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File: 62 KB, 1024x531, Algoraand-FI-1024x531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51063851 No.51063851 [Reply] [Original]

What is Algorand
Algorand is an open source permissionless public blockchain based on a pure proof-of- stake consensus protocol—the first of its kind to support the scale, open participation, and transaction finality for billions of users.

>Algorand use cases

>Participate in Algorand Governance for quarterly APY

>Popular ALGO DeFi
>USDC stablecoin is powered by Algorand
>VISA and MasterCard will support USDC in their crypto cards
>FIFA announces partnership with blockchain innovator Algorand
>Universal Music Group to Release NFTs on LimeWire’s Algorand Marketplace
>NFDomains is the Algorand name service and marketplace for Non-Fungible Domains — unique, readable identities for your wallet.
>Gary Gensler likes Algorand
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2D3SbYzzJLc&t=165s [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Get the official wallet

>> No.51064150
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Have a Bump OP
Im going to start adding this to my stacks
Has massive potential

>> No.51064326
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I will be going double A in governance.
eat shit

>> No.51064514

Fuck off, this is an ETH board.

>> No.51064849
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merge my ass faggot
you will never flip BTC

>> No.51064931

What the fuck are we going to vote this time?

>> No.51065012
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Algonauts report in. Earthship Commander here.

What ASAs are we going all in on? For me its VEST. Did some lurking on their discord and the creator Greg is literally our guy.

Get yours before the poos in their loos find out and beat you in the shitcoin casino.

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9caquYqGBR8

>> No.51065054
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Nice to see an Algo thread that doesn't reek of pajeet vest shit.
Are the sui/make-it stacks still 10k/100k?
I'm thinking B-A

>> No.51065398

current multiple earthship commander/future interdimensional reptilian reporting
which ASAs have the best chance of exceeding a billion mcap?
as i see it currently vestige is leading the pack

>> No.51065637

Vestige has been disappointing to say the least, just bleeding out slowly since launch. I'm getting worried holding this shit for impermanent loss on my algos.

>> No.51065668
File: 63 KB, 460x460, E7E0AAC4-BB0D-44DC-BC9F-CF2C9C80C6C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where muh DEFLY nickas be at?

>> No.51065680

Oh and I’m bleeding with Vest too

>> No.51065686

I was too scared about using algofi/folks and went vanilla governance this time. I'm gonna miss some huge gains but man, it was in the middle of the Luna/Celsius/3arrows bullshit and everything looked like it was soon to be bankrupt.

>> No.51067042
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What is the gripe we have with VEST? Learn me please

>> No.51067215

No pump bro. Really no volume either.

>> No.51067642
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Should I selled?

>> No.51067686

Talk about dead projects

>> No.51067696

No clue. They're supposedly set to release a dex very soon.

>> No.51067705

I have no idea what the fuck the two measures even mean, need someone to spoon feed me

>> No.51067721

algorand is killing me im almost at 10k yieldly was a major dissapointment hopefully theres something to look forward to this crypto is a suicide stack

>> No.51067724

My worst performing investment and I only started stacking after everything dumped what a total piece of shit

>> No.51067735

How we feeling algochads? I'm down massively on this shitcoin and am very disappointed to see we are 10% away from new lows.
Why is Algorand so fucking bearish all the time?

>> No.51067787

you should be risk averse. one smartcon bug in those DeFi vaults and all your algo is funding the russians or kim jong poon. and guess what, silvio aint gonna come around and drop off your insurance check

>> No.51067904

Foundation sucks
They just suck
They give it away to meaningless social shit

>> No.51067936

if you know you know

>> No.51068006

I don’t know but wanna know

>> No.51068046

What is it fren?

>> No.51068174

algorand foundation is a bunch of fucking retards but that doesn’t mean the core devs and others won’t win the war in spite of them
in fact, in the grand scheme the foundation acts the way it does because they have that confidence—that they are irrelevant—and that victory is inevitable
all doubting king glowie chain are confirmed ngmi’s who will cope and seethe, until death saves them from their miserable regret

>> No.51068267

1A 2A or 1B 2A

2A is good no matter what, yes gov rewards will go down slightly but at the benefit of getting way more LP in the system. Plenty of shitcoins with $20 of liquidity out there begging for more

I'm voting 1A out of self interest. Algofi will be included in the 7M drop for sure, and I want more algos

>> No.51068729

I feel like these governance votes are just screwing us over.

>> No.51068997

Yeah, I hate Algorand. It has fucking ruined me.

>> No.51070579

1A 2A
The 1A impact on rewards is so small, and it serves as a test ground for building out targeted incentives. I'm not a fan of governance rewards anymore either, things were better when it was all passive reward as the lock up negatively impacts the chain imo.
2A is obvious as this helps mediate the lock up problem for those who want to participate in defi and legitimizes liquidity pools as an investment for the more risk averse.
This. We live in a brief transitory period that happens maybe once or twice in
a lifetime.

>> No.51070778

I just want my money back. Algorand has failed to do anything interesting over the past couple of years and market is punishing us. Where are all the CBDCs? Fucking hype scam!

I feel bad that Silvio got conned into this rubbish, his talents would've gone to much better use by helping another project.

>> No.51071031

>Swap powered by Vestige.fi


There's a huge rant going on over at the forum forum.algorand.org/t/feedback-requested-on-proposed-q3-2022-governance-measures/7587

from what I gathered the two sides are: this is going to dilute algos to shit and VCs are the ones that are going to get the lion share of the aglos, also defi is a meme at the moment and shouldn't receive any incentives (what's weird is that one of the vest guys is super vocal about this, so idk maybe he has a point?) and the other side of the aisle is that this doesn't go far enough and we need even more gasoline to pump this shitcoin. I'm voting against because it's the middle of bear market and trying to buy users atm is absolutely retarded. Don't read all the spaz takes though, unless you have no life.

>> No.51071115

defi is going to be the backbone of exchange and definitely deserves some investment. The more we can attract to the ecosystem will improve the captured value of Algo as a L1.

>> No.51071154

do you guys really leave a majority of your algo investment on exchanges?

>> No.51071515

yeah, but most defi on algorand is fucking awful and it's a vcscam. giving them free money is fuckign retarded. They already get grants, they already get anus rewards, they already get vc backing and they have their own tokens to pump their bags. giving them even more money is gonna come down as one of the stupidest things to ever happen on algorand. vote no.

>> No.51071526

I'm buying this bottom

>> No.51071807

wait, you bought vest during the humble farms? lmao are you stupid? you should've been in way before that and out when the 5 figure purchases where coming you moron, although >>51067936 this might help your bags in the long run

>> No.51072268

Sell now faggot.

>> No.51073210

what's the deal with that devs.algo guy on twitter? he's schizoing over crazy shit like circulating supply and that algo is going to zero. I don't really get it though.

>> No.51073342

We all got fucked over by insiders and venture capital. Algorand hasn't delivered shit and we are down big in price with billions of new tokens in circulation. What a fucking scam.

>> No.51073648

We fell for a meme bros
It’s over

>> No.51073723

the circulation has been shit from the start, but at least it's over now with accelerated vesting meaning that vcs are kinda gone. I agree that governance in its current form is a fucking joke, but he's out here claiming that the network can't scale cause of relays and that there is just not enough demand for the network, which again is obvious when you have a new avm and a sub 10bn market cap. unless i'm a massive brainlet whihc i may be, it's obvious that the current network needs to be subsidized until there's enough volume, but that's a no brainer.

>> No.51075385

What is the reason behind this shitcoin performing so terribly?
Anyone who has anything to say about it is ultra bullish but it only ever goes down

>> No.51076251
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KITSU and KTNC has some nice swing action rn

>> No.51076371

Along with ever other alt.. we're in a bear market retard. Show me any coin that outperforms BTC/ETH

>> No.51076859

Ok, I did the deep down and I get the dude. here's the breakdown

>devs.algo is some guy who found out about algo a long ass time ago
>he missed the whole bull-run by holding it (first L)
>thinks to himself "it's not that bad, best tech will surely win it"
>proceeds to become a super active community member
>starts participating on all the algorand circle jerks #algofam
>starts actually developing on algorand (does some thing to monitor nodes or some shit like that)
>he gets some funding from different ppl but afaik none from the foundation (L number 2)
>he realises just how in bed all of the ecosystem is with VCs (valid criticism)
>he then thinks to himself that he can maybe start a grass-roots project (he even did some bounty stuff and some tutorials on how to run nodes)
>after literally no one shows up cause bear market and crypto is dead he starts getting a bit nervous
>he sees two things that make him EXTREMELY nervous, only 7k addresses use the chain regularly (according to him)
>most of the liquidity is owned by VCs
>the world is going to shit and the last time algorand crashed the foundation halted vesting payments (thnks vest discord for breaking this down)
>he thinks it's going to zero so he decides to confront massimo
>he spasses out cause he's blessed with autism like everyone on the chain
>he fumbles his line of questioning and comes across as rude and mean
>everyone turns on him
>he proceeds to sell his bag at a massive loss (some ppl speculate he bought his big bag close to ath)
>he now decides to professionally FUD algo

some of his points make sense, but we now have our first serious cope inside the circle jerk of #algofam and it's actually hilarious to see someone with technical know-how be salty and expose some of the bs this chain has. I for one welcome his salty ass and I hope he keeps on fuding the shit out of the foundation in the hopes that they get their act together cause holy shit does the foundation suck dick.

>> No.51076986
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Yes I did. But I also boughtd DEFLY which if it can hold, I did very well on. Please help your fellow retarded Algo bag holders

>> No.51077290

well sorry to tell you bud, you were used as exit liquidity for early vest holders. the good news is that the team is competent and they will launch new things pretty soon, so you'll be able to do that to the new bunch, the bad news is that you'll be left with this bag for a bit. it's not a scam, it's a good project, but it's also not the end all be all. I do expect that within a three year span, if algo becomes a top 10 chain then vest will hit 1 buck, but that's a lot of ifs.

>> No.51077325

why algo has shillers like martin shkreli?
are they getting paid and this shit is just a scam?
is there anything new coming?

>> No.51077389

Algorand is new england's attempt at subverting silicone valley, that's why all the east coast ppl and specially finance bros love it.

>> No.51077684

>anus rewards
I can't tell you hard it is to block that out of my mind every time i go on pact and check my gains.
I see what your saying, whats the best use of the government funds then?

>> No.51077988

the dude bought one of my nfds recently, hes still massively invested although he hides it well. maybe he fudding to buy cheap idk

>> No.51078199

Got 30,000 VEST, what am I in for?

>> No.51078291

based tldr anon

>> No.51078314

how does 300,000 USDC sound?

>> No.51078336

the marketcap is surprisingly low for one of the most promising coins on the ecosystem, thats an easy 5-10x in a short amount of time. good job, you bought near the bottom

>> No.51078358

What makes you think VEST could go as high as 10 big boys each? I'm bullish af and I think 1 dollar would be nuts.

>> No.51078417

I have over 500k VEST, and over 15k Octorand. If I don't make it off one of those then I give up.

>> No.51078429
File: 20 KB, 340x216, Nern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I bought TINY at 9 cents and just held until the VEST swap. Greg and Bunsan seem honest and well-intentioned so I dont mind bagholding for them instead of that criminal yieldly australian seb quinn.

Holy fuck yieldly, never again.

>> No.51078447
