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50844444 No.50844444 [Reply] [Original]

So what's up with the China real estate and banking thing?

>> No.50844468

The number 4 represents death in Chinese culture, as both are pronounced "shi". RIP in piss West Taiwan.

>> No.50844488
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Oh shit that's no good. I didn't want to doom them; I was just curious.

>> No.50844554

dem digitals

>> No.50844565

lending markets were 3.5x gdp iirc
shit hits fan
things snowball
not enough cash
reeee nationalism
reeee war
reeee distraction

>> No.50844572
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what are these cosmic quints my nigga?

>> No.50844575
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>> No.50844577

Never mention this again or the chinese government will stick a computer chip in your brain and then kill you

>> No.50844581


>> No.50844584
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>3.5x gdp
Holy shit.

>> No.50844588

With chinks, you sink

>> No.50844602

Checked and wrecked

>> No.50844608

this, the elite are aiming to start WW3 soon. The elite are also stupid enough to think they would survive such a war.

>> No.50844699

They do and they will.
What are you gonna do about it, cunt? A spicy meme?
I hate them, but you disgust me.

>> No.50844730
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>>50844444 Hi

>> No.50844761
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Checked..God damn it.

>> No.50844766

The Russian will drop a Zar bomb at Washington and they won't survive
Meanwhile rednecks will be fine. Remember to dilate

>> No.50844894

Some of the USAs top officials nearly got Marrie Anttonetted on Jan 6th and you think they'l survive a world war?

The Chinese people Hate their government, not all of them, but a large portion do.
If China starts a major war and hands out hundreds of millions of guns to people and training, splinter cells will rise up and as the war nears its end China will have a new revolution that over throws its government.

War is Chaos, it's not something, even with AI wargaming prediction systems, that can be controlled.
And the elite will find that out first hand.

>> No.50844921

>Zar bomb
its a TSAR bomba dummy
dont even need to be a ruskie to know that

>> No.50844946
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>> No.50846566
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Free market bad. Economic plan good

>> No.50846582

china has free market

>> No.50846619
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Basically their economy is somehow even faker than America's. So they're falling apart more quickly and epically.

>> No.50846677

Checked. Kek has spoken.

>> No.50846844

Kek has called for the end of Xi in this legendary thread.

>> No.50847811
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Holy quints

Nobody knows. That's what makes it all such a clusterfuck. Their version of QE makes the US spending spree look downright responsible. They're the most overleveraged, over credited market in history, and they're not slowing down even as it get clearer by the day that cracks are forming in their system.

Consider that nobody in China actually wants to touch their stock market, since everyone knows that your stake may just get vaporized overnight due to CCP meddling. And since your average Chinese can't invest in foreign stocks, that leaves real estate as the only investment vehicle. You know those ghost cities that only exist as speculative assets? They don't even have those going up anymore. Now the banks are letting you invest in "future development" paid for by the sale of previously constructed projects. Straight up ponzi mechanics, and it is the primary investment vehicle for a nation of 1.2 billion people.

Add to this that they never developed that mythical "chiunese middle class" that was supposed to be a local consumption base for their export driven economy, they over counted the number of women of childbearing age in the last census by 60 million, and there were already 4 boomer-equivalents retiring for every 1 taxpayer, and its looking fucking ugly. Ignore every "china stronk" poster you see. If things were so good over there, the CCP wouldn't have to constantly make laws to keep their members from investing overseas and moving their families out of China.

>> No.50848200

it's literally over

>> No.50848303
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>> No.50848333
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what the fuck is this thread

>> No.50848348
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checked. it's priced in

>> No.50848363

>Zar bomb
Tzar bomba, it's also ~3x the weight limit of the largest ICBM's payload.

>> No.50848376
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b-bros, this is getting out of hand, what is going on?

>> No.50848377
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Guys, I really did not want to be the harbinger of China's doom.

>> No.50848396

Triple 3 of the truth.

Kek have his decision, fren. Without regret.

>> No.50848400
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>> No.50848425


Checked. Prints On.


>> No.50848441
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You need to stop

>> No.50849079


>> No.50849206

>The number 4 represents death in Chinese culture, as both are pronounced "shi". RIP in piss West Taiwan.

BASED and truthpilled

I used to work in Vancouver, BC. The highrises had no #4 in the entire building.

There was no 4th, 14th, 24th, or 34th floor. The unit numbers were 1, 2, 3, 5, 6

The only 4 was in the parking garage. P4. I think it's a safety requirement that underground floors can't skip numbers.

>> No.50849592

preach anon. it pisses me off when the media and normies say China will be the next superpower and will surpass America.