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50796329 No.50796329 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.50796342

>paki pfp

>> No.50796344

Maybe hes just being a good goy and preparing to pay his taxes

>> No.50796349

How much did he sell before covid?

>> No.50796351

nothing burger

>> No.50796360

you know NPC's are known for not being able to recognize patterns, are you a NPC?

>> No.50796368

well, if that's true - some /biz/raeli with an access to jewish facebook could confirm this. I'll just wait until then. Yes, I know, it would be too late. I'm not in hurry though.

>> No.50796378

It's a shmita year

>> No.50796384

he sold:
>46,700 shares on 1/30/2020
>44,300 shares on 2/14/2020
>44,500 shares on 8/03/2022
if he sells that many again in a month its basically confirmed

>> No.50796394
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He's just DCAing...... OUT of the market.
I'm sure it's nothing.

>> No.50796396
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Monkeyflu only kills fags, literal nothingburger

>> No.50796401
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>> No.50796408

>believing the CIA/MSM narrative
anon I....
think about it for 10 seconds why would they be throwing them under a bus for a "nothing burger"

>> No.50796423

03/08 was halfway down at the covid crash. 01/30 is the only sus.

>> No.50796426

Based bloomberg terminal anon.

>> No.50796433

bro, its 08/03/2022. 5 days ago ago. that's not a 2020

>> No.50796440

My bad, didn't sleep enough.

>> No.50796442

2/14/22 was also before the first US covid patient

>> No.50796452
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>> No.50796453

stop calling things "black swans". Crashes have happened before and covid caused one as well so this isn't unique in any way.

>> No.50796455

What/when were his selloffs before then?

>> No.50796456

****2/14/20 was also before the first US covid patient

>> No.50796457

He sells every year. Not saying the crash is not coming but it's too early to tell. If he sells again within 1-2 months then there's your confirmation.

>> No.50796460

I see, the dump started at the feb 18 week.

>> No.50796462
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>> No.50796466
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It's in the poo anon.
It's in the poo.

What happens when this thing hits India?

>> No.50796470 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 225x350, krso6nEF4Us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retrospective Observation for my fellow lazy faggot >>50796360 who claims to be The Hyperbrain, Recognizer of Patterns: Larry Fink sold 5% of stock in July 2020, covid market crash happened in Feb 2020
I will point a contradiction for especially retarded pajeets: tweet claims he sold stock BEFORE covid crash, when in fact he sold it months after the crash actually ENDED.
recognize my balls nigger
op is a faggot as well

>> No.50796474

He cashed out 30 million dollars bros in this one sale.
Guys like this don't cash out 30 million dollars because they need the money.

>> No.50796479
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>> No.50796482

>covid crash wasn't a black swan
im tired of retards like you trying to argue and go against the grain for the sake of it

>> No.50796486

the end of super shemitah means goyim get buttfucked by BBC?

>> No.50796489

Holy shit India just had a massive wave of anti corporate agriculture legislation go through.

>> No.50796491

Ohnono some random nigger sold 30$ shitcoins whatammagonado with my 10k$/eth?

>> No.50796492

sorry i was wrong

>> No.50796494

5% after the crash recovery??? well golly gee you're so fucking smart!

>> No.50796501

And I'm tired of faggots using terminology they don't have the faintest understanding of because it will sound impressive to retards.

>> No.50796504

okay explain to me how it wasn't a black swan

>> No.50796505

If this is real he sold 5 days ago, niggers.

>> No.50796509

That's a lot more volume than the last two times. Oh no, this looks like a time of wilderness coming.

>> No.50796511

Don't have contact with other peoples feces?

>> No.50796513

yes, and he sold twice. once in jan 2020 and once in feb 2020. so if he does this again in a month watch out

>> No.50796516
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>> No.50796525

it's okay he's going to buy bitcoin with that money. Wasn't that what the insider was saying we have till aug 5? It was like a 15 min sale for coinbase something

>> No.50796529

why buy now when he can buy in at 4 digits after the crash

>> No.50796534

I'm not saying that at all though. Learn to read.

>> No.50796550

now you're back tracking? Unless you're bill gates the covid crash was a black swan event

>> No.50796584

Literally all I said was that a potential crash because of a new pandemic wouldn't consitute a black swan event because there's already been one, covid being the example. You seriously have to have some kind impaired reading ability if you think I was saying covid crash wasn't a black swan event.

>> No.50796590

Why all caps? I ignore

>> No.50796594

I'm sure anon

>> No.50796609

I bet you can't even understand what I just wrote.

>> No.50796623

This Jew has sold similar amounts last year and the year before too. It's his pedofund for the summer.

>> No.50796627
File: 383 KB, 799x828, 1659483152104733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I'm sure anon, I'm sure billions of people looking like this is definitely expected and definitely not a black swan because covid "crash" already happened.

>> No.50796645

>After covid
>B-b-b he sold the top
KEK! Who knew BlackRock could get bogged. This is the bottom folks

>> No.50796653

By definition a black swan event that can't be predicted or accounted for because nothing like it has ever happened. Pandemics have happened before. Market crashes have happened before. Pandemic induced market crashes have happened before.

Literally nothing about a pox crash would be a black swan event.

>> No.50796656

historically it means it's going back up. this year it should end on 26th September

>> No.50796667

That's why you listen to good old Buffett


>> No.50796693

okay if you're operating off that its completely 100% unprecedented I understand what you're saying.

>> No.50796747

More like within 2 weeks. He sold in 30th Jan and then in 14th Feb.

>> No.50796764
File: 402 KB, 955x1280, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while im not so sure about selling as of right now, I think the fagflu is going to become the next big thing.

The CIA (NTI) confirmed monkebox attack months ago for me, hence why I knew months ago about this trade.

ofc its all just "simulations". Just like Event 201.

Page 12:

>> No.50796777

Down $50 billion.

>> No.50796780

this is probably the reason:


>> No.50796782

good picrel anon, also we are at 80+ countries and it predicted , what, 73-ish countries by jan 2023?

>> No.50796785

If a black swan is coming why he didn't sell 100% of his portfolio?

>> No.50796794

Why buy at 4 digits when he could buy at 1 digit btc

>> No.50796799


He is cashing out stocks to buy bitcoin and chainlink

>> No.50796816

That is noy the definition of black swan at all. Black swan is a highly unprobable, unpredicted event. Covid was a black swan to the the majority of the population but not to a small percentage that had been expecting and or knew about it.

>> No.50796845

yeah at sub 8k btc and sub .50 link

>> No.50796885

I have this schedule but the file saving date is may 21. When was the original published?

>> No.50796892

A black swan event is something that is considered impossible by everybody right up until it happens.
Not something on which people are about evenly split, like price go up or down. Not something cyclical where the question is "when", not if.

>> No.50796898

Okay I see 2021/11, I have to sleep.

>> No.50796913

other anon explained it to me , Honestly I still consider covid unprecedented. normalfags never thought a global pandemic could happen in the modern era and certainly wont expect another a few years afterwards

>> No.50796924
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bros... I think this is it... get ready for a wild september...

>> No.50796942

Moar of this slamhog?

>> No.50796968

No he's DCAing into Litecoin

>> No.50796969

I think monkey-pox will def happen, but there will be many more profitable pandemics afterwards.

>> No.50796973

also kills your portfolio

>> No.50796984

Nobody's buying it though. Even ultra normies are thinking its absurd to declare it a major health crisis
What if they declare a pandemic and nobody comes?

>> No.50797005

IMAGINE not being all in cash as inflation skyrockets and gay airborne SUPER AIDS that causes fucking small pox is spreading. We are so fucking FUCKED

>> No.50797036

With enough media programming the sheep can be made to do anything. As long as they have food and entertainment they will accept anything.

>> No.50797052

It's literally the faggot flu = nothingburger for non-faggots

>> No.50797079

people got convinced to get jabbed 4-6 times for a mild flu you need a test to know you have majority of the time. when they are at risk of permanent keloid scars lockdowns will happen swiftly

>> No.50797151

>Black swan is a highly unprobable, unpredicted event.
Even by that definition monkey crash isn't one. The pox is in the news regularly, we all know what happened with covid. It is completely predictable at this point.

>> No.50797323

It's a Black Swan for clownworld. Everyone knows it's going to happen, but we're compelled by social norms to act surprised when it does.
Same as the nuclear war that is going to happen

>> No.50797334
File: 11 KB, 205x246, gay orgies are A-OK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like 1 fag so far
they can try to meme it as hard as they want, but literally nobody cares
also you couldn't see your dying loved ones in hospital during Covid, but expecting homos to cut back on degen sex orgies is apparently too much to ask

>> No.50797485

This is cope and wishful thinking. You really think they are going to let you cash in the same way they did in march 2021? Lol

>> No.50797503

>Senator Weiner shaming people for telling homosexuals to not have orgies for a few weeks in order to quell an outbreak of a highly contagious virus
The memes write themselves.

>> No.50797510
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>black swan event
not for meeee

>> No.50797514

march 2020*

>> No.50797549

Zoe Kalotheos

>> No.50797557


The blackswan is:

Body - russia/Ukraine
Head - china/Taiwan

Just read that China is ramping up its Taiwan 'exercises' and there's a high probability of military conflict in the coming days.

>> No.50797563
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 44e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you know that after Lenin's sexual revolution, Stalin got into power and he rounded them all up and had them sent to the Gulags for destroying the nuclear family and thus weakening zeh mother Russia?

Already in the first half of 1920s, when sexual liberation was still in full swing, the Soviets had set about promoting traditional values… again. In 1924, psychiatrist Aron Salkind publishes ‘12 Sexual Commandments of the Revolutionary Proletariat’, that read “love must be monogamous”, “sexual intercourse must only be the final link in the chain of deep and complicated feelings connecting two people in love”.

Even as “Down With Shame!” were parading naked through the Moscow streets, People’s Commissar of Public Health Nikolay Semashko wrote that such behaviour “must be most categorically condemned… At a time when capitalistic monstrosities like prostitution and hooliganism are not yet eliminated, nudity aids immorality… That is why I consider absolutely necessary to stop this disgrace at once, with repressive methods, if needed...”

Soviet leaders did not want the population to squander its energy on self-gratification anymore. Severe austerity and cutbacks were introduced. Women’s rights groups were in decline. Moreover, the women themselves now barely had any reason for the education the feminists had so desperately fought for: no sooner had the woman been freed from the traditional, patriarchal society the Bolsheviks sought to remove that she was being brought back into the kitchen, having to cook for her worker husband; meanwhile, factory rations were already being redistributed, which made home cooking a necessity. Kollontai’s “new woman” was new for just about a decade.

Now, the family was once more the basic unit of society. Decrees were reversed one after another. Finally, by 1934, homosexuality had been re-criminalized, and a ban on abortion reintroduced (1936).

>> No.50797661

A global pandemic is still a black swan if you expected it. But for the record, I expected it as much as Bill Gates, from a middle-school age.

>> No.50797750

It's clearly more appropriate to shut the entire economy and all go broke.

>> No.50797796
File: 112 KB, 1300x1339, various-commodities-flat-icons-set-with-food-products-and-materials-on-white-background-isolated-vector-illustration-2E8756T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all in cash as inflation skyrockets
More like all in psychical commodities. As the economy will be locked down again and productions dropping while they keep printing money out of thin air.
>it's 2030, you will own a lot of zeh stuff and zeh will be happy.

>> No.50797853

>macro bearish
>technicals short term bullish
thats not a setup for a black swan, thats just a recession/depression

>> No.50797896

Anon it’s considered a ((black swan)) event but you and I know both that it wasn’t. So what now ? What do I buy, what do I sell? I have an eerie feeling the Linkies are about to be vindicated. We are 100% crashing within the next 2 months.

>> No.50797963

If it's predicted, it's not a black swan. Fucking niggers in here.

>> No.50797982

Covid only kills boomers and fat fucks, (((they))) still locked everything down because of it.

>> No.50798000

The reaction to covid was completely unpredictable and unprobable, that is what makes it a black swan. No one expected the world to lockdown over a fucking flu. The same could be said from the pox. Pandemics have existed forever, an overreaction to the flu like it happened has never happened before

>> No.50798037

Wym? I'm kind of retarded.

>> No.50798050

What's Shemitah? Some kike thing?

>> No.50798051

The "don't be in cash while inflation runs wild" people have very obviously never dealt in real goods.
What you say is true if you have only the stock market to look at.
But in real life, in the actual world, you have cash because people get hard up and look to liquidate.
This can be trucks, loads of great merchandise, businesses, etc.
If you aren't sitting on cash then you miss out.

>> No.50798132
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Much appreciated, fellow slamhog enjoyer.

>> No.50798153

If he is so Smart why didnt he sold at the beginning of jan and sold now after every stock did a -60%

>> No.50798154

Monkeypozz is not going to be the trigger for any collapse, and I say that as someone who holds a nice chunk of SIGA. Right now it's 99% spread via faggot orgies and may not even become a thing among most of the population. The consequences of the disease are already known and there already exist working vaccines and treatments in stockpile for it.

The black swan must be something else.

>> No.50798199

>there already exist working vaccines and treatments in stockpile for it

>> No.50798207

>throwing them under the bus
What are you even talking about?? They're doing everything possible to say "it's not a gay disease" kek
>"can be transmitted by not only gay men, but also
>men who occasionally have sex with other men"

>> No.50798245

Globohomo always runs ops within ops.
That is just to further degrade everyone sexually by pretending non gay men would stick it in the ass of a gay man if they could or got the chance.
>i'm not gay I just love buttsex occasionally with men

>> No.50798317

Built for BWC

>> No.50798399

Welp im setting up positions in case it drops badly. Though I doubt pharma will drop now.

>> No.50798450

Is it?

>> No.50798615

Monkeypoz is the excuse for V-AIDS scabies.

Next covid wave will be the excuse for lockdowns, lockdowns will be the control for civil unrest and crashing money velocity to zero to hide hyperinflation.

Black swan is impossible to predict by definition, it will be completely unexpected. However I think it's irrelevant, you don't need a black swan for the global ponzi scheme that died in 2019 to finally keel over.

>> No.50798638

it is, it ends just before smartcon.

>> No.50798774

the memes write themselves

>> No.50798854

I politely disagree. The best move for China now is to do nothing and wait for the US to completely Brazilify.

>> No.50798870

Wasn't abortion etc reintroduced under Krutschev?

>> No.50798892

Any good videos on this?

>> No.50798913

it cap fr fr
market finna bust a nut

>> No.50799202
File: 175 KB, 1000x811, indoor cattleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The WEF fears the indoor commodity physical delivery taker.

>> No.50799570

>Monkeyflu only kills fags
so most people, it's unironically over then

>> No.50799872

They're going to cull the fags with deadly vaccines. Never forget their modus operandi is deceit and deception.

>> No.50800208

Good, bring it on. I've never hated the market more than I hate it right now.

>> No.50800321


>> No.50800360

You bobos are so fucking desperate.
It's not going back down. You missed your chance.

>> No.50800491


>> No.50800584

he's just setting a trap for midwits who think we go down. clever

>> No.50800628

For real though what are the odds he hasn't seen the CPI numbers?

>> No.50800785
File: 461 KB, 449x537, 1514977664272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If a black swan is coming

are you aware of how retarded your comment is?

Please go back to plebbit

>> No.50800943

memes reflect reality

>> No.50801034

He's not programmed to respond to that question.

>> No.50801091

I hate her face

>> No.50801193

Going into a september massive crash where the markets, crypto and stock, won't start recovering until spring 2023

>> No.50801472

>one more month

It can't be that easy.

>> No.50801541

Covid killed NO ONE so you tell me anyanigger

>> No.50801585


>> No.50801696

yeah for sure he hasn't seen em... hehe he's amongst the top borrowers of the fed r-right?

>> No.50801840

Covid was an excuse for the market to contract after the yield curve already inverted, zombie companies were becoming burdensome, and real estate looked like it might slump. They used the crisis to let things "crash" for only a couple months before blowing it all back up under the excuse of covid relief.
Shit was planned from the start.

>> No.50801876

he took the image from the twitter post but none of you guys ever look into anything so idk why I even bother

>> No.50802682


Yes but the point is that monkepox isn't a black swan event because the stuff related to covid has already happened. You can just read the reply chain before you reply.

>> No.50802737

He’s buying link
Sergey told him we finally found the Aladdin breadcrumbs and that he better hurry up.

>> No.50802889
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Mia khalifa and Greta were the greatest contributors of so called anti corporate protest of Soros. So nothing burger

>> No.50803548

It’s the end of shemitah. Which means crab until next Jewish new year or equinox iirc and then recovery starts.

>> No.50803683
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>searches Mpox
> still a nothingburger

It isn't contagious enough to become a real global pandemic and if it was it would have happened by now. You're all forgetting that we've had mini pandemics for as long as we've had humans. swine flu, bird flu, foot and mouth come to mind. they're a fact of life and make quite interesting news stories.
The difference is this one has emerged after Covid so we are all looking at it wearily