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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 586x436, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51082741 No.51082741 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51082763
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does he post here

>> No.51082780
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how dare he

>> No.51082793

he's an autist ofc he does... I just saw someone saying that they will market sell their whole bag that they have been holding since 2016 bc Azov stabbed their friend. This is fucking bad... I sold.

>> No.51082801
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>> No.51082804


Based on deez nuts lmfao

>> No.51082807


ziggers btfo

>> No.51082828
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>> No.51082837

Russia is anti-crypto, why would he ever suck up to Z losers

>> No.51082839
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>> No.51082849
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> Visegrád
They were shilling the ghost of kiev
> jewish brother war is full of jews
you don't say

>> No.51082852

you can't make this shit up...

>> No.51082874
File: 1.19 MB, 640x320, jews celebrating.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51082888
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>> No.51082901
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>> No.51082904

he's a pedo and a low T tranny
he's here right now looking for fresh CP while he dilates

>> No.51082910

> your point?
The west is also anti-crypto and tried to crash it multiple times. The US is now actively arming and training tax collectors... Also, Russians are very big crypto users due to sanctions he fucked up big time and should have kept his mouth shut.

>> No.51082918
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>> No.51082928

RuZtards just calls everyone who doesn't cuck themselves to Putin a "nazi". It has literally nothing to do with jews when they say it.

>> No.51082933

Exactly. There's absolutely no fucking difference between Russians and Ukrainians.

>> No.51082951
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hello vitalik here lol kek

>> No.51082955
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>> No.51082966
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>> No.51082970

Sminem will push your shit in.

>> No.51082974
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>> No.51082983

At this point the only thing that may save the human race is a cataclysm that only max level survivalist autists will be able to barely survive.

>> No.51082996
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>> No.51083000

based is used by a lot more people than 4chan these days

>> No.51083030
File: 142 KB, 1024x761, 1654455197603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>About Sun Storms

>About Auto-Domestication, Technology & Civilization

>The Most Advanced Man

>The Decline of the West (True Millennial Woes)

>"Race-mixing is the future of Civilization!"

>About the Fall of our Civilisation

>Why did Civilization Fall?

>The PURPOSE of Civilization

>About Protecting the "Western Civilization"

>About Slavery & Civilization

>About Slavery (and Greece)

>The MONSTER that is Destroying us...

>The Yoke of Civilisation

>About Civilization & Multiculturalism

>> No.51083046
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>> No.51083051

Based? Based on what?

>> No.51083061
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>> No.51083071

Keeeeev posters confirmed low t pedo skellingtons.

>> No.51083077
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>the WEFer

>> No.51083090
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>> No.51083106
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>> No.51083116


>> No.51083118
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>> No.51083128

How do we free ourselves from such evil?

>> No.51083132

Based on what?

>> No.51083151

top kek, neo-nazi's are fucking retarded.

>> No.51083173
File: 566 KB, 2275x1030, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a difference between azov and azovstal? wtf is azovstal?
azov is the black sun guys wtf is azovstal a city?

>> No.51083194

Azovstal was a giant soviet steel factory near the sea of Azov in the city of Mariupol. The Azov Battalion started there so that's why they have the same name.

>> No.51083226


>> No.51083258
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By making it happen for real in our physical reality, as opposed to their imagination. But gas is a very inefficient and dumb way of doing it. Bullets are good enough. They themselves (see for example Genrikh Yagoda, Lev Davidovich Bronstein, Lazar Kaganovich) executed tens of millions of people with bullets through Communism, so yeah, bullets work. But we can also throw them into active volcanos. Would be slow, but sure would be fun.

>> No.51083298

oh no a bunch of drunken vatniks are about to sell their 0.05 eth

>> No.51083379

No retard. A bunch of Russian rich people got into crypto bc of muh santiorioes and you're also forgetting that China, aka the biggest Russian ally is also the richest country in the world and they are balls deep into crypto. Say whatever you want but this is very bad for business besides, he is not a geopolitics expert nobody asked his oppinion about azog

>> No.51083402

The rich people are not retarded and bought Bitcoin, not WEFereum.

>> No.51083431

You trade eferium to accoomulate sats mein neger. You can bet your ass there are a lot of Russian ETH whales.

>> No.51083438 [DELETED] 

that's a good edit

>> No.51083811

every streamer and youtuber says based. normies get our vocabulary like 3 months after we do without knowing where it originated.

>> No.51083855
File: 2.76 MB, 1866x1003, 1652916080836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Azovstal "Heroes"
>they hole up for over a month in a basement drinking their own Piss after getting chased through Mariupol
>they call in multiple helicopter evacuations but all get shot down by Russians with captured Stingers (LOL)
>they beg the Pope, Elon Musk, Joe Biden and even Erdogan to get them out of there
>after nobody comes to their help (nobody gives a shit about a bunch of losers) they all surrender like a bunch of cucks

>> No.51083870

Putin should assassinate Vitalik

>> No.51083879
File: 108 KB, 545x720, photo_2022-06-28_13-33-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Commander of the Unit (on the right in the previous photo) is now a POW Janny cleaning up the Warzone
>Denis Prolapspenko (on the left) is getting assraped in some other Gulag

>> No.51083917
File: 125 KB, 1280x827, photo_2022-07-29_17-36-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the rest of the Azovstal "Heroes", came into a POW camp and got Bombed with HIMARS because the Zelensky Regime didnt like them talk openly about their Crimes

>> No.51084032
File: 114 KB, 952x1134, 9A722E31-F754-49BE-B8A9-6A7732ACCB18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was an edit.
It’s so out of his character.
I guess this is a heel turn.

>> No.51084114
File: 2.89 MB, 700x392, ukrainianwarcrime.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik literally betrayed his Country, he was born in Russia and now he will never be able to return because he supports a terrorist neonazi organization thats responsible for thousands of atrocities.
a traitor to his own people cheering on their murders.
next one getting betrayed are Ethereum holders.

>> No.51084127

Basically this.

>> No.51084169

Jews really taking nothing but w's for the last 80yrs. I guess they are the chosen people.

>> No.51084204

Moloch's chosen people. Worldly things belong to Satan let them have it.. this life is very short.

>> No.51084226

eli5 what this shit means

>> No.51084269

he's completely capitulated to ethereum being the backbone of a new financial system that on-boards all of legacy finance rather than truly offers an alternative to them
he couldn't scale it in time
bullish for chainlink

>> No.51084335

Call me a tinfoil hat fool but PoS would put ETH at the hands of the glowniggers since it favors centralization.
> bullish for link

>> No.51084526

wignat fodder, used and conveniently disposed of by kolomoiskyi/US. Their refugee gfs meanwhile are on tinder or getting set-up with migrants. Slava ukraine.

>> No.51084541

it's also more "green"
think less energy and ...crop insurance

>> No.51084554

No reddit stole based from 4chan a while ago now.
4chan themselves stole it from lil B the basedgod.
The term based comes from the bay area lingo, it was first popularized by young L and lil B from "The Pack".
Based = baser = freebaser. it was originally a negative insult calling someone a crackhead, but the clique of teens lil B was a part of took it and started using it to denote positivity.

>> No.51084579

You’re a loser for following this obvious state run twitter account. These people are freaks why do you tune in. Second city bureaucrat are you fucking kidding me dude?

>> No.51084608
File: 26 KB, 240x240, avatars-000476934108-blxv7q-t240x240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its pretty ironic that racist nazi incels love the word based, even though the literal CEO of based is a black man.

Whitebois just cant resist our culture /swagg. They love to talk like us and dress like us. The black man is the culture creator for modern western civilization.

>> No.51084655

let's face it, ethereum has been cucked by US state and financial power

>> No.51084747

They been taking L’s for thousands of years.

>> No.51084790

Why don't jannies clean up this schizo garbage? Kill yourselves retards. They have containment boards for you lot.

>> No.51084817

biz is a containment board lol

>> No.51084865
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>> No.51085004
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His family jetted on Russia and never came back for a good reason. He owes them nothing.
That doesn’t make Azov the good guys. There are none in that gay ass war. There won’t be any winners either.
This can only play out like North Ireland or Palestine, over decades to come.

>> No.51085038
File: 2.31 MB, 464x848, 1655092808253.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the fuck of my board r*ddit NIGGER

>> No.51085058
File: 13 KB, 240x240, 5810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was first popularized by young L and lil B from "The Pack".
>Based = baser = freebaser. it was originally a negative insult calling someone a crackhead, but the clique of teens lil B was a part of took it and started using it to denote positivity.

>> No.51085174 [DELETED] 

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>> No.51085284

Even polacks accepted it

>> No.51085593
File: 179 KB, 503x424, 1626381977355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik said a few months ago that he now agrees more with elites than with normal people so it's no surprise to see him supporting some neo nazi Ukrainian group that's part of the Western flavor of the hour.

>> No.51085837

Jews are legit gods chosen tier

>> No.51086010
File: 112 KB, 1960x381, 61769DAD-BFFB-438B-9731-13C28CCA90BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell now

>> No.51086129


>> No.51086426

>we reject all nationalism
>we must protect Russia's statehood
literal doublethink

>> No.51086430

Did anyone sent via tornadocash eth to him already?

>> No.51086528

the servant of the people was a pretty funny show i watched it on youtube with english translated subtitles. in the show he plays the president of ukraine. and then after the show he was elected to be the real president of the ukraine. pretty bizarre.

>> No.51086555

Damn, what a faggot.

>> No.51086598

this is cope.
this world was made for us to conquer and explore and be fruitful.
instead we are enslaved and taxed

>> No.51086609

>The World Economic Forum is freezing all its relations with Russian entities following the invasion of Ukraine.

>> No.51086646
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>A bunch of Russian rich people
i bet they have their coins now stuck in tornadocash. vatniks just cannot win.

>> No.51086648

this is the fucking thing with them dude.if jews shot people pointing it out would be antisemitism ffs

>> No.51086649

He posted when there was lots of cp here.

>> No.51086671


>> No.51086706

Shalom Schlomo you inbred freak

>> No.51086717

Oy vey the goyim knows

>> No.51086781

Can someone put these side by side so that we can see if the same filthy rats are next to pootin and jewlensky?

>> No.51086804
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>> No.51086826
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>> No.51086915

Avoid public education like its leper gaypox
Acquire money, do some creative accounting
Family is everything
Don’t be a rentoid

>> No.51086954

>be shoved into prison busses
>get raped by russians
>Jewlensky and his glownigger handlers gets rid of loose ends by arranging a HIMAR to the prison you’re in
>some basement dweller then posts your charred balls on the internet for anons to laugh at
Such is the life of the Goyim. Thanks for playing.

>> No.51086966

>There won’t be any winners either.
China, India, the Arab states and Israel are pretty big winners so far

>> No.51087080

Based culturologist. But you neglect to investigate further back. The loosely defined internet extreme right didn't latch on the word just because it was popular among a small clique of bay area niglets. "Based" is also, linguistically, what the exact opposite of "debased" should be.

>> No.51087463

Reminder that DPR troopers got into the upper levels of azovstal complex and when first photos and videos of satanic sacrificial altars were released they got orders to back away.
Then entire month passed before specnaz and mercs and Chechens got into the sub levels.
If you're a pleb your side should be other plebs.
Not the politicians, not the generals, not the billionaires, not their goons soldiers and houseniggers.

>> No.51087670
File: 98 KB, 1076x863, DgZeOzlUEAE3CKB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking retard actually sat in a round table discussion with Czar Putin himself. Then he turned around and told his media head to go Fuck Herself in Russian and now openly supports a neo-Nazi organization that's at war with Russia. What a zoomer booger eating shit head.

>> No.51087724

Lmao. He was installed due to a CIA-backed coup because the people of Ukraine elected somebody who wanted better relations with Russia

>> No.51087736

The SEC has been breathing down his neck, so he knows which side of his bread is buttered. Plus, he’s one of those clasical early internet lolbertarian, so I imagine an ex-KGB strongman left a bitter taste in his pedo mouth.

>> No.51087755

Have they lmao?

>> No.51087787

they have deep underground self sustaining cities filled with human trafficked slaves and huge stockpiles that would put the biggest “preppers” to shame. The entire surface could be scorched and nuked and they’d be fine. They’ve been preparing for a human extinction event for generations and it’s all hidden under our feet.

>> No.51087790

Prigozhin has literal SS tattoos. This is a classic Russian propaganda tactic of dragging everyone down to their level and they yelling: "look, they're as bad as we are"

>> No.51087830

go b_ack to r_eddit, tranny

>> No.51087971

>literal bronie nutjob
>does he post on 4chan?

>> No.51088233

Says a literal retard while posting a fake video that russian state journalists feed smooth brains. /Polretards would believe anything that suits their agenda

>> No.51088276

Wtf is Vitamin a nazi chud???

>> No.51088283
File: 21 KB, 360x346, C5789859-FDA9-44AB-B430-3C0BDEFDBC2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you’ve probably called vitalik a retarded nigger before