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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50842275 No.50842275 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy XCM thread

I will buy KDA PRQ NEAR WHL QRDO AAVE LINK on cm when they crash

>> No.50842292

Glory to neon green IDs!

>> No.50842423

Shill me on THT trannies

>> No.50842456

I buy XRP on coinmetro!

>> No.50842520

> 3. There are many assets lined up to be introduced for staking and as a result our MARs program will see a big uplift in the near future!

predictions? i am beyond excited

>> No.50842542
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This thread is made by paid discord shills they want to scam you!
Do not invest in any coins they recommend, do not engage with them and do not support them in any way. They are only here to get as much liquidity as possible from gullible retards.They have astroturfed /biz/ for over 2 years by now and scammed a lot of clueless /biz/ anons.
Thank you for your attention.

>> No.50842547
File: 305 KB, 430x712, Ice cream falls traps tranny.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shill me THT

>> No.50842564

Woah, is that vanilla? I love vanilla ice cream!

>> No.50842570

you were saying this for months while kadena was sitting at 30c
you ought to be ashamed

>> No.50842580

you're in the wrong thread, this is a coinmetro thread not a kadena thread
big scam
probably the big caps that have staking, so cardano and stuff

>> No.50842621
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Wait a second

>> No.50842646

Why is it a scam?

>> No.50842675

>when they crash

yo this nigga straight be living back in 2021 no cap

>> No.50842693

>KDA PRQ NEAR WHL QRDO AAVE LINK on cm when they crash
Didn't most of them already do that? Are you saying it will crash more? I feel like I caught the bottom.

>> No.50842709
File: 555 KB, 1080x644, making_cereal_at_2_am tippy toes trap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it a scam?
I love low marketcaps, but dna was shit and never ever pumped so I'm looking at the others. Still hesitant because low market cap can mean a lethargic team that will never raise money or raise market cap.

You guys also hate it when you accidentally spill milk from your cereal bowl in the morning right

>> No.50842712

>Are you saying it will crash more?
I hope they do yes.

>> No.50842729

>Why is it a scam?
- insiders mined in secret for years
- ico information scrubbed from the internet
- whitepaper is word soup
- meaningless partnerships
- shady 'BUY NOW!!!' website
- masternodes (disputable, but a sign of a scam coin)
- staking pump
- AMA postponed for like 20 times
- literally only 1 team member is on Telegram / Discord - we don't even know if the other people on the team exist
- that single team member only talks about masternodes and mining - doesn't know anything about the AI stuff

>> No.50842735
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I shilled DNA to an anon on telegram last year, if you're still here my bad bro, I lost money too if it makes you feel better.

>> No.50842765
File: 751 KB, 726x1448, 1625612885297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made 0% return on my investment

>> No.50842835

I hope they 2x from here first and then crash.

>> No.50842900

i wish every coin had a price floor

>> No.50842932
File: 273 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220810-192132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad CM folia
I'm 80k of a mil xcm

>> No.50842936

fuck this gay ass non liquidity bullshit exchange

>> No.50842957
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>> No.50843003

that's better than BTC though

>> No.50843024

Yes but I buyed the second it got listed

>> No.50843323
File: 1.07 MB, 498x371, 1642966517375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf, I love XRP schizos now!

Should've done that already.

Good coin, line go up!

It's not a scam, that Anon is a liar trying to accumulate more while it's still cheap!

This post clearly was written by a big idiot!

If we'd get married we'd have over a million XCM together.
Haha, just kidding... unless?

>> No.50843342

is that .jif literally (you)?

>> No.50843443
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Figuratively yes, but not literally.
I'm fully human and not a Ctarl-Ctarl, otherkin or furry.

>> No.50843505
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Sure thing furr bro

>> No.50843575

Normalskins aren’t furries..

>> No.50843657
File: 51 KB, 507x432, 1651503526378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owning a pair of panda pjs doesn't make one a furry.

>> No.50843662

Well, what does?
I don't understand animal talk anon

>> No.50843687

Seriously though where do I get these PJs in high quality


>> No.50843761
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I don't know, not an expert on the subject.
You're trying to label fun-havers and I won't be part of that.

Pretty sure it's impossible for adult sizes.
You can order them from China, they'll say it's cotton but it's actually polyester.
Not comfy at all.

>> No.50843836
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Huge untapped market for high quality adult puwujs… Because reason you said I refuse to try chinese seller without someone I actually can trust to not lie about quality. 99% of internet reviews are bs too. Really want one though…

>> No.50843853
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I would want my gf to have one ngl

>> No.50843971
File: 381 KB, 1534x1704, 1657273510562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be stingy, you'll be crypto-rich soon.
You can try a couple.

>I want to fuck animals.
Thanks for sharing most normal Anon!

>> No.50843977

hey that's not what I said :(

>> No.50844222

i own umaru-chan's cape. it's super comfy. i'm not a furry. furries buy those crazy expensive animal costumes not pjs.

>> No.50844368
File: 416 KB, 422x396, 4479f8e7b4e62950f8ddba437a036c30ba70e727.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't be rich if I get rugged by chinese sellers over and over hoping to catch a 1000x pj. I have a lot of big bills to pay soon.
I'll gladly pay $200+ for an actual thick and high quality super duper soft one that can keep me warm during winter though.

>> No.50844391
File: 65 KB, 850x890, 4bcb7fe1c7f7f561d6478ac538bc5d71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big bills to pay soon.
You took a loan from the mob?

>> No.50844443

Where did you get it?
Asking for >>50844368

>> No.50844526

I will once I get the official paper saying I have stable income (ultraneetbux) and save up a little bit more. Braces next month too is gonna suck another $4k.

It's cute, but I want a full body costume. I'm spoiled.

>> No.50844556

redpill me on them

>> No.50844593

i'm making $250 every other day because of a badly written contract ama

>> No.50844609

Thanos who are you rugging? It's KDL right?

>> No.50844639

My teeth are generally pretty good, but a couple of them are so tight I can't floss there. It's making me not floss because it pisses me off. Some are also slightly crooked and I can't stop touching them with my lips and tongue. I just want perfect teeth desu. Plus I can use them to larp as a 14 year old online or something.


>> No.50844696
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i said ama but just because you're asking me question doesn't mean i gotta answer them

>> No.50844738

okay don't answer but is it a dapp we like or not

>> No.50844778

no i didn't make it just invested and now getting money for nothing chicks for free

>> No.50844800
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No idea what you just said I will now stop caring

>> No.50844805
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>> No.50844838

>Well, what does?

>> No.50844844
File: 60 KB, 327x388, 1403343399006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy some $qom for when the shibfags and d0b0trannies decide to get the rope. THEN you can recommend them $qom too.

>> No.50844886

>they were behaving like, animals ;)

>> No.50844944

I think I might be a normalfaggot you guys.

>> No.50845096

MARS theme song

>> No.50845464
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I want to make $250 every other day too.

>> No.50845623

They're gonna crash? I'm hoping for some kda

>> No.50845656
File: 66 KB, 722x934, this could be us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a non-criminal business idea for you.
>make actual decent super duper soft high quality animal pjs
>grab lots of pj wearing anime girls
>maybe some paid models and influencers in cute pjs shilling your product, maybe some autistic pokemon youtubers or streamers paid to wear it and shill it for a video or stream or two
>make a fuck ton of of pj uwu tranny xD memes
>shill in every tranny community
>trannies are so autistic they'll buy it for memes and then start shilling it for you for free
>blåhaj profit
Give me a stake in the company and I'll buy hundreds of reddit accounts and shill on plebbit and /lgbt/ until you have an army of free marketers just like IKEA.
Unironically a good idea I think. Hard part will be all the different sizing probably. You can't not make a fat size when half of them are chubbers, and the other half are 6'5"...

>> No.50845660


>> No.50845670


>> No.50845726

I did say fat size in the same sentence.
If gonna sell it to chronically online retards you need to be woke though, it's plus size and you will put a rainbow flag with brown and black stripes in june or you're racist and homophobic.

>> No.50845853
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money can buy food but money cannot buy frenship

>> No.50845869
File: 57 KB, 529x386, friends now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>money cannot buy frenship
Step 1. buy XCM
Step 2. post in XCM threads
Boom you made friends

>> No.50845907

Step 1. post in XCM threads
Boom you made friends

>> No.50845915 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 558x467, 1561761788000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck are you

>> No.50845922

I skipped step one, or rather there was a step between.

>> No.50845929
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Who the fuck is this loser without any XCM

>> No.50845942
File: 351 KB, 608x822, 1649206357904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try søtnos, not going to buy you pjs.
Secondly, I question the morality of specially targeting a minority marginalised group.
Thirdly, animal pjs appeal to a potentially very large audience, from a business point of view it might not even make sense to market this to said minority group.

>> No.50846073

is this guy Italian? it would be awfully convenient if a guy got access to a grant even though his project would never pass a simple background check just because he might be friends with Francesco

>> No.50846082

havent they crashed already?

>> No.50846163

even more crash

>> No.50846180

>Nice try søtnos, not going to buy you pjs.
My plan is foiled.
>Secondly, I question the morality of specially targeting a minority marginalised group.
All of them do want it, they just don't know it yet. It would be morally wrong to not target a minority marginalised group with guerilla marketing to help them understand their desires better.
>Thirdly, animal pjs appeal to a potentially very large audience, from a business point of view it might not even make sense to market this to said minority group.
That's true, I think you could get it shilled pretty far and wide by targeting twitch and youtuber gamer markets in general, people who don't go outside much are great, and ethots trying to appeal to gamers too by acting like jailbait (or actual jailbait).
The good thing about autistic trannies is they will literally shill for you all day long if you convince them they need and like your product. I think this makes sense from a business perspective.
It might also be a good idea to have some for kids too. Very specifically they do need to be high quality though or your shill force of marginalised group is going to get sensory issues. Cheap shit from china is everywhere, but they don't last, aren't comfy, and can't build a branding image unlike puwujs inc's focus on quality textile.

>it would be awfully convenient if a guy got access to a grant even though his project would never pass a simple background check just because he might be friends with Francesco
An anonymous source told me they're both related to the mob.

>> No.50846505
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>> No.50846590
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>> No.50846606
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>> No.50847081
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Buying the ultimate bottom is a myth. It could be any one of QRDO or AAVE but I wouldn't bet against SCRT considering the mainnet upgrade is just next month. Since it is not on your list, deal with this information however you want.

>> No.50847108
File: 53 KB, 741x721, E_1scOWVQAYFJON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 77 replies

forgive me father, for i have sinned
i've put part of my kadena stack in binance earn to get 1%

>> No.50847154
File: 15 KB, 876x152, the absolute state of quality in 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't be stingy, you'll be crypto-rich soon.
>You can try a couple.
Last pyjamas post, but this is the absolute state of online shopping in 2022.
They're all fake pictures and scammers on every site and retard reviewers who need to convince themselves they're satisfied even though it broke immediately. I have given up.

Is 1% worth it for them to short the coin you're holding?

>> No.50847435

i just ordered one from ebay for a dress up party but to my surprise it was super comfy. just get one in the biggest size possible cuz chinks are small.

>> No.50847484

> not walking around naked instead of wearing PJs

>> No.50847544

You need to have already made it to have that luxury.
Can you imagine having a freeloading son who takes estrogen and walks around naked in your house? Sleeping naked is comfy though.

>> No.50847692

Biggest fucking vaporware in the space. Even worse than PRQ.

>> No.50848183

>3x in just 5 years??
what the fuck do you think price will do in 5 years.
100x or 500x

>> No.50848754

DNA is going to $2 the next run. Look it up what they are doing

>> No.50849005


Plus staking coming this year to coinmetro