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511497 No.511497[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT your favorite non consumble luxury item under $200.

What makes you feel like a king /biz/?

>> No.511499

$50 lambskin designer condoms

>> No.511503

>under $200
>luxury item
Nothing in particular comes to mind.

>> No.511515

"non-consumable" - that's an odd requirement; pretty specific and very limiting. And to throw a $200 limit on it too, whew!

The problem is that it excludes things that immediately come to my mind like cigars, a nice dinner out, a good rum, etc. Even services like housekeeping and gardening are excluded.

For myself, damn, I can't think of anything that I really enjoy that fits in.

>> No.511519

OP here.

I thought of sheepskin throws for some of my armchairs.

Lets take the non consumable limit off.

>> No.511528

A hard drive. More space equals more kingly

>> No.511537

$140 Orient blue mako.

Swaggy as heck watch looks worth way more than it costs.

>> No.511540
File: 109 KB, 800x600, orientbluemakowatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me this watch is not kush(not my picture btw)

>> No.511585

Nice - I haven't seen someone wear an actual watch in some time. It's certainly an oddity to actually even have on in this day and age.

>> No.511593

Yeah I think i'm going to get the black mako instead, the blue looks nice but I think the black goes better with my wardrobe as I mostly wear clothes that aren't black and well a black watch goes well with anything.

>> No.511614


I spent like $80 on slippers. I love them.

Thats the closest I got.

>> No.511621

custom made shirts. enjoy that one; you'll never want to buy off the rack again.

>> No.511631

I've got a few pairs of Allen Edmonds that cost less than $200. I would usually regard a shoe as a consumable item, but I care for mine well and they've lasted a year so far without showing much wear.

>> No.511670

Awesome guys thanks. I think I may be picking up a black Seiko, some nice slippers, and maybe a pair of used Allen Edmonds.
May get my shirts tailored soon as well.

I received gifts amounting to about $2,000 USD recently and decided to try and treat myself across the board.

>> No.511677

>black seiko

Please anon get this instead >>511540
or a black mako

Way nicer looking watch imo

>> No.511729

I'd say a pair of shoes or awesome headphones or something .nothing like a new dinner jacket too

>> No.511732

FYI the blue looks pretty dark in low light, even indoors.

>> No.511783

Dang really? Looks like it glows in a lot of the pictures and people are saying the blue dial looks really good and radiant

>> No.511805

Looks cool.

>> No.511826

>A good pair of sunglasses

>> No.511855


Oops meant the black version of that watch

Good ideas thanks
Not sure I could find an acceptable jacket under 200 that id consider luxury

Also a good idea but I lose my sunglasses all the time

>> No.511862

>Owning a watch
Sir Autist Boomer of the Over-the-Hill Knights

>> No.511870


Orvis Shooter's Vest in Olive Green
Its got a yellow plaid liner for extra upland flavor.

I love it.

It makes me look like an old man.


>> No.511877


I like being able to see the time without fumbling to get my phone out


Can you link it? Finding conflicting results

>> No.511880


Its not in the current catalog.

This is close


At reg. prices its over the $200 limit but I got it after the season many years ago.

>> No.511887


Thanks. Looks nice.

>> No.511890

Anyone have ideas for slippers?

>> No.511893

Um ok? It looks pretty good and when you consider the value of the item and how much you'll use it, its not very much at all.

Spending $300 on an item that you will wear everyday or almost everyday for 5-10 years is very very cheap. It's less than you'd spend on jeans or shirts over such a period of time.

>> No.511897

Fuck off

>> No.511903

The black one looks nice but ask anyone with the blue mako and they will agree that the blue dial looks amazing especially when light in shined on it.

>> No.511905




I am sure it does, my wardrobe is just mostly grays and blacks, I think a blue would look out of place.

>> No.511907

It definitely wouldn't. I think it'd look pretty cool and would draw more attention to your watch against dark clothing, black just looks plain boring but they're both great choices

>> No.511912

bitcoin is the future of money.