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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51065802 No.51065802 [Reply] [Original]

If you still live with your parents after the age of 25 you're a fucking loser

>> No.51065859

>said no one over 25 living on their own

>> No.51065862

Why are you projecting?

>> No.51065868
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W-what happens if I'm a loser??

>> No.51065897

i want a chink gf just like the one on the left, what's her @?

>> No.51065907

I'm 24 years old and i just bought my home all cash

>> No.51065913


wtf that looks like my brother where did you get this pic?

>> No.51065925
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Fortunately I am exactly 25.

>> No.51065937

kek you must be really proud of your 50 year old shitshack in Oklahoma

>> No.51065944

>trailer park trash
LMFAO even

>> No.51065947

Sounds like my situation, except 25 yr/old
Congratulations to us.
Aristocracy is back baby.

>> No.51065961

I lived with mine from 29 to 31 while I was starting my business. 10 years later still in business and doing good. Your blanket statement is low iq.

>> No.51065985

this is a whites/northern east asian only board sir.
>>>/a/ is that way

>> No.51065986

27 and living with my grandma, check mate, i've also had a 3some here with my ex and her friend.

>> No.51065991

This is literally a jewish psyop to get more people paying rent.

>> No.51066008

Tried living alone, it was okay but mom got depressed. Went back and now I save money, help my mom out with cash and keep her happy with my awesome company, she leaves me alone for my crypto stuff. I'm 31.

>> No.51066009

>not having a threesome with your grandma and your ex
a lot of grandmas are into that btw

>> No.51066016

Better off getting a loan and buying 2 places. Rent them out and live in a van.

If you don't have kids you don't need a fucking house. It's a waste of money when you could be renting out the place you live or if you rent that rent could be going to crypto.

>> No.51066047

I own three properties and live with my parents. Cope, seethe and dial8 rentiod

>> No.51066054

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.51066061


>> No.51066067

>i just bought my home all cash

>> No.51066072

I may be a loser, but life sure is easy

>> No.51066092

Damn, you really gotta do it to qtpie like that? Not cool man.

>> No.51066121

I'm 46 and live with my parents! I'm literally the unluckiest person and have mental health issues that cause me to self-sabotage. You could offer me free money for life and I'd probably fuck it up.

>> No.51066144
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seriously where did you get this pic of my brother

>> No.51066148

You are 41 and talking shit on biz. You. Are. A. Loser.

>> No.51066160

Seriously do not doxx your brother on 4chan

>> No.51066165

I'm 45 and I rent a sweet apartment. Don't give up, fren. Things will get better!

>> No.51066256

Why do you talk like you have no control over yourself. Who are you? Are you trapped in a body you can't control? Stop being retarded. You are a dumbass and afraid of trying because then if you fail it's on you. Well guess what, it is on you. YOU ARE NOT UNLUCKY. YOU ARE A FAILURE. STOP BEING A SCARED PUSSY AND A WHINGY BITCH.

You are a failure. No one else but you and your bad choices. Start making better choices. Comfort is not an achievement. Stop aiming for it. Being uncomfortable everyday to not be a beta loser like you are, that is an achievement.

Turn it around today you loser, or it'll never happen.

>> No.51066275

>these are the people giving me financial advice

>> No.51066320

you bought right before the crash.

wholesome. family should be helping out each other especially during times like these.

>> No.51066331


>> No.51066347

you're an inbred faggot
no one believes you LOL

>> No.51066358

I bought a house a couple of years ago, by aggressively saving while living with my parents. Times are different now. If you want to buy property without any handouts, living with your parents is a good idea. Rents are fucked in every major city in the world, and smaller cities & towns are seeing a surge of urban gentrification. I know things are bad now, but with interest rates rising, it's going to be a buyer's market in the next few months. Don't give up on your dreams. Good luck, anons.

>> No.51066379


>> No.51066401

>buying a house in miami at the peak of the bubble
>not taking a low interest loan
>paying it all off in cash

Unless youre a multimillionaire and can drop 400-1 mill in cash for a house like its nothing then you fucking goofed. If you're a multimillionaire at 24 tell us how you made it

>> No.51066417

>i just bought my home all cash
enjoy the 20% correction

>> No.51066581

Classic mutt goyim reasoning, almost every culture that isn’t white american boomer customarily has generations of family living in the same house. They were just in the unique position to where they could pay for university and an apartment while working at McDonalds, and then buy a house immediately with their guaranteed career afterwards. Now they instilled that ethos into their kids, kicked them out at 18, and their kids are in unresolvable permanent debt while making minimum wage in a globalized job market.
Every ill they claim about the generations that came after them is caused by something they indirectly/directly did, it’s almost comical.

>> No.51066685
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there's no fucking way, I really hope this is real.
I want to, but I need any ounce of proof for a screenshot.
if he really is and did I'm sure his money came from somebody that died.
I'd bet even worse, the wage growth to cost of living down there is fucked.
write down the patterns to your self sabotage and thwart them earlier. you're not even half way dead yet, you can do it.

>> No.51066742
File: 546 KB, 1833x694, chill bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling your brother looks like Michael Santana

>> No.51066748

was going to say the same, would be some boomer behind that keyboard projecting away

kys boomer, you are the reason society is so fkd up and why inflation is bad

>> No.51066759

>rent free

>> No.51066771

Mom is an adult who can figure out her own life

>> No.51066774

Worked long and hard for my money since the age of 18. Didn’t fall for the college scam and moved out of my parents house around the same age. Everyone I know that still lives with their parents have dead end jobs, no ambition, and drinks/does drugs every weekend

>> No.51066796

and let me guess, you're still a wagie?

>> No.51066812

You are now over 25, by definition. Any last words?

>> No.51066829

Business owner, rake in around $200k a year after expenses and compensation

>> No.51066845

Quadrupling yor monthly living expense so strangers won't think you are a loser is not sound financial advice

>> No.51066875

>just give 50% of your income to the landlord Jew, goy

>> No.51066902

because you're fucking 41 dude. your time should be spent gaming 20 year old gash in between telling your wagies to make you money and bullshitting with your clients.

>> No.51066932

>just live on the streets or with your parents
>50% of your income
more like 3%

>> No.51066936

I said it, move out loser

>> No.51066952

Women now consider finding 20 year olds hot to be pedophilia

>> No.51067135

didn't this girl divorce him and take millions of dollars?

>> No.51067204


how do i profit from this

>> No.51067225

Better off just investing in REITs and dodging/deferring the bullshit responsibilities of being a landlord.

>> No.51067790

All these envious (you)s and seethe saying its a bad investment or calling it trailer trash.

GG anon good for you. I hope with the coming bull run I can do the same. People thinks it retarded to do all cash but its literally worry free and you dont have to deal with a longnoseman and his funny loans. People also forget a home is to live in not a fucking investment, not everything needs to have a profit margin fucking kikes

>> No.51067811

you. write. like. a. redditor.

>> No.51067826

>caring what women think

>> No.51067916
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even his booger glows in the dark

>> No.51067992 [DELETED] 

>If you still live with your parents after the age of 25 you're a fucking loser

nope, this is cope for those who are living paycheck to paycheck, their place of living is tiny little hole, have a waning bank account, stress 24/7, nothing in the fridge but salami and coke, and social activity.

t. 27yr old wagie with $110k in crypto, and lives with parents.

>> No.51068033
File: 70 KB, 870x616, 1613206084576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If you still live with your parents after the age of 25 you're a fucking loser

nope, this is cope for those who are living paycheck to paycheck, their place of living is tiny little hole, have a waning bank account, stress 24/7, nothing in the fridge but salami and coke, and zero social life.

t. 27yr old wagie with $110k in crypto, and lives with parents, have close friends, and a girlfriend.

>> No.51068050

Oh no! anyway

>> No.51068103

Shouldve invested instead of buying a house. Have fun staying a wage cuck for the rest of your life.

>> No.51068450

kek, yes.

>but also bootleg merch or blackmail

>> No.51068562

20 year old girls dont give a shit, they're more than happy to bounce on experienced dick

>> No.51068578

it's imaqtpie zoom zoom, current world's champion of LoL

>> No.51068985

isn't that imaqtpie?

>> No.51069001


>> No.51069139

After having a complete mental collapse after working in corporate for 5 years, putting on 75lbs (175-250 @5'9 lel), being fucking skint and becoming a complete recluse with no friends moving back in with my parents and then with my grandparents after was the best thing I've done.

In the 4 years since my break down I've lost all the weight, got into powerlifting since lockdowns ended, started programming for a hobby (which is pretty fun and mentally soothing if you're autistic like me), my conditions diagnosed and under as much control as they can be, reconnected with my brother and sister and see them 3-5 times a week. I've learned a lot from my nan and granddad about growing food, building stuff, carpentry, basic engine maintenance, animal care and the history of the country I live in. I've manged to restore my finances: from -$3500 to +$25,000 in the past couple of years (mainly through investing and the odd job) and I've managed to improve my grandparents quality of life because I am able to give them a few hundred dollars a month as keep (they only want food money but I give them more) and they go out 2-4 times a week doing hobbies which they never used to be able to do and I can help move stuff and build stuff they can no longer do in their older age.

I feel for people like me who will never be normal. This is what was robbed from you by destroying the family unit and concentrating wealth in large businesses thus destroying the ability to work for yourself. Moving back in with my family was the best thing I've ever done and I would probably of necked myself if I did not. The unconditional support the family unit offers each other is special and it's a shame it's dead. No worrying about backstabbing, no 1984 double speak bullshit you have to adhere to today in the world place. Simply working with people you care about improving what is immediately around you.

Thanks for reading my blogpost.

>> No.51070932

>After having a complete mental collapse after working in corporate for 5 years,
I quit my devops job after 4 years too. live with mydad in his big mansion. i have a lot of crypto. hit 500k at the beak. now down quite some, but i'm still doing pretty well for not really working or getting benifits. I don't see why I should move out and get a mortgage.

>> No.51070960
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>you bought right before the crash.
t. 2015 investor.

>> No.51070980

Good blog, glad you're doing well.

>> No.51071233

Not my fault my parents raised a loser.

>> No.51071260 [DELETED] 
File: 385 KB, 1626x1626, 1659758426796421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I worked for 6 whole years at amazon and bought a house in downtown miami for 2 million cash
Bro shut the fuck up. It's not even good bait.

>> No.51071274
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Yep. I accept it. I also made the mistake of trying to lift them out of poverty.

This year I realized my family was always broke for a reason. Never help broke boomers. If they cruised through the wealthiest era in history and refused to save a penny, it's on them.

>> No.51071304

>caring what 41 year old women think
That's his real problem kek. Roastie gonna give you kids with her blown out pussy that chad, brad, jamal, thad and paco fucked continuously for the past 25 years? Don't make me fucking laugh. If you listen to women I guarantee soon they'll say being 45 and fucking 35 years old is also pedo, they're a failed gender full of losers who missed the bus and need you to take care of them in their literal geriatric years.

>> No.51071312

I don’t give a shit. As long as I help pay the bills and have fat stacks in the bank I’m great.

>> No.51071819
File: 2 KB, 125x112, 1652778609867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have over 100k in my bank account, a stable job, and a heavy bag of ETH, SCRT, PAXG, and some other bunch of good-based low caps. I'm not under any pressure to leave the house at the moment. I love it here until I find a good loyal bitch.

>> No.51071862

I'm 32. You're a loser kid. Get out there and do something.

>> No.51071895

I lived with my parents for 6 months aged 30 after living abroad for a number of years and it helped me to buy a house. Nothing wrong with it if you have a plan and don’t intend to become a NEET

>> No.51071929 [DELETED] 

>back in my day in the dog days of 2016 I had to pull myself up from my boot straps

>> No.51071991

not paying rent is pretty comfy
life after 25 is a meme anyways

houses are investments just really large and hard to sell ones
if it's a good area the house price will double in a year

>> No.51072048

I make 160k a year and fuck milfs. The loser here is you for not retirement maxing. Get gud.

>> No.51072087

>I'd probably fuck it up
Having enough self awareness to objectively evaluate yourself always warrants respect points, even if youre at home etc.

>> No.51072134

>settling for worn out droopy tits
I sure hope you’re well into your 40s or 50s, because otherwise you are coping hard

>> No.51072266
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37 and still living with my mom. All women are whores and have such low standards I've slept with many of them while never holding a job. I fuck them while my mom sleeps in the next room.

>> No.51072344

I moved in with my parents at 28 once my job went remote. I agree with you. I did it to build up some savings and pay off my student loans, but at the cost of personal development. Moving back in with your parents is like putting your personal development as an adult man. If I had only done things differently before 25x I wouldn’t have had to do this.

In fact, I had a job at 24 that had a lot of potential. I could have been making Silicon Valley money by my 30s for sure, but I hated it so I quit, took a sort of low end local job to hide my time, and that’s how I ended up here. I was stupid, and I really regret it.

>> No.51072624


>> No.51072806


having 6 figures and still living with your parents is pure cope, anyone who works 9-5s and living paycheck to paycheck probably are still living with mommy

>> No.51072869

let me fill you in on a little known fact. nobody gives a shit either way.

>> No.51072906

You’re right but renting an apartment won’t fix my problems. There is no reason to move out and start wasting income on shelter if I am incapable of getting pussy anyways

>> No.51072934

What kind of personal development did you achieve? You learned how to pay rent and lose your deposit because the drain was clogged when you moved out?

>> No.51072947

I moved out at 18 cuck

>> No.51073573
File: 251 KB, 480x450, 27-271963_1-nov-pepe-the-frog-heart-hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having 6 figures and still living with your parents is pure cope,
many anons live like this including me, you're coping,

>anyone who works 9-5s and living paycheck to paycheck probably are still living with mommy
if you live paycheck to paycheck while living with parents you're beyond fucked and can't save up for the life of you. Though I believe that statement is likely less true than those who do in fact live by themselves and are forced in a paycheck to paycheck living standards.

>> No.51073608
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checked, and based

>> No.51073640

reading these comments makes me realize the majority of /biz/ are man-children who still lives with mommy and daddy kek

>> No.51073752
File: 26 KB, 598x600, 1651757237198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

staying within the family unit past 18yrs old was never an American thing you wouldn't understand. Enjoy a life of loneliness and negligible financial and social support. You'll need it.

>> No.51073798

video games, prostitutes, family and 4chan.. Honestly not that bad of a life - if you learn to take joy in what you have instead of envying what you don't have.

>> No.51073814

Literally me
But I feel that im not living life to the fullest sometimes

>> No.51073993

I think where you are and who you’re with matters a lot in regard to what you end up doing in this life. You’ve heard the saying “you are the sum of the 5 people you’re around the most”? It’s somewhat true actually. If you have any particular ambitions at all, you almost certainly won’t achieve them by going back home and living under mom and dad’s roof. And the dynamic that results from that is impeding. You probably can’t really be a man around your father because your father will probably see you as a boy, and if you live under his roof you do indeed live as a boy.

>> No.51074111

If you aren't DCA-ing into ETH and MATIC right now you are literally scum of the earth. Sometimes people live with the parents to save money. Doesn't mean you're a loses anon lmao. why so insecure?

>> No.51074349

matic is run by pajeets and eth merge will be the biggest sell the news event crypto has ever seen

>> No.51074402

>live with parents
>stacking monero
>respect parents and pay $200/month to cover utilities (no mortgage)
Renties WISH they lived this good. Better get back to the cage.

>> No.51074502

Literally this, at this rate I will retire on my 20s because 100% of what I make goes into investments. Take the leeching pill be with your parents a few more years and live life on easy mode. Anyone who thinks this is bad is retarded.

>> No.51075093

I can't hear you over the roar of 2018 twin turbo V8 Ferrari engine

>> No.51075148

Well if you're going to live with your parents at least respect them and the rent-free opportunity they're providing for you. If they're good parents they should be ecstatic at how they can support you. Help around the house a bit, mow the yard, cook them dinner, etc.

>> No.51075227

that sounds super gay

>> No.51075999

But I'm richer than you Anon