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51135971 No.51135971 [Reply] [Original]

Markets are hyper focused on inflation readings and the fed funds rate because those things clearly matter but the price of energy skyrocketing in Europe seems like something that will obviously be the most defining thing of this era in hindsight.

What are the consequences of this?

>> No.51135975

europe is an irrelevant backwater, sorry loser

>> No.51136003

i will save europeans, how do i fomo into european electricity prices?

>> No.51136016

Inflation doesn't matter because nobody is buying anything

>> No.51136030

I dont get it how the niggers fucked this up, is everybody making current from the russian gas or how? Just because krauts killed a few nukes it should not 10x in whole eu uk and even in usa a bit ..... Makes you think its just another manipulated conspiracy.

>> No.51136191
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Trump was right again, as per usual

>> No.51136213
File: 56 KB, 600x900, paris-france-may-marianne-bronze-statue-national-symbol-french-republic-place-de-la-republique-paris-marianne-bronze-185189511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part about it's 2030, you will own nothing and be happy didn't you understood?

>> No.51136244

>Markets are hyper focused on inflation readings and the fed funds rate because those things clearly matter but the price of energy skyrocketing in Europe seems like something that will obviously be the most defining thing of this era in hindsight.
Those are the same basically thing.

>> No.51136483

>Russia sell EU gas for a hell of a lot cheaper than if were manufacturing it ourselves
>geopolitical event ensues and we juxtapose on the wrong side following NATO and by extension the US, even calling their head of state Hitler
>Russian head of state aka Hitler laughs as he closes off the valves and 10x's the price faster than the shitcoin casino because of course we never thought about self-sufficiency
>US becomes dominant as dollar strength becomes the standard while euro goes to zero, imports die because the electricity bill has an extra zero added to it and we face an unparalleled crisis
>only US competition left is China, ensuring Taiwan the next big happening

US sama, I kneel.

>> No.51136540
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Measuring things in fiat is dumber.

>> No.51136644

Yeah, we are devolving into China, I'm glad I can afford a BMW now with only a few trillion euros.

>> No.51136883

Except it saved Europe from climate change. How do I move there?

>> No.51136907

its just the way they calculate the price for consumers: for all energy bought they take the highest
google something like merit order if you really want to know.
tldr: nothingburger for europe, you are getting tricked into panicmode, hfgl but not wp

>> No.51136909

to the moon!!!

>> No.51136914

>he doesnt know china has two currencies

>> No.51136923

>HALP! My rate of consooooming is going down!!
fuck off faggot

>> No.51136990

Europe will be a dystopian african/muslim shithole
USA will experience a rerun of the dystopian 70s
Russia is a schizo wild card, might go full Hitler if Putin loses
China will suffer post-bubble Japan on superAIDS
Africa and the Middle East will go through another decade or two of coups, civil wars, famine and genocides
India & Bangladesh will suffer more severe water shortages due to China
Pakistan will collapse

This is it, my basterds

>> No.51137007

With Anglos, you lose

>> No.51137018

25% of spx is in europe retard
if we go you go

>> No.51137030
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Central banks around the world tighten to cause recession/depression to “decrease consumer demand”. But it doesn’t work because 1>people have to have a certain amount of energy just to live and 2> inflation is supply side constraints from all the tariffs and bs from Ukraine war. That’s why you dumb eurotards get for big government. Maybe you should realize big government and corrupt royals aren’t good for you, bit you didn’t learn that from ww1 or ww2. Well now, you dumb euros have ww3 and you even allow the throne of satan in Germany. Well it’s for the best since europe will be done for. Nothing personal, but you deserve it for all those centuries of colonization and rape and genocide of natives.

>> No.51137050

brown hands typed this post

>> No.51137078

Capital flight to USA. Reindustrialisation in USA. Bullish for US automotive and chemicals industry in particular. Ignore any /pol/-style hyping up of civil wars or societal collapse, this is just standard-issue deindustrialisation and despair.

>> No.51137093


It was abvious this would happen at some point, why didnät you listen to Trump?

>> No.51137114

How exactly? We are now being forced to desperately revert to less environmentally friendly power sources so that we could lower the prices of electricity even a little bit

>> No.51137119


>> No.51137131

How? Climate change is literally a global issue and Russia can't store its fuel so it's flaring it off. Even when not used, Russia can't cap its production and you're still burning that CO2.

>> No.51137212

Restricting demamd to match restrictive supply os exactly what central banks are supposed to do

>> No.51137232


>> No.51137549

Thank you anon but we are idiots who cut off their gas supply and destroyed their nuclear reactors (at least in Germany) for feeling superior. If you still want to help send blankets so our asylum seekers want have to freeze while they enrich us.

>> No.51137580

> That wall of text commie meme...
Fuck off degenerate scumbag. Our industry is fucked without energy. Nobody wants to become or live in China anyway. Do you retards really think we could produce stuff at lower costs than China while preserving a higher standard of living when things are like that now? Kys faggot

>> No.51137597

This has to be bait. I can't believe you cunts believe the man made climate change hoax. Otherwise... People nowadays chopping off your dick makes you a woman.

>> No.51137638

> just use solar power during the night, anon. that will make burning coal obsolete.
I hate renewable fags so much. shove a windmill up your arse.

>> No.51137657

> 10 RUB have been placed into your account.

>> No.51137679

This retard thinks WW3 will ever happen

>> No.51137688

>make yourself energy dependent on russia
>shut down all working alternatives like nuklear
>invest into meme green energy
>senction russia with no plan b
no way this wasn’t planned

>> No.51137719

>Europe will have to tighten cooperation with US, will ramp up its own heavy industries and will go full nuclear, shitkins no longer able to pass through long distances due to transport being energy heavy with high af prices also Turkey will go full Osman/ataturk and cooperate with middle asian countries now that Russia will be on brink of civil atomic war
>USA will have to get its internal politics in order but other than that they are positioned for another american century
>Russia will collapse into atomic-war-torn gubernias
>China will default on foreing debt, population will implode and Xi will (already has) lose his mind over zero covid policy
>Africa and middle east are accurate, as well India and Bangladesh (those will be the migrants that will still have enough wealth to be able to cross to europe, not africans)
>Yeah pakistan is already rip

>> No.51137722

Germany halted their nuclear power plant shutdowns so no it wasn't planned

>> No.51137821
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Every time.
Also, did you just compare Europe's industrial sector to China's? Based retard lmao

>> No.51137880

i did not even … are you fucked in the head?

>> No.51139056

what do you think americans are? they're just anglos mixed with nigger and spic dna

>> No.51139072

The European Union is the single largest market in the entire world. When it collapses everyone else go with it.

>> No.51139089

They're laughing because the fat kike-lover said that they are dependent on Russian oil, which they are not. It's gas that they need and everyone, other than zognald, realized that and laughed at him

>> No.51139144

nah we literally find another continent to fuck over. Europe is old and their time has come to finally have a reset, see you euros never

>> No.51139222
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>sanction the shit out of Russia
>w-wait how we get gas now?
>why Russia increase price?

>> No.51139997

It's because EU electricity prices are calculated from the most expensive source.
If gas plants run you can't sell electricity from your nuclear plant under the price of the electricity gas plant.
It's most giga retarded EU regulation that never accounted for volatility like that, the whole thing will blow up and there is no way french will pay german gas planet prices this winter otherwise they will revolt.

>> No.51140046

Alternative mentally Ill reality engaged

>> No.51140078

nigger Trump referred to it as Russian "Energy", not just one. Delusional.

>> No.51140134

this they overplayed their hand on this one, nobody is going to make personal sacrifices for globohomo society as there is no unifying structure anymore
my guess it starts with the middle easterns in the french cities when they can no longer heat their appts to 30C this winter they will burn the place down like they have over smaller issues
macron knows how fucked he is

so its either energy subsidies and massive printing or western europe with ports keeps it all for itself and kills germany

>> No.51140302

or a change of an outdated regulation you doomposter

>> No.51140763

>thinking speculative prices a year ahead dictate the current price
yeah I'm sure you guys all are sitting on $0/barrel oil from last year too, right?
since futures mean reality and all

>> No.51141052

wordcels shouldn't make memes

>> No.51141406
File: 133 KB, 1280x890, IMG_20220828_191941_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europe will be a dystopian african/muslim shithole
Go rope yourself. Europe is +90% European.
England, west Germany, France and Sweden being the only ones being worse off at being more than 70% white. Something that can still still be reversed.
Cant say the same for American and 54% white. Enjoy being the Mexico2.0. Hope the cartels go soft on your pale skin while black people destroy your cities, Indians take over your tech industry and jews steal your cash like they've been doing for 100 years

>> No.51141417

We are in for some serious fucking shit the next couple of years. Normgroids have no fucking clue.

>> No.51141445

Do the French start sending troops into its former colonies in West Africa to "maintain trade ties" now?

>> No.51141505
File: 20 KB, 1024x768, mb3365w0wpf61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not looking at the age breakdown of demographics
how new are you to this?

upwards of 50% of newborns in the uk right now are non white so what happens in 50 years? there is a lump of white old people on every demographic chart in europe who skew the stats and make it not look as terrible as it is.

>> No.51141518

That's gone now. Mali, central African republic, and Burkina Faso have fallen to the Russians. They're present in Niger though.

>> No.51141579

energy prices are part of the inflation basket you retard, this whole
>energy crisis
causing inflation is literally all about an..energy crisis, ngmi

>> No.51141723

Your picrel is from Germany, which always likes to inflate these stats. But a lot of the people who are from "migrant background" are actually from German colonies in the Caucasus, central Asia, russia etc..
East Germany is like 95% white.

>> No.51141734

Every time a G*rman post, you post this.

>> No.51141795

>tfw I know if I buy it will rug, but a German made fun of me on an MMO ten years ago
They have done this to themselves.

>> No.51141929

I know that pic is from germany. I am from the uk so I used it as an example. I know those stats contain a significant amount of white people like poles and bulgars but i guarantee at least a third of german newborns are not white.

>> No.51143739

LOL ok, so we need more diversity, correct shlomo?

>> No.51143859

The only way to save Europe is if those chumps invest in lunc. Lunc will literally save them