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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.09 MB, 857x1200, 1661501791449255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51197940 No.51197940 [Reply] [Original]

Interlinked: >>51195042

Listen once per day:

How to STAKE for newfags

>download terra station on your phone
>create a new wallet
>go to settings and switch network to classic
>withdraw your LUNC from the exchange (you do not need a memo to withdraw! memos are only for sending to exchange!)
>once you receive your coins go to stake screen
>choose a validator and delegate to them
>withdrawal of rewards can be done anytime, unstaking takes 21 days to unlock your coins

it's literally that easy.

>helpful links

>Worm hole for Wluna
>Staking rewards calculator
>Terra Shuttle sun setting video
https://youtu.be/HMVLiZpbpeo [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Open] [Embed] [Open]
>HCC video on delegations
https://youtu.be/EtrHi-kuDsc [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Open] [Embed] [Open]
>HCC video on changing coin rewards
https://youtu.be/TZFqryj4ee8 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Open] [Embed] [Open]
>Learn to stake on Terra Station

>> No.51197948
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>> No.51197963
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Unilateral LUNC Government

>> No.51197967
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>> No.51197977

just sold.
easiest 5k of my life.
>gonna buy more when it inevitably crashes again

>> No.51197986

LUNChads WAGMI fuck the fuds

>> No.51197991


>> No.51197995

Good time to buy more.

>> No.51197997


same here

>> No.51198000


>> No.51198009


>> No.51198014

Bloody bitch basterd ser When price go $1 usd token Hurry the up I cannot live of the ruppee anymore

>> No.51198017


>> No.51198022
File: 43 KB, 303x738, 20ab14bff34503df16c5fb50101c1f7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to not sell after the x10 and wait for the x100 ?

>> No.51198026


>> No.51198039

Don't be a fucking dumbass?

>> No.51198044

imagine being a swingy 0.00016 resistance seller right now

>> No.51198047

Not selling LUNC now was like not selling BTC at $60k.
Not even fudding, but if you don’t know when to get out on local tops, you’ll be the dumb money in the future.

>> No.51198062

>Not selling LUNC now was like not selling BTC at $60k.

That's literally the same thing people said when BTC was in the hundred dollar range you fucking moron

>> No.51198073


>> No.51198075

Elmer fudd

>> No.51198077

Lmfao savage dunk on the retarded

>> No.51198085

Just sold
Too many sell signals and retards fomoing
Thank you for the exit liquidity retards JAJAJAJAJA

>> No.51198086


>> No.51198088

Jokes on you
I don’t even remember where I bought lunc

>> No.51198096
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Outta our way, papershit!

>> No.51198099

checked and based, not selling

>> No.51198103
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If it ain't at $1 I'm not touching it

>> No.51198106
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>> No.51198121

Selling bros
We are the ones that will make it.
Let newfags buy now

>> No.51198129
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take profits and don't sell your entire stack?

>> No.51198131

Nigger you never even held. You don’t think we recognize your third world jaja laugh? You’ve been seething since .00010. Kys subhuman

>> No.51198135
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Reminds me of when I sold my ETH at around $350 because it couldn't go any higher

>> No.51198137

ima need some calm me down money before 1. but got plenty to dump on reddit fags after that.

>> No.51198148

everyone not selling getting dubs, this is some serious meme energy

>> No.51198151
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>> No.51198152
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>> No.51198158

Ugh, i know! I'm sorry, I'm just not going to sell AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.51198172

Mumbai team must be working late tonight

>> No.51198177


>> No.51198178
File: 6 KB, 225x225, αρχείο λήψης (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Impressive. Very nice. Now let's go to 1c YOU STUPID BASTARD

>> No.51198182

We knew you were holding jajafren.

>> No.51198204
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>Mfw sold my 5 BILLION shib in February of 2020 because NO WAY IT COULD GO HIGHER

>> No.51198211

paperhands are offloading, train is leaving station of calcutta

>> No.51198219

back above .00019 my basterds

>> No.51198220


You retards realize everyone is staked until mid sept getting their cut of the inflated team wallet as rewards right?

Nobody is selling until that 300bn is drained and they CANNOT I delegate to stake for like another two weeks

But Ok loll

>> No.51198227
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Fudders are getting desperate LMAO. But look at that chart, it's not going down anytime soon, and at the next pump it will jump above 0002 effortlessly.

>> No.51198245

lunc keeps mooning and it seems too good to be true. are the jews really going to sit and watch as a bunch of imageboard nazis become multimillionaires almost overnight? surely (((they))) are going to try and sabotage this somehow?

>> No.51198255
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I love making money

>> No.51198272

Who else is shopping for cars properties and is preparing to commit tax evasion here?

>> No.51198278

next stops are: Bangkok, Hanoi, Shanghai, Tokyo, Las Vegas, Cancun, Biarritz, Monaco and St. Moritz

>> No.51198280
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fuds spooked me into selling my stack of 5 million at 17, when's the next dump so I can buy back in?

>> No.51198281
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>they sold?

>> No.51198317

I’m going to join the irs and audit myself and find nothing wrong.

>> No.51198318

Pls be bait

>> No.51198319


Some anon came and lied here and said this was his GF.

White men who get women like this are on Instagram and have never heard of 4chan lmao

>> No.51198326

I've been doing that ever since I bought 14 mil at .000006

>> No.51198327
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They've been trying to fud it already, we didn't buy it but everyone else did, the mainstream media already fudded this coin into oblivion in the normiesphere meanwhile we're on a backwater crypto scam board becoming millionaires because we're too racist to die. I won't sell until the last Jew is put in the oven.

>> No.51198337

You don't want to go to Cancun these days.

>> No.51198353


>> No.51198367
File: 625 KB, 2018x1318, JIDFUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh they have been for months my friend, and they're probably involved with the USTC trannies trying to derail our burn too

>> No.51198378

Shithole. Go to Tulum.

>> No.51198388

how the fuck do I even sell any LUNC that I have?

>> No.51198390
File: 12 KB, 328x153, portofino m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been unironically watching car reviews on youtube to try to get a feel for what kind of supercar im going to want to buy. im looking at getting pic rel when we moon to the $2-$5 range in Dec/Jan.

>> No.51198389

Youre just projecting mate i personally know a guy who browses biz and has a hot wife, and I aswell had sex with a couple hot chicks, didnt last long cus of my rotten personality though

>> No.51198392

You literally have to go to Cancun to get to Tulum
Also nothing wrong with Cancun if you’re staying in an all inclusive, honestly can be better. Too many fucking hippies in the on-season in tulum

>> No.51198398
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>Next ladder above 0.0002
Same. Pamp my bags faggits. I need to sell more and slurp the crash.

>> No.51198414

>He doesn't know how to juggle stacks

>> No.51198417

Stop projecting anon. Not saying he didn't lie (even if I'm not finding any match on Yandex and google) but do you really believe the incel memes ? Some of us are married with kids , it doesn't stop us to fap to hentai from time to time and post on this Mongolian basket weaving forum. Tons of famous people have also posted here, but they wouldn't brag about it for obvious reasons.

>> No.51198428

I only have a 2.7 mil stack. Should I throw in $200? Or am I too late?

>> No.51198435

Lol same. Probably won't spend more than £50k though. Want to buy a house also.

>> No.51198443

You're early bro.
>t. buying more tomorrow

>> No.51198453

3m will i make it ?

>> No.51198463

was looking at this yesterday when it was 0.00015 now it's almost 0.0002. Bought in at 0.00017.

>> No.51198466

Set some limit buy orders, there will definitely be pullback before it rises further so take advantage of them.

>> No.51198469

You'll make it with 1 mil. I just went all in on LUNC.

>> No.51198471
File: 496 KB, 500x256, Orphan2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

168 Million LUNC reporting in.

This is my biggest position, I feel like a degenerated gambler but I gonna make it thank to LUNC.

>> No.51198484

this. we all meme patrick bateman to death, most of us are intelligent enough to realize looks matter. only some of the people here are weirdos nowadays 4chan not what it used to be

>> No.51198485
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1080, golden_chariot_1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on /o/ seeking a car to buy for $500k bare minimum and they all keep telling me to get a civic. I guess I'm buying 20 civics and then using them to pull my golden chariot.

>> No.51198488

so let me get this straight, if the burn that's suppose to come into effect in 2 weeks gets cancelled or rejected by cz, then it's all over and lunc crashes into oblivion?

why would i want to take this gamble if there's a high likelihood the burn won't come into effect, lol

>> No.51198492

If its gonna get to a dollar, buying at 0.00010 or 0.00020 doesn't make much difference surely

>> No.51198500

I'll finally have enough money to get a license and have a gunsmith build me a fully auto Suomi KP31

>> No.51198505

Hit the sell button on KuCoin?

>> No.51198507

Tulum and Cancun are normie Karem holidays destinations now avoid.

>> No.51198509

Sounds like this isn't for you friend , and that's ok

Verification not required

>> No.51198524

Y5 Crypto Exchange to Assist Luna Classic Revival through Weekly Burns


WGMI frens

>> No.51198525 [DELETED] 

Your right don’t gamble $100 potentialy 10-100xing it

>> No.51198528

kind of looks like a bullflag, but ya im also hoping for a dip soon

>> No.51198532

Anyone got a super hi res portrait of CZ, I want one on the wall after mooning

>> No.51198564
File: 33 KB, 600x493, 0d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, its gonna get to a dollar, so that every other pajeet will be driving around in a lambo soon. because thats how the world works, right?

>> No.51198583

I don’t think you realize a lot of Indians are pretty wealthy in the states kek they own a bunch of stuff I my area so yes it’s very likely

>> No.51198592

>Y5 Crypto

>> No.51198598

You catched the train right in time.

When did you buy ? That's a fat stack.

To be honest I was and looked like a total incel nerd back in 2005 when I first browsed this website (/h to be accurate), luckily after that I joined the army, got much buffer and improved my look quite a bit, and then I met my wife. And contrary to women, men look can actually improve with age if you don't let yourself go, especially with a beer gut.

>> No.51198646

Speaking of which I bought atom and swapped on osmosis I heard the slippage is going to take half my lunc if I transfer to Kucoin is this true? Can it be avoided?

>> No.51198652

waiting on .00011 still

>> No.51198653

Where do you think you are?

>> No.51198661
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>> No.51198671

true same i was incel nerd at first and then had my overcompensating by being a manwhore phase, and came back to 4chan older now i have a good girl who likes girls. most men dream of doing what i've done. honestly if the autistic nerds here put there mind to actually making yourself a more valuable person getting women becomes easy.

>> No.51198674

Send it to my wallet, I'll take care of the rest.

>> No.51198675

$11mil. Do I buy $3m now or if it goes to .14-.15?

>> No.51198687

Can I ask this question without being called a jeet: what is the realistic pump goal, not accounting for a potential reddit/normie FOMO wave, with the burn alone? I’m thinking a solid .009-.03 by end of September or mid-October. Again, not accounting for normie FOMO, since that isn’t guaranteed. But what IS guaranteed is the burn.

>> No.51198691

I’ve been buying tether on Coinbase and sending it to KuCoin. I’ll swap back to tether and send it back to Coinbase to cash out

>> No.51198705

And we're going up again

should have bought under 19

>> No.51198709

use XLM or something bro much lower fees

>> No.51198710
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Reminder frens when we moon 100K will be make it stack

>> No.51198726

10b coins $0.1 after the burn

>> No.51198728
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>> No.51198734

and faster

>> No.51198737

>he gets it

>> No.51198753

Here’s the new fud, Indians pretending to talk shit on Indians. Do the needful and buy a million lunc, don’t miss out my pencil neck friend.

>> No.51198756
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>> No.51198762
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got my penthous in Monaco already picked out... now I just need a few dozen million dollars to pay for it, but that's a given.

LUNC $1 EOY, fudders get the rope!

>> No.51198770

Fucking kek

Opinion discarded

>> No.51198773
File: 219 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2022-08-31-18-16-49-137_com.kubi.kucoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now I have a good girl who likes girl

But can't you cash out directly from Kucoin ? Pic related.

>> No.51198775


>> No.51198779

Will we see a pullback soon or should i buy before it goes to .00025

>> No.51198792

What sell ladders do you guys have set up?

>> No.51198794

If it's a healthy pump it will pull back, if you're unsure though grab a small bag so you don't feel bad if it pumps.

>> No.51198804
File: 143 KB, 1000x666, Pallas-Angry-1000x1000-0FxGXMREcg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lunc keeps mooning and it seems too good to be true. are the jews really going to sit and watch as a bunch of imageboard nazis become multimillionaires almost overnight? surely (((they))) are going to try and sabotage this somehow?
I will jump them and bite them if they get anywhere close to my funny money

>> No.51198806

yup, and it's unfortunate many are gonna get rekted, like the recent bbby crowd

there's no incentive for cz to burn

>> No.51198815
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Nigger rich behavior. I got my eye on a nice Crown Vic Interceptor.

>> No.51198828

I think we’re gonna poooooooooooommmmpppp

>> No.51198847

>all these swingies in here pretending to be tough shit
Swingies get the rope, don't bitch about this later

>> No.51198850
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A single cancele screwed just about everybody.

>> No.51198855
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>>>51198471 (You)
>When did you buy ? That's a fat stack.
Mostly around0.0001 but also higher like 8K $ at 0.00014 and even 400$ at 0.0004

>> No.51198869
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>> No.51198872
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Look at the chart anon. Do you see where it's going ?

>> No.51198883

>illiterate keyboard

>> No.51198886
File: 31 KB, 473x612, howl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets fucking goooo

>> No.51198889

No doubt, WAGMI

>> No.51198890

This pomp is scaring me

>> No.51198896

Whats it take to get this on Coinbase or other mainstream exchanges? Normies aren’t going to FOMO in on KuCoin

>> No.51198910

Don't want them to until the burn, faggot

>> No.51198911

Kek nice one.

Double dubs confirm, you're going to make it x2.

>> No.51198912

I think doge went viral on tiktok too which helped it gain popularity.
I wonder if we could get this coin viral after the burn

>> No.51198921


>> No.51198923

I'm so fucking pissed bros I thought I put in another $1000 worth at 128, and I was sitting here laughing thinking my money has doubled, turns out my trade didn't even go through and I'm fucking pissed. Is it too late to buy. Fuck this shit

>> No.51198924
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High Life soon my frens

>> No.51198925

feel free to never enter these threads again then

>> No.51198932
File: 509 KB, 689x900, LUNC phone home lil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once they realize how much $$ they'll make it's usually inevitable - these exchanges ONLY exist to make money, they don't give a fuck who buys what as long as they're buying

>> No.51198933

>Is it too late to buy.
maybe not, there could be a correction by tomorrow morning. or just bite the bullet and buy now, we're going to $1 EOY either way.

>> No.51198934

I think people have mentioned it on Crypto.com and they literally have Matt Damon doing commercials

>> No.51198936

You don't need to worry about what other people do with there money my nigga

>> No.51198942

bros, a sneaky took has made us millionaires
feels pretty good right?

>> No.51198944

On binance and CMC you get a warning, what can be done about it ?

>> No.51198956

I feel like I'll just be a FOMOing retard right now.

>> No.51198957

As its been foretold

>> No.51198970

Once this moons, I'm literally going to pay black and jewish women to give me a blumpkin every morning.

>> No.51198977

I just held my nose and checked plebbit and there doesn't seem to be any chatter about LUNC. Bullish.
>inb4 go back I'm watching for the ultimate sell signal

>> No.51198978

It's about to drop! Sell sell sell

>> No.51198986


>> No.51198993

They can’t find out until after we reach .01! They will contribute to the giga pump to $1

>> No.51198996

better be one now than after the burn is implemented, can always dca too if you want to go in, dunno if price will go down fren, volume is going up as we speak

>> No.51198998
File: 396 KB, 750x1000, 255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like I'll just be a FOMOing retard right now.
then wait 10-12 hours. there's (probably) going to be a correction and pullback to at least .00016

unrelated, here's some new memes to celebrate our recent poomp!


>> No.51199014

So I sell now and buy back at 0.00016

>> No.51199015

Dude, lunc sub is like 3600 members now and terra Luna sub has been invaded by lunc shills kek

>> No.51199021
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>> No.51199030

>doubled its market cap in less than 24 hours

>> No.51199031
File: 40 KB, 1024x510, 1652761980293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this cz is lieing ok first he says their will be BIG burn on 12 so people buy and pump his bag (he holds 50% of lunc) on the 11 he will sell all his luna dumping the price to 0 and on the 12 will say luna too unsable and worhtless and delist luna all echanges will follow and delist luna too you will be left with a bag of nothing sell now while you can......

>> No.51199042
File: 292 KB, 820x638, 267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno man, I'm afraid to swing to tell you the truth. if you have the balls for it maybe do it with half your bag, or one third. I think we're in for a pullback and correction, but it's possible the price just keeps going up. I wouldn't risk it if I were you... not the whole stack, anyway.


>> No.51199052

Holy shit the fudbots are swarming right now, i think we're close ahahahahah

>> No.51199055

and the volume stays 1/3 of mcap

>> No.51199060

now explain why the fuck do you care about what we do with our money?

>> No.51199061
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>> No.51199083

Just one more day and I could’ve used my paycheck for another 5 million dammit

>> No.51199091
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>> No.51199112
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Pajeets are getting desperate as the price rises

>> No.51199121
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1280, 271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so just get 2.5 million then, not like it'll matter all that much when LUNC hits $1, wagmi fren!


>> No.51199122
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>> No.51199133
File: 77 KB, 1200x675, ranjeep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this cz is lieing ok first he says their will be BIG burn on 12 so people buy and pump his bag (he holds 50% of lunc) on the 11 he will sell all his luna dumping the price to 0 and on the 12 will say luna too unsable and worhtless and delist luna all echanges will follow and delist luna too you will be left with a bag of nothing sell now while you can......

>> No.51199138

$500m 24 hour volume
goodness me sers

>> No.51199140
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>> No.51199146

Up we go.

>> No.51199159
File: 472 KB, 1400x753, 272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's final one, saved the best for last...


>> No.51199165

Thank you kindly anon

>> No.51199168
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> https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/x1m5xk/luna_classic_pumps_70_after_having_introduced/?sort=new

there's chatter in the thread where they were all seething. just sort comments by new.

>> No.51199182

Goddamn I miss my 3 mill lunc I sold at 12 thinking it will dip. Feels bad man. Should i wait some more or but at this pumped position

>> No.51199184
File: 249 KB, 1080x1441, IMG_20220831_214550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you buy now you'll still make a x5000, not bad by any means. Better buy 5 millions than 0. I bought my first million lunc at 00033 or close, you're still far below that price.

It's not always the case, today is a good example. I didn't even think we could reach 0002 today, and yet.

We need to get Elon twitting about it after the burn gets implemented. Maybe he's already whaling on Lunc, who knows.

>> No.51199185

How to convert wrapped Luna from bsc to Terra Luna?

>> No.51199191

Ok, we are all millionaires, then what?
I don’t want to have to work in IT anymore.
Just buy properties?
Flip land?
Buy cars/bikes to rent?

>> No.51199205
File: 98 KB, 720x960, -5122853535891958295_121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check price in the morning
>check price now


>> No.51199219

this one's my fave anon, fucking kino - great work bro much appreciate the contributions

>> No.51199236

Buying property will give you some nice rent income. You could even pay someone else to work so it could be passive.
A few properties and you can live off the gains from that.
You can also still invest into other coins or stocks on the side
But ultimately you will be able to do what you want and pursue the hobbies you like

>> No.51199238
File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, 1660397029065110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want all anon to make it but this is a dead coin and scam pump which is why i only put 20$ in and the rest into a coin with a future like matic many smart anon will do the same just watch

>> No.51199251

I was watching it the night it collapsed, several hours as it just freefalled. Then right as it was approaching nothing I hit the buy button, I was shocked when it IMMEDIATELY reversed course and shot back up.

>> No.51199258

I just want a small bit of land outside a small town in the midwest and will build a small timber frame home and have a large garden with chickens and get a job working from home, spend a lot of time on projects fixing up cars to resell and stuff

>> No.51199260
File: 392 KB, 750x500, 1999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should i wait some more or but at this pumped position
wait half a day and hope there's a correction dip... if not then you should probably buy in again before you're priced out, because at that point it's safe to say that we'll only keep going up.

just doing the needful my bitch basterd sir!

>> No.51199273

boomer stocks and other invests that pay dividends too, I will do that, don't want to deal with people via renting and whatnot, better leave stress-free and pursue hobbies and the truth

>> No.51199276
File: 387 KB, 540x677, 1661943380957253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember we stand on the bags of Redditors and Twitter cryptobros kek

>> No.51199302

you response is so unorganic man, I hope you bought a bag of lunc to have the means to escape wherever callcenter hell they locked you in and give a better future to your parents and family

>> No.51199310

There's also a good chance that Lunc stays stable or keeps pumping above $1, and it would be worth it to keep a few millions staked for passive rewards.

>> No.51199320

>5 mil stacklet
Cray to think even a stacklet amount could be life changing.....

>> No.51199321

I have 1.5mil staking just for this reason

>> No.51199322

Yea best play things safe, although if you pay someone to work your property they are in charge of everything, you probably. Don’t even have to deal with tenenants.
So you gain income and property value increase

>> No.51199324

getting blueballed waiting for this thing to hit 0.0002

>> No.51199337
File: 121 KB, 600x900, r-cosplay-Asuka-by-Alina-Becker-self-MACchar-Cosplay-Catalogue-Anime-and-Superhero-885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this FUD is bullish

>> No.51199343

This is where I get off see ya later JAJAJAJAJAJ

>> No.51199347

Idk bro I been in crypto and while yes there is a chance, it doesn’t hurt to have a small stack staked. But seeing how things can giga dump in crypto it’s best not too risk a big chunk of your gains on it.

>> No.51199358

Sold some more at .000198; see you all back at .00011-.00013

>> No.51199374


>> No.51199376

See you at .001 and .01 my curry shitting fiend

>> No.51199381

MA30 is .0006, I don't think it would pull back much further than that

>> No.51199399

.00016, I mean

>> No.51199405
File: 169 KB, 1020x1020, 1633648937997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape top whores for money
Make art with neural networks
Do drugs in vr metaverse
See ancient ruins and maybe aliens idk

>> No.51199410

My wives

>> No.51199417
File: 37 KB, 1080x564, 1649727780234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm white and hold a 13m bag of lunc with a average buy of $0.0001438, I just like to pretend to be an indian and fake fud people.

>> No.51199427

retarded shit going to 0.000.00000.00000000.0

>> No.51199436

wagmi then brother

>> No.51199453

I need dual citizenship.. Monaco sucks because they don't allow it and I need to go back for my family once a while

Bahamas, panama or portugal is our best bet and cheaper than Monaco.

>> No.51199455

Let's be honest, by the time LUNC hits $1, most of us won't have more than a few millions left. And if it hits $1, there's no reason it wouldn't pump more than that (and then maybe dump some time later but it's another story).

>> No.51199458

cope more buddy, we're busy MAKING THAT MONEY AHAHAHAHAH

>> No.51199462

Jesus this is hilarious

>> No.51199465

1 LUNC = 139 yen

>> No.51199473

I think now is a good time to sell. Been holding this shit since March, and all ive made from it was like 800$.

I'll buy back in when in inevitably dumps.

>> No.51199485

in a prior general it was established that your #1 priority as a lunc chad is to breed brown women

>> No.51199487

I’m goooona faaaaaaarm

>> No.51199502

What’s a suicide stack now?
And how much % would you rec to stake?

>> No.51199513

Half a billion $ in volume. What the fuck. If that keeps up when the burn is implemented $ is FUD.

>> No.51199515

Hmm not a bad idea,
With my gains maybe i can get in early on some metaverse stuff. I honestly think that’s the next big thing seeing how companies are trying to push us towards a “ready player one” style world

>> No.51199516

1m sui-10m make
I staked 30% of mine
>t 20m baboona

>> No.51199518

>What’s a suicide stack now?
10M as always
>And how much % would you rec to stake?

>> No.51199522
File: 73 KB, 1284x243, CD2682C9-7ABA-44B5-A61B-28FD5796AC8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Fuck niggers, jannies and Jews.

>> No.51199521

1 yen = 0.0000000000001 dollar

>> No.51199527

Since March and you made 800$. What the actual fuck.
Either pajeet fudding or just stupid.

>> No.51199530

Hurrdurr sell then fucker, without barkin about It.

>> No.51199537

This is it. Load up.

>> No.51199543


I only put like 100-200$ in this. Why do you care so much about literal lunch money? lol
Crazy bitch

>> No.51199551

they we will just buy and burn ourselves kek

>> No.51199565

This is the way.

>> No.51199577

Poorfag, it's ok you can redeem and feed village for a year

>> No.51199586

>With my gains maybe i can get in early on some metaverse stuff. I honestly think that’s the next big thing seeing how companies are trying to push us towards a “ready player one” style world
I was thinking the same thing. who do you believe will dominate the space? Zuckerkike is trying his best to be the first one in, but most people hate Facebook and he'll have trouble getting the normies on board. my bet's with Steam, Gaben has money and connections and tech and people simp for Steam, I think he could be the first one to market once the tech matures a bit more.

>> No.51199589

Imagine the smell

>> No.51199594
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>> No.51199610

not bad, but make his face bigger. and use a higher-res pic, that one's way too blurry.

>> No.51199645
File: 153 KB, 360x320, hitLUNC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fully incorrect and bestiality pilled

>> No.51199646


>> No.51199651

Not everyone that's poor is a pajeet, you gay schizo.

You probably have less in your bank account that I do right lmfao

>> No.51199666

Also, the fact you're in this thread proves you're a fucking poorfag by default so kys

>> No.51199668

Heil Hitler. Lunc will lead to the downfall of the jews

>> No.51199687
File: 145 KB, 1186x924, FDEEE0D7-226F-47ED-9EDB-2B041F676183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Greedy bastard. Let them stake, earn some income & rest their weary bones.

>> No.51199695

$1 has always been fud. But you'd be labeled a lunatic if you say that it will reach its previous ATH over $100.

>> No.51199703

Based Hlaalu merchant

>> No.51199714

Obvious fudders are obvious

>> No.51199720

Satan at it again

>> No.51199757

At that point I'd be multibillionaire, that's impossible even in the clowniest of markets

>> No.51199781


There’s a guy who was trying to cash out $5 billion in SHIB

>> No.51199805

True. Either way I don't care, I'll sell my ladder up to $1 and I'm keeping the rest for staking forever. Staking rewards will be so insane I don't need to ever think of liquidating my staking stack, it can go to $100 or even beyond

>> No.51199847

I think $5 eoy or january, ath when the bulls are on parade

>> No.51199863

It will reach its ATH again though.

>> No.51199877
File: 166 KB, 1000x1000, 1661555982161319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can I still convert WLUNA on Coinbase to LUNC?

>> No.51199885 [DELETED] 
File: 1.55 MB, 1754x2481, Terramassacre LUNC s_s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51199886
File: 40 KB, 600x600, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're euphoric.

>> No.51199901

Honestly bro Im a brainlet for that stuff so i need to do my research, while many hate mark, I’d still put money on him because he has big capital too really create something.
Not sure and I need to learn more
And soon too considering lunc will give me some good gains to really jump in the metaverse

>> No.51199910
File: 15 KB, 639x156, wluna_to_lunc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51199927

I've got about 2m at the moment and my goal is to turn it into $50k USD. If this shit drops back to the low teens, I'll double the stack so I can have an earlier exit. When this happens, I'll travel around the US with my partner for a while.

>> No.51199928



>> No.51199936

>Staking rewards will be so insane
weren't they supposed to be around 5% APY once things get settled down? I know more stakers dilute the oracle reward pool, but I'm not sure how much LUNC (and at what price valuation) you need to stake to pull out let's say a white-collar six figure yearly return.

can any anon with more knowledge on this chime in?

>> No.51199946

What do you do in that situation?

>> No.51199976


>> No.51199986

You ain’t seen nothing yet.

>> No.51199988

You retards should stop shilling to reddit. They will buy our bags at 0.01.

>> No.51200002

5% off of $1B is not insane?

>> No.51200008

Checked and correct

>> No.51200009

We need a correction and calm our tits a few days UNIRONICALLY

>> No.51200015

Just try Cuckoin or kraken if you want to set ladders early.
U can't on binance because the price is too low yet

>> No.51200026

Remember jeets and swingies 0.1 is programmed with 1b mcap and 10b max supply

>> No.51200027
File: 519 KB, 1170x2532, 10A21793-CF18-4853-9170-8BCE7D48B399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 domp eet

>> No.51200044

I'm getting nervous

>> No.51200046

Yeah, hopefully this doesn't burn people out before the burn tax. We need crazy volume then, not now.

>> No.51200050

Is Malta a good place to move to, when I made it with my 6Mil bag? Wanna stay close to Europe but will never give the Austrian government a dime when I was the one who made the right choices.

>> No.51200098

Nice poker digits there fren

>> No.51200129
File: 1.42 MB, 220x161, awooooga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh they won't listen to us muh racist fascists until they see number go awooga anyway, fuck those cringe shared-brained faggots anyway

>> No.51200152


how are we getting to 10b max supply... its going to take a few years if it's through burning, and if this is suggesting that CZ is going to burn his stack, has there been any concrete evidence that he will? Holding until $1 and wanting to know where that's coming from, is all.

>> No.51200153

Nah, hype needs to build over the next 12 days. A gradual rise toward the next zero is good. The fomo will still happen and just push it that much higher.

>> No.51200164

Brah idgaf just let this thing do as it do, it's quite literally out of our hands at this point - do you want the volume to just magically start when the burn does?
Great to see all this insane action and interest in /ourcoin/

>> No.51200172

doesn't have to take years at this volume

>> No.51200185
File: 492 KB, 1800x1350, 34602900_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the patrician's choice

>> No.51200196

Mark my words, this mother fucker is going to dump once the burn is implemented, then after that settles over the course of a few days we’ll see the god candle deliver us to Mecca inshallah

>> No.51200200

omfg we're literally going to 0.0002 today

>> No.51200207

So basically it all boils down to CZ burning or not burning his stack, or whoever has that massive wallet

>> No.51200213
File: 107 KB, 1673x894, Retrospect chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In retrospect, it was a dip.

Will refer back to this tweet when we are at ATH again.

Not a prediction. Didn’t name the coin. Not financial advice.

>> No.51200226

With this volume he doesnt even need to kek

>> No.51200232

How do you think we'll achieve $1 EOY (x5000 from now) ? With small tiny dicked X2 every week ? No, what we need gradual but exponential pump. THAT will trigger FOMO.

>> No.51200233

You have to go back

>> No.51200240

200 200

$200 eoy


>> No.51200250

Not necessarily. The burn mechanic will do this over time. But the ideal situation being that the massive wallet burns most of it's stack and we all get rich before Christmas.

>> No.51200261

The burn is for long term. Short to medium term the only thing that matters is the fomo meme wave that we're standing on the precipice of right now. This thing is going to fly.

>> No.51200264


>> No.51200268
File: 65 KB, 564x657, howl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made another one

>> No.51200271


Nice lines

>> No.51200315

put $500 in USTC, need a little hedge for my LUNC stack

>> No.51200344
File: 129 KB, 683x1060, 472502C4-1918-4F31-9D7E-64A68CE3956A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keked and checked

>> No.51200381
File: 2.00 MB, 1284x1284, 197C7F1B-86F7-42FA-BD45-1F836B44948F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the plan isn’t an overt megaburn from binance, but just him shuffling it around his massive stack between the gigawallet and the peripheral wallets? Same outcome and plausible deniability.

>> No.51200389
File: 71 KB, 857x897, Diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically yes with a "tiny dicked" 2x every week
>78x < redditors start buying here

>> No.51200421

this is what's going to happen. did anyone really think he would do a vitalik? CZ will just washtrade and pump fomo forever

>> No.51200426

This is obviously the plan. Pump that volume, fake it till you make it or normies FOMO

>> No.51200445

That's what I'm expecting.

>> No.51200446

Got to be this.

>> No.51200453
File: 137 KB, 828x1039, 21B61318-649A-4523-B056-29EF748F8D75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man thinking about swinging my $3000 Jasmy stack into lunc . That’s about 14.5 million luncs for more staking , already doing 40+ thousand in rewards a day on 25.5 million
Captcha STOPJ ???

>> No.51200466


>> No.51200492

stop jasmy... vnr

>> No.51200509

non-binary pussy is bussing fr fr ong

>> No.51200526

Oh right I didn't realize we still have 20 weeks until EOY. A X2 every week would be insane.

>> No.51200567

Once burn is on only CZ knows what will happen. Hint: up

>> No.51200572

0.0002 is coming. Get ready.

>> No.51200620

Here we are

>> No.51200624

based chart watcher was right
saw it in real time too

>> No.51200689

managed to put a russian flag on the discord announcement

>> No.51200693
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>> No.51200697

We just broke 2

>> No.51200857


>> No.51200859

Holy shit

>> No.51200873

Holy fuck!!!!!!

>> No.51200893
File: 795 KB, 900x536, lunc_resurrection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51200905

Golden duck pooompppaaaaa

>> No.51200937
File: 531 KB, 1600x2237, chronos__the_ancient_god_of_time_by_sekishiki-d9d5yfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was it really just dumb lunc or
is it something else?

>> No.51200962

we’re about to break 22 wtf lmaoo

>> No.51200989


>> No.51200993

Already did, but it's back

>> No.51201082
File: 16 KB, 460x266, 1661204352762614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really need some good fud right now, where my kikes and niggers at????

>> No.51201110
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>> No.51201126

Half a cent EOD

>> No.51201268

Yo wtf this thing has to dump soon, right? No fucking way it keeps climbing

>> No.51201366

I'm willing to bet 0002 will be the new floor, it's still far from ATH post crash, which was around 0004 or 5.

>> No.51201371

Why not? It's the only thing worth a damn in this market.

>> No.51201423

Not selling until 0.50

>> No.51201649

At first I thought that the bear market was an obstacle, but when I think about it, it may work in our favor. If everything else is shit and dumping, it will incite people to throw money in Lunc if they see that it made a X2 or X3 in less than a few weeks.

What we really need now is having LUNC listed on Coinbase too.

>> No.51201826

its only a matter of time before jews get invovled and the cexes stop trading because of (((techinal problems)))

>> No.51201877

Will 4 million be enough to find a gf that doesnt care about penis size?

>> No.51201993

Wish I had bought more :(

You fucking mongoloids said to only put in my lunch money.

>> No.51202093
File: 86 KB, 840x560, 559D8D23-5D6F-430B-9628-8E2EDE3168C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh are you me? I literally posted the same shit just the other week in a “dream car” thread.

I unironically found a gem, all black grand Marquis (crown Vic but nicer) with 20k miles, black leather interior, time capsule kept for $7k, sold the day I went buy it.

>> No.51202340

Same here. I just threw in a bit for laughs, if I had known, I would have gone all in.