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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51261144 No.51261144 [Reply] [Original]

Or at least sell a big part of your stack. Let me explain. When shills are so desperate to shill a coin to the bottom of the food chain, or in other word to the left side of the iq chart, then this should ring every alarm bell. Here are three examples
Link shills started to shill this coin to low IQ /pol/tards near the ath, after every normalnigger out there already had bags. Ofc as expected they keep holding this shitcoin to this day with a 70 % lose.
I guess this is self explanatory, but just look at the bat shill threads on /biz/, all targeted at your retarded /pol/tard. The coin is ofc completely worthless.
I guess this is a very obvious case. Just look at the moonman threads. He clearly uses /pol/cel language to give them the feeling he is one of them. They all bought for $50+ are now 60 % or more down.

Other notable examples are doge with bat, lunc and xmr.

So if you hold any coin and it suddenly makes a move to shill itself to /pol/cels run, just sell and forget it. /pol/cels are excellent bagholders. They proudly hold every bag down to -99 % while trying to act all smug and superior.

>tl;dr sell your coin if it gets shilled to /pol/tards.

>> No.51261387

you forgot the most obvious one, precious metals

>> No.51261420

Thank you for the drama, now fuck off with "le epic XD bait /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/" crossdressing discord teenager.

>> No.51261479

Imagine thinking that people will listen to some leftist retard giving investment advice lol

>> No.51261663

Here’s the third nigger thread by OP the unoriginal fucking nigger. Every time this complete fiverr retard post I buy another 100pees. Fuck you OP.

>> No.51261671

Leviticus 20 13

>> No.51261710

I don't know any /pol/tard that buys crypto. I actually am friends with white nationalists too. They all invest in stocks, ammo, gold, or silver. None of them trust crypto outside using it for drug purchases.

This is especially true since only a few of them are technology-wise so they have to use Coinbase if they are going to purchase crypto and that creeps them out.

>> No.51261770

xmr is for everyone. even /pol/cels.

>> No.51261772

>t. bought scams because /pol/cels shilled them
>t. listens to nazi larps for financial advice
>buying to own the libs
When will you realise you're an NPC? Lol.
>le bible verse
Tons of /pol/tard neet incels on /biz/ buy crypto. Most of them live in their moms' basements.

>> No.51261825
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daily reminder OP is retard that spams this board 24/7

>> No.51261841
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>your propaganda bad my propaganda good

>> No.51261843

>schizo shit
back to your containment thread baggie

>> No.51261847

you are replying to a fiver pajeet that gets paid $2 to FUD a coin.

>> No.51261861
File: 23 KB, 467x451, marble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back to your containment thread baggie
it's getting pretty late in india time for bed grumpy

>> No.51261929

This is why everyone hates you /pol/tards. Anytime anyone disagrees with you they are a tranny/indian/jew and that's that.
You are incapable of having any real discussion, you all just constantly post schizo bullshit and fling shit. You even shit up threads that have nothing to do with your scam.

>> No.51261945

So /pol/ is made up of commies now?

>> No.51261962
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Sorry, your constant astroturfing to turn autists against each other using pure conjecture just isn't going to work, bunkertroon. The relative truth always wins in the end, you are only exacerbating it through the Streisand effect. /biz/ is officially the financial wing of /pol/, and you can't do anything to change that, groomer. We look forward to your perpetual seething and dilation in a few years from now.

>> No.51261978
File: 94 KB, 645x970, 1660835551239640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep coping tg fag you retards can't even rename your filenames and leave extremely obvious paper trails with 1-2 google searches. You idiots try to FUD others out from buying your own ICP bags by spamming this board for months. You're on level with the log posters in /b/

>> No.51262009

Post the same shit thread every day calls someone else an NPC- which in itself his right leaning verbiage- you’re a low iq retard Icp bag holding faggot who posts these threads because your just a pathetic loser with nothing else to do- get fucked OP. You Jean short wearing, no pussy having, basement dwelling shitbird.

>> No.51262043

I know who you are, you’re that same little ugly Vietnamese poor fag who bought Icp at $200 and instead of blaming yourself for your own shit decisions you blame people you’ve invented in the internet, you’re a low IQ, unhappy little no body and it shows

>> No.51262072

>more schizo garbage
Holy fucking shit, you are actually mentally fucked.
Now I am some kind of "ICP fudder" who owns ICP and doesn't want the price to go up? You need help, pronto.
This has to be some kind of discord raid. I never even mentioned your garbage coin and now you're just making shit up against me?
And for some reason I both hold and fud my own bags and I bought the top and I don't want the price to go up? Jesus fucking christ, actually get help.

>> No.51262133

hilarious, shill this stuff to retards at the top then psyop them into selling at the bottom. well played mr schwab.

>> No.51262160

Samefagging spamming retard who unironically uses words like (poltard) this is biz not pol you fucking monkey and no coin is associated with the ‘scary! Far right’ except maybe monero- quit being such a fucking loser

>> No.51262174

you keep calling me a schizo because i plainly pointed out this copypasta being posted before by the same person posting multiple ICP spam posts. You are a literal mouth breathing midwit

>> No.51262252

That's because /pol/tards like (you) shit up every single fucking board on this site bar none. /biz/ is by far the worst because shills adopted it and now use /pol/tard lingo and larp as nazis to sell shitcoins to people.
You're aren't funny or cool or some "red pilled free thinker" bullshit. You are annoying and mentally ill.

And I'm not samefagging or spamming, unlike you shills who probably make all the FUD threads and accuse other people of doing it to shill your coin.
Seems like blatant falseflagging to discredit any actual valid points against your coin. I know /pol/tards love falseflagging, they do it all day on other boards.
You also accused me of being OP, which is fucking stupid too. You seem to have actual mental issues, you should see a professional.

>> No.51262370

Your moralizing is a bunch of horseshit- you are retard OP- you’re a fucking loser and a waste of space, fuck out of here- no one is ‘shilling’ shitcoins you’re just making shit up- you’re a tiny dicked Vietnamese guy who bought Icp at $200 you’re the same useless fucker who’s been doing it for days and it’s just the most pathetic display I’ve ever seen. Do better! whatever political takes I need to make sure your kind is gassed into extinction I will now adopt. Death to all bugs. I guess- your posts come off as very emasculated, I’m assuming you have a tiny penis? Is that right? Why don’t you post it

>> No.51262393
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He is not OP btw so please take your meds.

>> No.51262396

And back to schizo garbage and flinging shit.
You should probably learn basic punctuation too because it's pretty clear english is not your first language. Who ends a sentence with a hyphen?

>> No.51262433

Why would have have a problem with eel polcel? It’s just that east you fucking monkey

>> No.51262441

/pol/cels re the discord tranny of actual trannies

>> No.51262470

I have no fucking idea what the hell you just said, I probably don't even want to understand the rubbish that comes from your mind

>> No.51262515
File: 40 KB, 735x541, b8674vu5yctg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh hyphens
Yep, that confirms it, you're attacking the messenger and not the message. Even resorting to arguments used by tik tok whores to detract from the main point, like some kind of disingenuous subhuman scum. It doesn't matter how much verbal diarrhea you spew from that literal shithole you call a mouth, your written essays have no weight to them. Clean it up, jannies.

>> No.51262553

I can't tell if this is bait or you are just that retarded (most /pol/cels are this retarded)
That guy's entire post was simply hurling every insult he could think of at me, in barely intelligible english.

>> No.51262564

Ok tranny