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51150612 No.51150612 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51150625

hmnmnmnmnm... electrocution. but you better be damn sure you want to kill yourself

>> No.51150682

Gun in mouth pointed upwards towards brainstem, anyone saying otherwise is a drooling retard

>> No.51150687


>> No.51150719
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>> No.51150930

go skydiving dont pull chute crash onto the field of some big sporting event.

>> No.51150948

Paper bag over head. Do not take it off. Super quick trust me, pretty painless too.

>> No.51151019

Don't do this to your parents, faggot. Take shrooms, faggot.

>> No.51151033

Seen too many pictures of people just fucking up and blowing their face off. Just get a shotgun with either a slug or buckshot ammo and aim that shit center of forehead.

>> No.51151048

Leak Hillary Clinton emails

>> No.51151051


Become a jannie.

>> No.51151077

>paper bag

>> No.51151107

HRT, 41% success rate always trying to improve though

>> No.51151132

Everyone in here is dumb.
>solo skydiving
>slug or buckshot

Honestly I’d go with the first suggestion.

>> No.51151151
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Basically this, if you take Anatomy, you'll learn that blasting your Frontal, Parietal and Occipital lobe all in one go will make sure you're not even conscious of the fact that you're dead. You'll be gone before you can even register pain. It should be literally painless.

But OP... Don't do it, I don't say this because I want you to suffer, but because running away from your problems is shitty. You can find a way to get out, but you have to make sacrifices. People live out some SHITTY ass lives and think it's worth living, the fact that you're lucky enough to post on here, means things aren't as bad as you think. I know it's not the best strategy, but think how bad it could be. I went into a Nursing program at 27 and felt like a failure, most of my class was over the age of 38, of 60 people. If you're in your 20-40s, you can still change, hurry up and tackle that problem, get angry if you must, whatever it takes.

>> No.51151155

question is, have you ever even felt alive?
try some crazy hobby or sport first.. not saying it works for me yet but maybe there's something worth doing if your going to kill self anyway like looking for gold at bottom of rivers in scuba gear

>> No.51151174

jfc still living rent-free after all these years? kek

>> No.51151193

start murdering famous pedophiles or central bankers
die like a hero when you get shot back

>> No.51151194

> quickest
Get cyanide

>> No.51151282

mad lol

>> No.51151287
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>> No.51151289

i was on a file where a guy was shot in the head right thru the forehead to the back,
he is a vegetable now with little brain activity
it's not that easy to die from a gun shot wound anon, still chance to end up a vegetable don't do it

>> No.51151313

why do you want to kys yourself

>> No.51151326
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this, anything that brings discomfort to normies is fundamentally a good thing.

>> No.51151329

killing yourself is like selling the bottom, I felt like I wanted to kms many times in my life, but I didn't, things always got better, I started living the dream, I would always look back at when I thought about killing myself and thought good thing I didn't do that.