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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51260918 No.51260918 [Reply] [Original]

Does /biz/ participate in any rich people hobbies like golfing or trophy hunting? Seems like most of you just have poor people hobbies like browsing image boards, eating fast food, and watching anime.

How will you ever make it if you live like a poor person?

>> No.51260968

she's starting to look a bit old.

>How will you ever make it if you live like a poor person?
Playing golf costs money.

>> No.51260974

the richest guy i knew did manual labor and watched the news

>> No.51260990

Yeah but the golf course is where you make business deals and network. Look at Trump, he’s rich and golfs all the time

>> No.51261024

>she's starting to look a bit old.
Thats what happens to white people when they stay in the sun all day

>> No.51261038

That's a man

>> No.51261045

Wanting to do "rich people hobbies" is the mark of the ngmi suburban dumbfuck. Go buy those $1200 Gucci sneakers and gold watch, LaMarcus. Just make sure you have enough left for food

>> No.51261046

I want to put my face in her cleavage and suck on her titties if you know what I mean

>> No.51261049
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Rich people always look so good
Dammit I hate my life

>> No.51261059

golf is boring

>> No.51261062

>rich people hobbies like golfing

>> No.51261066

I spend enough time around boomers as it is. If the goal is fitness, the gym is more than enough. If the goal is networking, church allows me to do that with peers. If I want to listen to to the most retarded takes possible on virtually any subject, I'd just watch the same shitty tv they get their opinions from and spare myself expensive reservation fees and niche sporting goods.

>> No.51261069

>The conspicuous rich people hobbies like golfing or trophy hunting

Pro-tip OP. That isn't how you spot rich people. You spot them by their tastes in things like film, theater, and literature. It's generally unusually well developed if they're old money.

>> No.51261081

I have a hobby rich kids like to try once in a while although they don’t tend to stick with it

>> No.51261087

>rich people hobbies
Like chilling out at some quiet place and sleep soundly all day?
Yeah we did it all right.

>> No.51261153

ya I do, yes, you meet quite the characters at the golf court, but I've found that there's an even better niche. Wine tasting, especially in very rich areas.

>> No.51261155

Yeah but you have to have some kind of skill in the first place that they're actually interested in and couldn't just get elsewhere otherwise they're going to just see you as a weirdo poorfag who is good at golf.

I remember watching a documentary about the Chicago Bulls and Michael Jordan. Jordan loved to golf and gamble and is competitive. Some hustler golf guy managed to golf with Jordan and kicked his ass repeatedly for hundreds of thousands of dollars, I think they said he would even fly this guy out to play against him and lose money money. Now that's how you do it.

>> No.51261160

gold is for old men who cant do any sports. I played it once and its super boring, rich people hobbies are actually yachting, diving, treasure hunting, horse riding, polo and fucking young whores

>> No.51261170

>weirdo poorfag who is good at golf.
oh yeah and you better be good at golf otherwise nothing is happening.

>> No.51261211
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>deep sea fishing
>scuba diving
>hunting (look man, even if it isn’t trophy hunting this shit gets pretty expensive)
>smoking top shelf sticky icky
>being a deliberate asshole to sirs at my job and giving them bad crypto advice (don’t really have to be rich to do that though)

>> No.51261249

where do they always look so good? in their social media photos? you know it's all toxic and not an accurate representation of reality bro. don't despair. they're no better than you

>> No.51261256

what hobby?

>> No.51261261

None of your hobbies beat mine.


>> No.51261267
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I was raised surrounded by them and they are the most envious, phony, unfulfilled cunts I have ever met. Mutual comparison and idiotic banter is all they do. Moreover, there is no such thing as true love in that environment.

That's 15 years of my childhood and teen years observing them as a single child, middle class guy who was taken to that snake pit of a school. Oh, and they do snort lots of cocaine once they hit their 20's.

Wanting to be rich and especially needing to get into their world is the ultimate meme.

Lead a simple life making good earnings, be self employed and basically fuck everybody else and their need for luxury. That is truly making it.

>> No.51261301


>> No.51261329

Based and vapidpilled

>> No.51261340

Boxing. I did not grow up rich.

>> No.51261377

would instamarry

>> No.51261423

I like the simple life and minimalism. So if I get rich from some investment I wont know what to do with the money.

>> No.51261442

True love exists if you don't mind letting your gf get fucked on the side by chads

>> No.51261648

I make a good amount of money working a median of 3 hours a day and am self employed. All I do from 9 to 4 is plan my novel, go to the cafe next to my home and smoke cigars for inspiration to draw, browse stuff on the net. Then I head off to work making €50/hour because those are my fees, plus some occasional jobs that I charge €1000 for.
Every time I am at the café I am surrounded by retired old people while the rest of the city is busy slaving their asses off for their boss, often making much less than me.

Because I have hobbies that are essentially free (except for cigar smoking) I can save up lots of money, and my gf with whom I've been together for 15 years is as frugal and home loving as me.

2 of my friends make more than me: one is a corporate sellout, the other is ridden with anxiety after taking his dad's position in their company as CEO and is losing sleep over the thought of not being able to keep up to his father's legacy. Granted, they spend thousands in cliché holidays (le epic trip to paradise in Riviera Maya) and have daunting mortgages. Not for me. Not for them either. They bought the rich fag meme.

>> No.51261756

Hunting is one of the best & based hobbies and can easily be multiplied by money
>Bigger Prey? Just throw money around
>Duck Hunting? Buy a comfy shark in the marshes
>Backcountry Hunting? Rent a helicopter and you can stay out for weeks
>Bothered by fellow people? Buy your own private hunting ground
Fishing is also cool but would be just a secondary hobby, same as Guns and Innawood larping

>> No.51261763
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i can have those rich hobbies with my 30k salary lmao

>> No.51261823

i'm into road cycling but i kinda took it too seriously and got too fast and fit for people to handle so it's really hard to find someone worthwhile with whom i can ride
i am also into tennis where it's the complete opposite, i kinda suck so i am embarrassed to play against people

>> No.51261846
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Vintage auto racing
heavy equipment
All great ways to get rid of money fast.

>> No.51261862


>> No.51261906

oh man you sound insufferable

>> No.51261921

There's no true love you poor dumbass

>> No.51262165
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Yeah on privately owned courses by richfags you know, but public ones are all littered with annoying, drunk, wanabe genx or boomer richfags

Hunting is for retards. Half the hunters i know can't even clean their own kills. They take carcasses to their local redneck butcher shop like those polyester suit middle aged faggots that ride harleys

In other words, i can afford to do richfag type shit, but i refuse to do it with a bunch of wanabe, fake rolex wearing faggots

>> No.51262178

thats a man

>> No.51262238

I am a member of a country club. I just came back from playing 9 holes with some friends and had a nice lunch afterwards. Golf is a great game for networking.

>> No.51262286

yeah but he was rich first and the started golfing

>> No.51262300


>> No.51262322

Cope cubed.

>> No.51262386

>>smoking top shelf sticky icky

>> No.51262411

Atleast she looks good, as opposed to the rest of the genetics of the planet! Do better. For instance there is nothing more disgusting than a black woman- that’s worse than being a bit old in my book. You could either fuck a super hot chick that’s a bit old or some literal unfuckable smelly black- decision seems clear

>> No.51262694

No one on biz is that rich, lmao.

The next class is what I call “adventure hobbies”, which can definitely help you meet/connect with wealthier people:
>gun shooting: especially competitions, high bar of entry and large ongoing expenses
>surfing/kite-surfing: It’s basically a two tiered hobby with lots of poor beach bums, then the upper class of STEM workers who wanted a fun hobby.
>Local car meets: good amount of LARPers or morons who spend all their money on a car they can’t afford, but the rest of the people who go are smart and have good jobs.
>Travel/hiking/skiing/snowboarding, mountain climbing: requires lots of gear and ability to take time off.
Basically any hobby that requires a significant initial investment is usually enough to meet a few people who are well-off or self-made.

>> No.51262773

Why even write this shit? No one cares you faggot

>> No.51262802

I have secret gay sex

>> No.51262861

NEET faggots hate to hear how life could be if they had self esteem and confidence.

>> No.51262865

>richest person on /biz/

>> No.51262901

Bruh poor people can golf what are you talking about

>> No.51262933


once a week i go to the most expensive sauna in my city, then after i play polo with a group of guys i met at the country club, then i have brunch with my nan at a multi michelin star place. I usually get roasted duck with a side of lightly battered artichoke, while we discuss my inheritance of course. then i go home and make fun of poorfags on biz until i get bored (usually around 2pm), then i'll snapchat one of the five(5) members of my harem to accompany me to the theater to rewatch minions while dressed in business attire.

that is my average sunday.

>> No.51263279
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I paid David Bond $25k to learn how to run a harem whenever I'm bored and have a few bucks.

You fly to an area of the world where you're a top .01% person.

If you make $100k/yr, you're average in Miami. But you're a God in (insert any SE asian country)

Fly over and rent a VERY nice property with a pool for the month. Might be $1k. Background MUST be somewhere noticable. E.g. a building, tourist attraction, etc that locals know.

Go on Instagram and take a bunch of selfies saying "guess where I'm at". You run ads. Spend $20 and you'll reach everyone in a 1 hour driving range.

Then you'll get 20-50 girls DMing you like OMG your at X!

Then you reply very simple questions "Yes thats right! ....What do you do! ...Got a boyfriend". Simple.

Then you vet the 50 replies, down to who you want, then just invite them out to meet you. Don't tell them you invited 10 other girls.

Then just get them in a circle with a bottle of wine, and just have social games where they talk about themselves. The ones that want to fuck will fight eachother. The odds are 10-to-1.

Let them stay the night, as long as they want.
The ones that stay around, they take selfies with you. More and more. To the IG machine. Ideally, retain the hottest girl that is also bi.

Then when you do another round of ads, you include "Hey do you think (girl photo) is hot?"

Then you start to get bi girls, who will come to the harem, and when you're not there they can distract and be friendly.

Its US W/ Eachother not Me VS you.

Then continue up and up. Delegate tasks for them, like "hey can you get us food" and reinburse them (show cash on you), never give them cash. Fingerprints.

Tell them to get dolled up, take more selfies. Bring clothes, etc.

When you get to 4-6 girls is when it starts to get really difficult, because when you're fucking them you can't be with all of them.

Never pay them for sex or tip them. You're just getting them caught up in the moment, and they're chilling w/ you.

>> No.51263375

Golf, car racing, horse racing, sailing, cycling, tennis basically anything that is both expensive and requires technical mastery and deep field knowledge to excel.

>> No.51263390

Boxing is a sport only the infinitely disciplined can make it in, boxers are superhuman

>> No.51263421

But also damages your brain. Very few rich people box because they protect their brain at all costs. Thus golf and tennis not football.

>> No.51263465

Climbing is >100 iq

>> No.51263493

Making it means living how you want to live. If you’re so insecure about yourself that you feel the need to emulate some idea of what being wealthy is, you’re not going to make it.

>> No.51263527
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I like making fun of poor people is that a rich person hobby

>> No.51263570

>instagram to meet bisexual whores
I can see this work but holy shit that's degenerate.

>> No.51263593

t. easily led

>> No.51263815
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>> No.51263866

How far we've fallen when even the low brow culture of this chart would make one inconceivably cultured compared to the average

>> No.51264080

Imagine fucking the man in picrel on the golf course and cumming all over her face and ass and then using your penis as a golf club and hitting a hole in one on the 18th hole and then saying "I wish you had 18 holes!" to picrel before pounding her pussy again while you chant "hole in one" over and over again

>> No.51264184

Golfing ONLY at expensive private courses.
If it's under $100 doesn't count.
If you aren't at a course where a caddy is mandatory as well you are at a pleb course.

>> No.51264207

To where though?

>> No.51264223
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I like to read the business and finance of my local and national newpapers, listen to podcasts on finance and economics from reputable names in the business, and read reports from the big players in mining and minerals, retail and realestate while gambling my net worth on microcaps

>> No.51264254
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>gf with whom I've been together for 15 years

>> No.51264255

Sounds like that would work or something and be fun for a bit. The problem is that you then realize your are wasting your time just to fuck around with some whores. If you have some time to relax then sure, but you live that way too long it kind of eats at your soul.

>> No.51264257

Tell us more.

>> No.51264265

He's fucked.
That's common law married.

>> No.51264271

dude how many levels below this chart do marvel movies, whiteclaw, and [this-week's-swipe-to-jump-game] fall?

>> No.51264440

My circle is mostly doctors and tech fags, so good amount of decently well off people.

Some hobbies of me or my buddies:
>ski or snowboard
>boats and wake surfing
>mountain biking
>racing cars at track
>some golf
>hanging out and drinking like everyone else

Nothing too special really

>> No.51264780

Most wealthy people just turn their hobbies into a second or third job. They're addicted to work.

>> No.51264838

This is true.
I'm very low wealth in the grand scheme but I am gaining a lot of steam business wise.
All my hobbies make money.
If you turn the hobby into a business then you can finance it far easier.

>> No.51264968

on the 100% demoralized scale at the bottom

>> No.51264969

I'm the exact same way as you, Anon, except I later found out that I have royal ancestry and no amount of money can help someone buy my genome. Feels pretty fucking good.

>> No.51264982

Wow. You are the progeny of degenerate propped up puppets that had no true power.
You realize Biden is basically how it's been forever right?
Smart power is invisible.

>> No.51265055

low-brow truly is cultured compared to today's society, lower middle-brow is incredibly cultured too, while upper middle and high-brow is now quite pretentious.

>> No.51265174

>I'm the exact same way as you, Anon,
yes, we can all tell you're gay

>> No.51265204

I sail. On my boat. Is that a rich person hobby?

>> No.51265211

>shark in the marshes
That would make retrievals interesting

>> No.51265227
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Rape rape rape rap
Sex sex sex sex sex
Rape rape rape rape

>> No.51265379

does listening to respighi count

>> No.51265427

Literally everything you described us exactly what poor people do, retard. They're just also poor.

>is an irrelevant nobody
>muh genome

>> No.51265446

I'd like to stick my dick between her boobs and grind it back and forth until I blow my load on her face if you know what I mean

>> No.51265448

That bitch looks absolutely crazy. You can tell while she says she loves you and sucks you’re cock she’s thinking how to divorce rape you so she can give jamal al moussoud all of it for some bbc and a mulatto baby. I bet she wouldn’t even attend your funeral much less visit you in the hospital. Why even bother with a psycho crazy bitch like that?

>> No.51265484

I collect needlessly elaborate watches

>> No.51265523

>Oh, and they do snort lots of cocaine once they hit their 20's
I like them already. They sound fun, unlike your stuckup ass.

>> No.51265534


>> No.51265553

Seek help

>> No.51265581

>Games: Upper Middle-Brow "The Game"
Fuck, I lost. If this is what was originally there, what is that supposed to be? Looks like charades?

>> No.51265600
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I sail.

>> No.51265722
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>> No.51265797

Fascinating. How far society has fallen

>> No.51265888

minimalism is a psyop to normalize lower standards of living.

>> No.51266193

Your thinking is backwards. I buy higher quality items that last for a very long time. I dont like buying alot of trash that gets thrown away. So when I buy something I get a good version that lasts for life.

They call them BIFL. It means Buy it for Life. You can find many types of items that are BIFL and those are the things I get and stay away from other consumer bullshit.

I find more joy in these higher quality items than a bunch of stuff.

>> No.51266274

one (1) post by THIS ID

>> No.51266306

Golf is extraordinarily cheap. It costs like $25 for 18 holes.

>> No.51266407

>How will you ever make it if you live like a poor person?
Cargo cult mentality. You make money by making money, not by imitating rich people.

>> No.51266526

was just going to post that
he sounds like trash I know someone just like that

>> No.51266533

golf, cycling

>> No.51267146

>You could either fuck a super hot chick that’s a bit old
or fuck someone that's hot and college aged