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50830169 No.50830169 [Reply] [Original]

>you'll be in negative equity and you will be happy

>> No.50830318

liberals actually think negative equity is good thing...

>> No.50830327

It's all just damage control and sheer cope

>> No.50830333

What happens when reverse mortgaged houses have negative equity?

>> No.50830691

Ruh Roh

>> No.50830734

That's antisemitic

>> No.50830754
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Literally a shoah

>> No.50830893

It's free real estate.

>> No.50832735
File: 363 KB, 1709x1080, 1646019596855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me your house.

>> No.50832756

I hate my country, hello from New Zealand this song goes hard.

>> No.50832836

my head hurts

>> No.50832847

you hand over the keys to your local rabbi and live in a shopping cart

>> No.50832901

It isn't a problem if people can pay the loan back.
It is a problem if you don't pay your mortgage and then selling the home won't help you pay for the loan either.
Making this all about the market is dumb,
If I bought a house with 5% down and then trashed the place, it could easily lose 10% of the value. Unless I stop paying for the house, nobody cares.
Same as if I bought a house and repaired it, it might go up in value, but unless I sell or refinance, nobody cares.

>> No.50833102

a margin call. it's a pledged asset.

>> No.50833169

Lots of cheapies for Blackrock.

>inb4 nah bro they'll go under even though they effectively have infinite money and are one of the main arms of globohomo

>> No.50833173

Free money

>> No.50833192

Noooooooo my 3mil house in ponsonby is now only 2.9mil its over

>> No.50833231

Yeah this whole thread is dumb people buying in a bubble then the market goes down? Omg so sad. It’s like buying $500k in stocks and crying when it goes down 10% nobody cares. Just hold it’s not like you’re actually having the cash taken out of your bank account

>> No.50834174

The mortgage holder is winning a short against your property

>> No.50834609


If you live in the house, you get daily utility from it.

>> No.50834639

if you're on a fixed rate this can be true
>buy $300k @ 2.5% ~$1300 repayments
>price falls to $250k but rates go up
>buying $250k @ 4% ~$1300 repayments
it's only really bad if you intend to flip or borrow against your property.

>> No.50834661

mortgage means "dead pledge" in french

a 30 year loan is really 30 years of bonded servitude. folks dont understand time = money

>> No.50834686

>no one cares
Wrong, anon. Many of us care. I care. Just because you're selfish and only think of yourself, doesn't mean we are all cut from the sam cloth.
I care. Think about that.

>> No.50834687

no, you are over paying still no matter how you cut it, especially since the banker magic in the fine print usually makes you pay the first accrued interest of the initial 10- years before it even tags the principle

naw, debt is debt, and overpaying for something is still debt. it makes more sense to rent and save in some ways than to take on a stupid high debt obligation just because rates are low and the rats are running to buy

you ever consider what happens when the other rats start defaulting on their stupid high mortgage? you get to buy their default :)

never be a buyer in a sellers market

>> No.50834706

Negative equity is basically just renting, with the caveat that eventually you will pay enough rent to start paying yourself money instead of your landlord. It's not a huge deal.

>> No.50834733

>numbers don't real
the final repayment is the same the only things that muddy the waters are
>the possibility to refinance
>wanting to sell early
buying high is not good but if you are buying a home to live in it then the monthly repayments are what matter
even if you buy high and it depreciates significantly you retain some equity as opposed to renting where you retain none
but renting has less concrete benefits like mobility
i can see you're a retard

>> No.50834746

oh and i'll add that i'm a rentoid right now in spite of being worth six figs so i'm not some hoomer shill
but that's because i want to be able to move easily for career reasons
renting is fine but in pure financial terms it is the clear loser to anyone sane

>> No.50834752

>every place I try it's more expensive than last month
>b-but le article says I can rent for cheap
why are they lying, where are the free apartments?

>> No.50834756

>who cares if you are overpaying, you are building equity in an ever depreciating asset!

do bankers really? fucking shill faggot

>> No.50834762

It's about keeping panic from spreading.

>> No.50834821

That's good for the young generation.

>> No.50834854
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... and that's a good thing. Here's why:

>> No.50834998

Love the Monopoly money in the pic. Looks like someone bought a house in a third world shithole.

>> No.50835291

You need to buy an apartment off plans if you haven’t already. Then get a house/land quarter acre. It’s a great time for cheap apartments due to slowing building.

>> No.50835296

Judging by the happenings in New Zealand, it sure feels like it is a third world shithole at times

>> No.50835454

I told this dumb cunt at work to wait 6 months three months ago.
She said I was just jealous, which makes no sense because I own a home outright.
So now I'm just going to laugh.

>> No.50835573

People are tired of hearing "lol just wait." I bought my house 5 years ago and there were people telling me I was going to lose my shirt when the market collapses next week. To clarify, I agree with you that shit is going downover the next 12 months, but there's been too many people crying wolf for the last few years