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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 54 KB, 589x505, 1655586919687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50915321 No.50915321 [Reply] [Original]

little pump we had is over sisters, i will never afford my laser and stockings
already under 2 and hopelessly dumping

>> No.50915495

>kda is a scam
Agree, crosschain transfers are bad (because there are 3 hops and you need each and every one of those to finish the block before starting new one so lowest transfer time is 50 seconds+ for crosschain if both chains you're transferring from and to gonna get mined first and you don't miss a block with your tx and if you do it might take up to 3 minutes+ so they give you a disclaimer tx can stuck for a bit and you shoudn't close wallet for 4 minutes future of finance lol) also I will stream my suicide when kda goes up.

>> No.50915526

Thank you for aknowledging crosschain transfers are a mess and quoting me! I think we need to spread more awareness of how bad kadena really is. Maybe we should also spread awareness on how bad X-wallet is?
>Changes to the Terms of Use
We may revise and update these Terms of Use from time to time in our sole discretion. All changes are effective immediately when we post them, and apply to all access to and use of X-Wallet thereafter. However, any changes to the dispute resolution provisions set out in Governing Law and Jurisdiction will not apply to any disputes for which the parties have actual notice on or before the date the change is posted on the Website.

Your continued use of X-Wallet following the posting of revised Terms of Use means that you accept and agree to the changes. You are expected to check the Website from time to time so you are aware of any changes, as they are binding on you.
Accessing X-Wallet and Account Security
We reserve the right to withdraw or amend X-Wallet, and any service or material we provide through X-Wallet, in our sole discretion without notice. We will not be liable if for any reason all or any part of X-Wallet is unavailable at any time or for any period. From time to time, we may restrict access to some parts of X-Wallet, or the entirety of X-Wallet, to users, including registered users.

>> No.50915688

Notice how I fixed your post slightly, also useless because wrong and the reason for most problems is of course because you used zelcore (lol)

>> No.50915835

i used x-wallet, pedo
lets not forget how it just doesn't exist for firefox and is only a brave or chrome extension

>> No.50915843

same thing
>he doesn't use the superior kwallet that does the cross chains for you

>> No.50915857

sorry, i'm not a pedophile, only a homosexual

>> No.50915970

it's a browser extention dipshit

>> No.50916016

>chrome only
still trash

>> No.50916032

do you move goalpoasts for a living?

>> No.50916040

no, but its chrome only so its still trash

>> No.50916055
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>> No.50916075

ye but google steals all my data, probably steals wallet pkeys as well

>> No.50916157

is this real?
who the fuck in their right mind would use google fucking chrome

>> No.50916186

better question is who in their right mind would use edge

>> No.50916210

opera gaming browser for youtube videos
you can minimize the youtube videos and get a picture in picture on your youtubes and switch into another program or tab or browser or whatever while still watching videos. designed to use minimum resources so you can keep it on while you game or whatever.

>> No.50916219

opera gx its called
or brave if you wanna get paid to web browse. not paid a lot mind you but you know, every little bit helps

>> No.50916244

i used to dislike firefox but really been liking it lately
safari used to be my fav, best user interface

>> No.50916259

You are fucking out of your mind if you think using this chink bot net is a good idea, such a meme.
here is your pip https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/picture-in-picture-extens/hkgfoiooedgoejojocmhlaklaeopbecg

>> No.50916650

Linux is not a pedo OS. It's simply the only OS that doesn't send all your files to Microsoft or Apple.

Chrome is actually trash though.

Brave is trash.

>> No.50916713

sounds like something a pedo would say

>> No.50916733

>If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear
>Now send me your keys

>> No.50916757

i never said that, i said its sounds like something a pedo would say

>> No.50916758

Linux mint + brave is the ultimate anti establishment combo. One hates the gays and trannies and the other hates Israel.

>> No.50916776

Linux is the only acceptable OS.

>> No.50916787

>One hates the gays and trannies
you're in the wrong thread
>the other hates Israel.
you're on the wrong board

>> No.50916851

>wrong board
/biz/ has always been the financial arm of /pol/

>> No.50916903

yeah? explain chainlink?

>> No.50918468

The autistic discussion in this thread is extremely bearish

>> No.50918532

ok tranny, answer me, can kadena scale vertically? can blocktime be reduced to 7.5 seconds?

>> No.50918726

these threads are always full of nonsense repleys and no discussion about kda at all. should we sell?

>> No.50918766


>> No.50918959

you don't understand how to scale a blockchain.

>> No.50918980

i do, im asking you a simple question cause current blocktime of 30s is fucking awful

>> No.50919007

Why would you ask about vertical scaling though? Yes, it can do that, but priority is on horizontal scaling because it's the only thing that really matters.

>> No.50919107

>30s is fucking awful
its rare that an app needs sub-minute transactional latency and not sub-second. However, it's common if not universal that an app needs more throughput and can leverage horizontal scaling, which is where the parallel chain design of kadena comes in.

>> No.50919174

>see new shitcoin exploding
>oh no my funds are on chain 1
>quick i need those on chain 2
>kda is running at 100 chains now and you need 4 hops to get your money from chain 1 to chain 2
>2 minutes of transfer cost you an opportunity to buy at the bottom and do a 100x
here is a real world problem, you can't deny it this exact thing would happen when kda gets its ecosystem running
how are you going to solve that without vertical scaling blockchain to lower blocktime?

>> No.50919246

Answer me this: How are you going to solve this on ETH and having 1000 L2s.

I wish I could take a break from seeing posts like yours for at least 6 months. Either lurk more, read the thread and stop posting the same nonsense as 100 anons before you. Worse part is you're not even asking question you're just saying "kda bad because I can't order a tomboy though zelcore" ok buddy retard so what, you can't do it on ETH either.
To actually answer, in kda you could have your wallet spread funds across chains to utilize all chains and don't have to send all from 0 to [chain your PnD is on].

>> No.50919304

what kind of transactions do you think you can perform with a 7.5 second or lower block time? how are you going to make sure your nodes are synced across the entire planet in a 7.5 second or lower block time?

>> No.50919369

>but in africa they eat bugs
i don't care about eth, i care about kadena
>to actually answer, in kda you could have your wallet spread funds across chains to utilize all chains
what if its a defi solution launching on chain 142 that you never used in your life?
7.5 blocktime is not that fast, algorand produces blocks at 4.5s, i'm not even talking about all pos shitcoins with blocktimes in ms rather than seconds

>> No.50919435


>> No.50919438

>142 that you never used in your life?
That's my point, it being spread out increases the chance of your funds being just one chain away.
>i don't care about eth
>>I don't care if cars in general can't fly I want my car to fly

>> No.50919503

>That's my point, it being spread out increases the chance of your funds being just one chain away.
Ye and what if its 4 hops away?
>I don't care if cars in general can't fly I want my car to fly
non answer because standard in the industry is way faster than eth, eth is a barely working shitcoin at this point if you want to compare the most innovative blockchain on the market you're just retarded.

>> No.50919819

>non answer because standard in the industry is way faster
Cross chains anywhere are like 5-10 min, sometimes 7 days.
Maybe avax side chains a few seconds? Is that what you're referring to, don't tell me you are talking about algorand again.

>> No.50919930

avax doesn't have inbuilt mechanism for txes between side chains, its a shitshow
>Cross chains anywhere are like 5-10 min
so you saying kadena's scaling solution is just slow by default and its a shitcoin, ok gotcha, chief

>> No.50920929

Geniune question. Consider a platform like gains.trade where people want instant closing of trades, can kuro eventually be able to do this.
I understand that 30s is fast enough for most things but if I want instant transactions (maybe not instant finality) is this possible on KDA?

>> No.50920957

Of course if you need instant transactions you would need L2, not kuro, maybe some zk solution that is even better than kuro.

From co founder
>public blockchains are settlement layers, which needs throughput, and not transaction layers, which is what a L2 is for if you need real transaction performance. Real tx perf is sub-second latency, if not sub millisecond, which a public blockchain can't do ever. Best you can get is collecting txs into some other faster but more centralized ledger -or- some zk kernel and settling it to mainnet periodically. Moreover, its rare that an app needs sub-minute transactional latency and not sub-second. However, it's common if not universal that an app needs more throughput and can leverage horizontal scaling, which is where the parallel chain design of kadena comes in. tl;dr -- a dapp running on one chain gets 1 block per 30sec to work with, but a dapp that's scaled across the network gets 20 blocks per 30sec to work with. Postnote: Gas costs, not tx latency, is the major blocker to dapp adoption of the two.

>> No.50920991

this is just waving away the question without saying yes or no, pretending answer could still be yes when its actually a no but you don't wanna scare potential buyers
pajeet tier

>> No.50921002

The answer is yes are you fucking drunk

>> No.50921016

Why wouldn't it be yes, is kadena the only blockchain in the world where L2s don't work? Even anon asking the question knew it was yes. I cannot imagine a scenario where you read my post thinking "hm you're trying to not answer the question"
Stop doing drugs

>> No.50921035

yes, an application could perform a credit in their application (like a lot of modern finance apps do) and then settle within x blocks/confirmations that they deem is secure enough

>> No.50921070

Are you trying to pretend to be retarded? He is trying to wave it and says hey you can do it on l2s, no need for kda(main selling point is crosschain l1 haha) to be able to perform sub second txes when you have l2s, best part is they also are very against bridges so l2s are nonexistant for kadena.
Why are you such a tranny scammer?

>> No.50921078

You need to do it on L2. You are very drunk

>> No.50921091

Why are you argueing the point im stating? You can't do it on l1. L2s are irrelevant when your team hates bridges.

>> No.50921107

>You can't do it on l1
Literally what I said, You need to do it on L2.
Because it's not possible on L1 at all if you expect to be able to scale

>> No.50921143

>The answer is yes are you fucking drunk
>You can't do it on l1
>Literally what I said, You need to do it on L2.
tranny scammer

>> No.50921173

>but if I want instant transactions
>can kuro eventually be able to do this.
>The answer is yes are you fucking drunk
So you misunderstood my post and then got mad. Great job you really outdid yourself today.

>> No.50921182

>im trying to swindle my sorry scammer tranny ass out of this but i can't
stop posting

>> No.50921192

You didn't actually misunderstand my post, you misunderstood anons post.

>> No.50921231

no I didn't misread it, you are a swindler
tranny scammer
ok maybe I did but I was just shitposting
tranny scammer embarrassed me in front of the whole class it's over
suicide stream

>> No.50921268

Can kadena scale vertically without l2s? Yes/no?

>> No.50921279

Thanks and informative, I thought this but couldn't formulate my thoughts this clearly

See the other answer I replied to above, he gave a, good answer, yours is incorrect as it still requires one block which has 30s Block time..

>> No.50921293

No, silly anon.
Very unrelated by the way
I guess he could still be right, L2 is basically just settling to a block, like traditional finance in a way maybe

>> No.50921324

wow it only took us 40 posts to answer my original question, i swear to god you did it to make this thread more visible you tranny scammer

>> No.50921363
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>to answer my original question,
What, you never asked me, you asked >>50918468
I replied to >>50918980 when you said 30 is awful.

You are stumbling and falling all over yourself, I will assume you drank too much?
Anyway, see >>50921231

>> No.50921381

wow, frogposting feels so gross, the frog is unironically glad you're doing bad and I'm not trying to give off that vibe, I apologize and will delete this file from my pc. Not sure why I picked it

>> No.50921394

I don't drink at all, im just bored and have no femboy bf and my kda stack is losing value:(

>> No.50921407
File: 905 KB, 1920x1080, [ADZPlus] Etotama - 01 [BD 1080p FLAC].mkv_snapshot_10.24_[2021.07.31_21.38.59].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image is much more reflective of how I feel.
Update on my frog folder - I will delete every file I think

I would unironically be frens with you if you werent such a mean spirited anon. Keep that in mind

>> No.50921430

i still think 30s blocktime is slow tho.

>> No.50921446
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And I still think you're wrong.

>> No.50921483

slow blocktime kept me away from degengambling on eth, and we want degen gamblers on kda to provide volume

>> No.50921495
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>> No.50921507

I doubt this is a problem, seeing as ETH is the most used chain in the world

>> No.50921541

anime, gross
that girl has one pointy tooth
she's like a 6 year old meth addict

>> No.50921560

She's doing better now, please don't be rude to people that are recovering from a hard time.

>> No.50921568

ikr, pedos saying "frogposting bad" are kinda cringe

>> No.50921604

why would the app need to rely on a 30 second block time if they are crediting you. you actually think your gains platform is instant trading?
>This is only possible because our architecture doesn't match buying/selling orders using an order book, the leverage of trades is "virtual"

>> No.50921621
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what do you guys think of marv
what's your ordering
mine is
> marv > otties > apu > groyper > pepe

>> No.50921637

apu >>>>>

>> No.50921697
File: 125 KB, 1458x1507, 1660482109474547.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the official eating disorder of Kadena holders?

>> No.50921712


>> No.50921748
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Good choice

>> No.50921752

Not sure why this made me laugh so hard

Drunkorexia for zTVbl5Yq

>> No.50921767
File: 195 KB, 840x792, 240-2402057_post-please-be-patient-i-have-autism-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one i know is apu, anon, im really behind on my frog studies since i've been only posting on /biz/ past 2 years

>> No.50921790

You don't use KDA for use-cases that require high throughput and low latency. The only chains that are trying to service those kind of use-cases are SOL and NEAR and given that's most of blockchain's current use-cases you can see why developer count building on both chains is currently going parabolic and the amount of programs being used on SOL has done around a 32x in a year.

>> No.50921806

>made spaggs
>forgot i have no butter or oil or anything really
>its midnight already so every shop is closed
worst day

>> No.50921831
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and they're not blockchains, they're regular trash

>> No.50921869

sol gets hacked every day tho

>> No.50921910

What ever you need to tell yourself to deal with the objective failure that is KDA. Anyway how are the trannies in this post going to fund their HRT now their cash cow is keeled over and died?

KA would have some applications get hacked as well, if it had any. The underlying framework of SOL is unstable but it is secure.

>> No.50921934
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>> No.50921936

i would love for you to sit down on your knees
so i can give you one good solid slap with my weewee
not several slaps - let's not get too excited - just one, powerful dickslap

>> No.50921978

Shame I wanted the full force of your member in and out my boipucci. I guess I'll take what I can get.

>> No.50921989

In what way is it an objective failure anon
That's not an eating disorder

>> No.50921996

any of you a femboy?

>> No.50922020

I am, they're troons

>> No.50922028

ok come novosibirsk and be my bf

>> No.50922030

sorry Emily, i'm a normal, heterosexual orthorexic cis man

>> No.50922043

That's ruski-anon not Emily

>> No.50922046

You're in a KDA thread. You're at least a little bi-curious.

>> No.50922074

i need to find some new fud, im bored

>> No.50922100
File: 266 KB, 1086x1020, 1660342706384695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think so i like western movies with rugged individuals
i like chicks not of the animal kinds of course ahaha
me, i am a muscular man, in need of a gains gf

>> No.50922125

> russian
> femboy

>> No.50922146

My dude the gayest shit I've seen today. Stop pretending that you're something you're not.

>> No.50922148

Idk man, ask him to post his body. Some of the most legendary femboys in existence are Russian

>> No.50922151

females are the worst gains goblins
im not a femboy anymore i'm too old to be cute, but maybe cash injections straight into my body will make me look cute again who knows

>> No.50922200

take that back
i'm not gonna smooch u


>> No.50922483

Imagine if we had a frogposter who posts real frogs while explaining their anatomy and what makes one different from another.

>> No.50922524

thats like asking local pedo to post cp, boring and stupid

>> No.50922535

>he's not interested in listening to a passionate anon talk about biology

>> No.50922553
File: 550 KB, 716x511, 23165684984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey class
i heard you would like to know the difference between a frog and a toad
first, let's check the skin
if the skin is smooth and moist, you’re likely looking at a frog
if it’s dry, rough, and bumpy, you’re likely looking at a toad

>> No.50922558
File: 60 KB, 470x498, taking notes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit I didn't know that

>> No.50922575

biology was the worst class in high school, why would i want that again, besides i can just go innawoods and look at frogs myself

>> No.50922599

I think you're confusing your general high school experience with just the biology class.

>> No.50922731
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another hint is the animal’s location
since frogs need to keep their skin moist, they’re often found near water
their breeding usually takes place in fresh water, too, and a cluster of eggs floating on the surface of a pond or attached to a water plant may be a sign that a frog is nearby
many kinds of toads, on the other hand, don’t need the security a nearby body of water provides, as their skin tends to be better at retaining the moisture it needs than frogs’ skin
if there’s no pond, lake, or stream nearby, you’re likely looking at a toad

>> No.50922775

toad doing push-ups lol

>> No.50922831
File: 990 KB, 480x270, e7704706758aa7b2d41d3c2fea3dafcf34c3b2e3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Binge Eating Disorder
>Binge eating disorder (BED) is a severe, life-threatening, and treatable eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of eating large quantities of food (often very quickly and to the point of discomfort); a feeling of a loss of control during the binge; experiencing shame, distress or guilt afterwards; and not regularly using unhealthy compensatory measures (e.g., purging) to counter the binge eating. It is the most common eating disorder in the United States.
BSV for being a fat useless fuck.
>>Anorexia Nervosa
>Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by weight loss (or lack of appropriate weight gain in growing children); difficulties maintaining an appropriate body weight for height, age, and stature; and, in many individuals, distorted body image.
Bitcoin and Cardano and their low TPS and slim off-chain solutions.
>>Rumination Disorder
>Rumination disorder involves the regular regurgitation of food that occurs for at least one month. Regurgitated food may be re-chewed, re-swallowed, or spit out. Typically, when someone regurgitates their food, they do not appear to be making an effort, nor do they appear to be stressed, upset, or disgusted.
Kadena and Solana and their large transaction overhead.
>Bulimia nervosa, commonly called bulimia, is a serious, potentially life-threatening eating disorder. People with bulimia may secretly binge — eating large amounts of food with a loss of control over the eating — and then purge, trying to get rid of the extra calories in an unhealthy way.
Ethereum's danksharding.

>> No.50922862

i forgot how fun it was to just read up on nature stuff and go outside
good stuff, thanks anon

>> No.50922888

based frog poster

>> No.50923625

ok i think i found my new fud, i'll do it tomorrow

>> No.50923833

give us a hint

>> No.50923892

don't give us anything we don't care

>> No.50924109

why is thanos so ungrateful, KDA team literally handed them $1,000,000 for finding a bug and now he's mad as fuck

>> No.50924171

What the fuck are you talking about, stop hiding behind words and tell me exactly why you think she is mad and why she is wrong in being mad, and by god if you don't go into detail will say the n word

>> No.50924223
File: 16 KB, 398x316, Ert8QKDVcAAoApd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the n word

>> No.50924248


>> No.50924249


>> No.50924264


>> No.50924291


>> No.50924295
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>> No.50924304


>> No.50924323
File: 86 KB, 1080x1080, good night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night frens and anon

>> No.50924339
File: 273 KB, 512x416, 68919651619686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was supposed to say nightcore but this anon ruined it >>50924295

>> No.50924351
File: 798 KB, 245x184, sleepy cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to me it looks like you ruined it

>> No.50924392

no it's just the ordering is wrong because of the difference in timezone

>> No.50925712

Whats the make it step? Can this go below 1$ again so I can finish my stack?

>> No.50925805

Doesn't look so. There are rumors saying that wrapped Bitcoin is coming to KDX

>> No.50925821

wrapped wrapped btc
i'd rather just hold btc

>> No.50925988

this shit is so corny but eh, he's doing good

>> No.50926087

Where the fuck are my stables Kaddex you fucking wops

>> No.50926303

nice quality

>> No.50926510

>tps = transactions per shilling
>proof of history = proof of failure
>stuart haber is satoshi nakamoto
>stuart popejoy and will martino are literally einstein
>pact mommy
>buying kadena now is like buying bitcoin at 20$ or ethereum at 3$

>> No.50926558

satoshi is obviously a team, including szabo and finney

>> No.50926568

wright and hoskinson too

>> No.50926573

good point forgot those

>> No.50926576

Is this water fucked up?

>> No.50926625

is he factual or did someone find errors in this?

>> No.50926661

some errors, like saying pact scales kadena, minor things but nothing that makes me want to correct the guy.
Wish he explained how chainweb actually worked I bet some smarter folk would see think and think it's a scam but then again smart people wouldn't watch that guy at all

>> No.50926677

it's not a big deal to know 20 programming languages

>> No.50926810

He has 6 other Kadena videos upcoming on his channel. Very cool. Gonna sub.

>> No.50926924

Is X-Wallet better to use than Zelcore and is it secure?

>> No.50926969

when is Thanos releasing his $NIGGER token?

>> No.50926999

I'd buy some $FUCKDX.

Anything is better than Zelcore, so yeah X-Wallet is probably better.

>> No.50927149
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nice digits
good night
i'm gonna sleep

>> No.50927238
File: 258 KB, 1315x669, deal with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only kiss girls.

>> No.50927387

I didnt realize how big of a deal Emily is, since she sometimes posts here, right?? Was she really the highest up person at the Haskell foundation?? Isnt it kinda crazy that someone like that posts here?