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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50910866 No.50910866 [Reply] [Original]

>silently rugs
>all the pajeets shilling this are now nowhere to be seen
Imagine buying the top and unironically thinking this bsc shitcoin was going to be the next shib lmao

>> No.50910909
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>> No.50910914


New to crypto, huh?

>> No.50910928

what dog coin is this

>> No.50910981

from 2m to 9m mcap in days lmao, you gonna hang yourself when this hit 50b mcap

>> No.50911003

it rugged from 3 m to 9m within 2 days, incredible rug!

>> No.50911025

reminder al d0b0 fudders are actually bagholders making it seem this coin has organic fud (which everyone knows is a buy signal) so they can finally dump their heavy, heavy bags

>> No.50911029

Learn what a rug is. People selling are not 'rugs'. This board is as bad the political left with their constant redefining of words.

>> No.50911694

Why do the jannies hate dog+bat? Every thread gets pruned or deleted. Did Doge and Shib holders have to deal with this shit too? When Dogbat gets a CEX listing will we be allowed to discuss it then?

>> No.50911720

Massive faggots. They deleted the dog bat general I made last night that had 50+ replies.

>> No.50911738

There were literally 50 Shiba/Shiba ripoff threads last May before those retards lost everything

>> No.50911761

One of the jannies last year tried to control the telegram and dumped his whole bag when people called him a faggot. He's still seething to this day.

>> No.50911797
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>silently rugs

>> No.50911838

Thanks for advertising my dogbat coin ;)

>> No.50911919

Most dogbat threads get pruned, and bans given out, around the same time (in my country). I don't know how many jannies /biz/ has, but it seems to me there is only one particular janny that has a serious beef with this coin, and goes ban happy when they come online.

>> No.50912034

Did you know that btc, Eth, Shib, Doge, link, Avax, Fantom, ICP, and others all originated mainly on 4chan? Did you know that these went up in the last bull run considerably? Did you also know that there will be another bullrun once the Shemitah ends? And did you know finally, that there will be another Shib like coin that will cause immense fomo? Now, I’m not saying it’ll be dogbat, but I am saying that speculation of that happening will ramp up dogbat to atleast match the ATH once again or surpass it. It could be dogbat honestly, but if it’s not, it’s still a pretty damn good bet to appreciate in value quite nicely.

>> No.50912118

> if the volume is lower after the local extrema then the trend continues
> volume lower after extrema
the trend shall continue
(dependent on BTC not taking a shit...)

only reason this has less potential than shib is because its on BSC so there is less liquidity to draw into it (though idk if true because USDC/T are fairly easy to port from one chain to another)

>> No.50912497

Dog with bat
Deauj bownk
Sound it out, figure it out, Google it

>> No.50912506

“Mom I lost my $10 investment, I’m gonna say the r word again”

>> No.50912531

rather lose 10 bucks than however much you put in

>> No.50912558


What rug? It went up in the last few days. We were at 3 or 4 million marketcap and now we're at 9.

>> No.50912574

Only reason I don't buy this is because how obvious the bots and pajeet shills are in every thread.

>> No.50912596

Learn the definition of rug before you try to banter with the big boys, ranjeet

>> No.50912706

Great investment opportunity, rare to have 1000x potential in bear market.

>> No.50912734

you're the one investing in dog shit here, street shitter.

>> No.50912745
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imagine not dropping a mere 1 bnb into this moonshot for next cycle, couldn't be me thats 4 sure lol
>inb4 jeet

>> No.50913017


>> No.50913492

Kill yourself you hopeless sack of shit

>> No.50913515

>duuuuuude you can only make money by virtue signaling into utility projects

Back to your link hopium threads faggot. Dogbat returns more in weeks than you make in ten years of waging

>> No.50915369

Bruh, it's a magic carpet

>> No.50915409

Huh, interesting... What are the make it and suicide stacks?

>> No.50915442

that’s why you don’t buy this pajert tier scam with 1,000,000,000,000,000 total supply. this goes to all those other faggy dog coins out there. you will never see $1

>> No.50915721
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But it never needs to reach a dollar. Lots of people made multi-generational wealth with SHIB and it still has multiple zeroes after the decimal point.

>> No.50917698
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It rugged, it fucking rugged.

10B suicide stack
50B break it stack
100B make it stack
always was always will be

>> No.50917765

when the markets open I’m assuming all the fud will suddenly vanish, after that bobos and fudchuds will rope.

>> No.50917788
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>casually sells 5.5 make it stacks
But why?

>> No.50917819

2 to 9m to 8.5 m is not a rug. Wtf even is biz now?

>> No.50917855
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it's because most are NPC that it went up in the first place
speaking of which
just launched yesterday, could be a good opportunity

>> No.50917856

pajeets haven't spent enough time in the market to know what this is about and I've been expecting this trend for more than a few months and everyone thinks it has rugged. lmao

it's just a shitcoin pumping and what I really know about it, it wont be anything like SHIB. sell your BNB clones and get into Rose. If you like altcoins

>> No.50917863

I sell every time I see my token mentioned on /biz/

>> No.50917867
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>Liquidity locked forever
That means it's unruggable right?

>> No.50917921

other than by whales selling (literally every coin has this) yes

>> No.50917943

>rugs every day according to /biz/

>> No.50918044

>he doesn't know about the lesser known 500 trillion marketcap prophecy

>> No.50918097

Whales selling isn't rugging. Pulling liquidity is.

>> No.50918326

It's over...

>> No.50918340

>shit brown id
kek, checks out

>> No.50918372
File: 72 KB, 900x1451, 127628D8-4426-4CFE-B4EB-EC3FDB2EB2AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They bamboozled me out of $15

>> No.50918443

43% of that 1 quadrillion is burned.It has the exact same supply as shib right now accounting for burn and it can the supply can only go lower

>> No.50918478
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>> No.50918496

Okay, finally we can pump. 10m is coming before EOD.

>> No.50918513

Fuckkk, I'm still up 3x. Ahhh oh well, never selling. Most of those I saw sell we're poor fags or minor whales that bought 1-2 days ago.

>> No.50918568
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>crab id

>green id
he sold? pump it to $100M market cap.

>> No.50918934
File: 182 KB, 1022x684, ScammyJanny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek it wasn't silent, this is one of the few scams so obvious that even the Jannies tried to stop /biz/lets getting rekt on.

>> No.50921242

I-it’s still up from last week bros..

>> No.50921404

Because they flood the board with their embarrassing threads where they try to make it seem like anybody cares. These are the most inorganic conversations you can imagine, peppered with cringeworthy memes

>> No.50921646

i sank like 8k into this near the top, stack worth like 500 bucks now lol lmao. i like gambling with these memecoins but man am i shit at it lul

>> No.50921709
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>We are so early guys!
Friendly reminder, only people who think we are still early are pic related. There will never be another bull run because crypto is no longer "new".

>> No.50921982

> Ahh a dog bat fud thread, wait is this organic?
>I like my threads to be organic, just like my onions
>You can really tell this thread is organic because it's fud
>Friendly reminder, you will eat the bugs they are organic
NO thanks, organic onion posters

>> No.50922000

there are people that could have sold this at the top for life changing money, but didn't

>> No.50922404

This will never get the mass normie appeal it needs. Reason is actually simple, stupid tax. Bought at 7m mc, sold at 9m mc - profit = 0. At the moment of buy you are down 25%, only 4chan autists could get over that.

>> No.50922611

Told you idiots!

It's about to go back to sub $3m market cap.

>> No.50922624

I put $500 into this what feels like a lifetime ago and it's $250 right now. Kek

>> No.50922626

Seethe more, faggot

>> No.50922656

Safemoon got to a mcap of $5.75 billion. The tax is not an issue. Normies don't even have the brain cells to calculate their break-even.

>> No.50922665
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50B prophecy will happen.

>> No.50922669

The real benefit of making it with dog bat will be shitting on gay cunts like you when I do

>> No.50922844
File: 18 KB, 802x565, 1655681022386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small pump
>huge dump
>this time is gonna be different guys!!
imagine falling for this shit.

>> No.50922899


>> No.50923016

Thanks for advertising my dogbat coin ;)

>> No.50923150

So you'll keep that impotent rage with you for the rest of your life then? Doesn't sound healthy

>> No.50923198

How is that a 'huge dump' if that's also a 'small pump'... the dump is way smaller than the pump

>> No.50923576

Only to the EOY ;>)

>> No.50923883

“Huge dump” it’s still higher than what it was this time last week lol. Let me guess, you’ve never experienced a market cycle?

>> No.50923925

Suicide because of an animal token, pretty sad

>> No.50924032
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dorbeaugh the pure, the blessed, pegger of jannies and seethe of pajeets.

>> No.50924150
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Lol nice, keep those sweeeeeeeeet dog with bat taxes b0nking my lads, Imma sluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurpity sluuuuuuurp it all just fyi :^)

>> No.50924241

sold at $170 mil mc in november
i was so tempted to buy this week but with bitcoin stagnating i figured the pump wouldn’t last

>> No.50924365

Man i'm gettimg so much off these reflections. Just keep on selling guys!

>> No.50924470

You're in for a treat then, I'm very happy for you

>> No.50924548

How do I get BNB into a wallet now that Gate.io kicked off US users and I can't binance?

>> No.50924590
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>as my stack $ value gets closer and closer to zero

>> No.50924639
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Begone gains goblin.

>> No.50924700
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i get bnb on crytpto dot com, you can also try Kucoin

>> No.50924848


>> No.50925209
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I see a pattern emerging in that pic.

>> No.50925657

We're not allowed to talk about it because it threatens the jannies meager dogecoin scraps

>> No.50925666


>> No.50925745
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Jannies started aggressively deleting threads a day or two ago. I made about $600 off this little run. Thanks dobaggies

>> No.50926549

Told you idiots.

Whales are slowly draining the liquidity.

>> No.50926619

i've moved up one spot and i'm top 100
whales are pretty bad at this then

>> No.50926668

Please explain for the class how you can drain liquidity from a renounced contract

>> No.50926740

Crypto market dead and bearish. Still see this being posted every day on biz. I bagged a suicide bag and suddenly these threads are not annoying anymore. Keep bonking retards. Make them seethe.

>> No.50926813

Impressively based

>> No.50927007

top 50 here, only got knocked down one notch this week
tell me more about these whales draining the LP

>> No.50927036


>> No.50927063

dangerously based and batpilled

>> No.50927069

I feel like these mouth breathers latch on to a buzzword and just run it into the ground. People selling ≠ rugging, but when you don’t actually buy or sell crypto and you just parrot what biz tells you, you lack the critical thinking to actually fact check your dumbass statements.

>> No.50927076

That last pump was exciting. Was crazy to see how fast it pumped.

>> No.50927082

Did this second load get top poisoned already?

>> No.50927448

50b eoy wagmi

>> No.50927519

Sounds like an average /biz/ thread