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File: 166 KB, 1600x1000, WebsiteJpg_XL-FSURG_Main Visual_Cyan_Website.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51053096 No.51053096 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ I have to get surgery later and I'm afraid something crazy will happen like they will vaccinate me in my sleep.
Am I just crazy or would you feel the same if you had to be put under?
I am from Australia

>> No.51053104
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>> No.51053126

No, but you will get transfused the blood of vaxxies. Sorry bro you had a good run.

>> No.51053567

They will put you under, and have a mentally ill tranny perform a satanic ritual above your body before injecting the Kike juice into your bloodstream, forever marking you as a servant of Satan

>> No.51053644


>> No.51053660

This is your brain on 4chan.

>> No.51053697
File: 369 KB, 1000x1112, 94%OfDeadWereVaccinated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has nothing to do with Biz, but they cant legally do this without your consent I would imagine.

yeah ? How so vaxxtard? Hows that heart of yours pumping these days ?
Fucking retard.
btw, all covid vaccines are to be discontinued after 2022. How do you feel about that?
God, you people really are living in a cult...

>> No.51053723

I’d be more worried about your government texting you demanding a selfie while you’re down under

>> No.51053754

>I trust medical science to put enough of what would otherwise be poison into my veins to render my unconscious without long term damage, open up my body, and move around my organs
>I don't trust medical science's opinion on what to do about microorganisms and I fear that they will do some sort of goofy made up shit to me with established biochemistry that a guy who sells dick pills swears will make my dick fall off

I'd tell you to remove yourself from the gene pool but I don't think that's a legitimate worry.

>> No.51053780

Just because there is some truth somewhere doesn’t mean everything there is truth. All dieticians agree that water is good for you, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be throwing shit out about what diet is actually the healthiest for you. Lobbying exists.

>> No.51053791
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Why are you having surgery if you don't believe in science?

>> No.51053811

I don't think they would. Around the start of the year I was in and out of hospital for 6 months and most of the nurses didn't like the covid vaccinations but took it to keep their jobs. I've had to go under twice so maybe they vaccinated me then but my myGov says I'm unvaccinated. If there's anyway to test if I've had the vaxx I would but I don't think there is

>> No.51053847

Science juice!

>> No.51053870

Same goes for you.

>> No.51053898

I think I've had 3 vaccinations and a flu shot in the past 2 years.

Oh fuck I should be dead right?because Walmart employees on a basket weaving forum got together and said so right?

>> No.51053915

And you are sure to be receiving the 4th, 5th, and 6th shots right?

>> No.51053930

>fell for the ‘surgery’ and ‘healthcare’ meme

>> No.51053953
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>> No.51054012
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>trust the science
you know there's a lot of science that suggested the vaccines needed more testing. there's a lot of science suggesting a very real risk of heart failure especially for young men. a lot of science suggesting that the people least likely to have serious problems from covid might instead have problems with the vaccine. there's a risk-benefit analysis to be made, a personal decision you shouldn't entrust to whatever government and media sources tell you "the science" is.

>> No.51054024
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personally, i'm not taking orange hitlers clot shot, but that's my personal decision. i don't care what you do but don't drag science into this as if you even read the science you fucking lemming

>> No.51054038
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>no time for testing, its an emergency!
>safe and effective

>> No.51054055
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more effective then any vaccine perhaps, according to the "professionals" is woke justice. that's why i tell people everyday that "black lives matter", science says that should help

>> No.51054068
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wee what i mean, fighting for racial equality actually stops the virus, medical professional who don't want to lose their jobs agree. that's science

>> No.51054084
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>> No.51054096
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why not just alter the definitions of entire words and concepts, nobody will notice. if its for the official narrative then its just good science

>> No.51054115
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the absolute state of science
should i place blind trust and absolute faith in this? not according to pic related

>> No.51054173

ok so eventually they had to admit it, but perhaps they are downplaying the risk. forgive me if i fail to place my trust in the journalists at reuters


>In June, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration flagged a risk of heart inflammation from the Novavax vaccine. read more
>>Myocarditis and pericarditis were previously identified as rare side effects, mostly seen in young men, from groundbreaking messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines made by Moderna (MRNA.O) and the Pfizer and BioNTech(22UAy.DE) alliance, with the vast majority of those affected recovering fully.

hey no big deal right, they recovered. but according to the "trust the science" cult there are NO RISKS whatsoever and anyone who says there are just isn't "trusting the science" whatever that even means.

>> No.51054180

so what science do you trust? whatever the authorities in government and media tell you is the right science. they can be trusted surely.

>> No.51054241
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todays schizo posting has been brought to you by Flurks

get your unvaccinated .pngs today at scatter.art

>> No.51054251


>> No.51054280

anyways op don't worry about it. they don't care about the vaccine. they care about whether or not you submit to their authority over you, which you can't do while sedated so whats the point.

>> No.51054348

Did you even read the picture you shared? Confirmed to be misinformation lmao
Just 2 more weeks!!! 2 more months!! Just 2 more years!!!

>> No.51054392

>Confirmed to be misinformation
yeah, according to "reuters fact check" lol

>> No.51054409

What's your fact check? Bitchute? Hahaha
Vax chads literally don't stop winning

>> No.51054433

>14 posts by this id
calm down fella you are just repeating stale talking points anyway, this is 4chan not r**dit we all already know

>> No.51054474

>you dont trust reuters that means you must be trusting someone else
maybe i don't trust anyone. especially not mainstream media journalists who are inherently dishonest and biased
people forget easily, today i reminded them

>> No.51054490

You need to be vaxxed, stop the spread.

>> No.51054491

just seeing the words "reuters fact check" was enough for him, he didn't even feel the need to look into it any further. the authorities have spoken and he has faith.

>> No.51054496

I half would, depends on the state. I don't know what I'd do about it though, I'm from nsw but during the peak hysteria I honestly would be extremely fearful of going anywhere near anesthetic and hospitals

>> No.51054520

nobody in the history of the Earth has ever uttered the phrase
>vax chads

>> No.51054558

I'd feel the same ozbro I don't trust these cunts

>> No.51054562

I'm honesty shocked people after two years STILL do not know Reuters is owned and funded by big pharma and ceo used to be the Pfizer ceo. FB fact checker got btfod in the court system too which was funny as fuck, unfortunately you won't see this on the news or hear plebs talking about it

>> No.51054596
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>Vax chads

>> No.51055144
File: 39 KB, 410x598, 9202D6A5-5C7B-4480-9564-E12445DC42ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is when I was fully done with the vaccine shit. They changed the definition of herd immunity and vaccine. Apparently science told us those words were incorrect too.

>> No.51055209

short-term medical science opinion is the risk-benefit assessment of current covid vaccines works out at population levels but fails at the individual level when said individual level is young and healthy
long-term medical science opinion says the long-tail risks aren't worth it
stop blaming others for your iq capping out at slightly above average. it's your prerogative to confuse politically-motivated decisions for science, but some of us are actual scientists and you should be thankful we do our best to keep morons like you alive

>> No.51055219

>I am from Australia
They will jab you when your unconscious.

T. Australian Medical Officer

>> No.51055255
File: 144 KB, 1294x807, 33c3dc94155b075a6fbf12942ca62209ace719143d879c4bf4396ddab160a814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being afraid of flu vaccines in the year 2022

>> No.51055334
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>Not being afraid of mRNA clot shots in 2022

>> No.51055362


>> No.51055371

youre more likely to die of GRIDs you dumb faggot

>> No.51055435

You piece of shit still shilling the covvax?

>> No.51055462

i'm not shilling it. i couldn't care less if you have or don't have it, the same as any other vaccine. however i will make fun of you for being a scared, hysterical pussy.

>> No.51055533

You have mental illness.

>> No.51055534

I was trying to make an humorous answer to you my dear, relax. My wife got the vax and she had problems with her periods. Tons of young women do. Just admit that the vax shilling was absolutely ridiculous, and most of the "antivax" sentiment is just a reaction against it. Not to mention the vast suppression of free speech on every media, that alone is a very big red flag.

>> No.51055572

i agree on you with media censorship. and yeah it sucks to hear that your wife had complications. i actually held off on taking the vaxx for 6 months because i wanted to see if it was safe, rather than fall for the normie cattle hysteria of GETTIN' VAXXED™. overall it's as safe as any other vaccine. it has fringe side effects, like any other medication or treatment. it's just a question of whether or not you want to shoulder that risk.

>> No.51055615

I'm proud to say neither I nor any of my family ix vaxxed with this garbage shit but looking at that pic reminds how much I hate globohomo/WEF/Schwab and the rest of them.

>> No.51055674
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This is why I opted out of sedation when I had to have a colonoscapy in 2020. I'll be damned if the jab jew gets me in my sleep

>> No.51056681

if you're a woman they will unironically let the whole med students finger fuck you for science