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51262198 No.51262198 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the best way to keep your wealth when married?

>> No.51262221


>> No.51262241

>What’s the best way to keep your wealth when married?
Divorce. At best you can keep half you your shit

>> No.51262262

Honestly i think Brady has a good shot of taking half her assets. I'm surprised she was so quick to hit the divorce button when she has so much to lose.

>> No.51262276

Tom's a workaholic like Elon. Doubt he was home much, balance is key fellas.

>> No.51262279

do u think he licks her butthole from time to time, pal

>> No.51262281

Try to leep the booba, its expensive to lose

>> No.51262311

This is a question you ask before marriage and not after

>> No.51262406
File: 405 KB, 818x675, a3d8c97ddef4d87db49ffdab1f4bfa0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The door test.

>> No.51262430

this anon knows

>> No.51262486

But we have automatic door unlock now

>> No.51262496

Hmm let me guess, bitcoin dumbass
Judge tells you to pay her? Sorry I forgot my keys

>> No.51262498

Marry wisely.

>> No.51262504

work is all there is

>> No.51262526

The concept remains universal.

>> No.51262540

What is the modern equivalent ?

>> No.51262570

So cringe. Men only have so many years they can be at their highest to accomplish goals and do what they want. Especially something like pro football. I'd bet she's just posturing but it'd be fucked up if she left and helped ruin the last year's he has left. Selfish cunt. I know it's not about love.

>> No.51262693
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Different for everyone but the idea is that if they can't put forth the slightest effort into helping you on ultimately trivial things then she's a cunt.
>holding the door for you when your hands are full
>returning borrowed items that are insignificant
>taking credit for your big salad

>> No.51262780
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Well anon, if you want to start a familly, first try to live with the woman that you love, but do not legaly get married, if things don't go so well, you can always split up, and you won't have to pay alimony. Living in concubinage is good option.

>> No.51262799


If you're married, you have

>> No.51263445

Marry a woman even richer than you are which is what Tom Brady did
what kind of faggot wouldn't lick her sweaty unwashed butthole?

>> No.51263507


You should listen to this guy if you're dumb enough to get married.


>> No.51263793

This thread reeks of mutt lmao. Can't get married in your country because of divorce rate and having the lowest standard of women on the planet, niggers everywhere killing everyone. Mess.

>> No.51263879

Brady looks like a Greek God and the best he can do is that rat faced bitch?

>> No.51263899

she's mid compared to the top tier in her home state
you guys have no fucking idea

>> No.51264324

why do italians look like they're halfway between white and arab/indian

>> No.51264473

Hide money from her via crypto and gold and cash. keep physical shit offsite, and not in your place of business.
Every month take some of your personal, not "shared" money and buy shit on the side and never tell anyone else.
Have a bait account for some crypto that you can point to during the discovery phase in the divorce.
Don't tell anyone else you have other holdings - they can be deposed and will probably give you up in a pinch.
If she gets the slightest whiff on your side assets you can guarantee her lawyers will climb up your ass if the divorce gets nasty.
if you have millions and millions this might be harder to accomplish to a significant degree, but that doesn't apply to most chuds here

>> No.51264488

This gazelle bitch is so ugly, how the fuck did she become a world class model?

>> No.51264508

Because they are? MENA is very close to Southern Europe.

>> No.51264633

if i ever get married i would buy a shit load of paper bonds and gold/silver and bury it somewhere on my property.

>> No.51264640

Doesn't really work anymore when most cars unlock themselves and don't have classic pop-locks anymore.
If I got in the passenger seat of a car and someone tried this I wouldn't even know where the unlock button is and would make an ass of myself looking for it.

>> No.51264662


>> No.51264854
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Unfortunately, this is generally no longer a test that we can perform since virtually all cars are by fob. With that said, this rings extremely true. And, sadly, I think an extremely limited number of girls would "pass the test."

Good points. I would say holding the door is too easy, but a decent entry level test. Your overall point stands: she has to, without prompting, help with trivial matters (that frankly require exceptionally little effort.) This isn't an ideal way to sift through girls, but we have little to go by. Do not be fooled: trad girls suddenly wearing a chapel veil are just as likely to divorce rape you.

>> No.51264864

she was fed up being cucked by their son

>> No.51264887

Throwing balls is not work

>> No.51264890

In her defense, he already has so many titles and will not be forgotten. She probably wants him to stop so that she can spend time with him.

>> No.51264902

Because south europe is hotter than north europe?

>> No.51264917

ugly incel hands typed this

>> No.51265021

back to plebbit with you faggot.

>> No.51265275
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Where are her eyes??

>> No.51265335
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Leo's leftovers

>> No.51265340

What Tom will be doing? Suck jewish cocks full time?

>> No.51266203

Not getting married

>> No.51266218

I really dont get why he unretired desu. it did seem pretty obvious that hed piss his wife off. or at least it should have been obvious to him.

>> No.51266287

It’s been updated already this year, amazing stuff. Keep it up Leo!

>> No.51266294

> be american
> get robbed even by your wife
why are americans such freemasons?

>> No.51266388

>be european
>be robbed of your women by immigrants

>> No.51266461
File: 119 KB, 1200x800, bladerunner-2049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want an eternal partner look at AI, not being a pessimistic doomer, but in today's society you cant really blame women for being bored, when theyre being fed all the possibilities of their life. Having a family and being a wife isn't as exciting to them anymore. Compared to back then when there wasn't all this stimulus in your area, you were basically stuck to the boring town you were born in, which lead to just women being okay with being a plane Jane. Back then being famous and known was also a far away dream to the point where trying wasn't worth it anymore. Now any fucking stupid whore can get her 15 minutes of fame.
Men obviously don't want women like this, there's where we must evolve and just use women to spread our seed and eventually settle down with an AI waifu, or just dedicate your life initially to the AI wife.
The era of men ever taking control of women is over, we've been had and most men won't do shit or risk being thrown in jail or fucked. Not only that but your fellow men aren't on your side anymore, they're bug men who worship women like a drone.

>> No.51266479

> be american
> be the immigrant

>> No.51266933
File: 258 KB, 600x600, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is beyond based
my wife actually passed this test when we first started dating.
>mfw i had a blue 1989 cadillac fleetwood and she is a short blonde italian girl

>> No.51266934

Im pretty sure most states have co-habitation laws where the woman can seek alimony despite the fact you never got married.

>> No.51267436


>> No.51267499

i open the door for my gf and she takes down my sun visor before I get in because she can't pop the locks on my car.

>> No.51267510

According to this 2023/24 will be back to 20 year olds.

>> No.51267528

this is literally my image I posted this thread on pol 2 days ago after reading about this shit on the daily stormer why is it fucking everywhere now

>> No.51267553

Yet another trick the door jew uses to bait men into money grubbing divorce rapists.

>> No.51267590

how do I short Leo's gfs?

>> No.51267623

borrow his gf and sell her

>> No.51267944

This anon gets it

You need to marry a woman with money or a career. I don't mean a bullshit one either - doctor, pharmacist, nurse, engineer, teacher, etc. something where they make an income to contribute and keeps them a little busy.

>> No.51267968

Don’t have you logs to be splitting, Hans?

>> No.51268049

This shit is insanely outdated now

>> No.51268059

she makes more than he does because jews but they both make as much as they do because jews so whatever

>> No.51268066

People have to realize that you can live in couple and have kids without legally being married. Testaments for succession is enough.

>> No.51268077

she has more money than him

>> No.51268132


Lol - not many people are going to get that reference. Perhaps not even hans himself.