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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 266 KB, 1188x875, salary-need-to-afford-home-2018-8426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50894286 No.50894286 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50894336

Why not go to West Virginia then
>98% white
>cheapest housintun the US
>cool song

>> No.50894344

imagine being a homeowner

>> No.50894347

Literally better than whatever shithole you live in.

>> No.50894359


This chart must be old as shit, real numbers are 2x this

>> No.50894373
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I do every night, as I try to ignore the stomping and pounding from above

>> No.50894374

Typically 98% white is a nice stat. Think Maine. But as a Maryland resident who has spent plenty of time in West Virginia, these aren’t the whites you want. I’m telling you. There’s something severely wrong with the gene pool down there. They’re frightening, frightening people. Just off in every way possible.

>> No.50894391

unless you wfh your job choices are walmart, dollar general, or warehouse/slaughterhouse/factory.

>> No.50894398

i don't understand what's funny? most of these are 1/2 to 1/3 of a typical salary in the same state, even california
the ones that look broken are MA, NY, FL, CO, and HI but they don't count that's from superrich asians buying property there

>> No.50894402

Texas isn't accurate. My parents even at their combined peak salary was below that salary not to mention my mom got into several car crashes essentially lowering her salary further and they were still able to fully purchase a home in half the time

>> No.50894405


Yup I live in nova and WV is a degen shithole. Entire state is methhead white trash

>> No.50894416

those aren't salaried. those people don't count.

>> No.50894436

Lots of fatties for how “White” they are, many druggies as well. As Sargon would say, they are White Niggers.

>> No.50894443

>my mom got into several car crashes
what? your mom Asian or why would she repeatedly become involved in car crashes?

>> No.50894444

Because West Virginia is a containment zone for white trash and opioid enthusiasts

>> No.50894455

I don't get the joke, the median income for the US is 68k (2020). this link is 2019 data, you're just poor:


>> No.50894468

Times change. 20-30 years ago even a 70 IQ (your mom) person could afford a house in Texas. Now a house in an ugly suburb of Houston is $600k

>> No.50894470


Checked. I don’t think there’s even one attractive single woman in that entire state. Anyone who has anything going for them has moved out

>> No.50894477

I grew up in Maine, it's worth the weather.

>> No.50894507

>my parents
hello mulattoe zoomer. times change. 20-30 years ago the average person could afford a home on an average non-college educated income with just 2-5 years of disciplined saving. today i am a salaried professional making six figures and i'm still grinding to salarymaxxx so i can afford a home within the next 2-3 years, after spending the past 3 years saving.

>> No.50894531

Yes I’ve considered moving there soon. The weather and demographics appeal to me. And the open space. Would you ever move back? Do you feel fondly about your childhood? Good place to raise kids? What don’t you like about it.

>> No.50894617

despite every user of /biz/ being a NEET or a remote worker making 300k a month, you need to live near a major population center to make any money. and if you're young and single you should want the opportunity to be around large amounts of other people. WV's only industries are energy and walmart, so if your current skillset does not apply you are essentially dooming yourself to becoming a trailer park methhead

>> No.50894623

I have traveled extensively, everywhere but asia and australia. well, the poles too. But I can honestly say Maine is in the top five most beautiful places I've been, easily as nice as Iceland and Ireland.

>Would you ever move back
I did. got a wfh 6fig position and live near the beach.
>Do you feel fondly about your childhood
mixed, schools were terrible in the early 2000s. college preparedness was near 20%. It has since improved but there has always been a significant lack of violence and solid communities.
>Good place to raise kids
yes, doing it now
>What don’t you like about it
taxes are pretty high and specific areas attract a deluge of tourists during the summer and I fucking hate them

>> No.50894633

Chart from 2004

>> No.50894666

its not really wrong, its just that its factoring in the entire state, not just major metro areas
i live in nashville right now, and there is no way in hell that i could afford to buy a house on 55k here. i'd have to go to the memphis hoods, near the alabama border, or do something else that may be unpleasant

>> No.50894675


FL seems does have the best quality-cost ratio.

>> No.50894679

>There’s something severely wrong with the gene pool down there. They’re frightening, frightening people. Just off in every way possible.
Sounds like what remains of the old redneck culture that black americans adopted during slavery

>> No.50894681
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>WV and OH white trash rust belt chads

>> No.50894702

it's a WICO state (White In Census Only)

>> No.50894704

OK where is this cheap house in (white zone) Kentucky? I'm all ears.....

>> No.50894740

Err sweety, house prices have doubled since 2019 so you might as well double all of those numbers.

>> No.50894770

you can double these numbers and itd be pretty accurate

>> No.50894810

Kek retard

>> No.50894823

b-but housing will crash in 2 more weeks!
>big anticipated crash happens
>completely recovers within 6 months

>> No.50894846
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>tfw Ohio

>> No.50894865

Yeah, so?
Do these figures seem high to you?
Are you poor or something?

>> No.50894868

Californian here.
Most jobs don't pay over 50k a year unless you're in tech or killing yourself with back breaking labor

>> No.50894871
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OH and WV bros for life

>> No.50894943
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>make 90k
>live in Texas
>only home I could realistically afford is in the ghetto surrounded by nogs or in the middle of nowhere

>> No.50894989

texas seems like a bigger meme than california

>muh heckin based red state
>overrun by obese hispanics and blacks
>one of the highest property taxes in the country
>state legislation controlled by 85 IQ christniggers
>daily life under lock and key by jewish megacorps
>power grid literally fails (jewish megacorps) and kills people

>> No.50895002

> Yeah I too enjoy being a opioid addicted obese trash mayo wigger

>> No.50895021
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Yeah It sucks. I grew up here but the entire point of low cost living with good salary is wasted when it becomes HCOL. Dallas used to be cheap. Now its creeping up on places like Denver. At least in Denver you have beautiful scenery. In Dallas its just one giant strip mall hellscape.

>> No.50895045

Anon I don't live in the opioid part of the state

>> No.50895056

Texas is like 39% white in 2022, it is already a majority minority state.

>> No.50895096

The whole state is nothing but a Opioid infirmary, a de industrialised hellscape filled with spirituallt dead, jobless, degenerate subhumans.

>> No.50895115

Percentage of Negro population in Texas has been stable at 12% since 1970

>> No.50895120

What's your beef with Ohio?

>> No.50895144

Ugly methhead wiggers

>> No.50895153

What state do you live in?

>> No.50895163

>most of these are 1/2 to 1/3 of a typical salary in the same state
>average annual pay is $61,075
>average home price $58,880
>1/3 of the typical salary

>> No.50895194
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>30 year mortgage

>> No.50895283

Lol, why is montana that fucking expensive?

>> No.50895364

Most of the land is non-developed and won't be developed

>> No.50895549

Yuppies. It's all environmental loving homos from California and New York that moved to (((bozeman))). Montana might be one of the gayest states now per capita.

>> No.50895597

am I retarded or is Michigan a steal? They have relatively conservative politics, surrounded by the world's largest reservoir of fresh water, lots of nature, the winters are shit I guess but if you live near the lakes they can moderate the low temperatures a bit. Any michiganders want to explain why RE is so cheap there?

>> No.50895704


>> No.50895730

Don't cheap out. Ohio, esp. Columbus, has infinitely more going for it. t. From the Pacific Northwest, lived in two parts of Ohio for almost 10 years, work brought me to West Virginia frequently.

>> No.50895754

No prepayment penalties, smart guy

>> No.50895774

>live in PA
>commute to work in NY

>> No.50896030

The baptists are dumb and can be annoying, but they're the main reason Texas remained livable as long as it did. They organized the resistance to poz, and they are extroverted brutes who can bully ethnics into behaving themselves. Nobody can keep a state functioning once the demographic situation reaches a certain tipping point though, and Texas is now well past that point.

>> No.50896048

this. You either buy a home in full or you shouldn't be buying a home at all

>> No.50896143

Glad to see all you redditors wanting to avoid the good states cuz they dont have big cities. Stay out faggots. I quite enjoy being able to walk down the alleys and streets at night without fear of getting mugged from a gangbanger. You all keep mentioning methheads and guess what methheads do? veg out in their trailers all day. the cost of living is so low here u can afford ur drugs and to live on just ur welfare and food stamps so you dont have the druggies running around thieving and murdering like the shit states and cities

>> No.50896350 [DELETED] 
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once again superior

>> No.50896359


I did. WFH. Going to shift into either medical or better WFH jobs.

I just moved to an area near a large (by WV standards) city, so I have access to more than just WFH, post office, or Wally World.

>> No.50896375


Move to West Virginia, brah.

>> No.50896724

that means >1.5x median salary

>> No.50896752

Except that's not how homes are priced. If they were, interest rates wouldn't change the price and all boomers would be poor from inability to obtain extreme leverage.

>> No.50896756

If you havent bought the home in full, you havn't really bought a home.

You've rented it from the bank.
It just makes normies feel better to say theyve bought a home

>> No.50896772

yet another reason to ban all usury

>> No.50896791

>You've rented it from the bank.
By this reasoning you're renting from the government, which is 100 times more embarrassing since they can fuck up the rent not just on one propetry but for literally hundreds of thousands of square miles on a whim.

>> No.50896804

How does this happen in America, can't you just build plywood houses in a day or two?

>tfw on 48k

If I ever give up on my life in Bongland and move to Washington would I be able to afford a place to live?

>> No.50896817

Michigander reporting in. Real estate is cheap here not just in Detroit but because the state is massively empty in some areas. The upper peninsula is populated as sparsely as Wyoming and is full of drunken natives and summer homes. The "thumb" of Michigan is totally empty. The difference is though there was a ton of housing built here when Detroit was seen as the future rather than in empty places like Vermont where they never built anything. It's also cheap because a lot of the state is just suburban nothingness like the south, Texas, etc.

>> No.50896828

Denver was talking about western VA not WV. At the time of writing the song he'd never stepped foot in WV. Also, where do you think the Shenandoah valley is?

>> No.50896846

yeah dude they act like niggers because of whites

>> No.50896906

>tfw no longer eligible for 30 year mortgages because I'd be (hopefully) retired before I pay it off

I get that I could just find a gf to share with but that sounds quite unrealistic given my history.

Don't forget that you need to pledge to Israel to receive disaster aid.

>> No.50896944

WY is becoming as bad as CO because infested with deep pocket out of staters . same in MT
median home price $500k+ for an averge shitbox

>> No.50896980

The lyric is Shenandoah River.

>> No.50896990

Love living in 3rd worldistan
I bought a 2br2ba 700 sq ft condo unit, right in the middle of the capital's metro area, with like 3 months earnings worth.
Fully airconditioned with heated water set up in all bathroom taps and showers, and with extremely fast fiber internet.
I could check our equivalent of doordash at 2am and find more than 30 restaurants still open for delivery.

>> No.50897796


>> No.50898017

>checking in with $190k salary in Georgia
Should I buy 2 more houses lol

>> No.50898126

what country/city?

>> No.50898158

any hockey up there? never been but how does it compare to north east Minnesota?

>> No.50898225

No. We're full

>> No.50898271

This is what's happened to the entire western US (maybe with New Mexico being an exception). Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Montana have all seen huge increases in housing prices.

I make $125k, have a wife and five kids and I can't afford to move anywhere else out here. Bought back in 2016 and my mortgage would easily 3x if we got a new place.

>> No.50898403

his mom must be a woman (female)

>> No.50898441

don't fucking encourage them retard

>> No.50898444
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>bro, my section of the sinking ship is so much better than your section!!

>> No.50898453
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>> No.50898472

Maine has great hockey and it's up with the best in the country. Maine, NH, and MA are all powerhouses for hockey.

>> No.50898513
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Sorry chuds, we're full.

>> No.50898546

Everyone knows how zoning, rent control and demand causes this but I wonder how much geography plays into it. Coastal and mountainous cities (and spillover suburbs) are naturally limited in expansion- in some cases you have coastal and mountainous areas (LA, Seattle). Denver is limited to eastward expansion by the Rockies, Chicago is limited by Lake Michigan.

The Minneapolis-St. Paul metro is roughly the same size as the Denver and Seattle metros but much cheaper- the metro is much less dense and the city proper is smaller because you can expand from Minneapolis in virtually every direction onto flat land which encourages suburbanization.

>> No.50898547


If only you knew how bad things are in 2022 with 5% mortgage rates.

>> No.50898586

Really? Because for me the high schools need hockey because my kids will play it someday. I'm from Minnesota which is the state of hockey, so I don't expect anything to come close but something decent still

>> No.50898632

Americans get paid more and taxed less.

>> No.50898657

Average us wage results in only being able to afford a house in 10/50 states. Median US wage is around $41k so around 50% of the population cannot afford a house at all. Housing becoming a store of wealth has really worked out so well.

>> No.50898898

Located where?

>> No.50898922

It's accurate, it's just wildly different prices when you compare homes in or around Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin and then compare them to prices in the rural trailer park areas and cities close to and on the border

>> No.50899610

Youre comparing an average vs a median dumbass. And it doesnt mean they cant afford one at all, it means they have to settle for below average. Why is everyone on this site so fucking dumb?

>> No.50899615

Yes, absolute shit hole, disgusting place. Do not ever set foot there. You will regret it. Stay far the fuck away.

>> No.50899633

Wait, that's it? That means I can easily afford a home in any state I want...

>> No.50899741

This is another "Europoor doesn't understand America " thread isn't it?
>Captcha: G0YB80

>> No.50899923

This to the t

>t. MD lifer

>> No.50899972

>The Minneapolis-St. Paul metro is roughly the same size as the Denver and Seattle metros but much cheaper- the metro is much less dense and the city proper is smaller because you can expand from Minneapolis in virtually every direction onto flat land which encourages suburbanization.
Twin cities metro is incredibly expensive, retard

>> No.50900183

Ok and?

>> No.50900191

>average home
>skews high due to multimillion dollar properties
cute, but completely useless if trying to represent >90% of the general population

>> No.50900210

Here’s the thing. How about you don’t be poor? Can you do that anon?

>> No.50900220

Southern whites, yes.
>These people are creating a terrible problem in our cities. They can’t or won’t hold a job, they flout the law constantly and neglect their children, they drink too much and their moral standards would shame an alley cat. For some reason or other, they refuse to accommodate themselves to any kind of decent, civilized life.
That was said in 1956 in Indianapolis, not about blacks or other minorities, but about poor whites from the South. These are the people blacks lived around for centuries.

>> No.50900324

Just moved from Buffalo too Ohio, hoping to settle just outside of Columbus somewhere soon.
This was basically the entire reason why.

>> No.50900435
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Fuck off we're full

>> No.50900661

>I've traveled extensively
>Apart from the largest, most populous continent on Earth
completely worthless opinion

>> No.50900851

The song is literally about West Virginia you retarded cunt flap.

>> No.50901311
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fuck all americans

>> No.50901370

Whats funny is you can't even buy houses in countries other than America (except for murder holes in brown zones).