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51033357 No.51033357 [Reply] [Original]

I am seen as a career man now and am asked when I’ll marry and buy a house. I am now 5 months before a promotion to a junior boss.

Problem: I hate my gf, she’s awful. But for my career, I think I must keep her until January. Is this a correct way to go or stop it now?

>> No.51033361

What color is your bugatti?

>> No.51033364

you're a terrible person but it'll probably work

>> No.51033366

> junior boss.

>> No.51033373

I drive a Porsche, white.

>> No.51033381

Yeah, senior bosses make 2 mill to 10 mill, junior bosses 500k to 1 mill+.

>> No.51033389

A boxster amirite

>> No.51033414


>> No.51033420

Cut it off. The sooner the better. If you're worth your weight you'll be fine. Your time is worth more than sticking with someone you hate for another 4 months.

>> No.51033450
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>Your time is worth more than sticking with someone you hate for another 4 months.

I have to work anyway, so I just see her every 1-2 weeks once. She’s also busy with her shit. But we text and talk daily. One of the reasons I hate her is she actually likes to do her own shit more than do anything with me… I stopped caring 2 months ago, but now I don’t want to officially end it.

>> No.51033541

>One of the reasons I hate her is she actually likes to do her own shit more than do anything with me
thats a good thing you fucking retard
last thing you want is to be your girflriends sole focus and source of entertainment that path leads to endless drama. a gf that needs little attention and just does her own thing is ideal. what a stupid fucking reason to hate her. every woman is a pain in the ass there is no greener grass tis all brown grass in every yard.

>> No.51033563

>thats a good thing you fucking retard
Yeah this

youre a moron op

>> No.51033567

you know what women do, they dump men for the shallowest fucking reasons. and just look their whole lives for mr.perfect that doesnt exist. like on Seinfeld how the running gag is each of the main characters has a new relationship every episode that ends for some stupid minor reason blown out of proportion. that was a joke back then, now its just the way everyone lives.

>> No.51033577


Yea, past a certain age being single is seen as a massive red flag - if you are "married" you're stable, reliable, approved of by society and by nature itself.

Nobody wants single men around - they're guaranteed to be weird and problematic.

>> No.51033579

anon most of us hate our women.

Like 99%. But in the business world if you don't have one you're seen as unpredictable. Boomers think its a marker of stability or something.
Just pump her until you can get a new one jesus fuck why are you being a little bitch over this?

>> No.51033580

i'd expect it from a woman. but i guess i should also expect it from any "man" driving an electric porsche instead of a 911

>> No.51033598

because he is a little bitch.
probably having a gf just means he doesn't seem like as much of a fag as he seemed before. proof of straightness to offset how he acts like a prissy little fancy boy

>> No.51033606

This board needs flags so bad it’s unreal

>> No.51033619

sounds comfy

>> No.51033672


Many men go with the theory:

GF's are like jobs. You keep a bad one, just until you can find a better one.

>> No.51033703
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Sauce? She looks really familiar, what's her name?

>> No.51033767

no they don't. that's how all women think. like you, you're a woman. fuck off with your trade up bullshit. the only men who think like this are the rare "fancy chads" who are biologically high testosterone but prone to being prissy little fancy boys anyways and acting like women, probably from lack of a strong male role model in early life. thats the kind of man you're attracted to so you think they're all like that, really you're just a plaything for bored fancy chads to pump and dump. slut.

>> No.51033810

What do u do

>> No.51034151

Gemma arterton. British actress.

>> No.51034210

tough one, I know from first hand experience. It's very fucking likely that in thirty years you will look back and say I should've stayed. But many men think they can do it alone and dump the woman and set off on a life spanning journey of chasing women, money and ultimately childless loneliness. Do yourself a favor, get your shit together and marry her.

>> No.51034233

Bond girl

>> No.51034250

She has a fappening video of he stroking her cunt

>> No.51034259

No she doesn't.

>> No.51034278

Yes she has retard, go to gif and see for yourself, its kinda boring though

>> No.51034296

Post it faggot.

>> No.51034386

probably the only reason the relationship has even lasted 10 months is because she knows he hates her. if op actually wanted to stay with he she would probably lose interest. if you want to get rid of her op just be nice to her

>> No.51034433

Sure i will waste my time looking it up for someone that probably was in kindergarten when the fappening happened, kys newfag

>> No.51034861

imagine owning a big beautiful house and fucking your woman in it and cumming deep in her tight white pussy wow i hate my life

>> No.51035144
File: 267 KB, 1080x1350, 1661140124299663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren, I knew who she was but couldn't put my finger on it. The hair made her almost unrecognizable

>> No.51035150

Your $1000 payment is expected fren. I don't do this for free.

>> No.51035176


>> No.51035666

She looks like a sex doll.

>> No.51035738

That's a man.

>> No.51035796

Just dump her and lie to them if your marital status is important for those cucks. You can even wear a ring and lie about beimg married

>> No.51036129

It's called moderation you retard. What is the point of being in relationship if you do most separately and have not much in common?

>> No.51036806

Still being able to play vidya.
Since moving in with my GF my hobbies got replaced with "talking" and watching tv/movies.

>> No.51036867
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is your life really this bad, where you need to invent transparently stupid LARPs on a cryptocurrency anime imageboard?

>> No.51036954
File: 123 KB, 1172x946, 8126C954-4274-4998-8D44-9D9EFC1B3A23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump that cumdumpster and you will decrease your expenses , this is next level business thinking you cockroach.

>> No.51036989


I guess I gotta become a problem until that problem is solved.

Love from Kazakhstan.

>> No.51037017

>junior boss
that's just a title the jews give you to keep you motivated in your wage cage. ngmi

>> No.51038115

why would you have anything in common with any woman? why would you need to do things together? get a friend for that. shes supposed to fill that deep pit of loneliness through skin to skin contact and sucking the cum out of your balls. just enough hugs and cuddling so that animal part of your brain that demands physical affection can shut the fuck up and stop bothering you. you don't have to play golf together or whatever gay retard shit you're imagining and should just get a male friend for or do on your own. you sound like a woman is what you sound like, finding some irrelevant nonsense to whine about in the relationship is supposed to be the womans job.
this guy gets it

do things together, shit in common, lol. what the fuck

>> No.51038358

with a woman all that matters is minimum drama. if she's not psychologically mindfucking you every night with the dumbest bullshit and getting into a sceaming argument over the most random shit constantly shit testing you. then congrats she is literally one in a million. but chances are if shes not doing these things to you its because you're doing these things to her. women need drama and chances are the only reason shes with op is because hes a drama queen. making her "the man" in the relationships who just wants to be left the fuck alone, turning the tables. because op is a fancy boy metrosexual who drives an electric porsche and wants a gf that "shares his hobbies"