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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 279 KB, 1050x1280, CED725C3-2CF5-48A2-9203-5F544BA95FEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51069281 No.51069281 [Reply] [Original]

Well boys. It’s over for me.
My dad died just now.
My entire crypto portfolio has gone to shit by being leveraged on longs for being a retarded permabull.
And the sadness of it all is amounting to insane amounts of stress.
I have lost it all. I finally hit rock bottom.
But I’m going to make it happen. One way or another. I will make it.
Rip dad. I’ll miss you.

>> No.51069285

sorry fren

>> No.51069297
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Sorry to hear that Anon WAGMI.

>> No.51069305
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>> No.51069307

Make your father proud and recoup the loss.

>> No.51069316

I will. As these tears roll down my cheeks, I will do whatever it takes to make him proud of me. It pains me now but I will make it happen for my dad.

>> No.51069322

>he thinks this is rock bottom
jk anon. losing your old man is devastating. he would want you to fight like hell. if he could, he'd kick your ass just for crying over his death

>> No.51069325

You will make it fren , sorry for your father and look into icp

>> No.51069329
File: 2.08 MB, 3264x1468, 20220814_170204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry fren. u will make it. stay away from goy juice and drugs anon it wont help.

Heres a photo I took just for you. much love brother.

>> No.51069349

I just had a shot right now , but you are probably right. It’s only numbing the pain I have deep down. I’ll make a mental note to not drink or do drugs. I can’t pay for his funeral either. God I hate myself for losing it all.

>> No.51069370

why the fuck you're wearing that thing, are you gay?

>> No.51069387

rare wholesome /biz thread
sory fren
shut the fuck up nigger fag. respect this man’s dead father

>> No.51069402
File: 55 KB, 723x750, 1661149855838089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for your loss, fren.

>> No.51069407

sorry for your loss buddy. Been there it sucks

>leopard print
you jewish?

>> No.51069417

Nah. That’s my step mom.

>> No.51069425
File: 481 KB, 640x615, c0bej838xy981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

conquer your emotions and learn risk management if you want to succeed. good luck and good attitude

>> No.51069431

Sorry about the loss broski. Hope you find the strength to power through.
You will make pal just refine your trading strategies.
Godspeed anon and I truly hope you and many others make it

>> No.51069440

Thanks anon. Let me get through these stages of grief. I realized that killing myself is a pussy way out and hurting myself and others will only cause detriment to my relationships. Thanks for the wise words. I’ll make a mental note. I’ve just never felt pain like this before. This is actually worst than physical pain. Trials and tribulations

>> No.51069451

I have been into the abyss to Op, get ready to short 22k and make the loses back when we crash to 10k.
Love you

>> No.51069473


>> No.51069510

he is wearing a leopard skintight suit, no i won't respect his father lmao

>> No.51069520
File: 71 KB, 500x375, e5da46a09a50a77b450a570d985e1a77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about your dad. Was he vaxxed?y dad has a heart attack about a couple months ago, thank God he made it. It was close and still dangerous. Keep your head up.

>> No.51069569

Anon, if you want to make it take a break. Emotions impact your decision making and for as long as you are effected by all of this you won't make good decisions (financially speaking). Also people in grief have a tendency for problematic gambling. You might have never had this problem but it can happen to all of us - and if happens to you right now it can wreck your life even more.
I am sorry you have to go through all this, but take a break from investing / trading for a few month.

>> No.51069635

That’s my step mom fag
Yeah he was
I’ll make a mental note of it. I don’t even have enough to pay for his funeral. That pains me more than trading coins right now. But thank you.

>> No.51069666

I'm really glad the OP didn't end with him asking what coin to buy.

>> No.51069678

Permabear, Permabull, don’t bet on leverage
Sorry for your loss
Lots of good advice and good anons in this thread

>> No.51069740

You are right. I added more margin and it still went exactly to my liquidation point. I suspect the exchanges are counter trading and hunting stop losses but I also am accountable for my actions so I’ll deal with it myself.

>> No.51069782

why are you posting your mom on 4chinks?

>> No.51069849

I hope I did not sound harsh
Make sure to rest easy, as well - it is important for one’s health

>> No.51069868

Wtf is going on in that Pic? Is he in a body bag on the floor? Wtf? Condolences, get some GME.

>> No.51069880
File: 7 KB, 184x273, QOM2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for your loss OP, i hope he flies well into heaven and you get rewarded for your patience, perseverance and pain
I wish nothing but bags full of QOM for you

>> No.51069915

The truth hurts but I’d rather you tell me the truth than a comforting lie.
Yeah. We are gonna take him to the morgue right now.
Thank you. May all of ur bags moon as well.

>> No.51069938
File: 43 KB, 680x459, B8F10725-BA8C-44F9-A0C8-BAAB44B5DC4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear fren, no words can make it better but things will improve over time

>> No.51070026

>Dead dad begging larp
Like clockwork.

>> No.51070034

You're dad would have wanted you to go all in on LUNC my fren <3

>> No.51070047

His dad would want him to suck dicks in hell.
>iphone begging larp
>iphone responders.
Everyone KYS ffs.

>> No.51070065

Wtf is that picture why is your "dad" wearing a girly panther shirt

>> No.51070072

This is the only thing I can think of. Go all in on LUNC and forget it for 2 to 3 years brother. Sorry to hear about your dad.

>> No.51070077

his dad is his stepmom retard

>> No.51070091

A week ago or so I saw a pic doing the rounds of some bitch taking a selfie in front of her dead grandfather and posting it for social Media clouty you're not better than her. Wtf are you doing

>> No.51070117


>> No.51070161

Thanks to all of the good anons for the wise words and condolences. I hope all of your net worths go to 8 figures. I shall spend the next couple days mourning. For all of the trolls trolling my dad , may you get raped and tortured to death.

>> No.51070235

Well, i sincerely hope your father felt torture before he died

>> No.51070239

only things that gonna get raped are your leveraged positions and your bussy in a leveraged position when you'll need to find money to pay for rent
drink liquid shit faggot

>> No.51070267

My condolences anon. Wishing you well.

>> No.51070369

my condolences anon. post back in a month and let us know how youre doing.

>> No.51070380

I'm sorry for your loss

>> No.51071143

Sorry for your loss anon. It sounds like you were a good son and had a good father. Take some time to grieve, but then /bootstrap/ yourself and become the type of man your father wants you to be. Every man goes through this at some point in their life. Take care.

>> No.51071157
File: 474 KB, 1185x2048, Fa2ePjAaUAAI4ZY.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, just make a Webull account with my link so you can get some funds back. Also buy Shiba Inu coins before the next bullrun. You can make it. YOU WILL MAKE IT

>> No.51071184
File: 99 KB, 1024x691, 659DBE79-B837-48A4-B7C2-E32377C16161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for your loss fren, a dad is extremely important in a man's life. You'll make it but first make some time to grieve. Strength brother.

>> No.51071193

Vax cattle all share the same fate. Sorry for your loss, fren. Never forget

>> No.51071200

Sorry for your loss anon. I know you will make it.

>> No.51071226

sell all your memecoins and what you have left in digital magic bean derivatives, pay for the funeral, start new life as a free man, thank me later

>> No.51071234

When the dust settles you'll look around and realise that hitting rock bottom is an opportunity for you to start from scratch and really build from the ground up in any direction you want to go in. I hope you have good people around you, if not then I recommend going /out/ and meditating to make sure that you are making the best decisions you can be.

All the best, anon.

>> No.51071264

We are all gonna make it bro and you will too.
May Odin bless your father

>> No.51071279

sorry for your loss.
money is not everything.
buy link on spot.
The pain will become less with time.

>> No.51071288

Stay strong brother

>> No.51071296

Your dad was proud and he is with the Lord now, in a better place.

>> No.51071306
File: 367 KB, 536x405, time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear that anon. I wish you all the best.

>> No.51071307

>taking a picture of your father's corpse for clout on the internet
>using the death of your father for attention from 4chan

you have bigger problems than your familial or financial losses, seriously consider an internet detox and leading a less terminally online lifestyle

>> No.51071655
File: 99 KB, 498x594, loading screen wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my reflection during black loading screens

>> No.51071699

>Emotions impact your decision making
Can confirm. I blew my futures account in a day after being profitable for months, because I lost a few trades in a row and was in the mindset that I just have to win big on the next one to recoup my loss.

>> No.51071709

Imagine your dad dying and the first thing you do is report it to biz. Truly pathetic.

>> No.51071750

i didn't have a funeral for my mother either. I just have her ashes. Even few years after, I cry when I see photos and cards. anyways anon I know how it feels, I completely changed too (in a positive way) i became even more disciplined and take life day by day and you really feel like and do get things done every day. Now no more suffering for your loved one and they'll watch over you (well if you believe in that of course, i understand if you do not too) so good luck fren and you're gonna make it. Power of your loved one transferred on to you.

>> No.51071756
File: 298 KB, 500x375, come on now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hold dad in arms during his last breath
>he dies in your arms
>immediately drop him and rush to 4chan.org/biz

>> No.51071779

Stop drinking, there is no benefit to it whatsoever. Take out a low APY loan for the funeral, your first focus is getting your finances in order and paying off that loan for your Dad and then using that experience to better yourself.

>> No.51071789

My friends Dad died in his arms, he was spewing up blood as he died too, he had lung cancer. My friend has never really been the same since, it's proper sad.

>> No.51072044

rip biz anon bro.
im sorry about your dad, i just lost my grandad and i couldn't imagine what it would be like to lose my dad.
hope things get better for you anon

>> No.51072114

no what's pathetic is you have the balls to post your opinion noone asked in an online forum. Because if we were all in a room together I or an even bigger guy would have smacked you over the head for saying that until you take that smug look off your face and bow your head.

>> No.51072141
File: 99 KB, 1170x1121, E9C2CAF4-9645-4E82-B7DE-A62A21744E03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did not post your dead dad on an anime posting board there’s no fucking way

>> No.51072140

Sorry about your dad anon. I went thru basically the same thing in 2018 minus the leverage. My dog died, I got laid off, crypto crashed and then my dad died. It was the worst time of my life by far, but things got better little by little.

>> No.51072145

See the positive site of it, it can only get better from now

>> No.51072154

will you inherit anything?

>> No.51072181

Good luck anon. I believe in you

>> No.51072194

>my dad died just now

Lmao you lucky fuck. If my dad died I'd move back in with my mum and get her to make me tendies whilst I watched anime and lifted every day

I don't give a fuck

>> No.51072280

What a beautiful photo

>> No.51072295

Sorry anon

Keep your head up and continue working hard. You parents want to see you succeed because you are literally a little version of the two of them. Remember that and that you always carry both of them with you no matter what. And you will see them again one day in a better less Jewish place. Stay strong.