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51078162 No.51078162 [Reply] [Original]

Who is worse, millennials or zoomers?

>> No.51078194

zoomers are very easy to rob
so I vote millennial

>> No.51078211
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Millenials are fucking idiots in general and have totally fucked up lots of things. But zoom zooms are totally retarded brain dead zombies with no identity. I don't know. I think within the next few years we will see just how dumb millennials are as they are reaching an age where they are in positions of power.

>> No.51078212
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>> No.51078216

Millennials by far, and I say this as a Millennial. Most easily brainwashed goycattle since boomers. The Internet was to us what TV was to boomers

>> No.51078217

disgusting mutt

>> No.51078232

The generation with the boomer parents

>> No.51078235

Please do elaborate on how Zoomers are easy to rob? Is it because of the rise of Hustle propaganda? Or is it because they're more prone to do something told by an Advertisement or Trend?

>> No.51078290

You walk up to an estrogen laden zoomer, punch it in the face and take everything its carrying while the impotent sack of cells lays on the ground crying.
Simple as.

>> No.51078367

millenials are trannys
zoomers are based retards

>> No.51078446

Millennials are retarded pretentious queer communists.
Zoomers are ultra-queer niggerworshipping globohomo bootlickers.
The average zoomer is slightly more tolerable than the average millennial IMO, they aren't as passive aggressive. Based millennials are better than based zoomers though, "based" zoomers are still useless ADHD fags.

>> No.51078620

I think millennials are worse because they're not as dumb as zoomers. Millennials are right now entering positions of power and pushing the most retarded globohomo agenda possible. Zoomers seem to just be braindead cattle. They are severely addicted to social media, they listen to the dumbest music in history, they've been watching HD porn since they learned to use computers. They might possibly be more medicated than millennials as far as SSRIs and shit like Adderall.

>> No.51078652

That made it sound like I really think zoomers are worse, but I think the fact they have less potential as enforcers and propagators of globo judaism makes them arguably less worse.

>> No.51078670

kys zoomernigger you aren't fooling anyone

>> No.51078711

Zoomers are harmless retards.
Millennials are harmful retards.
Zoomers tend to be more easy-going and air-headed.
Millennials tend to be uppity cunts that take everything far too seriously.
Millennials trooned out.
Zoomers will de-transition after the zeitgeist is over.

>> No.51078720

For now.
Wait until you see people who got raised by short-form social media running the world.

>> No.51078783

As a millennial I hate millennials more. I hope our horrible example does help the zoomzooms prospects, but as of now they seem very, very stupid. Maybe they need a few more years to mature out of their ridiculous nigger worship. Zoomers like Nick Fuentes don't give me much hope. The rap worship and falling for republican party bullshit does not inspire hope.

>> No.51078826

Their mere existence inspires hope in me, because succeeding generations pretty much always rebel against what's been built by their predecessors, for better or worse, and right now we need the zoomies to rebel against what the millennials had/will wrought, which they will. So that already makes them alright in my book, because nothing good whatsoever came from the millennials, at all.

>> No.51078870
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my favorite are 30 something Karens who have been promoted to director level or above and have become perfect examples of the Peter Principle.

>> No.51078877

as a millenial i find myself getting my ass handed to me in videogames by zoomers constantly

>> No.51078897

i was raised on super nintendo. i wasn't built for this. please zoomers stop headshotting me.

>> No.51078907
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Both are horrible in their own way but with the help of the internet bridging the gap, these two gens are probably the closest related with each other than any previous one before them.

>> No.51078927

zoomers are stupid but millennials are worse
t. millennial

>> No.51078946
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Now: millennials
In ten years: zoomzooms

>> No.51078977


gen xers

they are the reason why millennials and gen xers suck

boomers are also responsible for genxers sucking ass

>> No.51078991


millennials and genzers*

>> No.51079009

Zoomers because they are the less significant, more gay younger siblings of milennials