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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 51 KB, 1242x782, BLX Stoch RSI 1M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51146973 No.51146973 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51147030

so buy march 2023?

>> No.51147041

17k was the bottom.. is it 17k? no? then stop crying bitch

>> No.51147050
File: 16 KB, 816x460, 05242022chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its going to shoot straight up, take a look at this graph, if you check august and interpolate the variables logarithmically you'll see what i mean, whe are in for one hell of a golden bull run like never seen before.

>> No.51147051

zero chance that was the bottom

>> No.51147053

No. They don't have a method for when they start measuring the days. They arbitrarily started counting randomly and they chose "273" at random as well. This isn't TA
Retard is just jerking himself off

>> No.51147067


>> No.51147069

No, it wasn't. It's going to make a lower low, but not because of this retarded chart op posted

>> No.51147081
File: 6 KB, 250x228, 1660962491405733s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I check stoch RSI? This is crypto

>> No.51147099

17k was the bottom. Watch it as bobos get slaughtered. Only dumbasses would think of shorting right now expecting lower than 17k.

>> No.51147101


>> No.51147130
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1635997000197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, that would clearly be a little bit too late according to the chart (as it indicates a monthly green candle there). Buy shortly before March. A few weeks or a month before. But the bear market likely won't end until 2023, anyway; most likely it'll end in January or February.

>> No.51147175
File: 51 KB, 1242x782, 1634231316283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This version of the chart can be helpful for understanding it.

>> No.51147244

You're an idiot if you think we're not going lower from here
It's the same retarded chart, dipshit. The reason it's shit is because they don't even have a condition as to when to start counting days nor why they chose "273". Fucking idiotic

>> No.51147253

>You're an idiot if you think we're not going lower from here
Prove it

>> No.51147310

First of all it fell off the 200w ma again
Powel is tapering
Stocks are going to crash more
19800 was supposed to be strong support, yet it did jackshit and we closed a weekly below that too
At best we'll get a pussy bounce from here (very short term) and the proceed to crash on this weekly candle. Bitcoin is not holding any key supports.

>> No.51147320

The days start counting from the day when the Stoch RSI reached down into that low point area, and the counting ends at the first green monthly candle (the end of the bear market).

>> No.51147346
File: 43 KB, 568x328, 83597CFA-897F-48EC-AEAF-0930140DA953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stoch RSI reached down into that low point area
Cleary that's not the case
Pic related.
They literally ignored the first time RSI reached 0
>counting ends at the first green monthly candle (the end of the bear market).
That makes no sense. Inside the brackets are green monthly candles.
"273" is completely random

>> No.51147358

>First of all it fell off the 200w ma again
Who cares, look at Sept 2015, we closed below and then we shoot up again. We will do a double bottom and that will be it.

>> No.51147361

I'm a buyer at 8k

>> No.51147362

Quit seething and fix your eyes and educate yourself. The chart has been explained over and over and over again to slow people like you.

Check the previous threads to educate yourself:

> In chronological order, archived.moe:

> In chronological order, warosu:

>> No.51147365
File: 144 KB, 1834x899, 1656751065265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We pump from here.

>> No.51147387

I said this last time you made this thread but I think you mean weekly stochRSI, retard. Monthly is bottomed (and will remain there for a year or two).

>> No.51147406

good god man get a life

>i said it would go down and then it did go down instead of going up

yeah its a fucking 50/50 coin toss you fucking insufferable nigger, its not that impressive

>> No.51147413

>B-But it's different THIS time!
Bears are the biggest degenerates, I swear

>> No.51147433


Its a great depression crash. 1929 style. Michael burry was right. Housing market is next.

>> No.51147461

>Who cares, look at Sept 2015, we closed below and then we shoot up again. We will do a double bottom and that will be it.
2015 was NOWHERE near as bad. We were 2% below it at worse. Now we are consistently ~15% below it. I see the potential double bottom on the weekly time frame. If that played out, it would end the bear market, but there's more cases for the bear than bull. Chances are higher it will fail

>> No.51147472

Your "TA" is shit
273 is random as fuck and the start of the count is also random as fuck. It's worthless.

>> No.51147540

Retard here my entire net worth is in eth as of 2 days ago. Got the "dip" too early.

Should I just give it a year?

>> No.51147624
File: 151 KB, 1136x656, for brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you dropped head-first onto a marble floor as a baby?

Truly amazing that obvious stuff like this has to be explained to you.

>> No.51147641
File: 245 KB, 1207x809, 65179500364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you were one of the idiots yelling 90k BTC back in Oct.
The RSI is lower than the rona dump and as low as the 2018 dump. We will have a double bottom at 17k or a scam wick below that, bears like you will be ejaculating blood and then be killed with a giga green dildo, watch it happen. You can already feel the bear euphoria right now and it will become more intense as we go lower during Sept.

>> No.51147651

Why the flying FUCKKkKKKKKKKkK would you not god damn start counting on the first touch? You are getting the results and working backwards to fit your narrative

It's fucking retarded. You were SUPPOSED to start counting on the first touch but ignored it because it invalidated your bullshit narrative.

>> No.51147681

>as we go lower during Sept.
Ya, no fucking shit we're going lower in september, LMAO. Lower low incoming after a dead cat bounce

Remember the "double bottom" from jan 17 to may 2 on the weekly? Remember what happened? Ya, it's going to happen again, retard

>> No.51147696

Oh also we broke down from the bear flag

>> No.51147714

Huge bear flag that started in the 13th of june btw

>> No.51147915

I hope you shorted then if you are so sure.

>> No.51148052
File: 34 KB, 854x818, 1638016026734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh it's this baggie again! Hey baggie here's a protip: Neither BTC nor the market cares about your feelings. But you just continue with your seething, while Stoch RSI chads stay comfy thanks to the 1M and 1W.

>> No.51148347

>/biz/ still unironically trades based on "news"
So many seething retards in these threads who don't grasp the concept of good TA and how the market really moves. Repeat after me retards, "NEWS DOES NOT MATTER".

>> No.51148373

>17k was the bottom
>stop crying bitch
LOL gonna be fun watching bulltards like this get fucked

>> No.51148375
File: 2.63 MB, 1272x3510, (((S2F))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that it was jews (picrel) who promoted and pushed the S2F narrative and all the associated "250k!" or even higher end-of-2021 scenarios, and had paid agents patrol /biz/ promoting the S2F "model" and attacking anyone expressing bearish sentiments with posts like "S2F proves you're wrong!" etc.

Hence it's extremely likely it's the same type of agents who -- JlDF style -- now attack any anons on /biz/ posting Stoch RSI charts, as those charts reveal the BTC bottom is far away. The OP chart here, the 1M Stoch RSI, especially triggers them. They see it as a threat.

Remember, they want You to buy high and to then either "HODL" through the crash all the way to the bottom and get demoralized, or to sell near or at the bottom. They want to be the only ones buying at the bottom. They absolutely don't want you to do that; not even near the bottom. So any posts sharing tools or sharing knowledge which enables You, the "nasty goyim", to become aware that the bottom is far away, and gives you an idea of whereabouts it may be (for example around 8k perhaps), such posts MUST be attacked relentlessly.

>> No.51148378

>It's a newsnigger
>muh powell
>muh rate hikes
>muh news
Literally none of that matters, it never has and never will. All that matters is the chart and TA, the chart never lies, if you still trade based on news you're a midwit and NGMI.

>> No.51148379

I assumed that the worst case scenario would happen (we dump until March or April), but the good news is we will be retired by the end of 2025 at the latest.

>> No.51148426
File: 218 KB, 1632x832, return-of-the-king-the-mumu-strikes-back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are so wrong bobo... the bottom is in guys, hes a paid shill to get some more liquidity going before the glorious pump

>> No.51148441

This is gonna be good. lol.

>> No.51148458

the hilarious part is the pattern predicting the massive sell off is right in your pic but you don't see it. the bottom is between $5k-$8k. see you dumbos end of next year

>> No.51148510

I'm literally calling for lower lows, illiterate retard. Just calling you out on your Low IQ "TA".

>> No.51148522

Lets ignore all the economic shitstorms forming for a second.

I'm curious what you think the increase in electricity costs does for mining bitcoin? What happens when you combine that increased cost with a rapidly dropping value of BTC?

>> No.51148526

Ya and guess what? TA is showing more dumpage first, fool
Ya bear flag break down and losing 19800 along with losing the 200w ma is so bullish. Lol

>> No.51148594

Shut the fuck up you newscuck faggot, TA is showing completely bullish signs.

>> No.51148660

Good post: >>51148378
Good post: >>51148378
Absolutely retarded post: >>51148594
What the fuck?

Oh and tYxf5Lhe is an idiot.

>> No.51148680

>this bait pic again
definitely in the category of "worst TA I've seen"

>> No.51148788

If you look closely the circles actually spell the word cope

>> No.51148858

this guy is losing money and is fucking stupid

>> No.51148909
File: 104 KB, 591x1280, DD2C9179-4EA2-42DD-AAD6-6DD29CBC672D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



even if you concede that stoch rsi is a good indicator (pro tip it’s shit) currently 1Month stoch RSI is bullish as fuck you inbred mongrel cucks.

>> No.51148910
File: 366 KB, 720x604, Ass_Blasted.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its going to shoot straight up, take a look at this graph
You are in for a world of butthurt!

>> No.51149375

Your own pic shows it's going to linger at the bottom until next year. It's not going to magically shoot up way earlier than the previous times.

>> No.51149415

This might be the most genuinely stupid poster on /biz/. Holy hell.

>> No.51149563


no we bottomed at this level (same as 2018) and the blue line crossed up

>> No.51149575
File: 116 KB, 591x1280, A9E3C028-2DAF-45F4-9678-C4CCC9CC1BA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic

>> No.51149764

We will have a takeout pump in March 2023 and then dump even harder because the money printer is off and we are going into a depression

>> No.51149798

>doesn't understand what he's posting
How unsurprising. Return.

>> No.51149807

You started the bear too early, bear market start was November 2021

>> No.51150043

It's not though
Minimally one more leg down

>> No.51151454

can't it go upper on the one week time frame?

>> No.51151522


>bitcoin only existed for 10 years during global economic uptrend
>never even existed in a recession
>thinks this is somehow a roadmap for the next 100 years

yeah bears sure are retarded

>> No.51151600

In the next 6 months you will probably be down 60-70% at the worst. But in 3 years you will be in profit, unless of course we enter a Japanese type stagflationary environment and everything crabs sideways for 10-15 years

>> No.51151799

yes - in anything outside of Bitcoin maybe

>> No.51151812
File: 14 KB, 217x233, Fw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My entire net worth is in ALTs (yes I'm hodling ALTs in the middle of a fucking bear market). I think you're doing better than me :^)

>> No.51151937

can't it keep on going upper on the one week time frame?

>> No.51151946

Should be fucking 1k considering the recession we're living in.

>> No.51152247

Kek trying being all in on 1 shitcoin only , already 70% from my initial down and we’re still nowhere near the end of the bear

>> No.51152303

we are not in a recession you fucking retard

>> No.51152425

>Japanese type stagflationary environment and everything crabs sideways for 10-15 years
how can this even happen?
>yes - in anything outside of Bitcoin maybe
why no stagflation for btc?

>> No.51152511
File: 29 KB, 553x373, DOW_Market_Crash_after_Black_Tuesday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>line only goes up
see you at $10k fag

>> No.51152548

Bear started may. That was not a bull market crash.

>> No.51152599
File: 32 KB, 480x542, 1540659721794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the line has gone down, so it will go down another 50%
brilliant logic

>> No.51152617

>how can this even happen?
Why does it sound strange? It's happened to high development Japan, it can happen to any other country.
Infinite economic growth depends on infinite population growth.

>> No.51152655 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 1670x1002, Screen Capture 048 - BTCUSD 19823.09 ▲ +1.4_ Test Strat - www.tradingview.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the line has gone down,
doesn't look like it has

>> No.51152742

Infinite economic growth depends on infinite population growth
Japan refuses to take in foreigners outside of skilled workers and is completely closed off to refugees while US and the rest of the West's economic growth is being propped up by migrants. Honestly I don't know which is worse.

>> No.51152751

>we are not in a recession
why not?

>> No.51152759

I think cycles have changed, this doesn't seem valid anymore. The first pump to $69k should have been the blow off top but a 2nd low volume pump to retest it happened which fucked everyone's expectations.

>> No.51152770

>it can happen to any other country
usa is the reserve currency

>> No.51152780

>while US and the rest of the West's economic growth is being propped up by migrants
low wage=higher profit

>> No.51153879

>2nd low volume pump to retest it happened which fucked everyone's expectations.
why did it happen?

>> No.51154012
File: 231 KB, 1328x954, thdrhrthdr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Therein lies the problem. Btc dominance hasnt gotten above 70% in 4 years. Under 50% for over a year. It is no longer THE market. For THE market, you have to look elsewhere: The white is the fabled 200/w sma. Not a single closure below it yet.

>> No.51154151

you dont know where the bottom is, i dont know where the bottom is, no one knows where the bottom is, the only way is to DCA

>> No.51154165

Crypto firms and institutions that built their foundations on higher BTC values probably tried to stop it from crashing the first time in a failed attempt to avoid the collapse that happened across this year. Just my speculation though.

>> No.51154180

You will unironically never see sub 17k BTC, ever. Time to stop hoping for miracles in your third world country, pull up your poopy bootstraps with your brown hands, and get planting my fucking coffee beans, nigger.

>> No.51154209


>> No.51154300

Also, I always laugh at this retarded chart. The "9 bars" starting spot is completely arbitrary for each bottoming of the rsi, the 2018 one shows it starting about 2 months after dipping below 20, but now apparently it starts 7 months after the bottoming in 2021. Meaning, to make it even co sisters, we'd have to take the 2021 start back to January, meaning the bottom would be reached sometime this October, which totally fits every other metric that can be used (11-13 months from top to bottom, wyckoff, alligator, rhodl). I was bearish all throughout 2022, but now it's clear the bears are the ones doing mental gymnastics to believe it can go "so much further" down.

>> No.51155006

crypto nigs are beyond gullible and can't be saved. the March 2020 covid crash in the markets was nothing. calling it a crash is an exaggeration. The FED literally saved the markets AND crypto. 3k was the ccrypto bottom. It will be much much lower this time. you can probably by a couple of buttcorns for a few hundrad within 12 to 18 months. The FED won't save the markets this time. it's over. If you don't understand why that is you are insanely retarded and i spit in your retard face you filthy pleb. I warned biz a dozen of times but you guys are more simpliminded than a ricefarmer in Chyna

>> No.51155167

So arrogant, yet nothing of substance said. You are just blindly guessing.

>> No.51155500

keep coping loser. FED has to crash markets because of inflation you simpleminded faggot. either way i don't care about a simp like you. i'll be back when BTC is sub 1k to point and laugh. you fucking roaches lmao

>> No.51155524

It's so nice that it's still June 1st right now.

>> No.51155597

I’m bearish and sold in november, but you’re still a retard.

>> No.51155722

You chose your starting point arbitrarily so the recovery date is wildly off, but otherwise this is correct

>> No.51156009

why is btc dominance so important?

>> No.51156100

you are poor

>> No.51156601


>> No.51156794

They are shills, in denial or complete retards that have no awareness

>> No.51157459

>You will never see Sub XXXXX Bitcoin!
Oh thick lines Mumu, here comes the dildo

>> No.51157704

All odd numbered years, would never happen in an election year

>> No.51159708

>Stocks are going to crash more
lmao everything about this post was wrong
imagine trusting /biz/(((raeli))) predictions