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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51250125 No.51250125 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51250153


>> No.51250164

>literally the centre of austin
these properties aren't really for personal habitation they're more for businesses but there is no shortage of multi millionaires in austin

>> No.51250167

They have sex

>> No.51250175

>implying there is the liquidity to fill in all those orders sell orders

>> No.51250183

Not everyone is, far from that. Most are priced out already.
But BlackRock buys the most strategic ones via subsidiary companies, slowly but surely

>> No.51250204

who? besides government bureaucrats and techfaggots

>> No.51250233

If you were born before the 90s and literally invested your money in top stocks in any way, it would be hard to not be a multi millionaire. That generational bull market is over though, with zoomies and most millineals priced out.

>> No.51250249

My mom’s fiancé works for the government and is trying to sell his place for 3.5 million, he works from home.

>> No.51250284

I live in central Austin and can confirm it’s disgusting the amount of rich fucks living here. Hope to join them one day.

>> No.51250293
File: 233 KB, 769x635, south vegas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not gonna pretend i know how any of this works, but i really dont recall this many for sale the last few years.

>> No.51250338

>3 bedrooms
>8 bathrooms

Americans really loves to take a shit don't they

>> No.51250355

selection bias, you retarded blue collar wagie

>> No.51250356

>there are no businessmen in austin
you realise for every techfag making $150k he has a boss making $600k

>> No.51250367

that would be very rare, but it could be because a bedroom has a list of requirements like having a closet. could just be a ton of dining rooms, parlors, lounges, office, rec rooms, basement, etc...

>> No.51250382

These are the homes that no one has bought. None of these prices are real

>> No.51250548

imagine being an old person and seeing people complain about barely covering their living expenses with $50,000 a year
that's us in a few decades

>> No.51250563

it's no secret that US and state government employees are all wealthy

>> No.51250594

$150k isn't even that much.
If with 20% down, on a million dollar home you're looking at $5k/mo. that's well over 50% of your take home pay on $150k/yr

>> No.51250654

And all the tech managers and suits aren't all in the market ATM. Really, how many high paid professionals (surgeons, lawyers, etc) are in the market atm? So again who is buying those properties?

>> No.51251590


>> No.51251608

this. all the houses are probably empty and just assets for the rich

>> No.51251852

my $1400 a month apartment is literally in OP's pic and they kicked me out to charge $2200 a month kek i fucking hate austin

>> No.51251919
File: 2.66 MB, 1836x873, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well ya elon musk was bumming in his friend's get away house in pic related

>> No.51251940
File: 355 KB, 1200x1500, Jerome_H._Powell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how is everyone so rich to afford this
>hit button on computer
There I own those properties according to this law. Simple as. PS dont forget to pay your taxes, we are all in this together.