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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51184540 No.51184540 [Reply] [Original]

What's the rundown on this shit? Everytime I see it talked about it's always
>founded by MIT members
>great fundamentals
>solved the trilemma
>Charles and Vitalik approve
But then I look at the actual ecosystem and it's nothing but low grade NFT shit, MTX games, and even moonbois admitting that there's no value in it.

>> No.51184567

idk but I'm tempted to throw $100k at it just in case it wants to go back to ATH

>> No.51184607

it's a L1 or something buy a defi bag wait for the ecosystem to blow up or get absolutely wrecked

>> No.51184860

PAIN. this shit is nearing all time low lmao. im out at 3$ if it ever gets there.

>> No.51184869

i lost interest in algorand last year and shifted to polygon where there's groundbreaking developments, like the recent 400% growth in Matic powered dapps in 2022, currently powering over 37k dapps

>> No.51185088
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>>Starbucks will likely use this as their blockchain of choice since it is carbon negative chain
>>Vestige.fi just launched with their dope ass aggregator
>>This is a long hold since this is glowie chain

>> No.51185615
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Algonauts report in. Space booty boss here.

What ASA's are we holding atm?

>> No.51185644

Congrats, you’ve realized what others never will: even in their platonic form, blockchains are good for literally nothing

>> No.51185720

Vestbros what's next for us?

>> No.51185729

pretty good tldr tbqh

>> No.51185764

It's a le serious business centric corporate scam like Hbar and XRP. Peak entry level normie shitcoin.

>> No.51185787

Coke parties at the vatican with Greg and Silvio

>> No.51185859

this but unironically

>> No.51186026


>> No.51186103

>Pajeet removed a zero or two from every amount
What kind of poorfag cope is this?

>> No.51186505

wouldn't that make it a prime candidate for normie money and big pumps?

>> No.51187498

>the year is 2030
>all 10 billion ALGOs are in circulation
>still no LP locker

>> No.51187656

In addition to holding and growing a stack I use it to send money between exchanges and wallets to sell back to fiat and the buy other coins like xmr, xrp, and lunc.

>> No.51187697

Stay far away
It only causes misery
You missed one glaring point: the foundation that is responsible for Algo tan it into the ground

>> No.51187728

This! Its fast and very cheap

>> No.51187755

It’s a long hold anon. Algo isn’t for moonboiz or jeets. It’s a physicists pick.

>> No.51187770

All-Time High $3.56 -91.6%
Jun 20, 2019 (about 3 years)

Great coin to hold to miss an entire bullrum

>> No.51187820

It helps on working as a inmutable ledger

>> No.51187854

The team has incredibly powerful technology at their disposal but nobody's building with it.

>> No.51187866

Full disclosure: I don't own any.

>> No.51188365
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Algorand is a shitchain that is static and ghostly in activity
TVL is shit
dApps development is shit
plus they scammed their investors with the APY

sell while you still can and buy MATIC
>one of the largest DeFi TVLs in the market
>more than 37,000 dApps
>is completely honest and transparent with its investors

>> No.51188397

Gm ser

>> No.51188568

Discord channel is full of builders. quality takes time, patience is not a virtue of /biz. incredibly HQ default wallet is in place, Node cloud providers are in place, NFDs are in place, asset tracking is in place via many tools, chain has never had downtime and mathematically guaranteed never to fork. As they say overnight successes take 10 years. Even Google when it was released still didn't hit mainstream for a decade. Then again idk wtf I am doing convincing you people I'd rather buy more Algo cheaply

>> No.51188700

what needs to be built in your opinion ?

>> No.51188717

I hope you're right or it will be a long hold all they way to the bottom.

>> No.51188920
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look amazing!!!

>> No.51190929

Thanks Rajeev

>> No.51193644
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Greg and team have done one helluva job thus far and have earned credibility. I’ve got my VEST bags loaded and am waiting for the inevitable price boom that will come when all their smart contracts are ready to launch. From what I’ve seen on discord they have several that are currently in the audit phase.

>> No.51193716

Also lets not forget Polygon already has 8 multipurpose Ethereum scaling solutions and is developing the first every open source zkEVM
Why the fuck leave Ethereum for Algorand when Polygon is a thing?

>> No.51194404

Because Algorand’s pure proof of stake is inherently more secure than Ethereum’s version of proof of stake. Why would you want to use a 2 layer solution when Algorand can get the job done with 1?
Also from what I’ve read Algorand’s EVM, the “London Bridge”, has a chance of being complete by the end of this year.

>> No.51194458

Normies hate XRP and HBAR. Too many schizos in XRP unfortunately not enough in HBAR.

>> No.51194885

Wasn't Polygon rendered unusable by some sunflower farmers?

>> No.51197785
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algo summer is almost over bros..

>> No.51198008

And it sucked

>> No.51198917
File: 41 KB, 256x310, rn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont regret this purchase

>> No.51201022

Not that interesting and not needed we already have avalanche and solana

>> No.51201037

>Algo isn’t for moonboiz or jeets.
that sounds good but how do you expect the price to go up then?

>> No.51201429

>we already have solana the chain that needs constant resets and avax another evm chain
getting into crypto will show you how fucking retarded humanity is almost better than anything else

>> No.51201567

It's going to zero.

>> No.51201601

Let's be serious. XLM is the clear choice for such activity.

>> No.51202468

avax c-chain is evm not the whole thing
also people know how to develop on evm and you can build bridges to use liquidity
how does algorand get developed on
how does algorand get liquidity

>> No.51203712

I feel the same on SCRT but I prefer DCA instead. Gems like this will get back to their ATH when the market normalizes.

>> No.51204458

by developers learning a better thing
why did php stop being used in favor for backend servers?
why did people go from vanilla html to reactjs and others?
it was better and people switched

>> No.51204532
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If the process is optimised through keys encrypting systems that provide the option manage identities, I'm sure it'll make life easy for developers building on chain.

>> No.51204569

Personally, I think it's a long shot with ORE supporting the chain in its account protocol. Only a matter of time before that begins to reflect on its adoption level

>> No.51204701

>buy other coins like xmr
Thumbs up focusing on privacy coins. Although, I consider Railgun a better investment in that regard, being multi-chain composable.

>> No.51204718

>blockchains are good for literally nothing
This is 2022. Fucking grow up, sucker

>> No.51204744

Immutably pseudonymous, I must add. One of the basic reasons anonymity-enabling tools deserve all the hype they are getting

>> No.51205538

Developers building on-chain and off-chain applications should actually take advantage the ease of use sponsored by Open Rights Exchange.

>> No.51205566

By EOY, it would have become a norm, not a hype. I won't be surprised if privacy becomes a requirement before them. A lot of projects are paying attention to it right now

>> No.51205608

I was into Algo during the pump last year since I was in before the pump but I have one major problem with Algo
>solved the trilemma
Yeah the chain might be fast and secure but it's no way "decentralized" as they claim they are. All of Algo's nodes are ran by vested early investors connected with the glows who aggressively dump their tokens causing heavy price dips

>> No.51205886

The trilema trope is dieing off. As Algo matures, there is more to actually report about the coin

>> No.51206075

Anyone can run a participation node (actually part of consensus), it’s just extra intensive to run a relay node because participation nodes connect to several of them at a time in order to find efficient communication routes. I will not continue to refute this, you’re just wrong.