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File: 25 KB, 360x232, etf-investment-guide-theme-uranium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50822355 No.50822355 [Reply] [Original]

Listen fags; Russia has shit itself and forced Europe to speed up the "no oil" movement. Even if the war ends soon, Europe will do everything they can to NOT go back to oil.

Nuclear reactors are the next big thing again. Look at how many are in production right now, mostly in Asia, but Europe is starting to look at it again.

I'm buying Uranium, that shit will be bonkers in 5 years.

>> No.50822394

Theres uranium literally everywhere anon

>> No.50822440
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>> No.50822444

Imagine losing half of your assets just by holding for 700 million years.

>> No.50822479

Yes, but there is also a production time.
And 55 new reactors being built right now. That's a lot of new demand for uranium in only a few years.

>> No.50822507
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Screen cap me, I'll buy you a beer in 3 years.

>> No.50822560

It's... Anon... It was... It was a half life joke.

>> No.50822604

what's a good Uranium stock i can buy on cash app? i don't have a stock app.

>> No.50822682

Just do ETF (just make sure you are "deep in the money", don't do anything risky) and follow price itself, screw stonks.

>> No.50822802
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"Investment in nuclear power totalling around EUR500 billion (USD565 billion) by 2050 will be needed if the European Union’s goal of carbon neutrality is to be hit, the European Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton has said in an interview with France’sLe Journal du Dimanche."

That was BEFORE (January) Putin went full retard.

>> No.50822925
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sensible chuckle

>> No.50822993

Everything other than Cameco in the US is a scam. Everything that isn't from China or Kyrgyzstan that isn't Cameco doesn't really even deal in uranium. They're ghost "exploration" companies created to sell a stock. Consider Westinghouse, GE, Rolls Royce for building plants.
Also consider that the Uranium fuel cycle has the potential to be almost entirely closed-loop. Look into PUREX and what laws were passed in the US in 1977.
The advancement of nu lear is entirely political and oil and coal lobbies are not giving up any time soon. Once they run out of money to spend, then there will be a nuclear push. It's gonna be a while in capitalist countries

>> No.50823040

How do you know uranium will be the element chosen for the reactors? Not bait I’m specifically referring to thorium

>> No.50823041

Yup, Oil and Nat gas for the short term, I.E. this autumn-next spring, Uranium for long term + the RIGHT KIND of green energy projects e.g. Solar in Arizona not Saxony, wind in Britain not Austria
lel, also checked

>> No.50823132

Molten salt reactors are not a great idea.

>> No.50823163

New nuclear plants take like 5 years to build. You'll need patience.

>> No.50823257

Shittons of Don quixote would rather die than tolerate windmills

>> No.50823282
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physical uranium only way to make it

>> No.50823305

It's that or rely on Frog nuclear plants, the MoD would'nt wear it, nor the Forgien Office, and what about the votes to be lost

>> No.50823489

>I'm buying Uranium, that shit will be bonkers in 5 years.
What kind of returns are you expecting in that timeframe? 2x? 5? 10?

>> No.50824602

>Just do ETF (just make sure you are "deep in the money"
What did he mean by this?

>> No.50824615

>brand new
aww cute

>> No.50824631

Yeah you still gotta get the radioactive mineral out of the ground and turn it into usable fuels. And current supply is not enough for current demand nor future demand.

>> No.50824662

thorium is decades away from a solution to uncontrollable tritium leaks. not a single one will get a commercial license any time in the next 25 years, during which over 300 new reactors will be built in the US.
those are two separate things. molten salt will be in gen iv SMRs. but they won't run on thorium.

>> No.50824692

i can't put uranium in my car fag
long oil NOW

>> No.50824718
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Checked an Russia currently occupies most of Ukraine's uranium.

>> No.50824733

I'm sure Europe can build a bunch of nuclear reactors before winter just fine

also. this makes uranium much cheaper: https://spectrum.ieee.org/uranium-from-seawater

>> No.50824749

Is this deflation?

>> No.50824870

suuure it's not like they passed laws against nuclear or anything and current governments around western Europe are all fee fee women leftoids. Will take years before one digger starts. Oh and sure but it takes a lot of effort to filter out uranium. There's no easy solution. Meanwhile fun fact, did you know IMF and Worldbank always forbade 3d world shitholes to build nuclear if they wanted kike loans? They had to stay on oil, coal and gas. The whole world needs an enema.

>> No.50824941

They’re going to build all the nuclear reactors in Asia and airdrop the energy to Europe using blockchain.

>> No.50824970

What Uranium stocks are the most viable? Preferably operations in central/east Asia and Africa

>> No.50825051

Buy Framatome (France) and Rosatom (Russia), China General Nuclear Power, major constructors of nuclear reactors (Framatome and CGN not the fuel cycle). Leading the world in exporting too, Framatome and Rosatom leading. But China has all of Africa to develop except for some historic Russian ties (like Egypt right now).

>> No.50825141
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55? that sounds conservative? China alone 21? Pic related.

>> No.50825182
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These without a doubt. Orano is parent of Framatome who builds reactors, the have the whole vertical, just like Rosatom and CGN.

>> No.50825229

And Uranium One is 100% subsidiary of Rosatom.

>> No.50825233

Depends on your leverage, but my aim is $100 (spot price).

>> No.50825249

the next big thing is population reduction

>> No.50825295

why not stocks like Kazaprom. Ask Citibank where how to buy in muttland.

>> No.50825424

An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a type of pooled investment security that operates much like a mutual fund. Typically, ETFs will track a particular index, sector, commodity, or other asset, but unlike mutual funds, ETFs can be purchased or sold on a stock exchange the same way that a regular stock can. An ETF can be structured to track anything from the price of an individual commodity to a large and diverse collection of securities.

TlDr: ETF allows you to "buy" uranium. It's like a stock that follows proice of uranium. Uranium price go up = value of ETF goes up, and vice versa.

Or just do mini futures.

Tldr2: whatever instrument you choose, just make sure your stop loss is waaaaaaaay down, so that price can move a lot against you (without you getting stopped out).

>> No.50825461

some arguments not against but which will slow down your thesis. Move to nuclear ok fine. Germany to let France build its German reactors? Nah. UK? nope. So each would have to go alone giving France a huge headstart in a Europe without UK. Politically difficult. So Germans would keep the French back at further development through EU, at least for near future until Siemens et al. can catch up.
Fuel then. No more Russian oil! How about Russian Uranium? Or brotherly authoritarian fren Kazakhstan? HM, maybe China. Oh I know we'll just mine up Afric- oh hi Mr Xi what's that, that's yours? Oh ok. Let's mine up Scotland and Austria then. Oh hi Greens.
>Ad infitum, ad absurdum.
Ah PS I specifically left out US companies like Westinghouse because Europeans just laugh at your grid and would never put construction of nuclear plants in your hands in our lands. And good luck mining for iranium in your latin colonies, while you still have them! Say goodbye to Nevada and Utah.

>> No.50825472

Well, Putin sneezed and now Sweden and Finland is applying to NATO.

Same for reactors, Swedes are pissed over the electric bill and Socialdemocrates are now panicking and are suddenly open for new investments...

>> No.50825518

true, true. We will see, if the left has mastered anything from the bolsheviks is that they can drop a dogma like a redheaded stepchild, so who knows.

>> No.50826122

op reddit nigger thinks oil is only for nrj
hahahaha faggot cuck guess what I wrote in the options field?
boipucci bitch

>> No.50826318

Thank you for this explanation

>> No.50827150
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This is now a digital dog shit thread

>> No.50827152

>half life joke
Gordon Freeman never says anything about uranium.

>> No.50827589
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any other decentralized uranium chads enriching yellow cake in their garage to power their mining rigs?

>> No.50827690

Man nuclear power is the dumbest shit.
Water vapor contributes the most to the 'greenhouse' gas effect and global warming.
DYOR but basically it collates particles in the air to form a thick mirror like film in the atmosphere.
look at the ground temp just after 9/11.
europe switching to nuclear is going to raise the continent by 2C and accelerate global warming.

classic retarded eurochuds

>> No.50828656

I do actually have some EDF shares and it did a huge pump last month heh.

Retard. By amount of water vapor vs fossil fuel emissions vs renewable materiel inputs/output by unit of energy released, it's not even comparable.

>> No.50828876

>Water vapor contributes the most to the 'greenhouse' gas effect and global warming.
So by your logic, it's the case for basically every traditional power plant with cooling towers?
Picrel is a combined cycle gas plant with cooling towers (St-petersburg's North-West Thermal Power Plant). Some nuclear plants don't have any cooling tower and spit their condenser cooling water directly in the ocean/river (diablo canyon comes to mind, and basically every NPP in the UK).


>> No.50828890
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forgot pic

>> No.50828936

Sweden's grid is fine as it is (mix of nuc/hydro/wind). Finland's OL3 is following its commissioning power curve right now.
As for heat, norway will probably prioritize you for natgas for district heating as your its nordefco allies.

>> No.50828976

Don't forget KEPCO. The koreans did a great job with Barakah.
We'll see how Hinkley Point C is going but the french has bad reputation for the EPR, and that's the only export design they have right now.
Rosatom used to be the top export player, but not sure how its export is going to fare with the sanctions and all.

>> No.50829017

Build a big fuckin tarp over the cooling tower then collect the water and market it as "recycled, ethically, locally sourced water enriched with beta particles and polonium"

>> No.50829086

Fucking kek
>we won pmg

>> No.50829136


>> No.50829201

seawater recovery is a joke.
paladin energy, deep yellow
ha. spot yellowcake is going three times higher than that.
cool thanks for the total lack of insight, retard https://www.nei.org/news/2022/studies-and-models-show-demand-for-adv-nuclear

>> No.50829226

>Germany to let France build its German reactors
What german reactors ? lol
Reminder that the EPR was supposed to be a french-german joint venture and you were the ones that pulled out, leaving the french in charge.
You wanna build your own old Konvoi design ? Not a chance your very anti-nuclear public will accept "old" nuclear design, as you've been telling them for decades that these weren't safe.

>Welp where to get uranium tho??? Putler and Xi control all of it!
Ever heard of canada and australia?

>> No.50830374

>So by your logic, it's the case for basically every traditional power plant with cooling towers?

Yeh basically.

>> No.50830388

>By amount of water vapor vs fossil fuel emissions vs renewable materiel inputs/output by unit of energy released, it's not even comparable.

not comparable. YET

>> No.50830434



>> No.50830569

carbon neutrality, and the eco vegan postmodernist bugman movement behind it, will never happen. we will see an embarassing attempt at eco bullshit that will peter out like a wet fart once the reality of economics, logistics and demand sets in. in a few decades time, the legacy of the whole affair will be, ironically, mountains of cardboard packaging, waste products and forgotten bullshit designed to sell an unworkable system to the goyim.

>> No.50832183

russia, it's totally not the WEF who wants to tax you according to your foot print (CO2) ...

>> No.50832267

A bunch of communists who want to tax you and say its to stop global warming. A total fucking scam.

>> No.50832280
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Invest in Thorium start ups.

>> No.50832524

Yes but it's like LUNC burn. The price will go up and your supply will go down so essentially you'll have the same

>> No.50832784
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Not buying your bags. UUUU will be $2 again. The "green" movement started out as the anti-nuclear lobby in the 1950s. Why? Because they were communists, and their intelligentsia knew that civilization depends on access to ever-increasing cheap, abundant energy. So how do you collapse the capitalist regimes of the world? By funding an anti-nuclear climate agenda, and denying access to cheap energy. The whole "bad for the climate" logic began as a phrase to shut down nuclear energy development. Notice how after fifty years that same logic applies to literally everything and is the pretext for getting everyone to accept a lower standard of living (i.e. eating meat is bad for the climate. Your truck is bad for the climate). The whole idea that nuclear energy is green energy might make sense to you autistic bastards because you're immune enough to socialization that you can see the truth, but to everyone else it's completely ass backwards. The watermelons (green on the outside, red on the inside) aren't going to back uranium. Their whole communist climate agenda started out as anti-nuclear.

>> No.50833226

Thread theme:

>> No.50833275

3 words
molten salt reactor
t. moltex energy shareholder

>> No.50833377
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i saw this earlier and chuckled reasonably

>> No.50833501

>Deep in the money

Explain pls

>> No.50833678
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>The whole idea that nuclear energy is green energy might make sense to you autistic bastards because you're immune enough to socialization that you can see the truth, but to everyone else it's completely ass backwards.

Keked, thank you.

Watermelon is losing ground (at least here in Sweden); KD, M and SD (together could have a majority in September) want more nuclear power. S (the red part of the melon) is starting to reluctantly babble about same, forced by the shifting opinion.

I think the green Nazi movement is slowly shifting it's focus to other virtue signaling fields; plastic for example. I do really believe that the public opinion will soon be in favor for nuclear power (after this winter, with yet again sky high electric bills in the mail).

The melons can easily defend this shift by saying "oh it's safe NOW, with the new technology, it wasn't before. But NOW it is, and it's green. Yey! We win again! Now look at all this plastic in the ocean.

>> No.50833682

The world is a lot bigger than NATO. Especially for nuclear energy.

>> No.50833698

Uranium fever...

>> No.50833711

Sure. Good luck supplying the entire US, Europe and Japan on that. It will go down real nice with environmental voting blocks in these sparsely occupied countries. Globalism is colonialism, the point is to virtue signal while digging up someone else's country.

>> No.50833733

>here's a study by the lobby for nuclear that shows there's huge demand.
ngmi faggot, your country is run by a different lobby.

>> No.50833734
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In options trading, the difference between "in the money" and "out of the money" is a matter of the strike price's position relative to the market value of the underlying stock, called its moneyness.

I do futures, so I use the term slightly wrong. I mean that when buying whatever (ETF, option, futures, CFD...), make sure that your strike price/stop loss is waaaaaaaay away from your buying price. You want your position to be able to move against you some days (perhaps even weeks or months, since your investment horizon is years for this) without you getting stopped/striked out (just for the price to recover the next day). You want to be immune against freak moves in the market (flash crash).

>> No.50833957

>The world is a lot bigger than NATO.
>t. buy my russian gas
Calling the West NATO is the biggest red flag this year lol

>> No.50834163

based and lyn alden pilled

>> No.50834173

> current supply is not enough for current demand nor future demand
source: butt

>> No.50834442
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Next time you want to speak, instead consider staying quiet.

>> No.50834456

well it kind of maps neatly to degenerate globohomo rainbow flag nations, so yeah NATO.

>> No.50834459

source: copy pasted image with no source

>> No.50834467

correction: source: the literal uranium lobby lol

>> No.50834477

>source? Experts in the industry? lmao

You aren't being quiet, you probably should

>> No.50834521

> experts
it's literally the uranium lobby shill

>> No.50834538
File: 50 KB, 650x370, world-uranium-production-and-demand-2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be no group that you find valid is the real answer. Highly recommend you to speak less, you might learn something

>> No.50834723
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All of you anti nuclear, riddle me this:

What type of energy source is reliable, green (compared to oil/coal), provides enough power, not geographicly limited and can be built TODAY (not in 50 years)?

>> No.50834822

kek thorium is dogshit.
brainlets will still fall for le magical energy scam and throw billions at it though
(see shale oil, renewables etc)

>> No.50836316

What power companies should I invest in if I want to help nuclear power succeed, and eventually fusion power?

>> No.50836837

more like uranus

>> No.50837084

then why isnt nexgen fucking pumping
pos stock

>> No.50837528

Shouldnt we buy physical? Just as silver? You know the old saying... You cant touch it you dont own it!

>> No.50838817
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Yes, just make sure to polish your uranium every day if you buy and store it physically at your home. Otherwise the quality deteriorates with time and you will have hard time selling it back to the market.

>> No.50839031

Yes, please buy huge quantities of a watchlisted ore as 'investment' You'll get a free visit from the police if your power bill ever gets too high

>> No.50840600

>dont sell when you lost 5%
>sell when you lost 50%
great advice retard, stop loss should always be set around your initial price, otherwise just hold onto the paper loss and hope for the best. Losing 50% or even 30% is extremely bad.

>> No.50840937

I'm not talking about stop loss you retard, I'm talking about strike price of the contract.

>> No.50843312
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Well, well, well... Look at this:

>THE UK can "make its own energy" with Rolls-Royce's revolutionary new nuclear reactors, a Conservative MP has said, offering an escape from the burden of wholesale gas price rises which have sent bills soaring.


>> No.50843402

Europe will go into major recession

>> No.50843697

It really isn't, its actually incredible what can be achieved using a molten salt reactor, widespread adoption would change the world massively, energy too cheap to meter.

>> No.50843727

MSR's were mothballed in the 70's because the government wanted breeder reactors to make nuclear bombs. They didnt want to give you abundant clean energy. The entire idea of this reactor came from the Airforce. They wanted a very small lightweight reactor to fuel a nuclear bomber.

The only reason we are not using Thorium to power our civilization today is Greed.

>> No.50843795

they just won’t allow nuclear power
the powers that be demand solar/wind
simple as

>> No.50843824

MSR's can burn up nuclear waste as fuel. They transform nuclear waste which takes tens of thousands of years to decay into something that decays in 300 years.

>> No.50843951

Except European politicians just spent the last 10 years shutting down their nuclear plants and getting dependent on Russian oil, using the Fukushimi Daiichi incident as a pretext.
Anyway, the future of nuclear fission power generation is in thorium, not uranium.

>> No.50844113

>brotherly authoritarian fren Kazakhstan
So far Kazakhstan been selling to everyone, avoiding Russia foolery. It comes to both: oil and uranium.

>> No.50844963

What are some of the main thorium tickers?