luna 2. You really think he's going to let it sit and rot?
2. People aren't going to diamond hand it.

>> No.51283653
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no it isnt. it shows that people are selling as soon as they see fit because this shit is volatile beyond belief

the most worthless post in this thread

>> No.51283654
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Obviously Binance won't implement a off chain burn tax, its only on chain. There is no way all exchanges go through with this or to enforce this. Volume would just move on to another exchange.

Anyways what you moon boy niggers don't understand is how its all about the available liquidity, even if the burn was implemented in the most centralized way it wouldn't increase the available liquidity. It would only make the asset more volatile since less people end up being able to take profit at higher prices before it dumps back down. The outcome is the same regardless, its not a magical way to make everyone stinking rich.

These post crash vultures really made me realize how fucking dumb the average crypto investor still is. Suddenly Lunc is the best thing ever but only because their greed doesn't allow them to think clearly, that is if they ever even could

>> No.51283659

1. Not a problem for Binance. Other exchanges have done similar things (see safemoon)
2. They would have to encourage people to use Lunc. Most likely as a gas token

>> No.51283667
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Thank you. Finally someone has provided actual reasoning. Yeah, i see your point, traders will always try to scalp and swing, so the volume will keep churning. Hopefully CZ is as much of a madman as people say. If he does implement the burn, he will cement himself as a legend in crypto history, more so than he already is

>> No.51283691

>You really think he's going to let it sit and rot?
why dont you start by sending your lunc to the burn wallet? the whole thing started this nightmare bear, no one has the motive to burn their bag not even the big cex

>> No.51283703

Just gonna make this simple for you. Normies always sell. I put around $300 into SHIB last February. It went up exponentially. Any "normie" in my shoes likely would have sold when it did a 2x. Seriously. Most people think short-term. I held for a lot longer than most people and made a six figure return. So yeah, it's completely realistic for you to make bank.

>> No.51283707
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>Finally someone has provided actual reasoning
i hope this is sarcasm otherwise this is a lunc shill thread in disguise

>> No.51283709

Based. Another well reasoned reply right here.

Seethe . you had 4 months

>> No.51283723
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>Seethe . you had 4 months
dude. i hold 20m lunc. unlike you im not a pajeet retarded mouth drooling shill lol

>> No.51283730

And why would CZ ever pass up that opportunity? 1. Saves crypto's reputation after LUNA tarnished it in the eyes of normies
2. Bring droves of new people to Binance
3. Have his ego stroked 10x on Twitter

>> No.51283733

Sounds like you are just coping and seething, brother. I came looking for answers to FUD, and a couple of wise lunatics provided them. My conviction has increased. Also, LUNC doesn’t need biz shill threads lol..it has the third highest volume in crypto, behind only Bitcoin and ethereum. Our posts have zero effect on the price

>> No.51283734

I think I just lost braincells reading thi-

>Seethe . you had 4 months
>4 months
oh... you're just a shill, fuck off

>> No.51283735

Wrong, there will be new fomo to the coin when supply starts decresing. Yes binance will implement and off-chain burn, andd all exchanges that won’t will be forced to delist

>> No.51283739

The chart won't go up or down if everyone diamond hand it

>> No.51283754

>forced to delist

>> No.51283764
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>And why would CZ ever pass up that opportunity? 1. Saves crypto's reputation after LUNA tarnished it in the eyes of normies
>2. Bring droves of new people to Binance
>3. Have his ego stroked 10x on Twitter

>Sounds like you are just coping and seething, brother. I came looking for answers to FUD, and a couple of wise lunatics provided them. My conviction has increased. Also, LUNC doesn’t need biz shill threads lol..it has the third highest volume in crypto, behind only Bitcoin and ethereum. Our posts have zero effect on the price
nice shill thread faggot. sadly i thought you were being genuine and wasted my time. guess youre nothing more than a ranpreetjesh khan after all

>> No.51283766

I cant, Safemoon was on a dex you dumb motherfucker besides did you notice how the burn worked out for these BSC shitcoins ? It sounds good on paper but in reality its a letdown

You cant force a exchange to delist faking hell and again whenever its liquidity doesn't increase all it does is make the asset more volatile. Plus dont forget the higher the price goes the slower the burn will be at the same volume, these charts and assumptions ive read here last few days are so incredibly wrong its staggering

>> No.51283771

> Highest volume after BTC and ETH
> We’re so early

Choose one

>> No.51283772

>1. How do you know that Binance will implement the burn?
They won't.
>2. Even if Binance implements the burn, the supply won’t burn if everyone just plans on diamond handing it.
In case the burn happens, this is the most likely scenario. A tax will unironically kill the volume.

>> No.51283797


>> No.51283802

We are early not by virtue of the current market cap, but by virtue of the burn mechanism that is about to get implemented. It is truly a midwit filter. All I see are midwits screeching about how it can’t get to $1 because they think that would mean a multi trillion dollar market cap. They fail to realize that 99% of the supply can be burned within a year if volume remains high and CZ implements the burn.

>> No.51283827

guys listen think clearly for a second, im happy that you boys are making some gains but a burn is not a magical way to make everyone rich, ever wondered why only the shitcoins implemented and none of them worked out or helped increase the price?

Start setting a avalanche of stop losses just incase or you will be in for a rude awakening mark my words. its a buy the rumor sell the news event.

>> No.51283833

Of course you can force them to delist.
It’s not like its the wild west where exchanges can pick and choose eho to list without it bein consentual

>> No.51283834
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>We are early not by virtue of the current market cap, but by virtue of the burn mechanism that is about to get implemented. It is truly a midwit filter. All I see are midwits screeching about how it can’t get to $1 because they think that would mean a multi trillion dollar market cap. They fail to realize that 99% of the supply can be burned within a year if volume remains high and CZ implements the burn.

>> No.51283846

lol this is good bait

>> No.51283847

Sagemoon had a burn and it caused a massive increase in price

>> No.51283849

> Of course you can force them to delist.
It’s not like its the wild west where exchanges can pick and choose eho to list without it bein consentual

The absolute state of Lunc investors, its decentralized you cock gobbler ofcours you cant force exchanges to delist it expect make the coin illegal on a federal level

>> No.51283872

no it didn't, it went parabolic at the start of the project when almost no coins where burned yet and after that it crashed 98% and counting. Even burning over 50% of the supply after the runup didn't help because its all about the AVAILBLE LIQUIDITY.

I cant believe so many people still fall for this 6th grade level crypto 101 moon shit

>> No.51283877

>Start setting a avalanche of stop losses just incase or you will be in for a rude awakening mark my words. its a buy the rumor sell the news event.
This guy knows.

>> No.51283880

You fucking mongrel, the project (COIN) controls the code and the rules, they have the means to block exchanges or uniswap or who the fuck else. It needs to be consentual

>> No.51283892
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You mongoloids.

>> No.51283907

The reason this shit crashed in the first place was inflation. Now, we are about to get deflation and return to normal. Fundamnetals have not changed. Expect price to follow suit. Of course, you are too stupid to understand

>> No.51283916

Low liquidity is good. It means the price can moon faster . Look at what Hex did . You need to go back to crypto school, nigger

>> No.51283933
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>> No.51283947

I am not even going to try and explain this to a retard like you. You are truly beyond saving, calling you a midwit would be a compliment if you still don't get it.

A retarded safemoon investor would would've guessed

It also means it dumps faster and less people will be able to take profit at higher price points so the net outcome will be the same, i cant believe i have to explain this to you guys.

>Low liquidity is good
fucking imagine

>> No.51283950

>Fundamnetals have not changed
hahaha i like your style

>> No.51283963
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What did he mean by this? Is this whole LUNC narrative orchestrated by glowies? I don’t even care desu as long as we get filthy rich

>> No.51283985
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>What did he mean by this? Is this whole LUNC narrative orchestrated by glowies? I don’t even care desu as long as we get filthy rich

>> No.51284001

1. CZ already tweeted he would implement a burn if asked to months ago 2. 10 schizos on biz ain’t “everyone planning to diamond hand” most people will cash out somewhere along the way to the goal and be happy with their 10-20x

>> No.51284005
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I meant (and retarded Chan didn t understand plain English then and aren't expected to now) that nobody's going to be rich ever again.

>> No.51284017

>Anyone can list anything in crypto without the owner of said project having a say int it

And somehow I’m the retard. My tip to you: read economics 101 and learn the basics of crypto. Also seethe when we hit 1$ before EOY.

>> No.51284018

>1. How do you know that Binance will implement the burn?
The burn was literally CZ's idea back when Do Kwon was still in the picture. Why would CZ come up with a solution then turn away from *his own idea*?

>2. Even if Binance implements the burn, the supply won’t burn if everyone just plans on diamond handing it.
Everyone has been discussing ladders in the generals for months. Only those with absolute steel resolve are diamond handing anything.

>> No.51284020

He's the face of Binance. He has the opportunity to become the public "crypto king" and be loved by all. He's active on Twitter. Of course he's going to do it.

>> No.51284037
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>> No.51284070

>Anyone can list anything in crypto without the owner of said project having a say int it

Yes you absolute fucking drooling mongloid, thats how decentralization works.
Read economics 101 and learn the basics of crypto ?
My tip to you is to go back to preschool to learn basic logic, you corona spreading baboon. Also do you have any clue how liquidity pools work because all you retards seem to ignore it due to sheer ignorance

>> No.51284149

>Tell me you are autist without telling me you are autist
You are clueless my little autistic friend

>> No.51284203

> Tell me you are a sub80iq sandnigger without telling me you are a sub 80iq sandnigger.
You are a brand spanking new low iq virgin in this space cause that's my only reasoning how you can spout such utter nonsense so confidently.
Each and every post you made is completely retarded

>> No.51284256

this anon is actually telling the truth, these guys have no idea what a smart contract is, have never even used metamask, /biz/ brains are taking a sabbatical during this bleedout

>> No.51284310

That other fucknugget didn't even know what decentralization means let alone how a smart contract works. Imagine thinking exchanges have to ask permission to list a coin, he probably thinks CZ send all eth miners or ada validators a sweet letter for permission to list.

I refuse to believe this is the market bottom when retards like this still roam the space.

>> No.51284536
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The majority of this species was, renains and will remain closer to full retardation than otherwise. Extinction of our present state (biological) is imminent, plus welcomed. It's immaterial what the majority lean towards or mean. The market in any form conforms and confirms the wills of the very powerful few; the early buyers.

>> No.51284670

>The majority of this species was, renains and will remain closer to full retardation than otherwise.
Back in the day biz used to be a space where the majority was reasonably well versed of the in and outs but nowadays its filled with illiterate wage monkeys. It was expected but i'm still disappointed

>> No.51284863

Lunc moonboys turn out to be illiterate Hex and Safemoon investors. Imagine my fucking suprise lmao

>> No.51284945


> CZ said it two months ago
>If everyone is planning on diamond handing why are there sells currently?

If everyone is diamond handing why are there sells ? Explain

>> No.51284960

>bought 350k LUNC for nothing
>now worth like 200 bucks (still nothing)
where will it go I wonder

>> No.51285526
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3. is this sustainable?

>> No.51285737

I knew all of that you coon. But if mr pea-brain (that’s you) thinks that there are no ways around it, basically all they can do is flab their lips as exchanges fuck their plans of saving the project YOU ARE WRONG

>> No.51285793

meds. now.

>> No.51286034

Listen up you dumb buffoon there is no way to prevent exchanges from trading coins off chain. Obviously most of them wont implement a off chain burn just for the sake of it

>> No.51286082

>People aren't going to diamond hand it.
Source: bro, trust me.

>> No.51286085

What if they all had a stake in it and that stakes value is tied to them implementing it? JEsus you are so fucking dense here, everything needs to be spelled out as for monkeys

>> No.51286094

Literally what?

>> No.51286108

You do know we can treat schizophrenia, right? If yes, why are you still this unhinged?

>> No.51286127

>What if they all had a stake in it and that stakes value is tied to them implementing it?
Delusional. No exchange is going to implement a centralized burn tax mark my words its all on chain or volume will just move to another exchange that didn't implement it. There is no way to enforce it

>> No.51286126

Are you Indian or jewidh

>> No.51286688

TR could blacklist those cex

>> No.51286711

1. We dont. CZ said that they need to implement the on-chain burn first before he will think about it.
2. True

>> No.51286977

They cannot, theoretically they could upgrade to blacklist a cex wallet if all validators banded together but its near impossible to do so and furthermore would damage its reputation beyond repair since it goes against the whole idea of decentralization.

Tldr its basically impossible and kraken already said they wont do offchain burns since it doesn't make sense

>> No.51287555

How quaint.

>> No.51287605

lmao falling for the same pump and DUMP hahahaha retards

>> No.51287894

Luncchads we rise