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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51005757 No.51005757 [Reply] [Original]

I’m 22, failed out of university, no job, no money. I’ve come to terms with how shit my life is right now, but how do I start to put the pieces back together? The only think I have going for me is that I come from a family with money, and they are willing to help me out.

>> No.51005786

Arbiet Macht Frei

>> No.51005787

Don’t you need to be asleep for your shitty job tomorrow? Lol

Don’t be late for Target, wagie. Must suck to be a poor.

>> No.51005802

Can you read? I said I don’t have a job idiot

>> No.51005813

Get one you miserable leech. Coming from a rich family means fuck all if you're not man enough to take care of yourself.

>> No.51005820

>Rock bottom
>objectively better than half the planet

Ego check isle 1

>> No.51005833

How much money is ur family worth

>> No.51005849

damn how all u guys got shit color ids

>> No.51005856

Yo, that's good! Everybody understands that crypto is the future, but have you tried Yopi Network?

>Earn while u spend crypto in daily transactions
>Pay globally with yopicash through NFC
>No team coins
>Few big partnerships coming up

>> No.51005859

welcome to the real world. work for your dad and accept the wealthy life you dont deserve

>> No.51005863

Find something you like to do and can give you money and work every day all day until you are the top .1% in the field and retire at 40

>> No.51005866

Around $20 million in total assets

>> No.51005878

k kike

>> No.51005941

1. Stop it with the porn (Don't lie, I know you watch porn that's why you failed out of school)
2. Go to trade school, if uni is not the best way (uni is retarded anyways)
3. get a job, start networking even if money is not suffice.
4. Once you get connectivity, get an idea and make that into a business.

If you trade because of memes, then you're not going to get anywhere, and if you visit hentai haven, or visit lolicon sites and be meme haxour you're also not going to get anywhere in life.

Also don't enroll in university of phoenix or devry pls. If you wanna go to school, work some meme job, then go back to school. I mean there has to be a job somewhere, and if you still can't find a job, you can always sign up to be a scammer, I mean come on man.

>> No.51005972

Actually I didn't read that last sentence due to my dyslexia, but maybe work for your dad? I mean maybe recruit a bunch of loser friends, get an idea to scam people, then honestly start a scam call center?

I'm pretty sure that's how my friend Shrav started. He's now a billionare, while I'm here with Auro-spaze master's degree waiting to build rocket ships, but all I do jack off and watch silver rockets coming out of my big rocket lmao

>> No.51006022

if you want real advice anon i will help you.

i was in a similar position, hit rock bottom around 21 and was dead broke, working part time and spending basically everything I had on bills. im not gonna lie to you bro, its not a good position, and its one I worked incredibly hard to get out of. There will be no shortage of hard work, but since youve realised youre kinda fucked you might just have enough fire under your ass to do something about it. another anon is right, go to trade school and get qualified for something. Building, HVAC, electrician. Whatever, it doesnt matter, just pick something youre kind of interested in. Even welding. Anyway, get qualified and work your ass off until you do. Youll make fuck all as a labourer but youll thank yourself in your late 20s when youre comfortably on late 5-6 figures. IMO trades are probably your absolute highest value play at the moment. youll likely still be down bad for a couple of years but youll make it out. if you wanna go uni for the love of god do something useful. Accounting, Comp Sci, commerce etc. Something that suits in an office will look at and nod their head at.

Apart from that, save what coin you can. Make low risk investments in blue chip stocks and crypto, and wait it out. You can absolutely make it out but you do have your work cut out for you. Godspeed anon

>> No.51006037

Move back home and learn what your dad does because you are useless when it comes to following your own path

>> No.51006071

Why the fuck is that squirrel acting like he lost his home when he never paid rent?

>> No.51006142

Unironically chad advice here.

>> No.51006152

That's up to Anon. I think the correct word is "inspiration" not golddigging his father

>> No.51006176

They will tell you to pick a trade, pick power engineering (oil and gas operating, building maintenance) or instrumentation. These are the two god tier trades. Rest are monkeys

>> No.51006610
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Why can’t I just be smart and successful like my father

>> No.51006619

Maybe thats a question you should ask him anon

he might have some sagely advice for you. probably better than biztards telling you to start a scam call center lmao

>> No.51006693

kill your family

>> No.51006695

I would ask him, but we share the same awkward/ autistic traits, making it hard for us to have a deep conversation

>> No.51006707

I love my family more than life itself. No thanks

>> No.51006708

Know it all too well brudda. Your father struggled when he was young as well, he is just a man so will only talk about it in cool code. You’ll figure it out. Just keep going. One day a kid will look at you as of you’ve always had it right.

>> No.51006825

learn web dev:

then html/css
then django
then sql
then make some projects and get a coding job

if you can't feel competent after 3 months of self-study, you deserve to be where you are at

>> No.51006943

Is cybersecurity a worthwhile thing to study?

>> No.51006972

I wouldnt know for sure mate but Im guessing its probably not bad. Look up job listings in your area or areas you want to live. Also check average earnings for cybersecurity (probably pretty high im guessing) and compare it to the living costs of the city you wanna work in.

At the end of the day you can be successful in pretty much any field if you work hard enough and make smart decisions

>> No.51006992

Ask your family for a job. If your family owns real estate offer to do the maintainance (lawn mowing, hedge trimming) on these properties.

>> No.51007014

My dad is in the oil industry and said he would be willing to get me a refinery operator position at one of their terminals

>> No.51007102

convince your family to adopt me. I can do what needs to be done.

>> No.51007141

its quite good actually

>> No.51007148

This but I'm 33?

>> No.51007155

Excellent work. Oil and gas operating is the ultimate man’s job. Make tradies your bitch and make fat stacks.

>> No.51007182

This, i see retards here complaining about trades. Literally the same as some liberal arts fag complaining about college. Pick a trade with high wage ceiling and a lot of certification and transferable skills to the point where you can get jobs people go to college for.

>> No.51007208
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Dont worry, just work nonstop to try to eclipse him and live with constant anxiety and depression about being a failure like the rest of us.

>> No.51007259

Go to a maritime engineering academy and then work offshore and nepotism your way into some kind of ceo role or something then nepotism your way into your rich dads rich friends kids commercial real estate projects. Simple.

>> No.51007439
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Does /sig/ still exist somewhere?

>> No.51007490

do webdevs earn as much as swe?

>> No.51008880

Become a muslim. Move to Afghanistan. And kill sandniggers your whole short life while smoking heroin. Fuck any bitch you conquer, sell them for profit. And just be happy anon.

>> No.51010355

>I'm 22
>I've hit rock bottom
lol lmao. Come back and talk to me when you've hit at least 30 kid... If you think this is the bottom for you I have bad news...

>> No.51010380

You need a role model, just buy Andrew Tate's Hustler's University and The War Room to hang out with him.

>> No.51010393

You sound like a faggot, you've literally never struggled your entire life and you're a lazy pos. You don't need advice, you need to do something , literally kill yourself

>> No.51010443
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>failed out of university
literal mental retards can earn college degrees these days. the sum of your efforts are being outpaced by people with chromosomal abnormalities. let that sink in, you repulsively lazy piece of shit.

>> No.51010459

Certainly not by asking for advice on biz.

If you have any passions and your family are willing to put up with you and help you out with it financially, then try and pursue that and turn it into a profitable business.

If you're a literal autist with no aspirations and can't think 10 years into the future, then you may as well just work a wagie job forever and wait for your family to die so you can inherit what they own. That is incredibly degenerate though.

>> No.51010512

so what are you even complaining about? 1 you're barely out of the womb, 2 you're set for life already
you'll get poorfags lining up to give you advice regardless, too. i don't understand this but low class people always rush to try to help the rich

>> No.51010535

>rock bottom
>22 years old

>> No.51010561

Say you want to do some farming and get your family to buy you some rural land and build a house with money they give you. Live a minimalist lifestyle growing your own food and raising animals while you do a WFH job(just lie on your resume).

>> No.51010569

Nazis: they can’t even spell their own dogma.

>> No.51010599

Time to fuck your dad and black mail him for money. +1 if you turn tranny.

>> No.51010611

Idk. Failed out of university at 20-21 as well. Had a bunch of wagie jobs over the years but I’m nothing as changed. Even if I tried college again I would likely fail again and if not I’d be 32 by the time I graduate. There’s no point. “Thankfully” I’m lucky enough that there aren’t any aspect of my life that are good so it’s easier to cope. I’m dumb, hideous and poor all in one go. Not much I can do about that.
It’s just hard to accept that all my life (I.e. my entire perception of reality/existence) will be so pathetic and worthless.

>> No.51010619


I failed out of community college when I was 20 (just didn't have the motivation to push through the bogus-ass classes) and joined the Navy. Best decision I could have made at the time, no lie. It's not for everyone and the bullshit I dealt with was monumental at times, but it got me on the right path

>> No.51010648

Seek Christ, repent and allow him to guide you.

>> No.51010700

Who is hiring anyone with those basic skills? In what country?

>> No.51010731

I failed out of college at 19 lol. Got my CDL, focused on my career. Making 6 figures, own a home with a wife and 2 kids at 25. Take the truckpill

>> No.51010784

>come from a family with money

Welcome to the USA that's all of us.

>> No.51010789

what the fuck are you complaining about then? go be furniture in your dad's firm and live a satisfactory life, just be humble about it.

>> No.51010843

I failed out of uni twice (first at 19 then at 26.)
Went back for the third time at 29 and graduated at 33.
Now I make $80K a year as an EE.
It's not ELITE but it's a lot better than what I'd be doing if I never went back (loading trucks in a warehouse for $10 an hour)

>> No.51010952

> 1 you're barely out of the womb

We already had this thread yesterday
After 23 yo your life is enternally over

OP is a most likely on the spectrum and an incel. Spend all his formative years in solitude and wasted all his personal development

You can’t not make up for this. These are 8-10 years of normal development every kid went through. If you didn’t it’s over.
The incel problem is to much, the state will kill them off soon. Or they at least have to cover up the suicide statistics, in favor for them, they are all disenfranchised and no body will miss them in the literal sense, as If I won’t appear if their gone

>> No.51011085

Because his success lead him go raise a soft son who doesn’t understand that struggle builds character

>> No.51011109

There's no exit from this. Once you're in, you'll realize this "rock bottom" you're going through was merely the surface. Just give up. The best bet is WW3 happening soon.

>> No.51011278


Start a business. I dropped out of university in 2018 and make $400-500k a year with my business.

Read "The Millionaire Fastlane" by MJ Demarco

>> No.51011319

Well they never were the smartest bunch

>> No.51011356

military preferably air force with gi bill. put gi bill into flight training and then fly for airlines. try to finish AS or AA degree for promotion enlistment

>> No.51011387

Yeah that’s what I’m doing right now and I don’t even get 10 an hour. But college is no longer a possibility, I can’t do soft sciences (can’t write essays or stuff like that) and I’m not intelligent enough for STEM (my major was Mechanical Engineering when I failed college). Tbqh I don’t even look out both ways when crossing a street, 26 and I feel like I’ve seen all that life has to offer.

>> No.51011399

Find a job... work....

>> No.51011400

get a real computer and stop phone posting like a faggot?

>> No.51012905

You're 22. No one has anything at 22 unless their parents gave it to them.

Take the Chad pill, go to the gym daily, and find some girl dumb enough to take a low-wage high-stress job in this economy who wants a hot boyfriend, and figure it out later.

Later you can enroll in a trade school and get an apprenticeship, become a truck driver, mow lawns, clean pools, deliver for Amazon/Ubereats, something that interests you.

Although your family has 20 million, you shouldn't be worrying about a damn thing.

>> No.51012939

unironically learn to code so you can make it in the web 3.0 bubble with a startup

>> No.51012955

this is bad advice. you don't want a GF to distract you when you're in trying to make it mode. they will continuously cause drama to fuck up your focus and mental state.

>> No.51013123

>web 3.0 bubble
Tell me more…

>> No.51013414

If you manage to pull yourself out of this, the shame will pass. Some time after that, you'll realize that it was silly to feel shame in the first place. You're a young person, and you've done a young person thing.
You must pin down the precise reasons why you failed out. No motivation? Too many distractions? What was it?
Also how can you not have a job like go work construction or flip burgers holy shit

>> No.51013842

>Also how can you not have a job like go work construction or flip burgers holy shit

How will this help OP in any way lol
He would just be the avoidant depressed guy at work and go home and be miserable

Look how miserable he is in his post, how do you think he is in real life

>> No.51013950

if you have to ask then you probably aren't there yet lol

>> No.51014301
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you are way too young OP, just go back to school, nobody cares you failed. you can still do anything

>> No.51014334

>I'm 22
Kek relax kid you'll be fine.

>> No.51014643

bro your 22! your a fucking embryo! i'm 42. twice dropped out of university. have drug induced psychosis and have just now stopped drinking. i have no job. am on disability. have in children wife or girl friend.(or firends at all) Any money i do make in gamble on memecoins. and i'm currently 15K in debt with no savings. you are fucking priviledged compared to me.

>> No.51014651

you don't know what you're talking about, do you? stupid faggot

>> No.51014777

Until he can figure out why he has reached this point, and from there set a course towards some goal which is genuinely fulfilling, what should he do?
The only thing worse than lacerating his soul at some shitty job is sitting around at home all day, browsing the boards.

>> No.51014796

It's Saturday.

>> No.51014816

Tell them to give you 250k, go buy a tiny home and go get an education you fucking spoiled little girl.

>> No.51014832

What is it you hope to achieve in life?

> muh job
> muh wealth

Not important. What is it that will give you purpose? Have you figured it out yet? What achievement will make you go “I can die peacefully” when you reach the end of the road?

>> No.51014842

>dad is a literal oil baron
>still cant make it


>> No.51014872

its easy to find a job if you lower your standards enough. college is one of many options for life paths. pick another path, you'll find the right one thru trial and error like most people do.

>> No.51014939

Imagine starting a business in this day and age, you know, after all the enforced closures because you're deemed "non essential" by some corrupt politician.

>> No.51015172

I dont know anon.
I am mostly baiting because I am OPs age and the same situation.

Being functional depressed nothing will make sense to you. Nothing will be fulfilling, its just your life on emergency coast mode. You will never take risks, and even if you do you do it so calculated that you most likely wont be able to reap the rewards of a positive outcome.

And given that SSRIs fix nothing and they just turn you into a zombie. The only thing left is psychedilics.

Just have to wage with the risks of turning into a schizo afterwards, and maybe end up with an outcome that will affect your life enternally

>> No.51015190

Well you're only 22 that's a good start

>> No.51015234
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yeah i remember being a 22 yr college dropout in 2012 and virtually nothing has changed for the better in the last ten years

>> No.51015608

>rock bottom
>family with money willing to help me out
OP is a fag

>> No.51015730

Go somewhere on the village or small town and spend time in nature for as long as you need. Just don't rush with finding a job, it's a trap and a salary is a drug. Waging makes man tired, it kills the soul. Uni is the same.

>> No.51015758
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>> No.51015995

Different cyber security degrees differ a lot. Cyber security is very broad and jobs/courses could require skills in programming, networking, business management, social skills, and even hacking. There is a lot to learn and different universities will focus on different shit, so know what x degree entails. It might be wise to learn a certain tech skillset you're interested in first, before you go focusing on the security aspect. The good news is once you have a cyber security degree, you can self study and spin your degree in different ways to go for whatever tech related job you want.

>> No.51016027
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>Everybody understands that crypto is the future,
Not everybody understands that at these volatile times, it's better to play safe. Fill your bags with stables and stake.

>> No.51016102

First off, you aren’t doing bad. You are only doing bad by YOUR standards which is a good sign that you won’t stay at this level.

Here is what you do. Get a shitty pt job delivering pizzas or working retail or coaching sports/instruments/tutoring. Sign up for Cisco/ibm certs online while you work this shit job. Get your ccna, shouldn’t take more than 6-8 months. Get an entry level server admin/ dt support/ network job for $25/hr. Now you are ahead of your peers or alreasy on par. Literally all you have to do a grind for one year and not worry about your peers who are on social media getting hammered pretending their lives aren’t meaningless. Don’t do anything out of fomo, there will always be bars and women- plus they won’t want anything to do with you anyway if you don’t have a job.

Go get it done OP, you got this shit Faggot

>> No.51016327

>Fill your bags with stables and stake.
And get 1% in 6years?

>> No.51016360

Become a poker dealer

>> No.51016372

Go to trade school, find a mentor
Save money
Invest, either slow and steady through tradfi or gamble on crypto if you want to be rich.
Both require you to do research, follow the right people and not aping in on the lastest crap your favourite /biz/ larper or twitter influencer tell you.
Bear market is actually the best time to do so since those noises are usually gone. Most ppl dont make it because they forget about the market when they bought the top rather than learn from it and prepare for the next bullrun.

>> No.51016557

Bro youre 22 go do drugs and party on festivals have sex you'll have plenty of time to be a loser once you hit 30
>t 29 yo failed normie who wasted his youth in wagecuckery trying to impress his boomer parents

>> No.51016571

Hehe, Spool gives APYs that range from 9-20%, depending on your risk model.

>> No.51016591

Gotta work hard

>> No.51016844
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>> No.51016950

all these replies telling to you to work for someone else, the only way to truely achieve is to build your own and be the boss. it's going to take alot more work, its going to be a thousand times harder but if you get it right you will be in a whole different league 30 years down the track. for the moment no harm in taking a job but put every single cent into some form of business you are in total control of and try to get that business to earn more money for you than that job.

>> No.51017041

Try any of that and I'll have you jailed, antisemite.

>> No.51017078

>The only think I have going for me is that I come from a family with money, and they are willing to help me out.

>> No.51017192

I am turning 30 in a few months and I just finally got a job that pays well, for the first time in my life.
I get all weekends off, I make $1k/wk and I make awesome tips too.
How can I get a jump start to catch up to where I should be? BTC right?

>> No.51017210

Can one learn all of that in 3 months?

>> No.51017224

Poor tree rat. Right in the feels

>> No.51017351

So you get to choose your own APY?

>> No.51017482

>rock bottom
>I come from a family with money, and they are willing to help me out
lol, lmao

>> No.51017526

you shouldnt be anywhere other than where you currently are. get rid of that delusion. what if's and what could've been's are not actual reality.

>> No.51017603

It's not over. I fucked around until 22 and didn't get my shit together until 26. Now I make just over 100k and I'm completely independent, doing what I want. I felt just like you at 22, lost and defeated by my own decisions. You're 22, you still have PLENTY of time to get shit done. Think about how LONG it's felt going through these past 22 years. Now think about how you're like 25-30% through life and have 3 times longer to go. What can you do in 3 more of your lifetimes?

>> No.51017665

>I make $1k/wk and I make awesome tips too.


>> No.51017675

You get to pick your risk appetite which comes with its own APY; the higher risks have higher APYs.

>> No.51017833

No, I'm a maid. Unironically though.
Super clean CEO homes every day. I'm by myself listening to tunes and yeah, it's easy and pays nicely. Now is the time for me to invest.

>> No.51017877

>rock bottom

>> No.51018042

I was in the same position at 21. Went to the loony bin also and people were thinking I am a schizo. I worked 5 years full time and I am debt free, own a home and got 10 grand just sitting in the bank.

Basically fill your life with work. Be so busy that you don’t have time for crippling depression/the void.

>> No.51018113

By starting to do something dumbass. What tf do you even want to do in life?? Idk what you want in life you got to explain if you want help.

>> No.51018122

warehouse jobs that will train you for CDL
Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Beer Companies, McClane
YRC Freight, XPO Logisitics

>> No.51018136

HAAAA WHAT A FAGGOT!!! Enjoy cleaning your owner's cumstains you giant faggot!!

>> No.51018152

I had a moment like that. failed out of Uni, was laying in bed staring at the ceiling of my uncles house, realized that college was the only thing I had going for me.

I got back in, got a job as a tutor, and studied my ass off. Things didn't go as planned on my exit, but I guess they never do.

Go back to school anon, and do a degree that will actually result in a return on investment.

>> No.51018318

What hobby or activity makes you happy or you find enjoyable? It could be anything. Playing video games? Watching a certain sport? Pick one thing and look at careers around it and pursue it. First find the country, city, place that that thing you enjoy has a lot of people that feels the same or is done everyday. Visit there in immerse yourself in it. Life is all about goals. Some goals you hate, some goals you love. You set goals and go about achieving it. As tacky as it sounds, thats everything to life. No goals, then you have nothing to look forward too, nothing to sacrifice for, and not prize (achieve the goal). And goals doesn't have to be so formal. Your goal could be "I want to go to Las Vegas soon and gamble and maybe fuck some hookers". You then work and save up money to go do that. Lif is short my friend. Figure it out and do what makes you happy!