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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51174281 No.51174281 [Reply] [Original]

Might be one of the worst feelings in business.

>> No.51174304

my penis forcibly entering her vagina could destroy her psychological well-being for life. i am bigger, faster, strong, and more resolute. i cannot be stopped.

>> No.51174309

That’s only cool if you’re a man. If you’re a woman doing that, nobody cares. You look like just another washed up depressed aging roastie

>> No.51174315

It has never been easier to be a CEO of a global brand since the invention of the internet

>> No.51174407

lets see your business chuds

>> No.51174443

You first

>> No.51174465

isn't it hilarious that she's still so insecure that you feel the need to brag about it on social media?

>> No.51174502

whats hilarious is how jealous you are. Who is insecure now?

>> No.51174525

damn bro hope she sees this

>> No.51174529

kek she thought private coffee shops would spring up just for "high value" people like her but in fact shes just the fanciest wagie. now she must cope by seeking instagram validation that she is indeed special and not like those other wagies

>> No.51174531

eh I'd rather not have her ego

>> No.51174536

The word is envious you cankle having dyke.

>> No.51174577

facts, thank you ser

>> No.51174620
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hate how they always brag about revenue, what brand they created, how many products they sell.
Never brag about product innovation or culture, progress or adding value for society, instilling inspiration for future innovators and entrepreneurs

It's always just
>look at me I used my daddy money to dropship products using facebook ads directing women to my squarespace website
>look how rich I am

>> No.51174674

I would throw this annoying attention whoring fake ass wannabe business slut off a cliff.

>> No.51174704

pornstars are pretty rich and I thought farmers were supposed to be poor

>> No.51174730

This kind of thing is why matriarchies are far and few, what stops a regular joe from raping this hole and taking everything she's got? Other men that's who.

>> No.51174756

I live in a rich area and when I walk on the sidewalk people go on the road or walk on the grass to avoid being near me. I probably have more nw than any of them but I cut my own hair and wear shitty clothes and drive my same old beater

>> No.51174771

She could try fucking lifting what a DYEL

>> No.51174775

Farmers have never been poor. In fact the sheer amount of expensive equipment you need to be a modern farmer precludes them from being poor, and unlike for most of human history it's very rare for a son to inherit everything he needs to work the farm in good order from his father

>> No.51174783
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>> No.51174787

Imagine having a life that is basically just the plot of Hannah Montana. Fucking end yourself, lmao.

>> No.51174796

And the little voice in her head comforts her "Any day now a man will show you attention for your skills"

>> No.51174822

>"The reason why you are poor is because you think of sex when it rains instead of farming"
damn... based pajeeta

>> No.51174891

may be you are just ugly and smell like shit

>> No.51174959

>Please fill this void that all the things Im listing off haven't filled. Please won't a man make me happy!

>> No.51174995

she gets it

>> No.51175048


>> No.51175050
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>> No.51175115

This. Some people don’t have the tact for success, rather they have imposter syndrome (aptly so) and make post like this to cope.

>> No.51175223

Only women and faggots get imposter syndrome. If a man acted like that whore he's nothing of value.

>> No.51175224
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>> No.51175287

Way to out yourself as someone that's never left the city.

>> No.51175313

mass repliers get the rope.

>> No.51175335

You’re a nigger.

>> No.51175399

And those farmers are the ones most likely to get hit by the inheritance tax

>> No.51175454


>> No.51175489

Imagine earning 6 figures a month steadily and still behave like a fucking normie npc

>> No.51175551

>rich white girl is arrogant and condescending
film at 11. why is this a thread?

>> No.51175625

how do you even know what race she is?

>> No.51175733

that's her in the yellow right?

>> No.51176030

>you're a CEO and you do things
Lol fake as fuck everyone knows CEOs don't do shit all day

>> No.51176089

>I now accept orders from the Andromeda system; I am therefore an intergalactic brand.
It's never been easier to talk shit since the internet.

>> No.51176126

I can't take this shit seriously

>> No.51176143

How do women make money apart from selling their pussy? I cannot imagine what this bitch does. Social media marketing? Every time I see one of these whores online they run some clothing store or brand on Instagram. I'm convinced they're fucking LARPing and letting their sugar daddy take bullshit pics for clout

>> No.51176247

In any case larp; no founder takes a 'multi-seven' (what is that like 14 or 21 fig?) fig salary. You keep it as low as possible. Maybe if your funded by sequoia but then she wouldn't be on tiktok but in her kike sysnagogue.

>> No.51176342

This. She’s probably counting company mrr for clout. I’m sure she makes a fair amount either way, but damn what an insecure woman

>> No.51176373

kinda based ngl fr fr

>> No.51176409

women are so cringe it's a crime. they must be forced into the kitchen just to prevent this criminal level of cringe.

>> No.51176414

Funny how they're always a little vague on the details. It's almost as though they can't get into specifics as to what the "brand" does or even its name because then people would probably just laugh at the idea of the "company" making hundreds of grand or millions.

99% of these women are literal whores that get their business from "consulting" with men that have budget to spend (and put down as an expense). They seldom earn six figures. It's a kind of 'fake it until you make it' cancer advice from 'hustle culture' that has told them just to create a fake life of your 'success' on social media and the money will start flowing.

The sad thing is that a lot of these dumb women actually pay for courses or seminars to learn how to do this. Which is quite pathetic really.

>> No.51176417

https://youtu.be/kLWvu51Vk4E video unrelated

>> No.51176526

her business is likely something that doesn't really benifit the world, likely selling some kind of stupid product to idiots through social media / insta

>> No.51176987

That's hot

>> No.51177435
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i am 6'7'' an weigh 245lbs.
I never look normal

>> No.51177466

fundamentally based

>> No.51177735
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>> No.51177930

I always knew Paris was a /biztard/

>> No.51177985

>>global brand
Selling her shit-streaked panties on the internet

>> No.51178266

I bet her parents were already rich.

>> No.51178283

>Let's see your business, chuds!
Would be more grammatical correct.
>t.high school drop out.

>> No.51178299
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I hate Americans so fucking much.

>> No.51178338
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Yeah I got laid in highschool.
That's an American, no amount of cope will change that, American nigger.

>> No.51178359

Imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Many question whether they're deserving of accolades.Feb 11, 2021
You're a dumbass and all you type for a starting sentence is "This".
Fine a fucking new word you cry baby.
Open a fucking dictionary, is that affirmative to you?

>> No.51178389

>The sad thing is that a lot of these dumb women actually pay for courses or seminars to learn how to do this. Which is quite pathetic really.
Women are all prostitutes.

>> No.51178402

jews are interlopers, foreigners, wherever you find them. There are no jewish Americans, or from America, only 'jews in America. These are jews in America. Say it and watch every kike recoil like the snakes they are.

>> No.51178414
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>> No.51178450

> wagie loves her cagie and thinks she's speshal
how sad.

>> No.51178458

>the cope and seethe itt

>> No.51178552

snel naar binnen voordat de kutmarrokaantjes je zien makker

>> No.51178559

This also applies to almost every rich person on the planet for me, as well as 90% of law enforcement. Reality is very bizarre for people 6'3" + and lift, because their power over you is as strong as the social contract and NAP. Like we have created the concept of law and order, but my caveman unga bunga brain can't help but notice that I could kill virtually every wealthy person on the planet with my barehands if we were dropped into a cage together without weapons.

I guess my cope is that I won the greatest lottery ever which is genetics.

>> No.51178571

the seething incels itt is a sight to behold

>> No.51178597
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>be CIA "agent"
>know this feel

She's full of herself. Only the humble survive this business.

>> No.51178679
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lets be real if it was a man, people like you would be screaming about them being a dooshbag and exploitation bla bla bla.
If you can't treat women as objective human beings then you're a mentally ill simp. She's not going to fuck you she would just laugh

>> No.51179037

>Oh my business? I mean I host on onlyfans, but it's really not what you think... I help lonely guys, so I'm doing a good thing for them, I'm really actually pretty down to earth and consider myself very spiritual.

>> No.51179303

>if we were dropped into a cage without weapons
unga bunga, this ain't the jungle nigger. billionaire's private mercs / drone dogs would waste you and your fantasies in a second. At least you admit it's cope. Go get a CEO job, they tend to favor height and pay well.

>> No.51179503

no one cares about a womans job
what school they went to
if they can fly a plane
sure it would be nice if they were smart but that ship sailed
only if they can have children
almost not even if they can take care of them
they only have to not be fat, thye have to be able to be thrown around the bedroom in good fun

>> No.51179542

based rapist

>> No.51179668
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*blocks your path*

>> No.51179686

Fkn kek

>> No.51179711

>I thought farmers were supposed to be poor
That's because you've associated "farmer" with some 3rd world rice farmer.. Are factory owners poor? That's basically what a farm is.

>> No.51179751
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>> No.51179776

unless she's ugly, a woman ceo is a figurehead. a man tells her what to say and do. many such cases.

>> No.51179851

projection. if she was secure in her position, she wouldn't mention the money.
>multiple seven figures
so, she'd just say "it's funny to be a ceo of a tiny startup, sitting at a coffeeshop, surrounded by a bunch of young inexperienced people who think they hate corporate america, and even though i'm nobody and barely create any value in the world yet they would still call me 1% and tear me apart. society must change so that these people and their children will not be lined up against a wall and shot some 50 years in the future."

>> No.51181795
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i went through every post and no one posted her onlyfans? cmon bros lets see it.

>> No.51182095

extremely based
she would probably enjoy it too desu

>> No.51182153

Based, have a (You).

>> No.51182246

>Isn't it hilarious that you LOOK like a NORMAL HUMAN BEING but you are REALLY a CEO!?!
People like this genuinely believe they are above "normal human beings". I am going to have to side with my dude here >>51174304

>> No.51182288

The top few percent of pornstars are rich, and that's only from shit like onlyfans. Most pornstars only made videos for a couple of years, no one knows their name, and they might have made a couple thousand out of it.

>> No.51182459

God made men and Sam Colt made them equal.

>> No.51183101
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>> No.51183304

Imagine mind breaking a ceo at a coffee shop.

>> No.51183385

Except we’re not monkeys you ape brained nigger and a knife can end your life in two fucking seconds, let alone a gun. Hell, a rock could end your life. The point is we are humans and therefore we use tools, even for killing.

>> No.51183484
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Hey. No Refunds.

>> No.51183492
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>I guess my cope is that I won the greatest lottery ever which is genetics.
literally the most J ish thing I’ve ever read on 4chin

>> No.51184099

i hope these people hang someday

>> No.51184154

dangerously based

>> No.51185251

that is you ,SHOW TITS OR GTFO

>> No.51185268

based and manpilled

>> No.51185272

why stop there? i'll buck break the entire c suite and the board of directors, too.

>> No.51185341

And then cartel ransack the cafe and chop your head off and fuck the neck hole and all that work you did was for nothing.

>> No.51185681
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If you live like a poorfag being wealthy you're dumber than a bag of dicks. Money is to be spent improving one's living. I learned that the worst way. It'll come to you.

>> No.51185696

>say it and watch every kike recoil
big doubt you called anyone a kike in real life so how do you know?

>> No.51185712

lmao lanklet you would get btfo by even the smallest beaner with a simple unga bunga bone knife

>> No.51185717
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"Who SOLD it to them?"
Milton William Cooper.

>> No.51185753
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Rain removes most forensics from the soon to be buried body.

>> No.51185825
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Bigger, faster and stronger too.

>> No.51186259
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>> No.51188522

I thought he was going to get stabby-stabbed.

>> No.51188560
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Chuds gonna chud

>> No.51188600

>tfw you could easily heem the fuck outta everyone ITT

>> No.51188633

fair point, she said "earner" not salary, which means company revenue, or something similar.

>> No.51188635

Where are these ninjas from

>> No.51188673


>> No.51188708

Are you also the first member of the DK crew?