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51074959 No.51074959 [Reply] [Original]

So, if you like money so much, why didnt you study medicine?

>> No.51074981
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low IQ

>> No.51074993

I'm not passionate about medicine so studying it would be an endless uphill battle. Also doing so would incur a massive amount of debt and making money after schooling is by no means guaranteed.

>> No.51075009

i did and dropped out after a semester. medicine is a massive amount of work and it's literally not worth the time investment.

>> No.51075013

>38 years old
>100k student debt left
>Finally making good money
Aha yeah I'm really rolling in it, soon my real life can start...

>> No.51075043

Because I'm Canadian and sick people are draining our coffers and I don't want to contribute to this money drain.

>> No.51075052

High salary doesn't mean shit if you work 60 hours a week and have $200k in debt.


>> No.51075070

It’s disgusting

>> No.51075119

a well-payed doctor can win like $400k a year

>> No.51075152

I can invest in ETH and bitDAO and make more money than a fucking doctor. Medicine is over-rated anon. A doctor in it for the money is a trash doctor.

>> No.51075184

I don't care. I'd rather have a do nothing 100k WFH job.

>> No.51075195
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>why didnt you study medicine?

bc my parents loved me growing up

>> No.51075204

bc when I was little I played a game called "Cashflow" that showed how taking a high debt highly educated field doesn't necessarily let you "make it" faster than someone who takes a career that pays less but earns more faster, without the school, without the debt.

>graduate of creative writing
>leverage writing skill 2 make gud business hapen
>now executive making $200k+ and own equity in whatever startup i want to join

Meanwhile, the faggots i know who went to med school are still in their junior phase of doctorship making almost nothing and working 80 hours. they look like fucking faggots. i have a wife and kids and am stacking cash and sometime within the next 2 decades one of the startups will have a profitable exit and I'll be have 8 figs.

>> No.51075207

Insanely competitive and expensive, also requires higher level of iq all to end up being a chud wagie

>> No.51075213

This, fellow king. Have fun paying for my digital services, doctor wagie. I'm not even wearing pants.

>> No.51075224

because i also like time

>> No.51075229

why would I study medicine if I like money?

would be better to study Finance, maybe some Accounting, try to become a trader or banker.

>> No.51075234
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I don't like to deal with people.

>> No.51075240

I'm well aware my ESL friend

>> No.51075252
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I´m not a doctor, I studied something I like not worrying about the money. But you guys seem to be obsessed with money, so that´s why I asked. becoming a physician in the US seems to be the safest and most rational way to make it

>> No.51075290

Don't want the debt. No college for me.

>> No.51075355

>Make $120/yr to stick my finger up boomer's asshole
>he cums, thinks I turned him gay, and he comes back to shoot me
>kids I saw 3 hours a week (because I worked 80hrs in my residency) inherit $400k of med school debt

>> No.51075383

the average salary for a doctor in the US is $260k a year going up to $400k, plus you don´t have to be an urologist

>> No.51075406

Giga kek if you even get kids, doctors probably don’t even have time for a social life let alone relationships

>> No.51075457

Coping hard anon

>> No.51075461

Most of the doctors I work with have kids, although admittedly they're largely raised by Hispanic or Filipino women because their wives are either also doctors or useless

>> No.51075480

I have a life

>> No.51075487

Yeah that happens all the time.

>> No.51075512
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I love watching the assblasted newfags swarm these threads

>> No.51075519

Yea not being able to be their for the kids your brought in doesn’t sound good

>> No.51075536

i did and didnt het in due to gpa

of med school or community college?

>> No.51075541
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Hablas Español verdad? Cuanto gane el doctor en su Pais?

>> No.51075542

My sister make more than $260k per year and she's an accountant, didn't have to go to school for a billion years either.

>> No.51075557

I'm too lazy to study.

>> No.51075656


My father in law (RIP) was a Korean doctor in LA. He was a GP he saw only Koreans on medi-cal. He worked >60 hours every week from age 37 until age 60 when he dropped dead of a stroke. He made at his peak $1m per year. That netted him about 550k after taxes. He had no social life. He never saw his kids or friends he was stressed out 24/7. He advised his own kids to avoid medicine or become specialists. It is not a path for even those who walk it.

>> No.51075678

I actually did, but I'm not from the US. It's very comfy bros, my univeristy is very easy in my Eastern European shithole, and I can move immediatelly after to the Italy or Sweden for $$$, and retire here in 5 years wagie time. Also the older you are the more people trust you so it's nice. I can work from home as well, for example a radiologist can literally live in Hawaii and collect money for 2h spent on doing descriptions of photographs (which are copy pasted anyway). Also no diversity hires in my country. There no more comfy job in Europe, maybe if you work remotely for Google as a senior or some shit like that (but you have way less job opportunities than a doctor). Do it if you can study in an easy uni, otherwise don't.

>> No.51075688

>be me
>go thru 10yrs of uni
>rack up $162K in debt
>join a practice making $120K starting
>housing market explodes
>interest on debt explodes, now owe close to $200K
>paying for my mortgage is the same as my student loan debt
>find out friend makes $85K as a consultant in a field with less than 5yrs exp
>brings home more money than me after expenses
>say fuck this and get into consulting
>now making $200K working for big pharma

I guess it turned out ok?…

>> No.51075857

If you really want money you get in to business, then investing.

>> No.51075891

legitimate med school. don't feel like doxing myself since there's not many dropouts but it was a private US MD school in pennsylvania.

>> No.51075927

because time is money
>going to school for 12 years

>> No.51076036

Yeah I considered getting into nursing but I'm just not that interested in biology. It's always bored me to tears. Also I generally find people and their bodies and their smells gross, I hate hospitals too. Then I considered doing something like finance but decided I don't want to crunch numbers and shit. So I did english instead. Far more soulful, interesting, fun, wide range of things to read and write on, it's perfect. The hell with job security and safety nets. I have IT experience and certs for that anyways.

>> No.51076053

because studying is a scam
also this >>51075043

>> No.51076091

Because I studied molecular biomedicine instead which is harder to get into than medicine here in Denmark. I fell for the prestige meme, and I thought if it's more competitive then it's probably better than medicine. Turns out that my degree is worse than a medical degree because nobody cares about it and knows what it's about.

>> No.51076285

>interest on debt explodes

>> No.51076312

My wife is a doctor, makes $320k/yr, works every other week. Her weeks off we just spend traveling with our kids.

>> No.51076366

I'm a doctor. In Sweden though and the pay is mostly not that great compared to any normal engineer. You might make it big later in career but by then you're old and money isn't half as important as time is.

>> No.51076398

Im a doctor not an English major

Meant to say interest made the balance blow way up

>> No.51076424

She own her own practice and have a bunch of people underneath? That’s awesome. For that much you could be a stay-at-home dad and no one would bat an eye lol. Congrats on the great life fren

>> No.51076468

I did and got burned out doing it. I'm giving Computer Science a shot though, I'll make less money, but it's still decent earnings, but I won't get raped in the ass with 250k in debt from med school and have to do an additional 4 yrs of schooling plus a 2 year residency.

Plus I want a comfy WFH job, but not as a fucking phone jockey, dealing with stupid assholes on the phone.

>> No.51076498

fuck anon was scrolling and this hit a bit too hard

>> No.51076584

She’s a hospitalist, works 12 hour days the weeks she works but gets every other week off. Long hours but so far she likes it. Some of the people she graduated with do telehealth and work from home. Lots of options for doctors.

She has coworkers that get every other week off and still choose to take a second job at like smaller clinics. Really bizarre stuff as it’s like how much money do you really need.

I have some crypto and work odd jobs for fun when my kids sleep but consider myself retired. Thanks anon, life is good. Enjoy your free time before you have kids.

>> No.51076644
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this is my most successful biz thread and it´s pure bait. wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.51076662

learn another degree in cs and math. bioinformatic absolutely fucking prints