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File: 36 KB, 750x499, 3223rmany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51036040 No.51036040 [Reply] [Original]

Kanzler Scholz traveled to meet with Norway leaders to discuss increasing Gas deliveries. They declined, saying more isnt possible. Then begged with Sweden for more electricity. Got rejected like an incel by their female prime minister. There is no more capacity at the power lines.

They also begged in Qatar, but Qatar, knowing their weak position, demanded long running contracts at current high prices. Basically giving them the finger.

Now Germany has to buy from USA LNG Gas. Every ship of LNG Gas makes the US 150 Mio dollar net profit. Causes prices in europa are 7x. Its a huge arbitrage deal.

>> No.51036060 [DELETED] 
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Stop using the BRD occupation government flag
Use at least the original from 1848 with th gold at top

>> No.51036066

its for sure all designed to collapse the economy.
But , this is probably the general repetition before the live fire.

It will be worse the next time around

>> No.51036086
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Enough aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hope Dugin gets Putin to turn the ukraine into radioactive glass

>> No.51036121

>They also begged in Qatar, but Qatar, knowing their weak position, demanded long running contracts at current high prices.
i bet they become a lot more flexible once we start building infrastructure to get our gas from israel.

>> No.51036153 [DELETED] 
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This is what you get for supporting nazis in a losing battle with Russia

>> No.51036165

>Depend heavily on Russia for energy
>brutally fuck up relations to Russia for Ukraine

Germany seems to be a master country in terms of diplomacy, bravô!

>> No.51036263
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Retards believed green pace and a retarded teenage girl. and stopped with their Nuclear plants.

>> No.51036297

Germans want this, look at any electoral poll. 80% for greens, CDU and SPD

>> No.51036335
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>Muh nazis
Go back Bobo

>> No.51036350

Where do I go to leave this shithole?

I don't want this as a migrant.
This is pure insanity and I really should leave Germany but don't know where to go.

>> No.51036367

i really like this flag

>> No.51036386
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>Macro economics
This just means the sanctions are working!

>> No.51036397

German here, currently looking at Cyprus or maybe Madeira

>> No.51036402

>I don't want this as a migrant.
>This is pure insanity and I really should leave Germany but don't know where to go.
im german and feel the same way
at least you got some shithole home to go back to
I dont even have that Im gonna have to live my life in exile because germans apparently just have to ruin everything for no reason whatsoever

>> No.51036404 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51036411

Yes thank you finally
Maybe from where you did come from

>> No.51036415

The answer is very simple. But achieving is not.
The greatest country of all history: Switzerland

There is no other country that is less affected from worldwide struggles.

>> No.51036438



>> No.51036445

A: They changed their logo
B: Most of them are dead
C: They are more like satanists
D: Thats one batatllion
The Ukraine is jewish led not nazi
But yes im team russia
ALso how is a symbol that protects europeans against foreigners bad, back to plebbit

>> No.51036456

If all the immigrants in Germany were to leave the country, you'd be living like one in your own country and you know it.

Germany cannot afford to shake off the immigrants. In fact, it needs much more of us ;)

>> No.51036459
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>> No.51036467

>implying migrants are the problem
its not migrants voting green, spd, CDU
its also not the migrants who autistically police corona rules
the problem is and has always been the ugly german

>> No.51036469

Yes this is a reason to be agaist Ukraine

>> No.51036504

>Germany cannot afford to shake off the immigrants. In fact, it needs much more of us ;)
It would be paradies without any immigrants
The only thing would be germans would need to make more shit jobs. So in theory best would be to continue to allow eastern euros only but the best would still be us alone.
Germany used to be world class in technology, economy, living standards etc...
And it decreased exactly as the immigrants increased.
But i would rather live poor doing 10 hour hard farm work every day and life without immigrants then this

>> No.51036513

The migrants are the reason your economy didn't collapse due to your shit demographics, or at least been stagnating like Japan

>> No.51036519

Ffs the worst thing SPD green and CDU did was inviting immigrants
Am i surrounded by dumb brainwashed zoomers?
Do you even remember how it was just about 15 years ago with less immigrant?

>> No.51036528

every year the same bullshit because you germanoids can't handle economic crisis.
my neighbours have been crying like a little bitch about fuel prices and "how we can't afford anything anymore" yet I see them driving to a Kaufland thats less than a kilometer away to buy stupid shit like processed food and chocolate. I don't feel pitty for you.

>> No.51036540

It would be standnant maybe because of decreasing population but the living standard would be god tier since immigrants are a huge net neagtiv

>> No.51036547

>Germany used to be world class in technology, economy, living standards etc...
>And it decreased exactly as the immigrants increased.
migrants didnt sell off the entire german industry to international corporations
migrants didnt privatize and ruin all the shit that was run by the state before (post office, trains, etc.)
migrants didnt vote CDU for 16 years, only to switch it up and vote the fucking greens/SPD into power
migrants didnt slap dumbass sanctions on russia
migrants didnt print trillions of euros
migrants didnt even allow millions of migrants to come into germany
all these things were done or allowed to happen by autistic, mouth breathing germans
and yet you morons keep pointing the finger at migrants as if that somehow was their fault.
when will stupid krauts learn to be accountable for their own dumb actions?

>> No.51036566
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I feel bad for Ukraine. The average Ukrainian is caught up in macro economic forces they don't even understand. I feel bad for these Russian conscripts who are dying in Ukraine. However, Putin has been telling NATO for years to stop encroaching on its boarder. Putin attacked because Biden is weak (and probably compromised) and NATO is weak. Such is life in the real world.

>> No.51036567

>It would be standnant maybe because of decreasing population but the living standard would be god tier since immigrants are a huge net neagtiv
Who do you think does all the shit tier jobs in your country?
Who would you replace them with?
20% of your population is made out of migrants

>> No.51036570
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>> No.51036573

Lol yuros once again proving they are massive retarded cucks

German autism at it’s finest

>> No.51036578

Ok all what you said is true it was done by the BRD parties
Do you even know how it is to not live around these diversity bullshit?
Its instant x10 of the living standard
Also who did build up all this shit they destroyed? Germans right

>> No.51036579

This but unironically.
Some of you are braindead.
>lol abdulah bad get of my country... nooo i gotta clean toilets now?

>> No.51036586

Basically this exept i dont think russia uses conscript exept a few cases

>> No.51036599

>But i would rather live poor doing 10 hour hard farm work every day
Tell that to Germans who think that they are more privileged than the immigrants who do labor. Nowadays even white collar workers.

Also, tell that to your own innocent governments because they play a great role in conflicts in 3rd/2nd world countries. You know what happens when you cause conflicts in other countries? Immigration crisis.

Think of this as shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.51036601

Pretty funny that even after all this, the only party that is different AFD has only around 11-14% supports

>> No.51036603

azov is like 1% of the whole ukrainian army, rightwing parties had less than 5% counted together last election, stop falling for low IQ propaganda, stop coping

>> No.51036606

Looks african with the yellow on top
And at the same time we didnt advance our green energies due to CDU being against it

>> No.51036609

NATO looks weak but Russia is functionally retarded and a literal nigger state

Only good guys in this conflict are Azov Nazis killing subhuman conscripts with awesome US tech. Putin is a faggot and Russians are brainwashed retards. Glad dugins dumbass daughter got BTFO

Fuck Eurasia commies
Fuck enforced NATO homos

>> No.51036613

>Do you even know how it is to not live around these diversity bullshit?
I went to school in the 90s in some bumfuck town with 1,000 people
even back then we had afghans, turks and italians in my school (but I guess you dont mind the italians because somehow theyre good immigrants?)
this country has been flooded with immigrants since the 60s
Im not even saying this is agood thing or we should bring millions of illiterate third world morons here.
the first step to fixing a problem is acknowledging your role in it.

>> No.51036614

it's hilarious how the entire world has fallen for the global economy meme. the jewnited states with its utter reliance on chinks for the entirety of its supply chain, and europe for its utter reliance on russians for energy. truly the clowniest of times.

>> No.51036620

Moslems dont clean toilets retard thats eastern euros
So youre saying because 20% of the people are already replaces we have to replace the rest?
Stupid, you are all suggesting a only german germany cant work, well look at the history.
It would work easily after slow repatttriation
Also rents and houses would go down by a lot

>> No.51036626

that‘s the guy who‘s BTFOing russians for 6 months straight? made me think

>> No.51036633

After beeing propaganded for 80 years by the media

>> No.51036653

>After beeing propaganded for 80 years by the media
see this is exactly what Im talking about
its always somebody else fault
oh its the immigrants
oh no its the propaganda
oh no its the jews
no its stupid fucking german people making stupid decisions over and over and over again
you will never change until you learn to take responsibility for your actions

>> No.51036655

Also yes i mind italians but not that much
You just demonstrated how you dont even know how it is to life without immigrants, in my area in the 90s and 00s in school we were foreigner free 99%
See your probably now Rheinländer and dont even know now

>> No.51036660

their biggest mistake was operation barbaraossa

>> No.51036662
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>its for sure all designed to collapse the economy.
I doubt that, if Europe was still all white they might get a way with that but now that it's full of niggers and sand niggers there will be massive riots if their creature comforts are cut due to rolling power outages.
Imagine if power was cut off to L.A, New York, and Detroit for even a week the body count would make most war zones look like chump change.
Places like Paris and London are gonna be a giant dumpster fires this fall if the power crisis isn't solved... I can't wait, it's gonna great.

>> No.51036663

>its always somebody else fault
It literally is.
Germans have not had the ful say and souvereignity since 1945, only before its 100% germans fault or good what happended

>> No.51036667
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Funny meme is funny. Azov is also the most combat capable of all units in Ukraine. They have long been a favorite of the right wing. The point of the meme is to get the r/slavaukraine retards to support black sun imagery.

>> No.51036674
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>So youre saying because 20% of the people are already replaces we have to replace the rest?
No, what I'm saying is that without them your standard of living would be way lower, and you would have to face the consequences of the disastrous ethic German population pyramid scheme.
Now imagine the picture without the migrants
If you think that your country is taking them in altruistically you are in for a rude awakening

>> No.51036682

The kraut wagie is a person of inaction and they think their inaction and not taking any sides is what absolves them from their sin. They gladly let people run their country into the ground for decades and they won't even admit it's their fault.

>> No.51036693

listen faggot
I went to an eilte gymnasium with 100% germans
these were some of the most arrogant, dumbest, backstabbing cunts Ive ever met
at 16 I went to a mixed school full with turks and arabs
I prefer those all day over stupid Germans who always point the finger at other people
as a matter of fact, after the corona scam Im 100% supporting a complete ethnic replacement of all germans
because germans would constantly tattle tale, snitch, call hte police, and patrol vaxx passes even if its not their job
the arabs were chill and treated me like a human being
so Id take my chances with the immigrants, germans are some of the worst people and can go to hell as far as Im concerned
but sure go and live in your pol fantasy where somehow all problems would be fixed if only the pesky foreigners were all deported
you dont even understand that you are being played for a fool. divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book and poltards keep falling for it.

>> No.51036696

Migrants cost more then they give
They are taken in to ethnically replace germans that is the agenda of the elite they dont care about germans beeing rich. IF THEY WOULD THEY WOULD NOT HAVE DONE THIS RUSSIA BS
I get your point but they more easily could have given more money for children 30 years ago and it would be fine

>> No.51036697

I hope that putler doesn't cuck out and goes all in, and even if the west lifts the sanctions he keeps the gas supply low to hurt their economy.
this is his historic chance to speed up the collapse significantly
This war is worth at least 10 years of slow decline

>> No.51036698
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No. He is the US puppet who is collecting billions from the west. The US is supplying the weapons, training, and targeting intel that is killing Russians and maintaining the current stalemate on the ground.

>> No.51036704

>you will never change until you learn to take responsibility for your actions

This somehow reminded me of "Umerziehung" and how krauts couldn't even comprehend their mistakes for some time.

>> No.51036707

Reminder that Germany signed a deal to import all firewood and brickets of firewood pellet from Bosnia that can be produced. 100% of it.
So German Greens means deforestation of Bosnia.
May God freeze as many of you faggots to death as possible.

>> No.51036715

Maybe i reply later i have to go now, you sounds like a wigger

>> No.51036723

>muh poor oppressed germans had no say in this!
yeah sure thats why they kept voting CDU for 16 years
and dont give me this bullshit of all polls being rigged, they fucking loved mutti merkel here every stupid german was always bragging about muh export boom and how great her europa politik was.
absolute braindead cattle the whole lot of them

>> No.51036733

>I get your point but they more easily could have given more money for children 30 years ago and it would be fine
This I agree with, every country should aim to have a policy of natalism instead of immigration.
And I do think that your elites want to turn your people into cattle that is easier to control, and they achieve this through multiculturalism

>> No.51036743
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>> No.51036749
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Atleast our deforestation rates are not over exceeded am i right :)

This is the brain on green politics, reduce economic footprint here but increase it elsewhere

>> No.51036761

>Retards believed green pace and a retarded teenage girl
It's worse than that because the "waste" is not really waste and you can eat plutonium. The hole radioactivity/nuclear bomb psyops are a hoax.

All those people running the "nuclear" plants are freemasons and other secret society niggers. Same with all the science niggers and the telescope niggers.

>> No.51036775

>This somehow reminded me of "Umerziehung" and how krauts couldn't even comprehend their mistakes for some time.
germans are the most stubborn and incredibly stupid
when WW2 ended hitler ordered all the german industry to be destryoed, muh verbrannte erde
then he killed himself
his generals actually reversed the orders because they realized that, well even german übermenschen have to eat
so they went all across the country to stop germans from blowing up their own factories
and every where they went people thought hitle was just about to reveral some kind of wunderwaffe that would finally win them the war
these morons were still following orders and believing bullshit from a guy who had already killed himself, when the war was already over and allied forces had taken over everything
thats the kind of people youre dealing with here
stubborn, autistic idiots who would rather blow up their own country than realize they might be on the wrong path somehow

>> No.51036796
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>NATO looks weak but Russia is functionally retarded and a literal nigger state
and yet the Russians are coming out this smelling like roses while the whole of EU is seething. How are the Russians the stupid ones when they not only passed the sanctions shits tests but got Jews to willingly pull out of their countries AND are holding all of Europe by the balls due to having massive control over the bulk of the energy supply?
European leaders better start praying for a mild winter because once the temperature starts falling and there is no heating all the shitskins they imported are gonna start rioting.

Unless the US can build a pipeline across the North Atlantic by October the EU is gonna have to tell their welfare collecting monkies to freeze this winter, that or they play ball with Vald.

>> No.51036811

Is this a good time to invest in energy stocks? Like a basket of the top 10 natural gas companies?

>> No.51036813

The thing is the whole europe (actually the entire fucking world) is stuck with the WW2 narrative, where nationalism is seen as something terrible, and NOWHERE (not even here in italy despite "MUH BASED ITALIANS LOLOL" /pol/faggotry) nationalism and race is recognized as something that doesn't lead to genocide anymore.

People can blame anything, jews, immigrants, degeneration... But the left took over us all because being proud of yourself and fighting for your own survival, is seen as something causing genocide, war and sufference.

>> No.51036815

Germans lack self-awareness, been their issue through their entire history

>> No.51036816

Please provide a source for this I need to send it my german friend he is in the green party

>> No.51036818

Electricity export to Germany when?
t. Swede

>> No.51036826

Why ALL europeans/EU politicians are so fucking stupid? Just keep using coal and nuclear and declare "green energy" a failure, how is possible that with this situation no one is held accountable? Fucking heads should be rolling.

>> No.51036844

Hey we are making the US rich, so everyone does profit

>> No.51036868

So you're saying lpg will be up this week but my motherland will suffer? Hmm well at least I have stock in tellurian.

>> No.51036886

>Russia smelling like roses

Pure fucking delusion lol

Russia just proved to the entire world that it’s a useless paper tiger. It’s military is filled with underequipped Mongolians who can’t even fight a modern war.

Everyone hates Russia now and NATO just gained nations. Putin is a fucking retard and just exposed himself

The best part is that retarded leftist green faggots are going to make yuros freeze in the winter or become even more dependent on the JewSA

This entire world is a fucking joke. My biggest regret is not becoming a Carthusian monk and literally checking out of society forever

>> No.51036888

You have a point, saying this as a German. We are still stubborn and think we know it better than the rest of the world, it's what brought us in this mess. What I have going for me is that I my ancestors left this shithole early 1800 and my parents only came back 30 years ago so atleast we were not part of the nazi germans.

>> No.51036889

di kammst mehr :)
t. saturn werbung

>> No.51036899
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>The US is supplying the weapons, training, and targeting intel that is killing Russians and maintaining the current stalemate on the ground.
Given what I have seen of the current state of the US military them training the Ukrainians is the Russians biggest asset

>> No.51036919

That was a pleasant read and most likely true based on my understanding of krauts.

Now, I agree with the arguments stated in this thread where people say "immigrants yallah to your cave" to a certain extent, but we are living in the same world and every country has their own aspie population. Saying that immigrants are causing all the problems is very blindsided.

>> No.51036921

>not even an AR15

Step up your trolling. Posting some scandi conscript whore is not the same as posting some fat nigress twerking in the navy to honor fentynal Floyd

>> No.51036939
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Russia currently controls over 20% of Ukrainian territory and a significant portion of its energy and natural resources. They can maintain this situation much like they have maintained the occupation of Donbass and Crimea since 2014/2015.

>> No.51036947

>Everyone hates Russia now and NATO just gained nations. Putin is a fucking retard and just exposed himself
You do realize that the entire world, outside of Europe, US, Canada, and various us puppets (south korea, Australia...) supports Russia?
Jesus the hubris of westoids and the absolute non-reality based world view always astounds me.

>> No.51036964

He's not wrong though. It runs deep.

>> No.51036978

Who the Chinks? Some goat fucker king from abadabullidullah ville?

Russians just turned themselves into the incel of the civilized world. No one cares about your weird autistic friends.

You used to have the benefit of the doubt with NATO expansion being defensive but now everyone knows your basically a dinndu nothing nigger

Worst part is that your getting BTFO by a senile Jewish puppet who is giving the best tech to literal Nazis lol

>> No.51036986

I like them for this. Not for being nazi jobbers but for being ocd determined and precise. Its just better suited for technology and other things.

>> No.51036996

>Who the Chinks? Some goat fucker king from abadabullidullah ville?
Ok I'll indulge
The Chinks, Indians, the muslims, the Africans and some Latin countries oh wait that's 90% of the worlds population, too bad I guess nobody supports Russia you are right

>> No.51037032

sure, how about this

>> No.51037041

So what you're saying is they are a highly intelligent and dedicated people of principle. Got it.

>> No.51037043

they don't support russia, they just don't want to be dragged into the whole thing in order to get cheap oil from russia while still being able to trade with the west. the only countries who actually are on russias side here are unironically north koream syria and maybe iran, kek. really can't make this shit up. if it's actually comes to the point to pick sides here (aka WW3) then be assured that china and especially india will drop any russian connection like a hot potato.

>> No.51037059

This guy gets it.

>> No.51037061

Look man. I honestly don’t care.

But if Russians want to take over countries like Poland, Ukraine and turn Europe into a bastardized Mongolian soup of genetics you guys should be gassed

>> No.51037100

>So what you're saying is they are a highly intelligent and dedicated people of principle. Got it.
no Im saying theyre braindead drones who will do whatever theyre told, even if its to their own disadvantage
I would say thats the exact opposite of highly intelligent.
they sure are dedicated though, usually to great things like putting jews in concentration camps, saving the world from climate change or whatever kooky idea they get into their head at the time.

>> No.51037113

Looking at Cyprus for what exactly? And even if there is something to look at, how are you gonna manage you millions of roaches bitching about any deal with Cyprus?

>> No.51037122

Only modern day Germany but look around the world. The world has been made brown inevitably through technology and travel. We are all stuck in what will be known as the brown age or "the mixing"

>> No.51037131

Yea I'm sure that muslims are neutral after all the west has done to them in the middle east, they for sure don't remember all the millions that died from the US hegemony for natural resources, and are dying rn
India has been Russias historic ally for a long time now
And imagine how happy africans must be for not even being treated as sovereign and human enough to even be able to buy their own food from Russia because of sanctions.

>> No.51037143

Good thing Germany took down those nuclear power plants because of tsunamis in Japan. HAHAHAHHAHAHA. When does Merkel burn?

>> No.51037152

Thats women and illegals mostly so it doesn't count. Blame the humanity and evil politics that got them there.

>> No.51037162

Obviously, countries won't go out of their way and face repercussions for supporting Russia
But the people overwhelmingly support them

>> No.51037230

Niggers were a weapon this whole time. Cutting off our power pulls the trigger on said weapon.

>> No.51037244

russia has its own history with killing muslims and invading their countries. arabs know well enough that russians aren't their friends, and neither is china. (north) africa and the middle east are culturally way more connected to europe than to russia.
>But the people overwhelmingly support them
you're brainwashed if you really think that. most people outside west and russia are indifferent to the war itself, but most who have an opinion on it see russia as the aggressor.

>> No.51037258

Merkel will be in the top 3 worst leaders this century. So far it's Putin closely followed by Merkel. Number 3 is debatable

>> No.51037292

Sleepy joe is second

>> No.51037318

Not even close, he actually outplayed Putin

>> No.51037363
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>I post in thread about macro but I can't spell BRICS

>> No.51037389
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>my son's laptop
Yeah. Let's revisit this when the war is over in Ukraine. What do you think? Maybe 2 more weeks?

>> No.51037400

Lol lmao

The only thing he plays with is his poop in his pants

>> No.51037422


You drove down your nuclear and willingly placed yourself under the russians thumb. I hope putin cuts off all your gas. You fucked up

>> No.51037449

More like this is what you get for depending on Russia for your energy

>> No.51037494

Do you know why shit tier jobs are shit?
Because they're paid shit.
Why because theres more competition due to immigration.
Pay me 25€/hr and i go clean toilets.

>> No.51037501

Fixed elections, like the US but Germans are too autistic to question it.

>> No.51037509

Trump warned you. You scoffed and laughed.

>> No.51037574

>All those people running the "nuclear" plants are freemasons and other secret society niggers. Same with all the science niggers and the telescope niggers.
Holy based

>> No.51037673

Obviously not him but as a world leader he will get the credit for his experts work. Just like with Putin and Merkel

>> No.51037674

du bist verdammt basiert und bist auf einen vollkommen höheren Leven angekommen.

Ja, du hast Recht.
Der andere wird es nicht verstehen.
Ist vermutlich so ein dümmlicher Ossi, der nur AfD wählt weil muuuuh die Kanakööön rraaaus.

ich habe 2013, 2017 und 2021 AfD gewählt und das ehrlich gesagt nur aus Trotz, weil wen hätte ich sonst wählen sollen? Und bevor ich gar nicht wählen gehe, habe ich lieber die AfD gewählt, damit diese jedenfalls in den Bundestag kommt und mal ein bisschen Querschiesst.

>no its stupid fucking german people making stupid decisions over and over and over again
you will never change until you learn to take responsibility for your actions

so fucking true
das ist die Wahrheit

Habe es selbst oft so gesehen und passiert immernoch in Firmen oder sogar im Privaten (Vereinen)

die deutschen sind wirklich das einzige behinderte drecksvolk was sich selber angeht und sich selber das leben schwer macht.

Die Leute in meinen Leben mit denen ich bisher wirklich die größten Problemen hatte, dass waren selber Deutsche und sogar noch aus meiner Heimat (10-15 kilometer vom Haus meiner Eltern entfernt)

Deutsche sind untereinander die letzten Dreckswichser und selbst innerhalb der Familie gibt es keinen zusammen halt mehr.

>> No.51037743

Only two more week until Putin got Kyiv right? Right? Oh wait he is still shitting around at the border and his incompetent troops continue killing themself and are deserting.

>> No.51037831
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>2 hour Avengers movie
Russia has occupied Crimea since 2014. They now occupy more of the country. They aren't leaving.

>> No.51037901


Pretty much this. I lived among Germans until I was 19 (Small Town in Northern Germany) then I moved to Bavaria for studying, it was a fucking release!! Pure German environments are hell on earth, when you are surrounded only by these assholes they make your life hell because of every fucking little thing. You need to scare them so they keep their mouths shut, its just ridiculous how they bitch about every little shit.

I think if you are around foreigners, these boomer-assholes are simply distracted by them and can deal with them except your, at least you have your peace from these bastards. Is just typical German behaviour, we need someone to hate and to look down at, Jews, Ausländer, Muslims - doesnt matter.

>> No.51037964

This. I notice this so much in the university, when germoids come here.
9/10 times they're leftists, and always complain about the government (of my country is sooo bad etc.) yet they still come here.

>> No.51037992

>hates "his own" people
Are you German or Azhkenazi lmao

>> No.51038018

>Chinks, Indians
Both joined the sanctions

>> No.51038046

Lmao they eat shit daily

>> No.51038088

basiert und maximal rotgepillt.

Mein Vater, Mein Opa, allgemein meine gesamte Familie väterlicherseits stammen eigentlich aus Schlesien und sind nach dem 2. Weltkrieg nach Bayern geflüchtet.

Habe dadurch auch schon einige Geschichten gehört.

Mein Vater meinte zu mir auch als ich etwas älter war, halt Jugendlicher so 16 17 Jahre alt, die einzigen Menschen auf die du dich verlassen kannst bist du selbst und deine direkte Familie.

Ich bin nun 28 Jahre alt und er hatte verdammt nochmal recht.

Selbst wenn du selber Deutscher bist, sind die Deutschen untereinander die letzten Mistwichser.

Arbeitskollegen mit denen ich bisher am besten zurecht gekommen bin waren immer Ausländer...überwiegend sogar "Ostblock" also:

Russen / Deutschrussen Spätaussiedler
und US-Amerikaner.

Für die alle ist es übrigens überhaupt nicht verständlich gerade bei den Türken oder Amerikanern, wenn diese als Ausländer sogar besser und anderes behandelt werden als der Deutsche / Kollegen aus dem gleiche Land.

Was gerade Türken auch wirklich anwiedert.
Die wissen selber ganz genau, dass es auch nicht wirklich real aus gastfreundlichkeit ist oder "weil es gute Menschen sind"

die machen sich zum Bückling weil die immer noch ihre Komplexe vom Holocaust haben und das ganze "du bist ein böser Deutscher also musst du ganz besonders lieb sein zu jeden der kein Deutscher ist".

es ist einfach nur noch peinlich.

>> No.51038104


Das deutsche Volk kann man vergessen und diese Regierung erst recht.

Kann nun seit einigen Jahren auch verstehen warum meine Schwester in die Schweiz ausgewandert ist, dort arbeitet und einen Niederländer als Freund hat.

Meine Tante / Schwester meines Vaters ist Mitte der 70iger in die USA ausgewandert, weil sie sich mit einen Amerikanischen Air Force Soldaten angefreundet hat und ist dann dort geblieben hat ihn geheiratet und 3 Kinder gemacht.

Mein Opa, sowie aber auch mein Vater, die haben sich hier in Bayern regelrecht den Arsch aufgerissen im beruflichen sowieso im privaten.

Meinst du, da kam irgendwie mal ein dank oder anerkennung?

ein Scheiß Dreck, nur Neiderer und Geläster.

Mein Opa hat als eigentlich Bäckergeselle beim INA Schaeffler in Herzogenaurach sich innerhalb weniger Jahre vom Produktionshelfer zum Schleifer Facharbeiter zum Schichtführer und später dann Abteilungsleiter hoch gebuckelt.

Er ging fast jeden Samstag auf Arbeit rein und oft auch an Feiertagen oder Sonntagen um die ordentlichen Zuschläge abzukassiern.

Meine Oma ist trotzdem auch nochmal in der Weberei arbeiten gegangen obwohl der Opa schon ordentlich verdient, eben damit sie schnell ihr Haus abbezahlt bekommen und keine Schulden bei der Bank mehr haben.

Stattdessen nur Gelaber, der Rudi, der kriegt den Hals nie voll, bla bla der hat kein Leben, der geht nur schuften schuften schuften was ein Idiot.

Als er sich dann Jahre später, da war dass Haus dann abbezahlt, ein Horex Imperator Motorrad gekauft hat wurde auch nur wieder im Dorf gelästert

"Wie sich den bitte dieser Flüchtling (Heimat Vertriebener aus Schlesien) sich SOETWAS leisten kann (muh das hatter doch wo geklaut ghabt und so Schwachsinn wurde erzählt)

>> No.51038163

Mein Vater hat jahrelang in der Kreisliga Mannschaft vom Dorf als Torwart gespielt, war Vorstand bei der freiwilligen Feuerwehr, hat beim Heimatverein mitgeholfen, hat bis in die Ende 90iger diese ganzen Ehrenämter gemacht und als er dann gesagt hat er hört auf, damit jüngere weiter machen sollen wurde ihm nur nach gehalten er hätte keine Lust mehr und er soll doch bitte solange weiter machen bis sich jemand gefunden hat und den soll er dann nochmal bitte 1 - 2 Jahre lang "anlernen".

Es gibt übrigens auch viele Spätaussiedler / Deutschrussen die ebenfalls fast ausschließlich schlechte Erfahrung gemacht haben mit "diesen Deutschen".

Ich bin ehrlich gesagt nur noch hier in Deutschland, weil ich hier mir etwas aufgebaut habe, einen guten Job habe bei meiner IG Metall Tarifvertrag Firma, umsonst im Haus meiner Großeltern wohne, welches wiederum meine Eltern vor einigen Jahren komplett renoviert habe und ich mittelfristig sowohl Haus als auch gut 2000 Quadratmeter Grundstück erben werde.

Wäre das nicht, wäre ich schon längst in die USA zu meiner Tante und den Ami Onkel Richard und würde bei deinen im Weinberg / auf ihrer Landwirftschaft arbeiten oder mit zu meiner Schwester in die Schweiz ziehen und halt dann dort sich etwas erschaffen.

I am 100 % German
the Father Side of my Family is from Silesia who was part of the Real East Germany, which was Lost after the War to Poland and Czechia.
2 Great Uncles of mine were in the Waffen SS and died on the east Front in Russia

the name of my maternal Grandfather was Hans.
and the name of my Father is Manfred

>> No.51038180

Calm down Gunther

>> No.51038241

okay chill Hans Manfred bro relax

>> No.51038263

I think you would get along with the friesians, maybe move there

>> No.51038307

>Er ging fast jeden Samstag auf Arbeit rein und oft auch an Feiertagen oder Sonntagen um die ordentlichen Zuschläge abzukassiern.
Mein Vater auch, nur dass wir Ausländer sind (also nicht bloß Schlesier)

Wahrscheinlich haue ich auch in die Heimat wieder ab, nur spreche jene Sprache wesentlich schlechter als Deutsch, sogar schlechter als Englisch. Aber Haus, Wohnung und alles dort gegeben, auch Felder mit Olivenbäumen ;)

So allmählich schrumpfen die Vorteile, die das Leben in Deutschland mitsichbringt. Heimat ist auch (noch) EU und damit kann ich ohnehin stets frei herumziehen, als EU-Bürger. Und hier wird es mehr Drittewelt als bei mir in der Heimat, mag die Wirtschaft zwar wesentlich schlechter sein sein, irgendwas findet sich, ich will nur in Ruhe leben können :)

Und ja, wie man Scholz hat wählen können ist mir unbegreiflich. Die Cum-Ex-Sache ist so übel, das ist unverzeihlich. Laschet hat verloren, weil er nen Manlet ist. Söder hätte gewonnen, selbst wenn er auch nen Mongo ist.

>> No.51038316

Sure, and Ukraine 15th counter offensive will take moscow in two weeks.

>> No.51038346

>meine gesamte Familie väterlicherseits stammen eigentlich aus Schlesien
meine familie hat eine ähnliche biographie und ich sehe es genauso. in einem deutschen umfeld zu arbeiten ist die hölle. hatte mal das glück mit amerikanern projekte zu machen, natürlich ist nicht alles perfekt, aber der umgang und wie man über andere leute redet ist ein ganz anderer. wenn man irgendwelche besondere talente besitzt oder zielstrebig ist, ist das schon für deutsche ein grund misstrauisch zu sein. ein land von beamten und mittelmäßigkeit. bin die tage mit der bahn gefahren, alle wieder mit maske am start, war der einzige der den schwachseinn nicht mehr mitmacht. mir reichts langsam, werde englische sprachzertifikate ablegen und dann weiterschauen.

>> No.51038427

i am not mad. i just wanted to write down my thoughts.

4chan is a great site cause you can speak open with people.

My Name is Viktor

>> No.51038429

>hatte mal das glück mit amerikanern projekte zu machen
bro ich habe jahre lang hier selbständig für deutsche firmen gearbeitet. hab mich halt tot geschuftet und meine nkunden millionen umsätze gemacht. meinst du da kam mal ein danke oder ein lob? die haben noch rumgemeckert dass irgendwelche details ja nicht stimmen würden udn aws mir einfällt mehr geld zu verlangen ich verdiene ja schon wirklich genug. die wichser von der steuer haben mich auch noch gefickt am ende bin ich fast bankrott gegangen. hab dann irgendwann alle gefeuert und arbeite nur noch mit ami kunden. siehe da, weniger papierkram, DEUTLICH mehr geld und man wird wie ein mensch behandelt und hört auch mal ein "good job" anstatt dass immer nur rumgemeckert wird. für die deutschen ist ja das größte kompliment wenn sie mal die fresse halten und nichts negatives sagen. woltle eigentilch auch in die USA auswandern ging dann aber dank coroan leider nicht. hab nur noch hass auf dieses scheiß land aber weiss auc hnicht wo ich sonst hin soll außer USA kann ich mir nicht wirklich was vorstellen dauerhaft.

>> No.51038448

They want gas?
Here's some:

>> No.51038457


Have had similar experiences. What I found eyeopening, when I moved out of that shithole in northern Germany, I even had to pay my German "friends" to help me to move. When I moved out of my appartment in Bavaria, my foreign neighbors(turks and croatian) came to my aid, the wife of turk even made us something to eat. Really felt bad after this and made me think about my own people.
You just can't rely on Germans, this autistic behavior just crazy. As soon as I've made enough money I'll fuck off, the people here are simply unbearable.

>> No.51038477
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good morning im the only human in this thread

>> No.51038494

Hi germanbro, frog here. It's customary in my country to blame the German for most of the retarded policies of the EU, and even to say that our politicians are bought either by the US or by Germany. What do Germans think about it, who do you blame ?

>> No.51038505

bist du Grieche, Italiener oder vom Balkan?

ganz ehrlich, wenn ich du wäre, würde ich zurück in die Heimat gehen.

Ich habe leider diese Option nicht....
die "Heimat" die ich habe ist eben dieses Deutschland 2022.

>> No.51038528

>no reason whatsoever

>> No.51038572

>noooooo I can’t clean my toilet
Females and teenagers

>> No.51038600


>> No.51038606


>> No.51038621

i too blame the Germans.

>> No.51038624

Historically illiterate midwits try to blame Germans for being jewish slaves after losing the war
>noooooo it’s not the consistent globalist policies over decades that most people opposed at the time they were pushed before media brainwashing, it must be Germans

>> No.51038634


nah man, you need just round about 100-200K, the more the better. It is really enough to create you a new life in another european county where people arent fully retardet like in Germany. I think about to move to Hungary, Croatia or Spain/Portugal. Dont wanna leave EU desu

>> No.51038647

>at least we didn’t fight the kikes and are good goyim
>also why does everything suck around?
This thread is filled with r*ddit manure

>> No.51038691
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no me 2 im just here for the ukraine bashing

>> No.51038702

This is literally a copy pasta seen it a couple months ago.
You idiots are talking to a kike bot and eating whatever bullshit it shits

>> No.51038705


Jungs, habt ihr vielleicht Lust, dass wir uns über Discord also per Sprachchat etwas unterhalten?
Ich habe einen eigenen Server

>> No.51038884

Also dann würde ich ehrlich gesagt lieber nach Tschechien gehen. Die Gegend im Altvatergebirge und mich mal etwas auf Spuren suche begeben.

Ungarn hab ich auch schon öfter gehört aber die ungarische Sprache soll recht schwierig sein.

Kroatien ist eine nette Gegend für Urlaub, aber ich glaube, dass hat schon seine Gründe warum viele Kroaten in Italien und Deutschland leben und arbeiten und nicht mehr in Kroatien.

naja also kurz gesagt

meine 3 möglichen Länder
Tschechien, Sudeten Gebirge weil Familie kommt auch ursprünglich von da
Schweiz weil Schwester dort mit ihren Freund lebt, ein Haus hat und könnte dort mit einziehen, Arbeit besorgen und dann eigene Wohnung suchen
USA, Tante und Onkel. beide bereits über 70. haben Kinder die alle zwischen 30 und 40 sind, also nur etwas älter als Ich.
Ist aber gar nicht mal so leicht in die USA zu kommen. Klar mit einer Greencard, aber ich wüsste ehrlich gesagt nicht, ob die USA wirklich noch so ein gutes Land zum auswandern wären.
naja und ein paar Monate könnte ich schon bei meiner Tante und den Onkel bleiben, die haben ein recht großes Haus aber mittelfristig muss ich mir dann auch was komplett eigenes Suchen.....die wohnen in Kalifornien. Nördlich von San Francisco.

>> No.51038945


sure why not, prolly can join later this evening, atm im in an conference call with my department

>> No.51038994

>ITT grass is greener

>> No.51039033

Bullshit bavaria is just more chill or city is more chill

>> No.51039059

Quick anon, which us companies ship natural gas to europe?

>> No.51039066

>Ist vermutlich so ein dümmlicher Ossi,
Bin kein Ossi
>die deutschen sind wirklich das einzige behinderte drecksvolk was sich selber angeht und sich selber das leben schwer macht.
Bs every white people are brainwashed to be this way erweiter deinen horizont

>> No.51039091


Die Lebenshaltungskosten sind brutal in Griechenland, aber die steigen letztlich überall. Aber dort würde ich zumindest keine Miete zahlen müssen.

Ja, tut mir Leid. Ich erkenne selbst, wie ich sich hier die Umgebung verändert. Demographisch, aber auch das Klima (das wird immer mehr wie in Griechenland) und der politische Geist. An der Uni ist es erdrückend links, Medien sind ebenfalls nicht viel besser. Umgekehrt hast du dann den Lindner, der Konzerne schützen will und nur mit läppischen Steuererleichterungen daher kommt, insbesondere mit Blick auf den Spitzensteuersatz. Dabei geht es den Ärmeren wesentlich schlechter unter der derzeitigen Situation. Und besser wird es sicher nicht. Koalition schön und gut, mag gewissermaßen erfreulich sein, wenn sich Politiker die Hände reichen, aber ein liberaler Finanzminister mit SPD zusammen ist nichts weiter als Verfolgung eigener Interessen, nämlich Mehrheitsbildung und damit Machterhalt. Aber da wir wissen wie Scholz mit Geldern umgeht, war das sicher kein Problem für den.

>> No.51039099

EQNR will soon be the biggest importer

>> No.51039125

>Selbst wenn du selber Deutscher bist, sind die Deutschen untereinander die letzten Mistwichser.
Because we are under constant attack and are told you cant be mean to foreigners
Itz would not be that way in a volksstaat

>> No.51039126


don't want european energy company

>> No.51039163

Before elections my boomer boss said it will get expensive for citiziens if red green comes into the goverment and that it always was this way, last few times too, most people just cant remember

And here we are

>> No.51039173

>You know what happens when you cause conflicts in other countries? Immigration crisis.
Immgration is there becauise open borders
Even if the crisis would be caused its no reason to let people in
>Tell that to Germans who think that they are more privileged than the immigrants who do labor. Nowadays even white collar workers.
If i would be Kanzler i would fucking tell them ! And not nice

>> No.51039218
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German here.
How do i apply for asylum in the USA?
Do i have to do it like these ukrainefags from the mexican border?
also got electrical engineering degree and tons of experience in railroad stuff...
just in case russia presses his dick towards us

>> No.51039219

This is true, and to a certain degree i agree with >>51036693
that this is inexcusable
Well maybe move out

>> No.51039222

Didnt see the US, its LNG but its fucking stupid to think we will get supplied by the US through fucking ships, fitting for clown world though and typical green, lets not hse a pipeline that is pretty much carbon neutral, lets instead ship it with tankers that burn crude oil

>> No.51039241

It's the biggest joke of the 21st century.
Germany playing the morally superior snob towards Russia while Scholz has Putin's gas pump deep inside every orifice.
And the funniest thing is, the officially labelled "clown" Donald Trump predicted this and our federally appointed puppets laughed in his face.

Now watch politicians and the media run an entire campaign to create a scapegoat for their own mistake: They will try to switch focus from lack of energy to the oh-so-ungrateful German citizens that dare to utter any criticism of the governments actions.
Increasingly you will hear terms like "Gratismentalität", "Undankbarkeit", "Verzicht" etc. and they will justify it morally because
>muh Ukraine needs our help

I'm voting AfD next.

>> No.51039246

And that although it should be cheaper. At least under red rule. That's what they stand for.

Just remembered, the 300 Euros for Energy that you can get, now they want you to pay +400 through the Gasumlage. Kek, money in money out.

Also, these 300 Euros were only for working people, as if people who don't work or pensioners (like my parents) don't have to pay for energy.

>> No.51039258

Sorry, the US of gay doesn't accept white people as immigrants my suggestion is saying your are a trans black "person"

>> No.51039269

The biggest joke is that those 300 are income taxed, they literally gift themselves money

>> No.51039358
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>growth ponzi economy
>tourist retard finally identifies the real problem
Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.51039582
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i dont consider you leftypol niggers human either

>> No.51039629

Or when Lindner acts like he didn't knew Gasumlage would cost additional Tax for the people.

>> No.51039702

Hallo nochmal.
Mein Name in Discord ist Risto#6774
schreibt mir oder fügt mich als Kontakt hinzu.

dann lade ich euch zu meinen Server ein und dann können wir uns etwas unterhalten wenn ihr wollt.

>> No.51039775

Or when they want to decrease taxes on gas even though they know it didnt worked for fuel and will just increase profits of gas companies again

>> No.51039952

You reap what you sow. Your government could have built nuclear reactors but instead decommissioned them and are now burning more coal to meet demand, yet no one bars an eye to the long term environmental damage it does.

>> No.51039996

Και εγώ θέλω να φύγω απο εδώ φίλε.
The arrogance of the modern German lefty is astounding. At least in Greece no one will scoff at you for saying things are fucked.
I knew this country was fucked when I heard several Germans unironically claim that Putin is a danger for our democracy (lol) Maybe it’s for the best. We should be back in Greece

>> No.51040444

Yeah, haha. Tax cuts means pump the price, the people will pay the difference.

I don't know how the people in the cities are. Don't forget, Greece may even be more retarded in political matters, since we had Zypras as leader. It's like die Linke would be Kanzler and then again CDU. At least PASOK died, kek, would be good if SPD did too.

As I said, my greek is horrible. It's bad and got worse in the last years, since I'm speaking it rarely. But I sure will evaluate going back, at least in a few years depending on my personal situation as well as what's going on in germany.

>> No.51040454

You should return to the Holy Roman Empire. A United Germany is a fiction.

>> No.51040514

They should have built nuclear power plant like France did.

>> No.51040549

>Every ship of LNG Gas makes the US 150 Mio dollar net profit
sure, retard

>> No.51040782

They don't count the votes, Hans. Just find your inner warrior and secede, in your mind.

>> No.51040804

Based and Masonic-Plutonium-Nigger pilled

>> No.51040847



>> No.51040857

>be me
>studied 'for free' in Germany
>move to the US
Fuck student debt fags, fuck the Rentensystem, fuck GEZ.

>> No.51040931

>muh Ukraine needs our help
it's so fucking baffling that they really almost literally use that in the public discourse and I really already heard it literally on the streets and ppl sound like they mean it

>> No.51041052

Propaganda is like the video game parasite Dynyarri, a literal worm-Jew who crawls into your brain and takes control of the motor functions.

>> No.51041179
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>> No.51041229

>I don't know how the people in the cities are. Don't forget, Greece may even be more retarded in political matters, since we had Zypras as leader.
Only 40% of the population voted in general.
>As I said, my greek is horrible. It's bad and got worse in the last years
Ah so you’re not one of those pseudo patriots who were sent to Greek school here. Go wherever you feel at home friend.

>> No.51041286

Hahaha, no. I sometimes see the greek kids from greek school in the S-Bahn. I went to school to learn greek, but it was only 1,5 hours a week, which is pretty pointless.

>> No.51041370
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>> No.51041671

North of San Francisco isn't that bad. I live up in Humboldt county which is about 270? miles north of it. We have wine country in between. California has it's problems but at least up here there are not so many people around and the nature is beautiful.

>> No.51041737

Imagine having nuclear supply a critical portion of your country's energy infrastructure, then deciding to shut them down during a global pandemic/impending supplier war because some engineers got ignored decades ago 8000 miles away

>> No.51041782

Imagine having women that dress like men and voting for the "green party"

>> No.51041859

Green party is against nuclear energy in the United States, lil zoomy.

>> No.51041995

Yes it's the Aloe Vera that made my wrinkles disappear. Glad you noticed it :) I meant German girls dressing like men and that they voted for the situation they're in rn

>> No.51042040

You should accelerate by using more energy
So, are they going to measure Norway and Sweden with the same pole they measured Russia when they denied the increase?

>> No.51042086

The reality is that europoors are so arrogant and stupid with their hoity toity ultra progressive retardation that it can only be a good thing when they inevitably find themselves cold and hungry. Knowing the sick bastards they probably get off on it too.


>> No.51042145

>going from totally reliant on Russia to totally reliant on Israel
great idea hans

>> No.51042209

the qatar offer will look like a good offer by winter. the germans are idiots for not accepting it

>> No.51042228

Russia has lost though

>> No.51042309

>who the chinks
Kek downplaying the biggest economical power in the world currently. Don’t try this hard for minimum wage shillcel it’s not worth it.

>> No.51042377

bit cringe the wussia strong cope itt

>> No.51042380


Hizbollah war with Israel in the next two months, check ‘em

>> No.51042386

>hurr durr nobody likes russia
>gets proven wrong
>i-i-i d-don’t c-care
What an absolute niggerfag kek
>turn Europe into a bastardized Mongolian soup of genetics
As if the troglodyte shitmixer of niggers & paki genetics that the west want is any better and should be hailed. Consider gassing yourself glowfaggot

>> No.51042418

very edgy... I get it that this is 4chan but it really has nothing to do with biz to laugh at the less fortunate.

Think what you like, it doesnt bother me other than that this europe vs america schtick is getting old ... (im from sweden)

But for real, just like with covid, this is the repetition before the real breakdown, I think.
They'll come back harder next time around.

They want you and me dead, I hope you at least know that. Furthermore, America is, as you probably know, the last stand on earth for freedom. And humanity isnt winning that battle, I believe. Especially not with people like you around to defend it.

>> No.51043756

Hi, my aunt and uncle live in the Sanoma County

>> No.51044357

> get it that this is 4chan but it really has nothing to do with biz to laugh at the less fortunate.
I'm one of those less fortunate, I have just accepted that it's all fucked and see the funny side

>(im from sweden)
you're under muslim occupation so you should understand how fucked things are

>Furthermore, America is, as you probably know, the last stand on earth for freedom
then you are deluded. There is no freedom to be had for Whites in the USA. I say this with total sincerity, you are more free to speak out against the state in Sweden than we are here in the US, what the law says on paper and the reality of the situation is are totally different. Here in the US the FBI sends agent provocateurs in to Parent Teacher Association meetings to stir up trouble so they can arrest parents when they protest their children being told to cut off their genitals. We have USSR levels gay ops a on daily basis being waged against Whites for benign shit

At this point I know that the US can't be saved, the best outcome we can hope for is that the government fails as soon possible which will relinquish the ability of the US to put pressure on Europe where some resistance can still be had.
The US is a failed state, it just doesn't know it yet

>> No.51044375

That was the occupying jews, you absolute fcking mongoloid. Go back.

>> No.51044389


>> No.51044397

If you wanna be poor go to Russia or some Slavic country. It's white

>> No.51044608

Most Germans are the dumbest faggots because they still believe in Elections, so many Mouthbreathers here saying
>But I voted

Imagine how braindead you have to be to think your vote matters.
Dumber than Niggers honestly.

>> No.51044644

Watching Germany fall into the hole they've dug for themselves is so beautiful bros

>> No.51044649

Hes a retarded untermensch who still believes in voting, nothing can be done to redpill these absolute spastics. They will just continue with voting and wondering why nothing changes.

>> No.51044651

not that anon but at this point I am seriously considering moving out to Siberia, I speak Russian fluently since I used to run business trip over there a lot and it's rural and out of the way. I have been out there and it's nowhere near as bad as what it used to be 40 years ago, now it's like coal towns in West Virginia used to be, I would need start up capital to build something that could last off the grid but it's better than anything I could get in the US in terms of a white community that's far away from the coming collapse.

>> No.51044665

Sweden did the same and because of that there might be power outages during the winter. Many such cases caused by idiotic green politics...

>> No.51045688

Nothing you do is pointless provided it either gives you pleasure and more importantly is a noble endeavour. You got to learn a language and have a minor basis for it to expand your knowledge.

>> No.51045840

why didn't they give her hearing protection? Shooting a rifle and fucking up your hearing sucks.

>> No.51046513
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>people are blaming the Ukraine for this
lmao what a bunch of retards

>> No.51046555

Just restart your nuclear reactors or burn more coal.

>> No.51046753

Doesn't Cyprus import like all of its energy from Europe?

>> No.51046761

There's the solution to all problems.

>> No.51046792

>Qatar could have made bank but made an unacceptable offer instead
yeah that surely happened

>> No.51046923

Yup I cant wait to leave Germany. The shits gonna hit the fan in winter. Hopefully I'll be out before then. I feel bad for the Germans who realize how fucked everything is but can't get out.

>> No.51046971

>san fran aint that bad
im guessing arcata

>> No.51048477

Fuck off we're full

>> No.51051474

Im sure the jews thought the same thing in 1933.

>> No.51053292

>Everyone hates Russia now

>> No.51053316

Just open Nord Stream 2.

>> No.51053465

just this January they went on a nuclear plant shutdown spree, now they're begging for energy. top kek heil hitler

>> No.51053503

This x1000

Npcs blame putler but their politicians could easily do something, but they rather beg other countries on their feet then reopen ns2, remind me, who ordered them to close it? Who now sells LNG gas to them as the only alternative? Yeah

>> No.51053565

either germans stop supporting jewkraine and get cheap gas back
or keep taking orders from the JEW-S-A/Washingtong and keep getting fucked

pick wisely chuds

>> No.51053600

trump predicted it and they laughed

>> No.51053615
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All you had to do was keep the nuclear plants running.

>> No.51053625

and deport any american to US. I do not need the enemy in my home.

>> No.51053631


>> No.51053633

Who do you think tried to assassinate Dugin?

>> No.51053636

You have no real military. There are more US soldiers than tourists in your country. You're just a colony of the US suckling on the teats of russia and biting.

>> No.51053640

hans vill learn it ze hart way
>he vill take ze vax
>he vill pay ze tax
>he vill eat ze bux
>he vill take ze immigranz
>he vill lov ze juicez
>and he vill like it, rite hanz? das rite

>> No.51053659

As real born German and not just some second generation n*gger or t*rk all I can say is that Germans only deserve the absolute worst. Never have I hated on a single ethnicity that much. Germans are nothing but entitled little faggots that must suffer for their poor choices and agenda. Can’t wait for leftist cucks to beg me for a couple of cents while I’m travelling. Just need to make sure I get out myself before tax rates are being rased even more. Pathetic clowns.

>> No.51053663

No, Bogdan we don't.

>> No.51053665
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> Holy Roman Empire

>> No.51053681

Wait until winter, it'll be 50%

>> No.51053703

Volga German?

>> No.51053711

You ever talked to a npc recently? They all blame putler, none of them will blame our own politicians and proceed to vote greens

>> No.51053772
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>Russia just proved to the entire world that it’s a useless paper tiger.

You can cope all you want Anon, doesnt change the fact that they produce unbelievable amounts of oil and LNG. Both of which, Europe and the rest of the world needs.
Lets not even get started on food production, wheat and such... see picrel.

I fully understand feeling passionately about something. But you people really are delusional. Russia is a lot more relevant than you can imagine.

Furthermore, most of africa relies on them, just to mention a few. America is really pushing it, to first force Europe through this energy and food crisis, and then force the African nations to reject goods and services from Russia which they desperately need.

Africa is not happy, and Europeans are not happy. America is destroying more than they can imagine with this foolish policy of sanctioning Russia. -Especially since the US were the ones who provoked this conflict in Ukraine by their coup d'etat back in 2014.

Take a second to wipe the tears and google "BRICS". America is severing ties with the rest of the world, forcing Russia and China to work closer together.

>It’s military is filled with underequipped Mongolians who can’t even fight a modern war.
Yawn. You know its not true. We can argue here but you know Russia has a great military for what it is. And at least they arent Trannies and LGBTQ like the American forces?

>Everyone hates Russia now and NATO just gained nations.
Sure, but thats hardly a good thing for anyone. It just means that provocations will continue and this wont deescalate. -Which would be the best for the world.

The rest of your incoherent drivel is not even worth addressing.
You are one of the dumbest lowlifes I've seen on /biz/ for quite a while.

>inb4 Ivan
Yea bub, everyone who disagrees is russian... Schitzoid...

>> No.51053793

Glowies are that stupid. They are unironically playin 5d chess

>> No.51053799

Aren’t *

>> No.51053860
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>chuckles in Australian

Enjoy your upcoming winter you northern hemisphere snow plebs.

Imagine living in a country where you're reliant on gas or some other resource to not freeze to death or die of hunger.

Truly pathetic.

>> No.51053910

how to oust yourself as a newfag

>> No.51053911

Imagine being so insecure about your cultural relevance that despite your country being the size of a continent you steel feel the need to includes your antarctic "possessions" on your maps

>> No.51054022

The EU is completely self-sufficient on wheat. Russia exports their wheat mostly to shitholes

I lost my sides

>> No.51054058


Israel, and jews will calm down, like whores without access to abortion.

>> No.51054078

It's jewish sabotage, as always. USA and other formerly white countries are taken over, Europe is still hanging there so need to be pushed down until it breaks.

>> No.51054130

Yeah, you don’t need natural gas to make fertilizers. Oh, wait…

>> No.51054161

That's a new journalist retard and it's from 10 years ago

>> No.51054164

Unless a miracle happens it's gonna be a while before EU and Russia agree to terms

>> No.51054331

It's postponing the inevitable. Migrants in germany get more kids in the first generation, then the birthrate becomes the same as german birth rates. If you don't let in more migrants the birth rates are still under replacement in 30 years. And if you let in more migrants to plug the hole again you sinply end up making germans a minority in their own country.

>> No.51054435

They could have just went with closer ties with Russia and fucked off the American sinking ship.

Don't know why they side with someone who put the kikes boot on their neck for the last 80yrs. Germany/Russia/China can take the tranny jew owned anglosphere and free the world from this hell

>> No.51054449

Qatar has relations with Israel since the 90's retard

>> No.51054476

>NATO is simultaneously weak but also very scary and a huge threat to Russia.

Retards can't see the obvious contradictions in Putin's propaganda and still fall for dumb shit like this.

And btw Ukraine isn't even in NATO lol.

>> No.51054665

Basierter Rudi

>> No.51054688

I'm sad I have to tell you this but vatnicks aren't humans, I hope you can get better.

>> No.51054699

Mit Onkel Richard im Wingert arbeiten hört sich gemütlich an

>> No.51054725

that is what you get when you do not build molten salt reactors

>> No.51054726

This is what Germans get for bad energy policy. Germans sowed the seeds of their own economic destruction through climate policy and signing Nordstream 2.

>> No.51054742

>who provoked this conflict in Ukraine by their coup d'etat back in 2014.
Oh come on anon. No one in Ukraine was bothered by it. Makes more sense it was organic than not. Turns out people want to live in the Eurozone more than they do the Russiazone. EU states have massive higher quality of life than Russians do and the Ukrainians like the other post soviet countries want that.

As for wheat, part of it is a pivot from farmers. Crops going forward will have more wheat now since demand is higher. Im seeing more wheat locally in the midwest too. But crops take a while to grow so prices will remain high until harvest time. Wheat is typically a low value crop so farmers go for basedbeans and such. Theyve pivoted and food problems will shift.

>> No.51055069

only Norway, Sweden, Finland have actually really cold temperatures. "Europe" doesn't need heating. a blanket will do. people are fucking luxury slaves here. they complain when they can't put the temperature to 26 degrees in the winter. its fucking pathetic. I don't need heating and I don't need warm water. I live in Belgium. even in winter the temperatures don't go below 0 that much, and lately not even. fucking weak as bitches. if you have a roof and a blanket you are fine. holy shit Muh winter. muh gas muh freeze.

>> No.51055109

Schröder sold us out to multiple parties and everyone clapped for that shady asshole. Now, decades after the fact he's being sanctioned. He would've been put to the stake in any other country.

>> No.51055223
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Meanwhile on CNN we're told literal spaceships fly by...

>> No.51055237
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PoS or btfo.

>> No.51055418

Good morning Lahta shills!
Your department shouldn't spend its last money to bribe /biz/ jannies.
Go back to /pol/ and twatter

>> No.51055963

You would like to sound kind of fact based and like some well thought analyst, however what you state is simply false. Starting with wheat, which the Eu eg is fully self sufficient on, ending with russia‘s military who are fully stuck in their ukranian adventure that turned out to fully consume the great nation‘s military and economic ressources but was planned to take a few weeks. Now seeking urgently a way out of it without looking defeated to their people.

>> No.51056022
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Germans are retarded, but if you idiotic zoomers fall for all these St Petersburg shillers campaigning so obviously... Lel, you deserve it if you are so retarded, I am laughing my ass off reading theae obvious propaganda posts.
Putin is a powerless manlet that is compliant with jews and openly says it.
Russians are all infected with HIV.
The russian military introduces new recruits with homosexual rape. Google it.
Russians are braindead shitheads that live in pig houses. Their "culture" is laughable. Supposedly they have good mathematicians but the good ones are all in the US or Europe. The ones still.in Russia only do self citations, just check any of them in google scholar, it's fucking hilarious.
The mlst popular music styles in Russia are crude Russian imitations of american nigger music like russian rap and fonk. They also copy tuning their cars.
They are fucking hilariously decadent retards, just go there once and visit any place that isn't the main plazas in St Petersburg or Moscow.

You slavic subhumans from St Petersburg reading this, you're all worthless faggots and I had sex with 3 russian girls daughters of russian multimillionaires (obviously they live abroad). They seduced ME because they were desperate for a good man since they were completely crushed from their past experiences with fellow russian boys being so dumb and terrible lovers. The daughters of the oligarchs who run your shithole want our Euro penis. To top it off, I am Portuguese and I look like a Moor!

>> No.51056226

We had weeks of below zero last winter in central europe retard

>> No.51056307

Approaching the end of jewry in Europe.

>> No.51056321

I actually can't think of a single military that was trained by US/NATO and did not lose a war.

>> No.51056375

>i made it up

>> No.51056384

People call germans retarded, but did they stop and think about how insanely retarded norwegians are?
>Politicians build infrastructure for export of electricity with tax-payers money
>Get promised at most not even a percent higher cost and "increased price stability"
What really happened? Prices increased several thousand % in the parts of the country that are connected to the european grid and now they are calling for connecting the other parts because surely that will give us more "price stability". Of course the only thing that will happen is that those parts of the country gets fleeced as well.. funnily they also push the "drought and muh climate change" nonsense to explain the empty water magazines which they have unloaded whereas the northern parts where electricity is cheap still have experienced no such supposed climate change.
The real problem is not scarcity, but how electricity is treated like some speculative asset where a handful of selected traders can conspire and inflate the prices.

>> No.51056479

You sounds like a typical screeching fat piece of shit kraut I suggest you shut the fuck up and dig your hole before winter arrives because you're going away soon, Hans and you can only thank yourself for that.

>> No.51056544

Is it not normal that a state with such a huge reach like the one in Norway, that is the direct profiteer of the country's energy resources would want to increase its revenues by increasing its clientbase? And then to use those revenues for having even higher public spending?
If the Norwegians are too infantile that they need to be told that kind of propaganda you are mentioning (the price stability) then that's their fault as a society. The government could just say that the potential for public revenue is huge if they export.kore energy but that the population should expect the bad side of the coin, which is the speculative movement. As a jon Norwegian it seems like an obvious thing to do and the government seems smart to push for it. The funny part is apparently that stability argument, which is funny as fuck. I'm honestly surprised that Norwegians fall for it (if it is as you are implying). I was always told Norwegians are super educated individuals with pragmatic views.

>> No.51056592

Oh yes, they subsidized peoples electricty payments with a certain percentage, but it is nothing compared to what the bills end up at.. they did however end it just now because some international financial organ i forgot the name of adviced against it. Sure it would be wise to sell and do it in a way that it is beneficial for the population, but lets not forget that the norwegian state also spend an amount that is equal to the VAT or alternatively the income tax yearly on immigrants alone.

>> No.51056632

Let's forget the immigration shit, that's not relevant to the topic at hand. Rather than subsidizing their power bills, why not tell the population: you will pay more for power, but because of the new exports we now have money for increasing (medical/military/education/infrastructure) spending 20% in return.

I hate statist systems, but since you nords love them I think this would be a fair trade for them.

>> No.51056660
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Literally over for them this winter

>> No.51056695

I think only around 40% of those imports were from Russia. If NS2 had opened, it would have been higher. I believe Holland and Italy were a lot more dependent on Russia than Germany for gas imports. The easterns states were as well, but that's to be expected because of geographic proximity.

>> No.51056744

They never give back anything.. all they do in order to finance crap is increase taxes and put up toll booths etc and every time they do something they overshoot the budget massively. Furthermore we are even more dependent on electricity because of the long winters than the countries where it is exported. They did not think this through one bit.. all they thought about was pleasing their lobbying masters and stealing more from the native population which they have made into an artform at this point.
As a famous german once said:
>If a nation allows itself to be plundered from the inside and outside then that is a good democracy, if it says no! i will not allow myself to be a victim then that is a bad democracy.
Norway is a very good democracy, that is to say the jew reign supreme here.

>> No.51057048

>Russians die en masse
>Euros die en masse too
>gas in the US is finally back down below $3.50 a gallon
>American supremacy assured for the next 50 years if not more
I fail to see the issue

>> No.51057757
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love to see it anon.

>> No.51059126

Last winter it was below 0 in Central Europe.
Hope you enjoy cold showers in the winter.
Take cold showers and stick it to Putin.