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File: 679 KB, 710x602, 1660516461350596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50910790 No.50910790 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there such a massive disparity in wealth in the US? Actors make millions and then you have this, seems insane

>> No.50910805


>> No.50910910

Where the fuck do they get money to buy food? Or clothes?

>> No.50911414

Those are all drug addicts.
They could live better, they just choose not to.
In my opinion, we should put them all in concentration camps

>> No.50911434

>they don't understand how the mind can curl around a physical substance when trying to avoid mental anguish

To the soilent green factory with those eye sores!

>> No.50911448

dey be trapped in da city ya dig? how dey pos to leave dey cit if dey aint got no monay?

>> No.50911455


>> No.50911464

What are their marketable traits? What can they provide that others would want? What do they contribute? At least actors entertain millions, these pieces of shit just exist and ruin property value

>> No.50911478

If they need drugs to cope everyday then they arent productive members of society and should be put down.
Any drug addict should be culled, they are obviously weak minded

>> No.50911486

How do I like your comment?

>> No.50911496

I agree

>> No.50911520

>avoid mental anguish
Everyone goes through bullshit sometimes in their lives. Not all of them start abusing drugs.

>> No.50911526
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>this is where your tax money goes to so they can live like this

>> No.50911540
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Gangster enough for ya?
Kensington just go hard is all.

>> No.50911570

My tax money goes to Ukraine and israel

>> No.50911594

That's just a good dad joke
>People are dying to get in here

>> No.50911596

if people are able to sit outside without problems. that's not "hard" little white boy

>> No.50911601

How can your tax money go to these people if they have no addresses?

>> No.50911629

So what you're saying is that it ain't gangsta enough for ya?

How about shitting in the street so much a new case of the bubonic plague raises up in san francisco?
Does that go hard?

>> No.50911642

go mop that shit up your dirty jeet

>> No.50911655

San Francisco spends 6 figures per year per homeless person in "programs". Programs staffed entirely by women and Jews. Shocking.

>> No.50911662

Just trying to find out what level of gangsta you're most comfortable with.

>> No.50911670

You do know conservative states bus homeless into California increasing the cost and making any efforts to correct it futile right?

>> No.50911692

Are homeless people objects with no agency? Why are there so many drug addicts per capita in America to begin with? Maybe because your country is a shithole. I don't care about which color crayons you eat.

>> No.50911725

>Why are there so many drug addicts per capita in America to begin with?

Glorification of criminal culture since the 1970s. Glorification of stupidity in pop culture since the 80s. Combined and most kids grow up thinking they are playing grand theft auto and the more crippling of a drug addiction they can develop the more hardcore they are.

>> No.50911752

The smart kids stop at weed.
The "hard" kids get into cocaine and ecstasy but quit and go back to weed after they get a day care job somewhere and only do it on vacation time.
The unlucky ones fuck around with shit like heroin and then go to meth and then crack and all that.

>> No.50911768

I didn't see shit like that growing up in post communist chaos. America is a gutter

>> No.50911779

How many do they send retard? Is that what they say now in r*ddit? Most of those homeless are local not imported

>> No.50911782

A lot of the homeless have mental illnesses and the us health industry is garbage so rather be in sanatoriums a lot of them are just out wondering the streets other homeless are just people who fell on hard times and a another slight fraction are people who simply don’t want to live within society’s bounds. Yes some have agency but red states exploit gifts to coerce them to travel to California to offload their problems it was so bad California was looking into stopping things like this legally and punishing red states for dumping their homeless on them. Reagan removed federal support for mental health care and said to let states handle it and you are seeing how well that’s working out. America is and only a country for those with resources.

>> No.50911811

Those retards are stuck in a constant loop of being unproductive morons because they enjoy being around other unproductive morons. It’s their culture and only some great self awakening can fix them. Until that happens, they will continue to live like parasites or live by such a low standard.

>> No.50911813

You got a lot to learn bucko.
Most of the world is third world shit holes for a reason.

>> No.50911822

Cuz liberals

>> No.50911844
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Fucking liberals always blaming everyone else for their problems.

>> No.50911847

In their defense, there isn't a lot of real work for average humans to do anymore. Everything that matters is done by machine.
40% of USA workers are considered non-essential and 1 in 3 makes less than 15 dollars an hour.
It's just the reality where machines and computers and advanced technology do most of the real work.
Things like being a shoe cobbler are still feasible for high end brand shoes and there are some other professions like that, but no one is teaching how to do them anymore.

>> No.50911877

The problem, Kayhan [SF Mayor director for homeless policy] says, is that San Francisco has become a clearinghouse for other cities and states.” “People are coming from all over,” Kayhan said. “I am seeing it firsthand. I often hear that this city or that city’s homeless plan is a bus ticket to San Francisco.” “My anecdotal data is that 8 out of 10 of those I speak to on the street are from somewhere else,” Kayhan said. “Last week I went to a homeless encampment just off Mission and Ninth. There were seven homeless guys there, and when I asked them where they were from they said: Marin, Chicago, West Virginia, Santa Rosa, Texas, San Diego and Boston.”

>> No.50911892

Yes because humans must consume consume consume

>> No.50911913

so what you're saying is that California needs to build a wall.

>> No.50911931

Other states need to manage their homeless instead of dumping them on California irregardless California still helps these people whereas a state like Texas would let them freeze

>> No.50911935

You're a big old faggot cock sucker aren't you.

>> No.50911946

you're the one sucking dicks for hits of fentanyl lmao

>> No.50911969
File: 134 KB, 543x1280, 5B36E1C7-A263-4B1C-B5F6-4C4CCC09B771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there’s a will there’s a way my nigga. Like I said, if there’s a person like in OPs pic that has had an extremely major event of self reflection, they will understand it’ll be an absolute bitch to get out of the hole they dug themselves in. They’ll understand that it won’t be easy at all but by that first step of realizing you have a problem, and actually acting upon it, increases their possibility of improvement ten fold. They will have to finesse and give it their all, but it’s certainly not impossible. Plus, this country is filled with assistance programs to help people like this give a leg up. They just gotta put in the effort to self improve and a lot of times they cannot.

>> No.50911971

because people aren't equally productive

>> No.50911987

thats funny

>> No.50912021
File: 83 KB, 580x1378, The Homeless Problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The "homeless" problem is a drug problem. Specifically and meth and fentanyl problem. These people aren't doing meth and fent because they are homeless. There are homeless because of meth and fent. These people are not homeless because of mental heath issues. They are homeless because of drug psychosis Sure a few people are homeless because they fell through the cracks due to bad luck but these homeless now are the exception not the majority

>> No.50912036

Deprived people often migrate to big cities, mainly the popular ones, in hopes of opportunities.
This is a phenomenona regardless of country

>> No.50912038

>believing the same people who created this mess and their anecdotal “data”
It’s only their fault they tolerate and reward homelessness but I yet to see hard data on that claim

>> No.50912047

Stop repeating that bullshit claim and provide evidence dumbfuck. That’s right you got none. The problem of homelessness in California long predates it being a national issue

>> No.50912049

Sometimes, cities can be so eager to send their homeless people away that they don't check to see if these relocation efforts actually help. One of the requirements of Homeward Bound is making sure someone’s going to receive you on the other end. Langford didn’t really have housing waiting for him, so he just had a friend lie. That was good enough for the program—he had his bus ticket back to Des Moines, where he’s been ever since.

“It felt like, we don’t want you here because you’re not from here, so here’s a ticket, we don’t have resources,” he said. “But San Francisco has more money than Iowa, so I don’t understand. I felt like San Francisco wasn’t trying to help me at all.”
It’s gotten so bad that California is trying to send these people back home with one way tickets

>> No.50912062

True but that wasn’t the claim in question. Califorfags are trying to blame everyone else for their failed policies like all Marxists do. Cali had problems with trash going back to the 70’s ever since hippies turned into full time drug addicts

>> No.50912091

Having compassion should not be viewed as a weakness of course expecting someone right wing aligned to understand that is an impossible task Texas let people with homes freeze to death I highly doubt they give two fucks about people who are homeless.

>> No.50912120

We also have reports from 2008 and 2007, where government officials point out that people are being shipped into California because Americans feel that Californians are bleeding heart liberals and will take care of these people that they no longer want. Again all of these reports by actual experts were completely ignored by the news. Additionally, there are many examples of states being caught busing and flying their homeless directly to California — proving that there is a transfer of the problem program.
First bus of migrants arrives in Washington, D.C., from Texas under Abbott’s new controversial plan

>> No.50912122

I don't think you guys really understand this statistic
>40% of USA workers are considered non-essential and 1 in 3 makes less than 15 dollars an hour.

It's no wonder there are so many drug addicts and homeless with jobs statistics like that.

>> No.50912144


because of racial diversity

>> No.50912171
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Meanwhile the person responsible for the first union ever at Amazon

>> No.50912188

He looks very low IQ proving your reddit virtue signal incorrect

>> No.50912199
File: 96 KB, 1024x628, 5D057BDB-5BBE-4589-A4B1-4FE91B443E5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low iq
>beat amazon

>> No.50912215

imagine being poor / homeless in the motherfucking united states of america LMAO
>having compassion
these people should be left to rot and die to clean up a bit the genepool and those who defend them like you should join them

>> No.50912232


>> No.50912237
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I guess we should only live in a society inhabited by and be ruled by genetic defect inbreds who have lots of money.

>> No.50912315

how can you NOT have lots of money in the US? ever traveled a bit the world? your poors deserve it faggot

>> No.50912328
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Easy have no family fortune to inherit like all self made millionaires and billionaires in this country

>> No.50912345

1/3rd of americans make less than 15 dollars an hour. 1/3rd is college educated and make >100K$. The other 1/3rd works in the trades.

>> No.50912348

>no family fortune to inherit
then you come from a line of genetic failures, why should you be allowed to reproduce and keep spreading such fail ?

>> No.50912357

How did they get into that situation

>> No.50912360

if you're white and have a brain you're clearing at least 50k / yr on any fucking venture in the US. If not.. well consider moving the fuck out

>> No.50912367

drugs in the home or in school growing up.
That or they went to the wrong party as an adult.

>> No.50912368

Don't do drugs?

>> No.50912376

I personally think maybe 5% of them are mentally ill and need treatment. The rest should be put in hard labor camps.

>> No.50912399

Are you going to come here personally and snuff it out?

>> No.50912420

ללא סיבה

>> No.50912457

wont need to, your offspring will probably kill themselves, fucking leftist cancer you are a plague on this beautiful earth

>> No.50912472

If you can't find a job in the US that pays above $15 an hour you deserve to be homeless

>> No.50912479

Ah the old it will just sort itself out approach. That’s a new one.

>> No.50912490

>1 in 3 Americans deserve to be homeless

>> No.50912491

Jewish inflation engine known as central banks

>> No.50912509

Over 1 in 3 Americans are lazy black/brown subhumans so yes they do deserve to be homeless, any more retarded questions redditor?

>> No.50912513

ahh you like the weapons on your face approach? you dont want to play that game little commie

>> No.50912521

Yes, lazy pieces of shit deserve to be homeless

>> No.50912524

I’ve been waiting for you guys to do something for a while and surprise surprise nothing has happened

>> No.50912529

just like this guy >>50912479 they will invent and manouver all sort of excuses as to why these subhumans not only dont have to be put down, they should be fed, housed and allowed to have infinite spawn

>> No.50912536

There just isn't enough real jobs to go around,
And the under classes are starting to get desperate.
Your turn.

>> No.50912543

W're still waiting on you fags too. Why would you revolt though the establishment is literally on your side. Right you run out of gibs and shit to steal

>> No.50912550

It’s true. I watch actors on streaming services and junkies on YouTube. If there was only some kind of decentralised mechanism that equally rewards content creators, I could fill these fuckups wallets with more SHIB and their veins with more joy juice then they can handle for my own personal amusement.

>> No.50912568

Why do cities that have had half a century of leftist progressive rule have such bad wealth disparity, police brutality, violent crime, and unaffordable housing???

>> No.50912579

Yeah actors contribute so much… what was the last movie that was genuinely worth the budget / salaries paid out? Shut up retard. Plus actors are succh severe druggies often that if not for them being stupidly wealthy, theyd be on the streets real quick.

>> No.50912582

Because leftist policies are about raping the middle class into poverty for profit of big boys. While pretending to be thr savior. Always has been.

>> No.50912600

I wouldnt even care if they taxed me if it meant we could live in a society w/out mass addiction and homelessness. Instead tax dollars go towards buying military hardware that doesnt even work. So fucking gay.

>> No.50912608

There isn't a single trade job around that isn't hiring right now. Yes Tyron, you need to make an actual effort to make money, not just smoke weed in the backroom of a McDonalds.

>> No.50912621

Yeah but women are clearly a lot more mentally ill (on avg) than men. Yet the gender ratio in homelessness is something like 80-20 men to women (im sure this isnt the actual exact statistic, but the exact number doesnt matter for the point im making)

So how do you account for the discrepancy?

>> No.50912642

Correct. But then they also buy voting allegiance of the poors and inner city by giving them the most meager of welfare. Welfare they wouldnt be needing if not for the policies of offshoring and shit the elites have carried out

>> No.50912725

There is no one more destructive to the poor than leftists. The meager financial aid they receive is NOTHING compared to the cultural and spiritual onslaught received from civilization-destroying mind viruses.

>> No.50912748

Which gender is disposable

>> No.50912775

Basic human decency is not to much to expect in a country with 20 trillion yearly gdp where is all that wealth going? Right back into the hands of the people who create the inequality

>> No.50912948

>where is all that wealth going
To jewish hands. You still dont understand how this shit works do you?

>> No.50912976


>> No.50912991
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No enlighten me.

>> No.50913004

Just wake up at 4am, take cold showers, do morning runs, hustle 24/7 bro.

That's what makes billionaires billionaires bro trust me.

>> No.50913023

Nice guys
Every Jaime fox move
All of Quentin Tarantino’s work
James Cameron’s avatar
V for Vendetta
I can keep going anon…
>plus actors are succh severe druggies
Stupid point, they provide entertainment, I don’t care about their lifestyles. You’re, in fact, the retard here

>> No.50913083

you measured wealth in "20 trillion yearly gdp" usd, all money which was created from thin air and lent with interest. You assume there is a lot of this 'wealth' going around because of big numbers.
What is actually going on is a race to get as many real tangible assets with these little notes we call money before they lose value. That means land, resources, factories, infrastructure housing, the access to cheap labor by being a famous company, etc. That is what the bank is after, not what you call wealth (money), So what should we do, distribute these little notes amongst the poor? maybe that will lift them up? you are fucking clueless commie

>> No.50913102
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I know a guy who can handle the drug problem.

>> No.50913105


Gods and clods theory.

For every 100 people that are born only 2 or 3 will really shine, and do something that exceeds most people's normal potential.

And so they get rewarded massively.

Also by the 1980's the powers at the top of USA and Nato realized that life had gotten too good on planet earth for the masses and population of Earth is way way way out of control. So limiting money flow to the bottom and middle class is helping to cull the herd.

>> No.50913122

Bootstrap shortage?

>> No.50913134

Don't pretend as though other countries don't have similar issues. Every western nation has people in poverty, or people with addiction issues.

>> No.50913155
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>disparity in wealth

Such a retarded leftist talking point

Wealth disparity does not matter at all. To be angry someone has more than you (spoiler: they probably worked harder than you) is the most childish and feeble minded way to live.

And to then advocate for that to be stolen at gunpoint by the government is pure evil.

>> No.50913190

Sounds correct

>> No.50913216

Depression is a natural reaction to the shit tier society the west has created over the past 15 years. Quality of life in the west is now worse than it was back in the early 1800's by almost every metric. Race has been sold out for cheap imports. Small businesses are near impossible to run as you need millions in lines of credit just to get off the ground. Life expectancy is tanking in poor areas, median wage & average wage does not cover basic expenses (you have to choose to go without heat, home or food), your labor is owned from day 1. By most measures current day prisoners and peasants from the 1500's had a better quality of life compared to the average person.

Your advice of "picking yourself up by the bootstraps" and "try harder" belies the boomer mentality you have and the arrogance of one who has had everything handed to them because they lucked out being born in a golden age and a generation that gave 0 fucks to what came after them as long as it benefited themselves. I love how you guys seethe when the fruits of your labor is put in your face and what mental gymnastics you have to pull to transfer blame. There will be celebrations on the street when the last of your generation dies and textbooks our children learn from will use you as an example of pure evil.

>> No.50913227

You're right, its gross how much Democrat communists make

>> No.50913233

Ray Dalio seems to think disparity of wealth is a real thing. Tell me, do banks work harder than you? They can create credit out of thin air, at will, for what ever reason. I take if they decide to magic a few billion out of thin air tomorrow they just worked harder than you?

>> No.50913257

Also I made 8k last month while snorting drugs and fucking hookers for the majority of the time thanks for crypto. Did I work harder than some factory worker on min wage?

>> No.50913296
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>Ray Dalio

Could not care less that some faggot you worship agrees with you.

>Tell me, do banks work harder than you?

Do massive government adjacent corporations work harder than me? I don't even know what that means??

Retarded question

Individual millionaires, not corporations, have likely all worked harder than you or I for longer periods of time. You can be a millionaire if you work hard and so can anyone else but most people chose not to do so. Most people are consoomer retards that worship the government.

>> No.50913315

95% mentally ill, 5% have volition

>> No.50913318

Retarded take. I won't bother replying anymore because you're just stupid little ideologue detached from reality. Btw I made 250k last year while wanking and playing video games the entire time. Hard work pays buddy.

>> No.50913324
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Yes, you put in more work into investment than some retarded factory worker. There are different types of hard work, not just manual labor.


>coke and hookers
Kys hedonist

>> No.50913335

>You can be a millionaire if you work hard and so can anyone else
lol you went off the complete opposite spectrum of retarded, you know this to be untrue. You need a genetic template and a decent upbringing to stand a chance. Not to say most normal people have no reason to be poor other than their own choices except periods of turmoil in their countries

>> No.50913338

I was beaten and lived on welfare as a child and shockingly I don't feel the need to shoot up heroin, instead I just have beers on the weekends and complain about my wife like the normies instead

>> No.50913341
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>video games

Utterly pathetic and empty life

>> No.50913357

>You need a genetic template and a decent upbringing to stand a chance

Utter cope, this mentality is why you will never make it

>> No.50913377

the dumb factory worker is there for a reason he doesnt have the brain to make it to rich with 'hard work', you are a bit detached from reality. Agree with you on the commies though they are vermin

>> No.50913388
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>Quality of life in the west is now worse than it was back in the early 1800's by almost every metric
Opinion disregarded read a fucking book retard

>> No.50913401

Movies are worth whatever the public is willing to pay, simple as
Don't have a problem with actors, have a problem with the millions of soinormies paying $15 a ticket to consume their films

>> No.50913435

>the dumb factory worker is there for a reason he doesnt have the brain to make it to rich with 'hard work'

>training doesn't exist
>other jobs can't be applied for
>wisdom can't be gained through study
>investing and budgeting can't be accomplished to set yourself up better financially
>he has never made any decisions to hamper his earning capacity
>he isn't in a load of debt
>he doesn't have netflix and drinks a lot of weekends
>he doesn't consoom useless shit

You are making an awful lot of assumptions. This man didn't fall out of the sky and onto a factory floor. He chose to be there and he can chose to leave, but he won't because he is scared of the unknown.

>> No.50913495

>He chose to be there and he can chose to leave, but he won't because he is scared of the unknown.
exactly, because he's a dumb ass and its genetic. Anything else?

>> No.50913541

This video is brutal
Give them all fent megadose and be done with it

>> No.50913542

>Quality of life in the west is now worse than it was back in the early 1800's by almost every metric.

Except medicine, food availability, plumbing, abundance of consoomer products, cleanliness, investment opportunities, technology and information access.

I mean aside from those, you're right.

>> No.50913551

>never improve
>its your genetics not your cowardice!

Who the fuck raised you?

>> No.50913570

>live like this
>use drugs to cope with the hell
>oh i know what you need, prison
and they all lived happily ever af... WAIT

>> No.50913588

its one thing to improve everyone can, but to say anyone can therefore become rich is simply delusional. Do you think all those nignogs in africa could become rich with hard work? if you're talking strictly U.S then you might have a point but even then basic intelligence gaps and ponzi like nature of the game make it very difficult for most people

>> No.50913626
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Oh I was only talking about whites in the West

Obviously not Africans lol

>> No.50913647

then you are already agreeing to a genetic basis for success besides hard work. The chinks like hard work too doesnt make the average one any more successful financially

>> No.50913648

Jesus fuck I love to give the Americans a hard time but seeing this shit hits hard. I hope they can pull themselves together enough to become violent again.

>> No.50913682

The thing that keep a lot of people down is debt. You start out with college debt, then you add a mortgage payment and car payment on top of it. Now you get to watch the next decades passing by just breaking even cause your paying those debts off. Your not saving much, what little you do save gets sucked away due to "shat happens" events. Your retirement plan ain't doing to hot either due to expenses sucking almost all your salary. So most people don't get to really start retirement stuffing till they hit 40 if they're lucky.

>> No.50913711

Communist countries and desert shit holes with retard IQ's are not the same as the Western World anon

Race and IQ is of course a factor but I was clearly talking about the average person in the West, which is a white person (for now).

>> No.50913717

yep and you all agreed to this system which is beyond retarded since every new pile of debt equals new money and inflation until you all go broke and bankrupt and the banks take over with their totalitarian commie regime. Good job burgers

>> No.50913742

then again all whites arent equal either, why do you stop there? you acknowledge difference between other races and iq but then you go no whites all have same iq and chance to make it? be rational anon

>> No.50913780

Keep in mind most people retire at 65. So from 40 to 65 is just 25 years. But then by age 40 most people have other things happen. Kids, divorce. Both which suck a lot of money. So your debt load has dropped a lot at 40. But then along comes "other things" to suck your money. So retirement stuffing again takes a hit. Then inflation is also a factor. 25 years of retirement stuffing don't look like a long time now does it.. At the end of it all you retire just to have the house paid off and maybe enough coming in to pay your bills. Extras? Forget about it. Medical costs will suck whatever spare dime you got.

>> No.50914019

The median hourly wage is like $17/hour. There really aren't that many jobs paying marginally more than $15/hr

>> No.50914051

>Retard question
>1 post by this ID
Visualize my astonishment

>> No.50914110

no you see, its THEM that's fucked up, not US. (replace them and US with political or racial sides of your choice). America is all about my group and not the Others. So america is the best country on earth if you only count the good stuff.

>> No.50914129

America is a 3rd world country
they're not even allowed to leverage trade on Binance/ByBit/BitMex

>> No.50914142
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UBI would help

>> No.50914160

pic related. also in california you can just walk into stores and take what you want up to a few thousand, its perfectly legal and no one stops you

>> No.50914172
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>> No.50914180
File: 1.01 MB, 1191x495, Screenshot 2022-08-14 at 21-14-57 _biz_ - Why is there such a massive disparity in wealth in - Business & Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50914196

everyone made 250k last year. if you didnt, you got poorer

>> No.50914221


>t. have a family member who is a life time addict and he would die before giving up dope.

>> No.50914599

At this point you're splitting hairs, if you want to blame your low IQ for your position in life, be my guest. I will continue to not make excuses and actually achieve something

>> No.50914609

Kys commie

>> No.50914731

actors are mostly jews, homeless people are mostly niggers

>> No.50914745

Thanks for posting the link, bitch

>> No.50914757

There are numerous programs out there specifically for women and only women, if you are a man suck it up.

>> No.50914809

its only getting worse there. my uncle is an undercover narc, but the soros da has made some terrible changes. it is now racist to pull someone over in philly if they have no license plate, arent running from an active felony, or do not have active inspection. this is because its mostly always blacks who do that. undercover narcs also have to wear full uniform, no civilian clothes. basically that street you see in ops pic has plain clothes cops making rounds not doing shit. they used to lock dealers up when they were undercover, but now its impossible.

>> No.50914810
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Elite overproduction

>> No.50914817

>Actors make millions
And you make bank doing fuck all with your shitcoins, hypocrite

>> No.50915150

Isn't that ecactly what it means to be an addict?

>> No.50915184

>different types of hard work
By your logic someone with an inheritance worked harder to get that as well

>> No.50915200

looks like its time to buy the dip on popular wellbeing and short elites

>> No.50915210
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How does anyone ask and not know that this is the only answer?

>> No.50915235

These aren't poor people, these are drug addicts.

>> No.50915255

Have you seen 90% of actors? No you haven’t, that’s because they’re shit and not worth your time. There’s a reason the top 1-10% are paid well.

>> No.50915288

>you can buy new iphones so we have better conditions
a spiritual death is far worse than a physical one

>> No.50915341

I had a friend who watched Breaking Bad and decided Jessie Pinkman was someone to emulate and tried Heroin, thinking it cant be that bad and that he's smoked weed and tried ecstacy before.
Retard got addicted, lost all his friends and became homeless for a bit before he managed to sort himself out and peice some of his life back together

>> No.50915342

>pick a single aspect of one of the 10 examples and attack it

Kys for being a retard

Also, I never said the religious decline of the West was good but that's not what quality of life means kek

>> No.50915375

Why do you think dumb fucks have dumb fuck kids?

>> No.50915414

You grew up without a dad, or at least a weak dad

>> No.50915775

>nigger op not giving a link, giving a literal thumbnail of the video instead
btw watch it at that timestamp (28:07) for like 20 sec its pretty good

>> No.50915834

everyone has seen this video, bitch

>> No.50915941

still people never give links especially /pol/ but plenty here too

>> No.50915956

there are some things that you will never understand or experience and i am glad that you dont have too

>> No.50916010

the world is not as talking heads declares it to be.

Irl people sitting in ivory towers like the injustices of it all as it's beneficial for them. And people with power will use that power to preserve it. If you'r week your job is to suck dicks for breadcrumbs and be thankful for it.

>> No.50916240

>go to college 4 years
>get degree
>voluntary take a job in fkn SF ‘helping’ homeless for a generous $60k/y plus the BENNIES bro
>surprised it’s just bottom of the barrel women and trannies taking them

>> No.50916258

They're addicted to capitalism. They couldn't live better because the system failed them.

>> No.50916287

It was all the CIA!

>> No.50916318


>> No.50916349

its called the end times in the bible

>> No.50916356


>> No.50916424

Fucking BASED if true.

>> No.50916473

You don't regularly do meth and fent unless you are already mentally ill.

>> No.50916584

this is not true, and it never was

theft of < 1,000 $ was changed from a felony to a misdemeanor, so theft rocketed because of this but only in cities, namely SF, did many get away with this because of a chastised police dept thanks to the now recalled DA Chesa Boudin, and a black populace that is still riding the highs of the 2020 group looting. try it anywhere other than the city slums of CA and you're not going to have a good time.

>> No.50917394
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How about I capitalize your boipussi?

>> No.50917716

>the more degenerate and jewish a community the greater the wealth disparity.

Worldwide and regardless of time no less.

>> No.50917761

Late stage corporatism.

>> No.50917797

>be me
>be homeless
>see some homeless shit
>mayor comes and asks me about stuff
>check his body for valuables
>mental calculus of how likely I am to get shot
>smile and nod until opportunity strikes.

Anecdotal reports from homeless people is a high IQ source of data .

>> No.50917835


>> No.50917981

Its not just the US its everywhere, beside your Russian propaganda. The VERY SAME JEWS doing it in the US just like in the Russian Federation and EU etc etc

>> No.50917995

the solution to this problem is to decriminalize most hard drugs with the intend of dropping their price into the floor so even homeless people can afford to kill themselves on an od
i'd even go further and provide tainted drugs to speed up the process but then you lose the plausible deniability

the drugs prohibition were only ever implemented because at that time we needed all the slave labor for manufacturing, as we don't have that anymore there is no need to keep that many slaves around
the biggest hindrance to implementation is that in the meantime there sprung up a prison industrial complex that profits massively from this and will fight tooth and nail to maintain its racket

>> No.50918100

Actors can afford their drug habits. These niggers can’t.

>> No.50918146

Meanwhile california screams "come in come in come in!" To illegal immigrants who dissapear into any state they please. California is the problem. Liberals are so braindead its unreal

>> No.50918288


>> No.50918442

If only this were true on the scale that you’re implying.

>> No.50918531

It's called FREEDOM you communist retard! USA! USA! USA!

>> No.50918600

Sounds like a great plan. How do I help fund this?

>> No.50918689
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>> No.50918695
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Only a liberal arts degree would allow this much cope in one post

>> No.50918718


>> No.50918733


>> No.50918760

automation removed bread & butter livable wage jobs (factory work) for low to middling IQ citizens.

>> No.50919119

>Stealing and then reselling merchandise, robbing people, etc.
>Welfare payments
>Free food from church and non-profit organizations, who are unwittingly helping to prolong these issues.

>> No.50919121
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>implying that justifies it

>> No.50919148

Drug/heroin epidemic is purely the fault of the US government.
Housing stock being so low is because of the US government.
The amount of money required to start a job is because of the US government.
We don't have free-market capitalism in the US; instead, we have an unholy combination of State/Crony Capitalism.

>> No.50919178

Do you have a pic of the buses?
At least when Texas sends illegals to DC and NYC, there's picture/video evidence. Glad Abbott is finally fighting back on this.

>> No.50919241

What this dumb bitch doesn't understand is that people are VOLUNTARILY moving to be homeless in San Francisco because SF gives out a ridiculous amount of free shit to homeless people, including cash, hotel rooms, food, clothing, etc.

>> No.50919258

We stopped giving a shit about people who actually do stuff and make things. Instead, the economy was tailored towards people who (1) Already have money and connections, or (2) Are women or minorities who will give the boss boners or the company good boy points. Notice how the economy is centered around these large financial firms like private equity funds that don't actually do anything but take other people's stuff and make money because they already have money. When the average person's prospects are to get a masters degree in something technical and work 50+ hours a week just for a middle-class life, they're not going to bother, especially is they don't have a wife or kids to take care of. It turns out that when you push people away, they're further away from you.

>> No.50919267

>actors earn millions
There's nothing preventing anyone chasing a career as an actor then, is there? Pretty easy to do. Just go to some acting lessons then some auditions. Next step, get yourself an agent. You don't even need a degree.
Why are you complaining?

>> No.50919297

the mere fact that he seems so flippant about it means he WILL probably experience them, in this life or the next.

>> No.50919699
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>do you have any real data or source?
you're a clown

>> No.50919903
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We should stop pretending that people without any marketable skills can be expected to make a decent living in a free and open society and finally do what our forefathers did: enslave them completely. And then train them to be modern gladiators, fighting for their lives against each other and against wild animals and convicted criminals. Modern sports arenas shall be repurposed to act as the modern equivalent of the Colosseum in ancient Rome. The spectacle will be televised and live streamed to a captivated audience of millions worldwide.

Instead of rotting under the decrepit conditions of modern society, these lowly serfs will so find a new, if cruel, meaning to their formerly purposeless lives. Instead of fighting and ultimately dying against their own demons in some graffiti-covered back alley, they will fight and die for the adulation and acclaim of the masses. Instead of being despised, they will be celebrated and commemorated, just like the gladiators of ancient Rome were, who still fascinate us today.

Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant.