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File: 40 KB, 584x257, Shkreli_Scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50879090 No.50879090 [Reply] [Original]

>Leaves prison
>Makes meme coin
>muh hacked
>Dumps on his chud fans


>> No.50879121


>> No.50879131


>> No.50879145

the people that use that little anime girl as their avi are always evil pieces of shit.

>> No.50879150

lmao at the seething passive aggressive replies

>> No.50879179

what's his address anyway?

>> No.50879206

123 Fag Street
Fagtown, New York 91111

>> No.50879297

Imagine being on 4chan hating on Miladys, let alone calling them evil. It’s completely aligned with og 4chan culture

>> No.50879312

>election tourists and 2020 summerfags thinking they're "OG 4chan"

>> No.50879402
File: 119 KB, 932x852, cdb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should have bought a cryptodickbutt instead, faggot.

>> No.50879432

where are all the MSI shills now? T O P K E K imagine trusting martin skreli with your money.

>> No.50879453
File: 118 KB, 1024x749, 1660320762629165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50879460


>> No.50879465

its not, its literally tumblr and teenager summer tourists.

>> No.50879477

I saw these on launch and didn't buy because of how retarded they were kek

>> No.50879719

What's hilarious about this is there were a lot of big names in tech waiting to see what Martin would do — many probably held some $MSI for fun. He completely fucked his opportunity with these people over $200k

I've been here longer than you

>> No.50879954

>I've been here longer than you
sure you have zoomer

>> No.50880004
File: 31 KB, 601x601, 1660159057729001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're getting worked by the gimmick. Having a Milady pfp allows you to say anything you want, you dont even have to believe what you say. You also dont have to own a Milady to do it. We dont care

>> No.50880005

email him martin@thotpatrol.com

Im not even kidding I used to email him about ETH and other things back in 2017 long before he went to jail.

>> No.50880011

He def fucked up, but the market cap of the coin was so low that idk if it's that big of a deal.

>> No.50880199
File: 77 KB, 1044x545, 534534535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rugs chuds and precedes to ...
what did he mean by this

>> No.50880386

It's more about his reputation.
Previously he was seen as an hero underdog that made a mistake but was ultimately just trying to pay back his old investors.
A lot of big names were waiting to see what he'd do next, even if his first project out of prison wasn't a success. But this outted him as just a scammer.

The guy had Marc Andreesen and others sitting in his celebratory out-of-prison twitter space for like 5 hours. Now no credible vc will touch him. He'll remain a novelty that people keep their distance from.
Eric Wall just underhandedly called him a retard to his on a space with him saying only a retard would intentionally fuck up what he had lmao. He fucked up

>> No.50880438

Had to cover those SIGA shorts kek baggies on suicide watch

>> No.50880453

no pity for anyone associating with any of his scams

>> No.50880633

>But this outted him as just a scammer.
It outed him as a horny boy, but if he continues development and manages to replace some of the funds that were stolen, which was not even that much, he'll be fine, unless he lets people make this fuck up into some big thing. Imo if he's serious about taking responsibility for this, he should work overtime for the next few months and abstain from all cunny until he can find enough money to fix this.

>> No.50880684

>pedo grifters sell "OG 4chan culture"
>newfag election tourists eat it up
kill yourself

>> No.50882334


>> No.50882498

imagine you use your own hard-earned money to buy the rights to something and the Leftist media decides to publicly villainize you. #sad