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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 51 KB, 568x540, IMG-20220817-WA0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50952734 No.50952734 [Reply] [Original]

Ain’t we all fucked with these inflation figures? UK is up 10.1% today, it’s about 8.5 in the US and 2.8% in China. If you still think the market is gonna recover in a short while then you’re definitely a fag. I don’t wanna risk anything these days. I might as well just stick to fiats like normies.

>> No.50952810
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so fix the meme you bean brain

>> No.50953200

Thanks for overlooking everything else and fixing the meme, you retard.

>> No.50953231

Idk im all in private prison stocks.

>> No.50953257

You should have been DCAing from day on, anon. Even in the bear. Easier on the wallet

>> No.50953310

That is true but don't act holier-than-thou and pretend like we all haven't been victim to FOMO, kek. I just think Fiat is safer now

>> No.50953356

Correct but as you said the market isn't going to recover anytime soon, so fuck whatever it is that you're experiencing FOMO from, I know the ETH merge shit and the SHIB pump may be one of them

>> No.50953390

Let's not get it twisted, until ETH gas fees doesn't decrease I wouldn't dump lump sums in. And SHIB is a fucking joke. Probably fake pumped by community.

>> No.50953405

>the market
MY market's already recovered, S&P is back to where it was in January/October 2021
YOUR market can fuck off, street shitter

>> No.50953424

you sound so fucking buttfrustrated anon, have you tried shooting yourself in the face with a gun?

>> No.50953437

Are you retarded normies earning passive income on your FIAT, lmfao

>> No.50953453

We are in for a big shit Anon, am not even surprised

>> No.50953472
File: 535 KB, 1206x1473, Byron Dale letter from US Treasury.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People discuss inflation without ever determining the true cause.

Inflation is caused by too much money creation. All money is created digitally when private banks issue loans. Our entire money supply is created by private banks, NOT government. Therefore, the evil system of bank-created money is responsible for all inflation, depressions, recessions, and hyperinflations.

proofs available at:

>> No.50953484
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Fiat is safer ? Till you get a hike in CPI and it's get obvious your Fiat value ain't shit anymore .
I hate banks n government

>> No.50953493
File: 585 KB, 2482x1224, 2 Money, Banking, and Credit in Eastern Europe 1966 Fed Admission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Private banks create the entire money supply. Too much money creation causes inflation. Therefore, PRIVATE BANKS are responsible for inflation.

proofs available at:

>> No.50953501

Fake pump during a bear market yea.. it's suspicious af, only a Chad would get fuck this way

>> No.50953522
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STF pleb.. how's that even possible. Market is down af, BTC tryna get some relief at 22k
We are doomed and it's just the end

>> No.50953528
File: 1.60 MB, 3548x3820, All money is created by borrowing from banks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than 1% of the population understands that private banks create all money and are responsible for inflation.

Banks create new digital money AFTER the borrower signs the loan contract. The entire money supply is created this way.

Proofs at:

>> No.50953576

Kek. Wait for the stock market to crash and take the crypto market with it

I don't think he is, considering he's shooting his irrelevant opinion on this thread

If I could earn enough with fiat I wouldn't be in this dilemma, newfag.

>> No.50953620
File: 7 KB, 254x199, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey jeets, inflation is caused by demand-pull and cost-pull. It increases prices in the economy. But go on with your theories.

>> No.50953625

i have been priced out of eating out. it's like 10 loonies for the same haumburger or submarine that i was charged five loonies for just a couple years ago.
7.6% inflation my ass

>stick to fiats
fuck that, i'll take a slim chance of making money over a certain chance of losing it, not that i have much to lose

>> No.50953802
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Don't forget the expansion of money supply. Even though the Federal reserve says the relationship between inflation and the money supply has become a lot less with time, I'm not going to completely erase that reason.

Depends. I wouldn't want to get into anything too volatile either during this market. Fiat is less income but less loss too.

>> No.50953885

You can always invest in stablecoins if you're too much of a pussy to take a risk. Earn some interest on it.

>> No.50953991

I bet you're one of those morons who thinks, inflation means it adds up every month by that number. I'd expect as much from a brit.

>> No.50954069

>2.8% in China
Is this true are they BS fake numbers?

>> No.50954072

After the whole LUNA issue, I'll pass.

Shut the fuck up, anon.

>> No.50954097

Are you retarded, newfag. Tether wasn't backed. Invest in 1 to 1 backed stablecoins like USDC and you should fine. Dont do any shady shit

>> No.50954298

Okay but USDC is centralized. That defeats the purpose. Might as well stay in fiat.

>> No.50954367
File: 10 KB, 289x174, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAI is a good option for a decentralized stable. Stake it on a DeFi middleware like Spool Fi or some shit and it should be as low risk as possible for you.

>> No.50954475

Someone suggested that shit to me last week. 10% APY on USDC is bullshit, anon.

>> No.50954624

tornado cash wasn't shady its just privacy. you can even remain fully tax compliant while using it and provide taxman with everything he needs. but noooo they ban it anyways well fuck them fuck usdc and fuck everything and everyone fuck it all. basic human right not to have your dick out for everyone to see. flashing my wallet balance to everyone i interact with no thanks, gross.

>> No.50954696

You fixed the meme; why not try fixing the economy too?

>> No.50954722

Do you mind elaborating which ones?

>> No.50954835
File: 2 KB, 125x124, man face laugh cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just think Fiat is safer now
You've got to be kidding me cos who the hell says fiat is safer? You'll wake up soon to see that it's value is all gone and that you should have saved in stables; probably staked even.

>> No.50954875

remember two years ago when normies said printing more money was the smart thing to do?

>> No.50954958

Turns out, Fiat is the ponzi scheme and unstable currency!

>> No.50955061

Smart devs who built their projects on Ethereum are already devising means to circumvent the burden of high gas fees.

>> No.50955114

So basically we need the banks out?

>> No.50955147

Easier said than done anon, it doesn't turn out to be that easy

Do you live in the ice age? You dumb retard haven't you heard that's what the merge gonna solve.

>> No.50955161

No one earns passive income with fiat; If you say from stable coins, it makes more sense. The fiat will be taxed until the account is empty.

Is this some sort of botted reply?

>> No.50955230
File: 2 KB, 125x124, FROG MIDDLE FINGER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who still thinks the fiat is safer is retarded just like OP. How can you be so unaware of what saving in stables would do for you? Stake that shit and eat fat bags of profits wagie!

>> No.50955232

>No one earns passive income with fiat
When were you born?

Are you fucking telling me you don't know banks offer interest when you save with them even if it's shitty that certainly counts as passive income.

>> No.50955276

Isn't that what all meme coins do? pump and dump from hype

>> No.50955293

Bot fags!

>> No.50955409
File: 3 KB, 134x124, relief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Earn some interest on it.
Finally someone sensible joins this thread. Tell these jeets how to take their baths too cos they definitely know nothing.

>> No.50955640


I see you follow Michael... He won't be right this time...

>> No.50955673

>Ain’t we all fucked with these inflation figures?

Not everyone, the next masters are slowly taking their places and they love seeing more and more "middle" class people falling into poverty.
UBI will fit like a glove.

>> No.50955827

The smart ones are already making silent moves by looking for ways to protect their assets while the dumbfags are on 4chan debating about the inflation figures.

>> No.50956068

Congratulations to them but the ETH merge would address the issue of high gas fees so regardless it's only a matter of time before high gas fees become a thing of the past.

>> No.50956124

I have a high paying career, net worth over $1 mil, and the zestimate on my house is still going up.
#not my problem lol

>> No.50956153

Private Prison stocks could be a smart play, high inflation=less money = more broke people= more crimes.

>> No.50956164

Inflation numbers are fake, it's actually around 20%

>> No.50956171

>until ETH gas fees doesn't decrease
That is what shiba inu is doing, retard.

>> No.50956211

>Ain’t we all fucked with these inflation
>I might as well just stick to fiats like normies

>> No.50956220
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>Stake that shit and eat fat bags of profits
not your keys, not your coin

>> No.50956254

>Retard pol tier take on inflation.

>> No.50956265

not this time michael

>> No.50956303
File: 162 KB, 559x989, 1655845375872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After the whole LUNA issue, I'll pass.
Lowest IQ take.
LUNA constantly mints coins to keep the price down, which caused retards (like you) to massive sell large bags causing the price to go down and causing more people to sell massive bags.
Just fucking hold on, Jesus.

>> No.50956327

DCAing is a good way to take advantage of the market, staking stables are good as well.

>> No.50956333

I have a wallet so I don't need keys, retard nigger.

>> No.50956371

The merge will solve the issue of gas fees, and I believe this will make ETH more approachable in term of building certain projects.

>> No.50956402
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>> No.50956427
File: 76 KB, 1346x408, 1657100337072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you fucking telling me you don't know banks offer interest
Woah bro! Hecking 0.25% APY! HECKING BASED!

>> No.50956482

As long as I'm having my assets in scrt atom shd btc bnb eth, I dn't give a damn about the uk and us inflation

>> No.50956577

They do need some orientation, especially that certain DeFi tools make earning easy from staking stables.
I stake USDT, but I kind of trust USDC more and its been my main stake when using Spool.

>> No.50956597
File: 9 KB, 586x528, sfubf91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earning staking rewards for staking cosmos IBC coins on is far better than getting that any interest coming out of any bank

>> No.50956745

Banks are shit anon, i prefer the fuckign decentralized way .

>> No.50956839
File: 265 KB, 1490x964, Screenshot 2022-08-17 at 18.49.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be super happy with 10%

Try 25% by end of summer

>> No.50957287

Hey faggot, do you have some info that backs up your statement?

>> No.50957298

In what world is shib reducing ETH fees? Do you even think at all?

>> No.50957341

I pay better interest than these fucking banks, they are shit and there's no hiding that.

>> No.50958013

> Proceeds to lock down for 4 months destroying the economy
> Government gives out hundreds of billions in gibs
> Government spends tens of billions on largely unrequired PPE (gloves, aprons etc)
> Government spends tens of billions on app that barely works
> Government locks down for another 8 months, destroying the economy further and doubling down on aforementioned spending


Fuck normies, they acted like such faggots about a fucking flu and now they're reaping what they sowed.

>> No.50958557

and what's going to happen if the crypto market crashes and the stock market doesn't? you consider shooting up your nearest elementary school?

>> No.50958618

I got a 10% raise this year, am I still behind?

>> No.50959174

You are fucking behind retard, what about inflation don't you fucking understand don't you know good's and services are more expensive now?

>> No.50959241

That's the exact reason why you need to stay full DeFi.
Middlewares are for this

>> No.50960641

Its that simple, not your key not your coins, how about that.. lol
Well seems like its the new trend lately, earning from stablecoins

>> No.50960711
File: 37 KB, 500x500, askdj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad spotted.. well anon needs to clarify to say negative passive income..
>> Fag indeed>>
who tf earns 0.15% APY and interest rate at 10.4%, how's that even compared to farming USDC and earning 9% on yield aggregators

>> No.50961282

>>DAI is the only decentralized money.
Stocks are fucked, dont bother knowing kek
Why are we all just knowing this.. shits, safety is in stablecoins..
>>Glad i knew spool & beefy early enough, been eating up decent APY from USDT

>> No.50961665


Where do you stake?

>> No.50961853

Who's this faggot that's comparing UST to backed stables like USDC. They were no where close in terms of mcap & adaption rate.

>> No.50961906

Spool has different risk tiers with their associated APYs. If you want higher APYs then go for the higher risk plans.

Hehe; take it easy on him anon.

>> No.50962103

>When were you born?
Definitely not on the same day as you fag. If you know the interests are shitty then why compare it to what's available for yield farming

>> No.50962157

I hear the merge will affect speed of transactions more than gas fees.

>> No.50962221

>not your keys, not your coin
If you're staking on decentralized yield protocols with no centralized wallets, then you don't have to worry about that.

>> No.50962277

>staking stables are good as well.
That's true but you need to be staking on safe and secure platforms that are not difficult to navigate.

>> No.50962541

The Defi middlewares give users better opportunities with staking because of the connection with the array of yield protocols.

>> No.50962582

Still emphasizing this in 2022? Some people never learn do they, i wonder when they would ever do,

>> No.50962696

I use both beefy and Spool, meanwhile be careful with beefy if you must.

>> No.50962736
File: 115 KB, 820x680, II0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you expect? kek never learn.. they are needed as exit liquidity..

>> No.50962954

The DeFi niche never runs out of staking opportunities, infact i just got out of the coinbase rewards i intend on making use of spool at this time.

>> No.50964596

Spool makes it a whole easier with it's auto. compounding of interest, earning is on the most efficient side for the user.

>> No.50964633

That world don't exist, and those doing that have an explainable system for withdrawal, which is the batching system, where users withdrawals are batched and sone once, thereby splitting the gas fees for the users.

>> No.50964760

Yielding is still better than anything, andI'm glad Spool and beefy which have been doing the most in appreciating

>> No.50964910

There's quite a lot of safe platforms, where one can passively yield from several yield generators with just one deposit...

>> No.50965355

Staking is based but I've made good profits from LP mining as well. Currently I'm have the best yields on Ore Network I've had in a long while.

>> No.50966206

You have a point chud. Good investments can take away worries about current conditions since you have eyes on the long term. I for one am getting into asset management and security systems as I see them being a big deal in the next bull season.

>> No.50966257

Cheapest investment out there is silver. If inflation is 10% but hinds are yielding 1-2% then that is a major problem that will be rectified by a massive flight to safety as people redeem their bonds.

>> No.50966326

Details matter you lazy faggot this is why you're poor.

>> No.50966427

Reality is op as long as we continue to tollerate boomer tier policy and woke idiology NOTHING will change.

Seig Heil.

>> No.50966604

Compare? Who thought you how to read retard cause in no way did I compare them.

>> No.50966670

Beefy and Spool are the closest i can think of.

>> No.50967047

I stake mostly on Binance. A friend of mine told me about a 53% APY LP mining ORE/ETH. I might be getting in on that pretty soon.

>> No.50967148

Unironically yes, how much are producer prices going up now?

>> No.50967205

>I might as well just stick to fiats
I mean I'm no financial genius or anything but it seems to me like just parking your shit in fiat currency is the absolute LAST thing you'd want to do when there's rapid inflation since literally anything else is a safer bet for maintaining the value of your wealth.

>> No.50967231

Hey anon, cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.50967258

i dont give a single fuck
still making a shitton of APY from my Bitdao tokens
i dont need to work cucks
i hope all of you wage slaves suffer harder

>> No.50967316

DCAing is a good strategy pleb. I do it weekly with profits from my trades on assets like ALGO and ORE till the next bull cycle.

>> No.50969031

>earning from stablecoins
With the rate of the market's volatility, we just have to be smart with investment patterns to avoid getting rekt. I guess that's the reason why stable coin staking has gotten really popular lately.

>meanwhile be careful with beefy if you must.
Beefy is not it at all! I'm patiently waiting for its shutdown news.

>> No.50969046

>Spool makes it a whole easier with it's auto. compounding of interest,
I hear that they added $10mil to their TVR recently. It's obviously getting lots of adoption.

>> No.50969100

Gold is actually coming up strong lately.

>> No.50969170

I guess this is one of the reasons why users are not scared to interact with the ecosystem even though it's built on the ETH chain. The burden of gas fees has been taken away.

>> No.50969203

>I stake mostly on Binance
Avoid CEXs at all costs. Defi middlewares have made staking much easier since there are multiple options to pick from. Utilize them!

>> No.50969245

D/bond has great possibilities and potential in DeFi and traditional finance. You certainly can’t deny that with normies looking for a safe net to stack cash and make gains

>> No.50970904

Meanwhile wages remain the same

>> No.50972332 [DELETED] 

Syscon is known for quickly negotiating collaboration agreements with significant partners.

>> No.50973174

inflation is 0% and were not in a recession

>> No.50974159

Based. I've always preferred DEXs. I've also found the Railway DEX innovative for enabling private swaps and trades in the crypto ecosystem.

>> No.50974581
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inflation is expansion of the money supply. Any other made-up nonsense is pilpul designed to distract you.