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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 1280x720, Sam-Bankman-Fried-AFP-copy-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51007613 No.51007613 [Reply] [Original]

All his 'charitable' causes are New Word Order horse shit and he gained his seed wealth from an exclusive arbitrage banking opportunity.


>> No.51007643

FTX came out of nowhere it seemed like. It was obvious that some big entity is behind its success and he's just the face. I wonder if they're planning on an exit scam to make Mt gox look like child's play, or if they just want to dominate the crypto industry for the foreseeable future.

>> No.51007662
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>I wonder if they're planning on an exit scam to make Mt gox look like child's play, or if they just want to dominate the crypto industry for the foreseeable future.

Either way he is siphoning crypto money to NWO causes.

>> No.51007707

>why is he so altruistic bros?
lmao even

>> No.51007708

>FTX came out of nowhere it seemed like. It was obvious that some big entity is behind its success and he's just the face

Wasn't FTX just partnered with Binance until fairly recently

>> No.51007727

Nice paid fud thread. I just wonder who is employing you

>> No.51007730
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Must be in his ((nature))...

>> No.51007739

>I just wonder who is employing you


>> No.51008131
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what i hate is how he got the media onside early on. how differently would The Block and others have reacted to the FDIC story if it were another exchange?

>> No.51008144


He is a made man.

>> No.51008150

ofcourse he is, that faggot that makes those vids is also a WEF shill seen @ davos

>> No.51008181


Holy shit I knew I recognized him, Avi confronted him at davos lmfao. What a fake youtuber.

>> No.51008239

Nice glowcel samshill post, i wonder WHO is paying YOU ?

>> No.51008294

>Avi confronted him at davos lmfao
this lmao
invest in SOL
with jews.... you always win ;)

>> No.51008426

Show me one case where usury, insider trading and manipulating hasn't destroyed the underlying society, that Jews were welcomed into providing.

>> No.51008671
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I think we will have some fun soon enough. They did some shady shit to a Blockchain https://cryptoleaks.info/case-no-1 more than one case on the site but all against Sam tldr: Professional tier fud was released against Blockchain, the Jew York Times the day it dropped posted an article about it. Collusion and organized baseless defamation. Arkham Intelligence (the fake fud company) is funded by a certain altruist? 4 days before the same Blockchain launched it's token, FTX released a futures token on it. Which was heavily manipulated before launch and it dropped significantly on launch making it look like a pump and dump shitcoin. (Ftx is owned by Sam)..

They are releasing a third case next Friday, unsure of what or why the fuck they are waiting but looks like they will point to the nose.

>> No.51008785
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>> No.51008792

>but looks like they will point to the nose.


>> No.51008816

the ones where i also gain money

>> No.51009014
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>> No.51009187

thank God, that autist is impotent.

>> No.51009203
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no shit sherlock
its literally on their website

>> No.51009620
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Insider trading. If you're an investor, don't bet on Sam. He'll backstab you

>> No.51009712

An untrustworthy Jew? You say that as if there is another option

>> No.51010390

This, typical globohomo stooge.

>> No.51011035
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Brett Harrison's pictures with his adopted Chinese son are bonechilling. You just know this guy is comprised which is why he is okay in making FTX farm futures x100 derivatives which are going to hurt farmers and consumers in the coming starvation. He will have nowhere to run when people get hungry enough if that is any solace.

>> No.51011103

No crap, he is kike and works for the kike agenda like all kikes do

>> No.51011104

who cares if he is or he isn't?

he's a jew.
genetically untrustworthy.

>> No.51011118

CZ helped fund the creation of ftx. Not really sure why.

>> No.51011127

Yeah he’s a fucking Jew too

>> No.51011134

Because chinks are kikes with added insectoid dna instead of pure reptilian.

>> No.51011151

It is known

>> No.51011164
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Relentless pecker suckers

>> No.51011408
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Dude wtf is this, my whole career is linked to Chinese history and I was not aware of this. Its interesting, the fall of the Ming dynasty was largely preceded by the high up officials gaining more power in comparison to emperor. Were ((they)) responsible for the collapse of Ming dynasty? Well what I can say for sure is that ((they)) were responsible for the fall of the Qing dynasty. The Rotschilds also, along with their frontmen Sassoon banking family looted the country including its Imperial art (research Percival David collection for example).

The Kangxi emperor kicked out the ((foreigners)) in the early 18th century, but ((they)) came back later to destroy the Qing dynasty. Then you had the Republic period, which from which came the Cultural Revolution and Mao, then China finds itself as the Rockefeller playground for technocracy that is now being rolled out worldwide.

>> No.51011481

The Jew assumes the shape and form of it's prey

>> No.51011533

This one surprised me, but they really do seem to be ubiquitous. I heard someone describe it as though they feel entitled to everything, so your country and possessions are assumed to be rightly theirs. They are offended if you do not concede everything.

More research and exposure needs to be put on this Chinese angle. I was aware of the shenanigan's of the ((Jesuit Missionaries)), ((British Empire)) and ((Sassoon's)) but was not aware of this deeper/older infiltration.

>> No.51011547
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Interesting also as the surname 'Li' is also mentioned in Fritz Springmeiers 'bloodlines of the Illuminati'.

>> No.51011680
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In general, the role of that ethnicity in history as a 'Cabal' (etymological origin Kabbalah)/conspiracy up to no good has been completely wiped from the public consciousness. But you cannot understand history without understanding that element.

A few things, well poisoning.
'page 181'

Then 'blood libel'

Cabal origin

Sampson Gideon
'Sampson Gideon was able to successfully navigate the South Sea Company bubble, which bankrupted many prominent people in Britain (indeed, James Picciotto in his Sketches of Anglo-Jewish History states that no "Hebrew" name is to be found on the list of insolvencies).'

He writes that, unlike the court factors of earlier centuries, who had financed and managed European noble houses, but often lost their wealth through violence or expropriation, the new kind of international bank created by the Rothschilds was impervious to local attacks. Their assets were held in financial instruments, circulating through the world as stocks, bonds and debts. Changes made by the Rothschilds allowed them to insulate their property from local violence: "Henceforth their real wealth was beyond the reach of the mob, almost beyond the reach of greedy monarchs."

Not to mentioned Freemasonry, Illuminati, French revolution etc as outlined by Robison. Not to forget Lunar Society (Galton etc).

>> No.51011745

Not to forget Donmeh

Sabbati Zevi, proclaimed messiah 1666. Interesting it coincides with fire of London and great plague of London

Also interesting

Its endless.

>> No.51011768

Gentleman and a scholar

>> No.51011821

Apparently for /biz/ its only okay to invest in some globohomo coins, stocks and pm’s (literally shill em as that) but for some reason they cant stand repeating this with SOL. I try explaining this to em but no one on this website seems to be real/mentally capable of getting it.

>> No.51011839

Not to forget all the grimoires, Kabbalah, Seal of Solomon magic.... That is linked to Witchcraft. Witchcraft that was responsible for mass poisonings that has now been mostly covered up in the public mind.

Also as mentioned in Witches of Laspaules, Compendium Maleficarum, Witchcraft acts, Gironima Spana, Polula witch trials, pappenheimer witch trials, witch trial of Fuersteneck, Witch trials in Sweden, North Berwick witch trials, Witches of Belvoir, The recantation of Loos, Labourd witch hunt of 1609 and in classical antiquity.

>> No.51011852
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>> No.51011877


Also Carbonari, through to Mafia then intelligence agencies and organized crime more generally. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbonari

There is so much, it is an entire comprehensive history that has been suppressed.

>> No.51012111

Given that the whole world is basically controlled and influenced by these secret societies how can we protect ourselves? Gold and silver? It’s all manipulated to hell. I don’t really wanna go live in a cabin in the woods removed from society either.

>> No.51012134

I wonder if it’s worth slurping SOL at these prices because he is so heavily behind it. Tech doesn’t matter
With Jews you win?

>> No.51012145


>> No.51012271

Trips checkem and there will be no easy exits. Place some bets and hold on, interacting with their controlled systems is a losing proposition.

>> No.51012319
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Catherine Austin Fitts says that eventually it doesn't matter what you invest in unless you protect it. So she says you better invest in an army lol.

Just keep in mind they feel entitled to everything you own, your body and autonomy.

>> No.51012345

h3h3 has lost some weight
still looks like shit though

>> No.51012350

Just buy and hold land. That’s literally it.

>> No.51012364

never let facts get in the way of your personal bias

>> No.51012365

Jews ruined our legacy economy, we must not allow them to ruin the new paradigm as well.

>> No.51012393

Kikes always shapeshift into their host population, would not be surprised that each race has infiltrated kikes posing as ethnic natives

>> No.51012423 [DELETED] 

Just realized Zhao is a chink kike name so that makes CZ a very likely kike. It’s all so tiresome. Jews are always at the top of everything…..

>> No.51012446


True, a lot of the people that have joined crypto recently too are clueless and align themselves with the establishment. Away from the ideals of crypto.

I was watching the recent uponly yesterday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXmaD3lqEC4

The girl thought zcash,tornado, monero etc had an admin key where they could deanonymize transactions for law enforcement. I won't go too hard on her though.

The indian dude said stuff like 'why would you want anonymous transactions' lmfao.

Cobie has some bad opinion, but he has some good sense in terms of the personality of early crypto (which is generally Libertarian). As he was around since 2013 or so.

Generally speaking a lot of plebs have got involved for the profit seeking motive, and will not be aware of ((them)) infiltrating and pozzing it.

Crypto can be a way of creating a new financial system that is not under ((their)) control so we can stop getting assfucked for hundreds of years.

>> No.51012452


Oh shit good catch. The Chinese cryptid angle is barely exposed.

>> No.51012457

Two options. Remove yourself from society or violence. These are the two things that hurt them. If you are participating in society, paying taxes, consuming products, etc then you are enriching them. The Jew fears people separating from their system and becoming self sufficient because it threatens their profits but most of all they fear us fighting back

>> No.51012461

he released swastika emojis on hitler's birthday and distributed gas how can cz be a kike

>> No.51012475
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The Kabbalah elite is not all Jewish people.

>> No.51012619

Checked. It is as simple as creating a commune that is a non-profit and managed by like-minded members that sit as the directors. The non-profit would own all of the land and you would have a society free of taxes and their system.

>> No.51012681

On a small scale possibly, but the moment you draw attention the attacks will begin.

>> No.51012713

Apart from this, the only other means is to develop a similar level of in-group preference. Of course this isn't something that can be accomplished on a society-wide scale or even on the scale of an ethnicity within a country. So far the best examples we have are various ethnic mafias and fringe religions. Mormon infiltration of the CIA and Scientologist prominence within Hollywood are probably the best examples of a highly organized in-group successfully butting heads with the dominant powers.

>> No.51012760

Yeah, but if you set it up ahead of time knowing that you can leave breadcrumbs explaining what is going to happen so you would get more and more people aware of the situation who would in turn either break away from the systems themselves or identify themselves as an enemy to the truth.

>> No.51012792

This guy is about to be absolutely blown out of the water by ICP's investigation
6 more days for release

>> No.51012970

History is definitely littered with examples , best I can do is spread the truth

>> No.51014594

That's why I think people should use ZIONIST instead of just Jews. Because there are many Zionist allies who don't have Jewish ancestry.

>> No.51014650
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As its a secretive conspiracy its hard to pinpoint exactly what they are, they seem to follow the traditions of Kabbalah. Kabbalah mythology has many themes seeded in King Solomon of Israel as a magician. Perhaps that is the route of Zionism? In that case you could refer to them as Zionists, yes.

>> No.51015095

The current vice president of the phillippinnes

>> No.51016000

>Not using Coinmetro, the White Man's exchange.

>> No.51016041
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