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51024454 No.51024454 [Reply] [Original]

“Germany ruling out extending their last 3 nuclear power plants. Will shut them down Dec 31, 2022 in the middle of winter with a natural gas shortage and electricity rates at 10x normal.”

What will happen in winter bros?

>> No.51024513

We are absolutly fucked, winter isnt even here and providers already increase rates by 100% left and right

Im shorting the eurostoxx, europe will kick the world economy into a depression coming winter

>> No.51024531

they really should consider assassinating their politicians.

>> No.51024539

What the fuck is their problem? Seriously, are these people fucked in the head?

>> No.51024549


>> No.51024555
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>the absolute state of g*rmoids

>> No.51024559

You will own nothing and be happy.
They are trying to save the world by dispossessing and exterminating their own population, lol.

>> No.51024567

based but I fear the effects will spill over to bongland despite brexit

>> No.51024573

Great reset time. Just go on holidays now and stay away from Europe for the next 8 months - simple.


>> No.51024596

How do I make money off this retarted decision?

>> No.51024601

This is all intentional

>> No.51024662

That's what happens when you lose a war and your enemy takes over your country

>> No.51024668

I expect the g*rmans to bid up LNG which would fuck the UK over if we buy LNG on the spot market

>> No.51024682

Short the Euro, long the Ruble and Yuan

>> No.51024684

Based. The free market always finds a way.

>> No.51024711

Why the fuck are so many countries committing suicide? And why are most of their populations okay with that?

>> No.51024716


>> No.51024756

Literally this.

>> No.51024771

>following the meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear plant
>Germany made serious domestic policy decisions based on an incident across the globe in Japan
Did the Germans not look at a map? Their neighbor France has tons of nuclear plants and there's been no issues.

>> No.51024774

Literally everyone in these countries has a flashing electric screen in front of their face 16 hours a day. Ask yourself if such a phenomenon could be used for anything nefarious.

>> No.51024787

do germans have niggerlicious bread and circuses like amerika? maybe they're too busy discussing their favorite nigger rappers, nigger athletes, nigger celebrities, nigger pornography, etc.

>> No.51024789

Blumpf told them to keep the nuclear and your leaders laughed it away. Keep blaming others for your globohomo leaders kraut

>> No.51024802

Doesn't matter if the population is okay with it or not, usually they realistically can't do shit about it.

>> No.51024805

Call me when someone bombs EU palaces in Bruxelles, ECB in Frankfurt and nuke Davos with an ICBM during a WEF meeting
Local politicians are just useless puppets

>> No.51024817

people think they're untouchable gods. mussolini was strung up at a gas station.

>> No.51024820

we are connected to the european energy grid - if energy pricea go up in europe we wont be removed from that

>> No.51024887

>long the Ruble
Like they literally shut out retailcucks from the best trade to put on right now, which means they know its going to play out. Westerners can't into any RUB pairs or Russia ETFs, nor can we go direct to the MOEX. How to get exposure?

>> No.51026180

Assured prosperity is a hell of a thing to do to a people. 50 years of peace and comfort has utterly pacified them and it will take watching their children starve to death before any instincts of dormant rage awaken again.

>> No.51026216

Man the Jews are really still this assmad at the Germans? Vile hatred for another ethnic group. Sad

>> No.51026258

Well German babies will start dying this winter. I guess we'll see how they react then

>> No.51026305

I keep telling your guys that most Western countries are now ideological states, and when ideologies start to cause their own train wrecks they don't learn. They double down. We're a bunch of Soviet Unions at this point.

>> No.51026350

>no sauce
>no date
God damn you guys are gullible.

>“The reactors are safe until Dec. 31, and obviously they will remain safe also after Dec. 31,” a senior official said.


>> No.51026370

The justification that I can think of is the example Russia has set in Ukraine by holding their reactors hostsge..

If it's apparent to German leadership that their ship is sinking either way, no point in leaving missile targets for Russia or other aggressors that may be emboldened in the next 10-15 years.

>> No.51026418

They're keeping them running you fucking sperg. OP is a faggot and so are you.

>> No.51026438

>What will happen in winter bros?
Germany has coal /thread

>> No.51026467

it's like watching a whole country descend into Greta psychosis

>> No.51026498

>mussolini was strung up at a gas station.
Think they regret it?

>> No.51026534

>The decision has yet to be formally adopted by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s cabinet and would likely require a vote in parliament.
I mean, they probably will but I wouldn't count it done just yet.

>> No.51026617

Europeans are the most over-medicated population on Earth. Half of them are on at least one anti-anxiety/anti-depressant/anti-psychotic/etc. Many, just as is the case in the USA, start their kids on ritalin at age 5. Pharma's total brainwashing of the masses will be looked back on with astonishment and horror a few hundred years from now.

>> No.51026756

I cannot see how doing otherwise is possible. It would be economic and political suicide. Fukushima wasn't a reason for shutting those plants down in the first place -- it was merely an ecofascist casus belli. That has to be clear to the dumbest kraut by now.

>> No.51026875

You cant even compare medication usage of americans with european, cant speak for all of european but medication isnt thrown around like gummy bears here in germany and i dont know a single person or kid that is on any psychotic medication

Just looking how medication is bought (only pharmacies, no ibuprofen in the supermarket like in america, and advertized (youre not allowed to advertize prescribtion medication in germany)

>> No.51026938

This, fuck minecraft and fuck roblox

>> No.51026999
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Some OECD data, dont seem to include USA but looking at australia and canada you can guess where it lands

>> No.51027015
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Medicatiln spending

>> No.51027025
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>> No.51027065

It wasn't the reason, it was just the excuse.

>> No.51027093

Germans have spent the last several decades being conditioned to think that standing up for themselves is wrong and far-right

>> No.51027112

It's literally today's news and they ruled out the delaying the shutdown can't you read?

>> No.51027110

Lobbies were strong, the irony is they fucked themselves over by forgetting how dangerous people are.
You guys will not accept the status quo for long.
Nous allons vivre encore une revolution.

>> No.51027116

100x short Euro shitcoin lmao

>> No.51027355

Well, the reactors have not received their maintenance in years since it was deemed "unnecessary" since "we're going to shut them down Hans". So, if they wanted to change their minds now, they'd have to do tons of maintenance work on them which means downtime anyway come winter...

>> No.51027409

>What will happen in winter bros?
Natural selection

Immigrants and s.o.yboys will die,strong men will survive and get the stacies.

>> No.51027498

>Quick, make Winter illegal!
>Fill the media with hit pieces declaring Winter racist!
>Ban Winter from social media!

>> No.51027532
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>be nuclear power in Germany
>last year generated DOUBLE the electricity to wind and 4 times of solar in Germany
>”oh, this is way too little”

Ok, if nuclear is not good enough, why do we invest im fucking solar and wind?

>> No.51027547
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you're fucked too yuropoor Seen your shit currency lately?

>> No.51027553

So what's the plan? Move to south America for winter? I think it'd be cheaper at this point .

>> No.51027902

See >>51027112
Its over

>> No.51027957

So the Jews are finally taking their revenge for the Holocaust.


>> No.51028124
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We both know that's a lie.

>> No.51028169
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Lol European politicians can do whatever they want because their populations are so docile and fucked. It truly is over for europoors. Your politicians are throwing on purpose and they don't care about you. I the US the red states actually care about their constituents and aren't at the whims of whatever dictator or parliament is running the national show.

>> No.51028235

Stopping climate change is more important than you having to pay €20 more every month to play video games and watch TV

>> No.51028236


>> No.51028274

Regardless of anyone's personal opinions, this is one (of the many) things that Trump was dead on correct about. He just had no real elegance, or doublespeak, and didn't come into public speaking events prepared so everything was just shooting off the cuff which the elites really don't like. He WAS a loose cannon, it's a shame he couldn't dial it down just a touch for public appearances

>> No.51028803

Stacies are on a similar level as weak men. Strong men will get strong men.

>> No.51029049 [DELETED] 

Why has Syscon chosen to remain Proof of work while so many industries are focusing on transitioning towards Proof of Stake? The main reason is to increase scalability. We understand the alert however we have chosen other methods of increasing our scalability without sacrificing the security that Proof of Work provides.

>> No.51029111

You’re right man. As a European I’m still amazed how you guys stopped the steal of the election. Amazing. So different from us.

>> No.51029147
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Why? Unlike the US, they actually legit voted them in and wanted them wholeheartedly.

>> No.51029181

It's bizarre how Europe allowed itself to become a slave to Russian energy supplies. Hitler and Napoleon would absolutely despise this.

>> No.51029204

Good thing the president doesn't have that much power.

>> No.51029218
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They spit in their People's face to satisfy their jew overlords in Washington.

>> No.51029285


It's a simple idea, by increasing commerce ties we prevent conflicts, because it would be too expensive to go to war. That's the entire founding principle of the European Union.

This idea didn't take into consideration Russian niggers however...

>> No.51029334

bro your jew Reuters agency is the source.

>> No.51029422
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>Be humanity
>"We need to get to the stars."
>"No not through nuclear power!"
Our line ends with the millions of others before type 1 civilization.
God bless the species in our galaxy because it won't be us to conquer it even though I'm fairly sure we're the first space fairing race in the universe.

>> No.51029438

Buy all the stocks you can in oil, natural gas, even coal energy and uranium, shipping. The market is actually not anticipating this won't end this year too, you can't just zoom production fast, a lot of micros still trading dirt cheap. Even if they drop 70% or whatever, doesn't matter because it takes time for the issues to be fixed. Just look at the prices of tech, the market doesn't give a fuck about this yet

>> No.51029456
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No comment.

>> No.51029534

>It's a simple idea, by increasing faggotry and weakness we prevent conflicts, because nobody could fight a war. That's the entire founding principle of the European Union.
>This idea didn't take into consideration barbarians however...

>> No.51029552

>Europeans are the most over-medicated population on Earth.
Lmao. Americans take that cake, my friend. European doctors are notoriously stingy when it comes to handing out opioids and other prescription drugs.

>> No.51029653

>europe will kick the world economy into a depression coming winter
lol europe is irrelevant.

>> No.51029847

>I'm fairly sure we're the first space fairing race in the universe.
OK chud

>> No.51029911

Fuck germancucks they're too pussy to do anything about it.

>> No.51029919

Woman moment

>> No.51029944

My car is european. Where am I gonna get the spare parts for maintenance?

>> No.51029976
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>eurocuck car
you fucked up

>> No.51029986

Just killem. They're clearly trying to kill you.

>> No.51029999

Damn I'm retarded.
*bless some OTHER species
*space FARING

>> No.51030031

you're the nigger now, it seems. feels good not owning a gun, doesn't it? you fucking retard

>> No.51030044

china, you stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.51030070

2 world wars have left a dysgenic effect on the G*rms. All the chads were culled while the proto-soibois were left to procreate. Half a century of Allied psyops have also left an impression so terrible they’d celebrate Dresden’s bombing anniversary each year.
Taken by the dark powers, tortured and mutilated. A ruined and terrible form of life. And now... perfected.

>> No.51030075

get fucked dude

>He WAS a loose cannon