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51090155 No.51090155 [Reply] [Original]

>Extreme inflation
>Extreme energy prices
>Attempts to nationalize private sector
>€€€ Falling
>Allowance given to support people.
>Only gdp is cars.

Supply of tendies is slowly running out too.

What do?

>> No.51090246

yes it is collapsing and thats what they want. they want fear and division.

>> No.51090258

Collapse is the good scenario. Continuing this stupid gay communism is the bad scenario.

>> No.51090285

Collapse = centralization of power = communism. That is what will people call for. I've seen the biggest Right, become Left because free money.

>> No.51090357

The era of negative yields on government bonds and free money printing is over that’s all.
Reminder the last 40 years have been the most benign economic conditions in human history.
People have a recency bias and believe someone will fix this by government decree - the truth is, central banks can’t create more fake money AND reduce inflation at the same time. The economy has to contract and worthless jobs and businesses have to disappear.

Being able to harness energy (SI unit Joules) is the only thing that really matters long term. Europe decided windmills and solar in a part of the world where they sun don’t shine was the best investment of energy. Let’s wait and see if Feelz >> Realz.

>> No.51090424

>allowance to support people
I did not get shit. My rent is 50% of my paycheck and electricity is 25% and I'm not even living in the city.
Yes it's very bad. Food prices are going up 10-20% every week . And people are getting laid off all the time. Crime is at ath

>> No.51090713

It's insane
Me neither. But they keep saying that. Apparently families with children received something. I'm not a family. Now they are considering giving money to people for the increases gas prices. I don't know if handing out money is a good thing. Crime is at ATH. People are getting laid off. Food prices are increasing. Rents are increasing. It's extreme.

>> No.51090737

Unless you have a commercial activity or a business of any sort
I saw hippies converting to ancaps as well

>> No.51090852

Yeah, here is also lots of ancaps.

>> No.51090858

ca. (((French Revolution)))

>> No.51090878
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>And people are getting laid all the time

>> No.51090904
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>Any day now, just 2 more weeks, you will see.

>> No.51090959

the only thing that can cause europe to collapse are hoards of brown filth.
europe is more likely to go back to getting oil from russia than pretending to care about muttland.

>> No.51090967
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>> No.51091029
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Come home white man.

>> No.51091068

So I'll be able to fuck western Europeans for the cheap now??

>> No.51091142

Nothing ever happens. The can will get kicked down the road and the people will suffer and the elite will expand their share

>> No.51091779

I mean it's not like it was ever difficult or expensive but yes.

>> No.51092143
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The ones that will come out on top are Spain and Portugal, both which have fuckload of Gas reserves, specially Portugal which runs 90% of its grid on green energy and every household doesn't give a fuck and still uses Gas.
Nordstream 2? Scratch that, there will be a Southstream pipeline making both nations a motherlode, they already started shipping shitload of gas with ships since the infrastructure is lacking, once that is there those two will feed Europe with their gas.

>> No.51092170

Based reply.

>> No.51092205

Lots of Europeans fuck just because of status. Flash your american passport on tinder and you'll have girls replying just because you are exotic to them. Disgusting shit happens here.

>> No.51092296

After covid contraction, then the supply chains, then war.. when war finally stops the recover will be from so far down it will be a boom… reps win the mid terms, eth booming and flipping btc… then Putin throws a tangy for losing and false flag bombs that nuclear power plant and dirty bombs all of Europe…

>> No.51093597

They on the verge of realizing what they are not a king of the world, they do not have a moral superiority and they cannot hurt other countries without getting hit back.
Also the real Europeans quickly developing a butthurtbelt fatigue resulting in them not leaving these warmongering chihuahua to deal with the shit the started themselves.

And its a good thing because EU became so detached of reality what they are developed all kings of mental diseases they perceive as "progressive". They needed a good old faggot shock therapy and they got it before it became too late.

>> No.51093635

Europeans literally haven't been relevant since like 1900. Even in the USA they're an irrelevant joke demographic. No one in the world respects them, they're the worlds cumsock and cheap pussy. They can't breed and literally like fourth tier in terms of intelligence now (jews, high caste pajeets, asians are vastly superior).
The entire joke continent should be put to death already.

>> No.51093842

They are still kings in their own head? at least old western ones. But you're wrong about the intelligence - even asian have barely 3 point of IQ above whites largely because of strict parenting standards, jews are always 5-10 points below normal city whites, hc pajeets are nothing but former whites reduced to brown 85-90 iq mongrels heavily lacking in any objective metric even compared to a southern whites let alone high class northern ones.

Whites still are unquestionably master race but they allow other people to take advantage of them and what's their biggest weakness.

>> No.51093930

Just look at America man.
Blacks run sports, music, sex appeal.
Jews run government, finance, media.
Spics run cheap labor.
Pajeets run the entire tech sector, doctors, engineers.
There aint anything white people are good at anymore. Can't even stick their dick in a woman LOL.

>> No.51094012

It means they have sex instead of watching netflix because they can't afford the subscription.

>> No.51094050

That a consequence of decades of heavy demoralization and shaming propaganda, this kind of techniques work especially well for empathetic kind people. Whites need a shock or they will not survive.

>> No.51094059

>all this
>still superior to mutts
Funny how that works.

>> No.51094091

Lmfao all excuses. Real talk is that they just ain't good enough. Weak pussy ass little bitches. No bravery, cowardly, and soft.

>> No.51094134

Always superior this and superior that. What the fuck are you """superior""" at? Literally a small group of semites runs your entire economy. Thats right for over 600m ""superior"" master race europoors, a small group dominates. Most of your sports teams are filled with africans. All the recent music styles and cultural values come from blacks. Asians are way more productive and industrious. You just suck. There isnt anything youre good at.

>> No.51094162

We gotta nuke Russia and ban all green and commie parties.

>> No.51094257

>t. Bameningong

>> No.51094714
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Hello shitskin, I have seen this same post copy and pasted. You will never be white.

>> No.51094746
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I have Asian woman begging to suck my big white dong. I live in Toronto, and on tinder all the Asians match with me. must suck to be a Asian male.

>> No.51094787

>posts a bunch of white women being cumsocks for a jew
>somehow supposed to prove me wrong

>> No.51094805

Also asian women aren't even hot lol. They're bottom of the barrel women flat ugly weak. Even nigger women btfo them hard with sexy curves.

>> No.51094831
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Big Harv makes shitskins seethe.

>> No.51094870

Yes, I dont really know why though. Margaret Thatcher and wheat is the only thing you need, right?

>> No.51094965

Very Catholic country with no crypto tax. Absolutely based will be buying self sustainable land there in the future
. Pray for me brothers

>> No.51096908


>> No.51096927

Portugal is good, but I'm scared of Spain. It's very hot desert in the summer. It's dangerous, innit?

>> No.51097996

>What do?
Europe needs to adhere to capitalism, the more the government and the EU subsidize this and that the less efficient the economy becomes, they have been prompting up zombie economies for years and years, just let them die, yes there will be social unrest for a while but long term europeans will be better of, atleast those that work for a living, the cockroaches that live of tendies and government jobs will be fucked, that's just how it is...

>> No.51098318

Europe is dead.
>demographicaly replaced with inferior people
>no rich oil or gas deposits
>not willing to invade Africa and Middle East and take their resources
>spending money on parasite migrants and retarted leftism
>can't compete with US and BRICS
>made Russia enemy

EU are weak, cucked, controlled faggots. The level of life will sharply decline because they are no leaders what must do what needs to be done (depopulate and invade 3rd world) Please tell me how cities like Paris or London or Brussels are suppose to prosper if they filled to the brim with niggers and shitskins.

>> No.51098533
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>0.20 yuan has been microdeposited into your red envelope