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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 600x450, 54633456451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5109375 No.5109375 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true? Are the fucking banks already this deep in Bitcoin? Is this satire?

>> No.5109861

this is bullshit... what the fuck? core is fucked.

>> No.5109886

Why do you think BCH exists?
Lightning is literally the computerized version of their current scheme. The banks are balls deep, what do you think caused this run in the first place?

>> No.5109917

now i understand why roger hate core so much, holy shit

>> No.5109963

Damn OP, I've been trying to find this vid to redpill some of these faggots. Thanks for posting

>> No.5109995

soooo is now a bad time to buy bitcoin bash?

,099 on binance?

>> No.5110003


>> No.5110021


>> No.5110050

this is real puma

>> No.5110057
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Friendly reminder pic related.

Saged, and get fucked Roger!

>> No.5110069

>Banker layer for normies to feel comfortable doing transactions instantly
>People who want to be in control of their own money can manage their own BTC

I'm not seeing the conceptual issue with usage of Lightning (though it should with paired with a better coin because BTC is shit and don't tell me BCH)

>> No.5110075
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>> No.5110096
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How come they could so easily subvert/infiltrate bitcoin? a little suicide by two shots to the back of the head here, a little case full of dirty shekkels there..?

>I'm not seeing the conceptual issue with usage of Lightning
If you don't play game, nobody will trade with you. You're out, and your coins are worthless. That simple.

>> No.5110175
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>> No.5110195 [DELETED] 

There's a smear campaign to make Roger the villain and Antonopoulos some hero. Bitcoin is completely controlled by Blockstream, a Bilderberg funded corporation. Blockchain intentionally made Bitcoin slow, so they could implement their patented SegWit, which was the backdoor needed for the Lighting Network (full centralization).

>> No.5110210

There's a smear campaign to make Roger the villain and Antonopoulos some hero. Bitcoin is completely controlled by Blockstream, a Bilderberg funded corporation. Blockstream intentionally made Bitcoin slow, so they could implement their patented SegWit, which was the backdoor needed for the Lighting Network (full centralization).

>> No.5110229

Lets just ditch Bitcoin and invest in shitcoins

>> No.5110267

>to make Roger the villain

I mean he is a pretty big retard. He just attaches himself to whatever he thinks he can push to make him money and has zero actual tech skills or knowledge

>> No.5110280

Holy shit. I'm a serious crypto-noobie. But this seems massive. Can someone please provide more resources to dig deeper. Is there any correlation between this shit, bcash moon mission, bithumb going down and "operation dragonslayer"? Is there some fucked up power plays going on? Is this a conspiracy for real?!

>> No.5110339
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just business as usual, kid.

>> No.5110341
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>> No.5110434

That's it I'm team bcash. Fuck everything about this

>> No.5110461

>He just attaches himself to whatever he thinks he can push to make him money and has zero actual tech skills or knowledge

Are you describing idiots who are still buying Bitcoin at 18000 or Roger Ver.

Because I cant fucking tell the difference.

>> No.5110558

Outrageous fees and transaction times.

>> No.5110563

We have to get word out.
We have to recruit the best memes we can find.
We can't let these jew niggers win.

>> No.5110578

>Outrageous fees and transaction times.

Which is why I said it should be paired with a better coin that doesn't have the Bitcoin brand because they're all shit

>> No.5110604
File: 98 KB, 350x350, stupid fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adam Back CEO of (((Blockstream)))

>> No.5110629

Where the fuck were you recruiting people 3 weeks ago? Dont get me wrong its good that people are getting red pilled on this but this entire shit show has been insanely transparent for awhile now.

>> No.5110664

its pretty disgusting to be honest

>> No.5110669

I never saw anything about this. This board is so heavy with fucking link shilling and fudding that the real shit gets fucking slided.

These fucking kikes


>> No.5110724

You are not cool unless you are banned from r/Bitcoin

Now go do your work.

>> No.5110735

I swear by kek I will shill this video daily. I will redpill the masses.

This is not satoshis vision

>> No.5110746

r/btc covers some of it
The elite are definitely working behind the scenes to take over crypto. And they do it slowly, so you don't notice.


>> No.5110767

But in all seriousness the big drop for me was when I learned about how lightning network nodes will be. That was it. Everything falls the fuck apart the more you learn about these nodes.

>> No.5110777

True thats why I talk about this on /pol/ sometimes because /biz/ is almost all shilling

>> No.5110820
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>> No.5110830
File: 106 KB, 600x600, Satoshi's Vision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>satoshis vision

>> No.5110837

nnnnormies? hahahaha jk obv

Are you starting to realize what Operation Dragonslayer really means?

This whole year has been a trap. We're gonna crash on the banks!

Can you taste the rico sabor of morgan-chase bagholder tears? It's almost here!

>> No.5110862

Oh God please say this isn't a larp.

God it would be wonderful to watch the hand rubbing merchants baghold

>> No.5110869

it's never a bad time to buy the real bitcoin protocol

>> No.5110871

Very informative video, appreciate it anon!

>> No.5110885

>it's never a bad time to buy the real bitcoin protocol

Except at 0.4 BTC per BCH, that was a pretty bad time

>> No.5110897

you have a problem with that? I have literally no problems with that.

paypal 2.0 is completely different from nwo bank 2.0

>> No.5110905

At least we can actually see this faith in action.

>> No.5110910

If btc cant rid us from them, what can?

>> No.5110919

they didn't. they subverted the masses, who they already controlled. Bitcoin is doing just fine thanks to ver and wu and the "fucking chinks" as so many corecucks like to scapegoat

>> No.5110922
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>> No.5110927
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No. Wait for bitcoin to reach a peak high, prolly today, and you'd almost get the double amount of BCH

>> No.5110938

A coin that hasn't been infiltrated obviously

>> No.5110939

>If btc cant rid us from them, what can?

Some crypto that's better

>> No.5110976
File: 111 KB, 1024x768, 1482474499687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been in this scene since 2010.

Do you really think they would wait until now (or next year) to deal with the OBVIOUS THREAT TO THEIR HEGEMONY?

when they had two fucking years to buy in sub 1k and gain a dominant position?

two fucking years of bitcoin bleeding and bagholders getting desperate?

This is literally, unhyperbolically going to decide the future of humanity.

>> No.5111027

say that again in a year

>> No.5111049

id tell you, but im waiting for a bch pairing so I dont have to relieve any corecuck bagholder to buy in

>> No.5111067

Bitcoin IS the future of global economy.

>> No.5111083

$500B is chump change to the big bank cartels. They aren't going to reap until it's multi-T

>> No.5111164

Bitcoin IS a slow and expensive piece of shit.

>> No.5111314

Time to load up on banking coins like ripple?


>> No.5111412


The scalable block size was the solution, but it was never implemented for reasons™. It was a perfectly viable solution given it was based upon Moore's law.

As for bitcoin, you still should be hodling it because it's gonna skyrocket

>> No.5111455

I've seen this guy make some sort of shilling video for a shitcoin before. He's just a BTC FUDing shitcoin shiller.

>> No.5111467

Yes it is true. "Lightning network" will cause bitcoin to be "banks"

This is why BCH forked before segwit

>> No.5111510

This is huge actually, and he lays it out nicely. My question is though, if bitcoin is, at its core, controlled or owned by banks, wouldn’t it be smart to be in? To beat the Jew you must become the Jew. Surely they haven’t done all of this just to kill bitcoin? They have taken the name and the reigns of what was supposed to be our way of putting them out of business. But if they want this to be global currency, would the price not skyrocket in the coming years?

>> No.5111583

Except you can still do LN without segwit you faggot

>> No.5111584

The vid is BTC FUD, ignore it. This same guy who "draws crypto stuff" on paper has like 10 different youtube accounts. this same guy also shilled some shitcoin that tanked before. He's being paid to FUD BTC, ignore thread and move on.

>> No.5111607

Are you saying that the video is full of lies?

>> No.5111619

So BTC = controlled by banks
BCH = controlled by chinese miners
Which to choose?

>> No.5111622

personally I say it's a retard trap

>> No.5111625

This is the only valid argument I can see in favor of Lightning network.

But the current argument is that Roger Ver is hitler and is "centralizing" the coin and "selling out" and is a "shill" who only wants money and he is mentally unstable. And BCH is a complete deviation even though its obviously not. LOL

Just come out and admit, hey maybe an establishment coin wont be 100% bad. I think they are afraid if they admit it then its over.

Frankly they should embrace it and fucking move on.

>> No.5111637

Probably neither

>> No.5111729

So? Both are pointless.

>> No.5111739

vid is BS, mixes facts with some FUD and speculation. I guess some kids will fall for these insane claims by the author

>> No.5111742

is crypterium any good?

>> No.5111755

Love reading the core supporter's arguments. It reminds me of trump supporters.

>> No.5111794

Been doing that since the fork. I won't touch bcore even if you paid me.

>> No.5111800

>he's saying we're bots

>> No.5111831

Yeh, imagine if some kids don't fomo buy btc at 18k. Ha ha, d-dummies