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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51026007 No.51026007 [Reply] [Original]

> 30
> want to move out of parents
> 1 bedroom unfurnished want half my paycheck or more per month. (use to be around 1 weeks worth)
> all landlords now want 3 months upfront and some even put females or couples only in their ads

Can any rentoids or landlords please explain the thought mentality behind this?

>> No.51026024
File: 1.28 MB, 1992x1992, 5BFB1C5D-16F4-4C16-BA95-91F857C07202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes life miserable for you and nearly impossible to succeed physiologically.
Hahaha loser

>> No.51026040

They want money and barely have anything to lose

>> No.51026065

But is this even sustainable? They are pricing out renters and eventually they won't be able to pay their mortgage

>> No.51026068

why the fuck do you think they want female only tennents anon? think long and hard why mostly male landlord would actually unironically put only females as tennents in their ads.

>> No.51026087

Ohh little 4chan parasite is mad now he cant get a home? Did you forget 4chan parasite? Shelter is a luxury not a necessity and you should prove your worth and deepthroat your landlords or any other masters dick real good and real clean if you wish to have shelter. Isnt that what 4chan has been all about after all? Now you are sad you are a modern day slave? Too bad. Reap what you sowed 4chan parasite

>> No.51026096

you can live in the pod

>> No.51026098

Not willing to work 3 jobs to keep up with Mr. Gomez? That’s fine, he and his six friends can have the apartment.

>> No.51026104

this it's obvious.
they want females because they will have their degenerate parties.
the sperm of tyrone and other one night stands dried on the walls is also pretty nice.

>> No.51026111

Males are dull.
Females are more creative on how to handle not making the rent.

>> No.51026113

This is the anglo mentality today
Anglos need to go extinct i fear you got totally jewed

>> No.51026115
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>> No.51026123
File: 62 KB, 980x653, 5E47FC28-D52F-410C-84FF-961D57C37AD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t be racist now

>> No.51026133
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>> No.51026199
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>>51026123 Sorry

>> No.51026243
File: 1.53 MB, 1200x1000, 52582D1D-7EDD-4196-9A1C-034F38D285EF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What conspiracy fucking dogshit yank

>> No.51026336

Picture is missing the glow of a computer screen and a pile of used cum tissues falling down the stairs.

>> No.51026395

>But is this even sustainable?
Do you think there is going to be some massive uprising or something?
If the peasants get too uppity they'll just send in Private Gonzalez to dome you from 50 yards out.

>> No.51027348

Small landlords aren't the sharpest tool in the shed and RE is the most popular asset class among highly regarded investors so there's always someone willing to make you miserable

>> No.51027618
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>> No.51027806
File: 29 KB, 1155x877, landlord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

landlord here
we ask for 1-2 months, 3 if you are weird looking or a nigger that will probably try to do something stupid
females work all day and go out on the weekends with chad and stay at his place.. that means barely staying at home (damaging my property) while men especially losers like you will stay there all day smearing your shit on the walls farting and masturbating to futa porn spreading your smell around the hole place mixing it up with booze that you will drop on the carpet and obviously the weed and cigarettes filling the place with a disgusting smell for months
if you think your landlord should give you a chance just make sure you are a good wagie and promise you will not bring anyone and you stay out all day and don't try to outsmart him, he prob have cameras where you will never find

>> No.51027887
File: 303 KB, 2085x1172, 1657468771740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like one of those dorm-style prison units

>> No.51028039

based boomer. Fuck druggies and faggots

>> No.51028041
File: 49 KB, 400x264, 655683BE-71A4-4E1C-9FF7-D3DAD65D3D49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the world population increasing, and carbon consumption needing to be limited, not everyone will be able to have their own house

>> No.51028056

yeah renting from small time landlords is shocking. most of them are decent, but they are so unsophisticated and shortsighted and borderline retarded in their actions. still, i'll take it over the cold and calculated kikeishness of corporate investment firm landlords.

>> No.51028889
