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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 188 KB, 950x887, charles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51267955 No.51267955 [Reply] [Original]

is this guy serious?

>> No.51268033

He is building this for himself lmao

>> No.51268040

>lots of construction is good for anti-aging research
I'm starting to see how he managed to mesmerize so many midwits.

>> No.51268041

as serious as the plywood shed behind him

>> No.51268058

he heard that vitalik is interested in the topic so this was just a matter of time.

>> No.51268057

Charley, stop posting your own tweets here lil bro

>> No.51268164

He wants to look like that...forever?

>> No.51268165

>It's real
this "man" is such a retard

>> No.51268206

>Desperate to stave off the inevitable
All the money in the world won't give you the balls to face your final judgement.

>> No.51268256

Are you Christian? If so you should know that eternal life on Earth is what God wants for Humanity. We were put on Earth with nothing and tasked to multiply and build up societies. Same reason we went to space “to touch the face of God”.

>> No.51268383
File: 157 KB, 1200x628, the-woman-king-viola-davis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's going to sell skin cream in Africa and call it Wakanda Forever Young Coca Butter Anti-Aging Serums

>> No.51268478

It's just a box, for now. He can't take credit for an anti-aging research clinic if it's just a box that could in future contain anything including an anti-aging research clinic. Fucker could just as honestly say my star wars themed brothel is coming along well.

>> No.51268520

He wants to finally not look like a 57 year old man

>> No.51268531

This box of plywood will help you live forever

>> No.51268548

just sold my Cardano

>> No.51268562

If you're a Christian you should know your soul is meant to remain immortal and not your body. Why else would our physical form be mortal despite how faithful you may be.

>> No.51270070
File: 183 KB, 1072x809, 0D040A16-D06A-47A7-A613-82A01B8D7BD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey charles, where are the dApps? You said there would be thousands of dApps on the chain by now. Why are there only 580?

Why does Polygon (a much younger chain) have more than 37,000 dApps? Why are you letting Polygon smoke you like that Charles?

>> No.51270115

just fast bro

>> No.51270491

he's 30 and looks 60
what is going to happen when he is actually 60?
his only hope is to stop the decay

>> No.51270565

I'm a firm nocoiner, but is this post real? I know him from posts here, but man, you can't fuckin sell anti-aging with a beard like that. Nobody knows how shitty you truly look beneath it, but only assume it.

>> No.51270841

Fuck me, how can anyone be invested in Cardano? This is such a joke. He's trying to emulate Elon Musk, but without any of the success.
Imagine if Sergey Nazarov went about tweeting about all this other shite which had nothing to do with the Chainlink project. It's completely unprofessional and anyone with half an ounce of common sense would not be touching this project with a 10 foot pole. Shockingly obvious.

>> No.51270874

The guy should be working on Cardano 24/7 and putting everything into making his dubious project achieve some of its stated objectives, but all you get from him is holiday snaps and bs like this. It screams failure.

>> No.51270885

Me alive 5,000 years from now thanks to Mr. Hoskins research: no biggie dude but how are those dapps on cardano coming along?

>> No.51270934

wikipedia says he is 34 but he looks more like 45. a bit of anti aging research could not harm.

>> No.51270950

Power of marketing anon. He does an AMA for his fans/investors every week and is quite personable. So people get invested in HIM, not necessarily the project.

>> No.51270957

This. Kek
All billionaires eventually do this

>> No.51270963

made me laugh out loud thanks

>> No.51270976

I sincerely hope all you morons invested in cardano lose all your money

>> No.51272009

Cardano will win and /biz/ will rope

>> No.51272072
File: 113 KB, 749x379, 3dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51272104

Feels good knowing rich people will never unlock the secret to immortality. They will die alone like you and me

>> No.51272126

>Be fat
>into anti aging

>> No.51272138

why didn't my photo load. dumb fucking site.

>> No.51272146

Meanwhile Cardano is out here looking like a fucking ghost town. No wonder bitDAO buys hundreds of ETH on the daily. No one gives a fuck about this whitepaper chain.

>> No.51272150

you better buy ada this winter if you want to become a millionaire

>> No.51272151

are pngs no long supported? wtf

>> No.51272156
File: 198 KB, 660x646, 1660010995598359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just needs a little more time to bring smart contracts to Cardano (ADA). Hence the need to develop immortality.

>> No.51272176
File: 58 KB, 640x468, 1662388617148825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated comment

>> No.51272206
File: 5 KB, 169x298, vitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> anti-aging
> caloric restriction
he's trying to be like Vitalik but doesn't realize that one of the biggest elements of anti-aging is not being a lard ass

>> No.51272396

Honestly, finding out that Charles is 30 is one of the biggest anti-crypto redpills out there.

>> No.51274058

FUCK YES CHARLES. my dude has both eyes on the future. BUT i hope he's not buidling that in the usa. what would be the point?

>> No.51274078

perhaps he's building a new home for aubrey. i feel this to be highly likely as its the most reasonable course of action.

>> No.51274172

Why do americans build their houses with chipboard/plywood?

>> No.51274221

I wonder which circumcision and umbilical cord dealer he will be using to create his “anti-aging” creams?

>> No.51274225

bugs and suds

>> No.51274263

idustrial scale allogenic lines are right around the corner. cost will fall exponentially. the road block is regulatory.

>> No.51274265

Stay poor low IQ faggots
Suck Charles micropenis

>> No.51274274


>> No.51274340

Lots of people upset about this.
I for one support his research into anti-ageing.

>> No.51274347
File: 248 KB, 1073x356, insesnsitive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


underrated reply


>> No.51274992

Honestly what the fuck is this guy doing.
Working on being immortal when his chain is going to shit lmao.
glad I sold my ADA and opted for MATIC instead.

>> No.51275085


>> No.51275138
File: 23 KB, 500x356, 8b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51275160

>Anti-aging clinic
>constructs it out of osb shit which is known to off gas toxins and vibrate at a low dysgenic frequency and covers in construction wrap which prevents your energy from connecting with the universe.

Modern humans are so retarded. Anti-again clinic should be a 100% constructed with eugenic materials to create a high vibration eugenic environment that encourages the most life force in your cells and higher evolution.

>> No.51275217


>> No.51275225
File: 156 KB, 711x917, scammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avishek is not happy, guys. He just wanted a house. Pump his bags, benchods.

>> No.51275239
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, 1661895372152634.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe and they want to know all this, some are good some are bad some are a mix; but the good ones don't ever want to organize, the bad ones tend to want to organize because they lust after power. Powerful consciousnesses don't want to dominate other people, they want to empower them so they don't tend to get together until things are really late in the game, then they come together and evil is always defeated. Because good is so much stronger. And we're on this planet and Einstein's physics showed it, Max Planck's physics showed it- there's at least twelve dimensions. And now that's all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out and saying it's a false hologram, it is artificial, the computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it's artificially projected and gravity is bleeding in to this universe.

>> No.51275245

I imagine the medical treatment would be to jizz on woman forehead saying that is semen has magic properties.

>> No.51275285

Is this what it's like when you travel to Japan and check into your 5 star tatami mat room? This is the traditional greeting that you're met with?

>> No.51275348

top fucking kek

>> No.51275447


>> No.51275496

god dammit bro why the fuck do i have to get old. i wish i could just stay late 20's forever and fuck young women for all eternity.