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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51185970 No.51185970 [Reply] [Original]

we destroyed our economy because of a mild flu

>> No.51185995

It killed one million Americans.

>> No.51186018
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>> No.51186056

>it killed 0.2% of the population (bunch of 70+ years olds), like the flu every fucking 2 years

>> No.51186071

Fuck you, my infection was anything but mild, and I struggled for months afterwards. Besides, if anything that was just a catalyst which speeded things up a bit. Needs to crash.

>> No.51186086
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t. retarded polcel

>> No.51186101

Sure thing, chuddy boy

>> No.51186111

I wonder if the two things listed directly fucking below it had anything to do with that. Surely not.

>> No.51186130


>> No.51186134
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here we go

>> No.51186152

lmao for real, i got it right when it came out and i almost died, it took 8 FUCKING MONTHS to be able to breath right again. it hit me like a motherfucker and im 26 and slim.

>> No.51186176

My grandma fucking died because of that shit. Get vaxxed, support your community and shut the fuck up. I bet you’re a drumpf follower too huh. Antivaxers are literally a plague that are weighing the rest of the world down. Can’t wait till implement laws to have you executed.

>> No.51186233
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covid was just a world wide enforced holiday before the boomers retire and millennials have to deadlift the entire economy by ourselves

>> No.51186243
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jewish slut

>> No.51186246


Wtf did crypto do to /biz/ jesus fucking christ i'm glad i got rich from crypto because you guys are all too retarded to make money the way we did back then. Everybody here at this point is from reddit and it shows.

>> No.51186281

So true! Haha you're so funny anon, do you have a throwaway email or discord by any chance? Lol. Are you trans btw?

>> No.51186290
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>> No.51186352

The flu was just a tool to oust an incumbent president.

>> No.51186376

>Everybody here at this point is from reddit and-
no fucking shit?, hell, thanks to them this shit hole is still relevant, or do you want to see in every post the same autists spaming nigger, faggot or retard over and over again?.

the le epic 4chin vs redddit wars are a thing of the past grow the fuck up.

>> No.51186381
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And i would kill every last one of you for a shibnobi token and/or chance to join the shibnobi easports team

>> No.51186385

It was just Boomers doing their final rug pull

They locked down the world to save themselves from the flu, pumped the markets to pump their investments, cashed out, and retired.

>> No.51186419

>do you want to see in every post the same autists spaming nigger, faggot or retard
Yes, I do. Glowniggers and shilld should stick like a sore thumb here, not blend with midwits.

>> No.51186436
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They made up a fake flu to cover up the collapse of the economy, and as an excuse to print an extra $5T so as to drag out the collapse a little longer.

>> No.51186445

fake and gay

>> No.51186468

Fake deaths.
Car accidents = covid deaths in america

>> No.51186471

brainlet here. someone tell me if this is true.

>> No.51186522
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>flu deaths non-existent as covid deaths skyrocket

>> No.51186590
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>> No.51186603
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Covid death btw

>> No.51186661

jesus fucking christ, im unvaxxed and been going out every week since this shit started and i havent even gotten sick. god damn immunelets, when will they learn?

>> No.51186664
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I know for a fact random deaths were attributed to Covid.

Sources; every nurse that was a family member or friend. They literally labeled the death of a stage 4 cancer patient as a covid death.

>> No.51186691


Also this ^

>> No.51186718

No, the repo market (and therefore the financial system) broke in September 2019.

>> No.51186732

Hahahaha imagine having such a weakass immune system. Genetic trash.

>> No.51186743
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If you didn't get jabbed, congratulations: you made it.
Also the people who shut it all down have names and addresses.

>> No.51186746

The reality is that the elite used it as an excuse to fatten their pockets
Hence every country was in on it, every countries elite, true rulers, benefitted from it

>> No.51186759
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>> No.51186818

wtf where can I find a Jewish wife? Do I need to move to Jew York?

>> No.51186879

Yeah. Plus people who died within like 2 weeks of getting the shot, are reported as dying from covid. Very honest sciencing.

>> No.51186887

midwit take
the economy was already destroyed decades ago

>> No.51186903

Yep that's right all 3 of them

>> No.51186945


Final rugpull will be hot war with Russia.

>> No.51186958

It did not.

>> No.51186982
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europoor here. we destroyed it to save Ukraine too

>> No.51187155

Stop replying to agent provocatuers you stupid niggers, they get paid for engagement. Literally they are new world order NGO contractors trying to make you emotional. We all know it was a hoax, just ignore them. The reddit lesbians and trannies who actually believe in this shit don’t post here, it’s just spooks.

>> No.51187171

Midterms are here, shill the “Covid is bad” propaganda on 4chan again.

You have a 99.98% chance of dying from Covid if you have no comorbidities. It was literally only killing old people that were going to die anyway. No children died of Covid that were not obese, and only then it was less than 20 in the entire country. Vaccination also only lasts 6 months and it is debatable how effective it is even after the first month. These risky vaccines should have been a risk/reward balance, not a draconian mandate which ruined hard working families and led to countless suicides/depression from job loss. I left my state over all this shit and am so glad to never deal with libshits again. You libshits have changed a lot of people’s minds about politics. Now you’re trying to make everyone forget. I’ll never forget what you did to me.

>> No.51187223

Yes faggot now go back and then kill yourself and turn off your computer

>> No.51187339
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Believe me, I still remember early 2020 like it was just yesterday.

>> No.51187416

I'm at the end of day 6 and granted day 1 fucking sucked but overall I've literally had worse seasonal colds