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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50781127 No.50781127 [Reply] [Original]

Been out of the crypto game for a couple of years but have a few grand and looking to buy in. What should I buy? I'm thinking ETH to start, I can afford 1

>> No.50781204


>> No.50781212

>/threading his own post

>> No.50781219

If a girl hugs me I will rip her head off like how Kratos ripped Helios's head off.

>> No.50781256

I've never had a girl do this.
Girls usually hug me around my waist because I'm twice as tall as them and they can't reach around my shoulders.
I can't really hug them back so I usually just put my hands in my pockets and wait for them to finish hugging me.

>> No.50781315


>> No.50781372

Mmm the subtlest of baits. Top quality good sir

>> No.50781389

It's so they can push their pussy into your penis. Sexually speaking.

>> No.50781431

I'm going to buy ETH

>> No.50781448

great thread so far!

>> No.50781622

Gurl here

It's so they don't smell your armpits you disgusting incels. Have sex!.. with someone else

>> No.50781653

please be my gf

>> No.50781721

What if I use my ball sweat to mask my underarm stink?

>> No.50781730

Instead of hugging you she will be assaulting you sexually.

>> No.50781736

girls dont hug me you retard

>> No.50781747
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>> No.50781749

i don't know any girls let alone get hugs from them

>> No.50781750

I'm going to rape you

>> No.50781761
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The unspoken alpha is that you can just compare the market cap of GNS to that of GMX and figure out which one is more undervalued.

>> No.50782606


>> No.50782695
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>> No.50782724

add 50 bugs to bab00n and thank me later

>> No.50782735


>> No.50782750
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Buy low caps like Rose and Qanx instead of ETH because you will have more profit, dumb bitch

>> No.50782811

Well I just bought a dog with a baseball bat

>> No.50782944


>> No.50783063
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truly the nigger of genders

>> No.50783760

Why Do Girls Hug Guys Over The Shoulder?
March 30, 2022 by Joe Elvin
Are you a guy with a special crush who keeps hugging you over the shoulder? You’re going to find out what this might mean in the guide below.

When a girl hugs a guy over the shoulder, it could be her way of showing she’s attracted to you. At the same time, it might just be a gesture of strong friendship. The only way to know for sure is to make a move and see how she reacts.

Quick tip for average-looking guys: Most men have low success with women because they use shallow dating apps like Tinder. Women have plenty of options and if you are just an average-looking dude she will most likely not prioritize your messages.

Apps like Tinder usually work for top-tier men. A much better alternative for average guys would be Eharmony. It arguably remains the number 1 dating website for personality-based matching. From personal experience, girls on this website are much more talkative and seem genuinely more interested in the guys they match with. It’s also completely free to Sign Up.

Below, we’ll explore 10 possible explanations of what it means when a girl hugs a guy over the shoulder.

What Does It Mean When Girls Hug Guys Over The Shoulder?
Read on for a list of the most common explanations.

1. A Flirtatious And Seductive Move
A hug on the shoulders can be a flirtatious and seductive way to attract the attention of a man, just by him feeling her body on his back and being able to perceive the smell of her perfume. How many times have you been working or watching television only for your woman to appear out of nowhere with a hug around the shoulder and whispering cute things in your ear? How did you feel in that moment? I bet you left what you were doing to go after her.


>> No.50783772

. You Are Special To Her And She Wants You To Know That
Sometimes, it’s more difficult to express with words how we really feel. Sometimes, we repress these words even when we want to share our feelings. A hug might be her only way of expressing how special someone is to her. So, treasure it. Drink it in. Enjoy it.

3. Camaraderie
The signs of affection between friends are very common and one of them is a hug on the shoulders. A shoulder hug does not rule out that a girl has no romantic interest in a boy. But it does signify the trust most commonly associated with friendship.

4. A Sign Of Loyalty
When a girl hugs a man on the shoulders with this intention, the message is that she is there to take care of him and support him. You can be sure that you can always count on her. This is surely a girl you can trust and feel safe even in your most vulnerable moments.

5. Marking Her Territory
By nature, a woman might hug her romantic interest in a protective way. If another girl thought of approaching him, she may think twice after seeing a girl with her arms already around him.

6. A Delicate Way To Dominate Him
A hug on the shoulders can leave a man with a feeling of submission, since they are totally covering his back and arms, leaving him a bit immobilized.

7. She Wants His Attention
Perhaps this girl has suffered a few failed attempts to get her man’s attention. This form of physical contact might work better. Hugging on the shoulders is a playful way to achieve the goal of her man’s attention.

8. Her Way Of Giving You Peace Of Mind And Support
A hug is always going to be one of the best ways to comfort others. A shoulder hug is a cute and tender sign of showing empathy, while making you feel safe and accompanied. A hug like this can make you feel better than any medicine.


>> No.50783778

She’s Seeking Complicity
There’s perhaps nothing more flirtatious than a hug on the shoulders when seeking complicity from another person. This type of hug might be accompanied by a mischievous look that will encourage you to follow that girl to the end of the world. If you have this feeling every time she hugs you, well you better not let that girl go. She will surely accompany you on more than one adventure.

10. A Way To Ressaure You
If you have doubts about whether that girl thinks of you, this is the clearest sign. She wants to communicate in a non-verbal way how she thinks about you a lot and remembers the good times that have happened when you are not together

>> No.50783824

Just buy some SOL, stake it and forget about it for a couple of years. It's cheap, it's unreliable, it's owned by jews, but it's the only legitimate ETH competitor on the market. Everything else cannot scale and will rely on the same L2 bullshit ETH 2.0 is going to rely on to meet demand. SOL a few years down the line will do a million tps as a base layer and nothing comes close to that throughput or has a path to having that sort of throughput. Even then that probably isn't enough.

>> No.50783830


>> No.50783843

post bobs and vagine

>> No.50783911

Low caps with utility are the best choice and not some shit coins

>> No.50783975
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>tfw all my male friends get greeted with hugs and kisses by women in the friend group and then the women turn away and barely even say hello to me, let alone exchange any kind of physical contact

>> No.50783981

Looking for lowcaps with utility, look to these sectors:
>NFT support and management
>Privacy and security
>Identity security

>> No.50783991

Brainlet Qanx is definitely better than Rose, I don't know why you had to bag both instead of investing in only Qanx.

>> No.50783999
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Including your mama fucking retard

>> No.50784092

If you can only afford 1 ETH, better split in half 50% into ETH and 50% into lowcaps UDO, ORE and SOV are good alts to start with.

>> No.50784117

Fr Fr

>> No.50784129


>> No.50784169

Anon, I love you. No homo.

>> No.50784218

>When a girl hugs a guy over the shoulder, it could be her way of showing she’s attracted to you. At the same time, it might just be a gesture of strong friendship. The only way to know for sure is to make a move and see how she reacts.
thanks joe you useless cunt

>> No.50784373

No profit will come without utility, what do they offer?, Asset management and security seems to be on the spot light now, any project not offering services in this niche might not survive this bear season.

>> No.50784553

70% into ETH sounds appropriate, I hodl ORE too and with the rate of its product adoption I'll likely put 10% in there too.

>> No.50784636

>>NFT support and management
True, most projects including polygon are working to connect NFT and Web3 with NFT management product and seamless onboarding for creators.

>> No.50784713

>Get ETH very important, my target is $10k.
Next up for you will be PAXG, RIDE, MUSE and lots one, but these right are my big ass alphas so plunge dem big grands into them as you damn wish.

>> No.50784770

Enough with this utility only shit, projects with utility but no working products are also shit. The token usage and price action is usually a result of product adoption.

>> No.50785069

Not bad, top gainer on bitmart for weeks but I'd rather do a 95:5 ratio with ETH:ORE.

>> No.50785084

Go to the right board jeet.

>> No.50785367
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Retard you seriously need to go and do your research. Qanx is one of the best utility tokens out there. Know this and know peace

>> No.50785371

prbly Kishimoto on ETH my guy. Reached market bottom and its looking to move back up.

>> No.50785860

So hence possibly there's hope for my upcoming gems like FLUID and TEAM, right? Since they haven't been launched yet.
But RIDE is launched but with product launch in US, UK and even German markets of its SDK content and full adoption this year's fall.

>> No.50786851

Idenetity management is becoming a big deal in the crypto space chad. Getting involved in assets from that sector would be profitable in the long run.

>> No.50787091

ORE is my top pick anon. It is also the solution to mass blockchain adoption.

>> No.50787174

Huge future for Atala Prism.

>> No.50787226

I've joined many altcoins communities.
If I'm being honest, sy.scoin brings different innovations, functionality and expands its ecosystem week in and out. This is exactly what we need to explode as the bull season approaches.

>> No.50787234
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Diversify, dude.
Better if you spread your funds around lower caps and promising altcoins than going all in.

>> No.50787246

Never heard of it

>> No.50787261

Emphasis on identity security, esp. projects focused on promoting interoperability.

>> No.50787274 [DELETED] 

While ETH isn't a bad buy, I will go with _SYS_ because sy.scoin uses the same EVM tools and resources you already know from the Etherum platform. It also uses BTC PoW security, which is more secure than that of Proof of History. However, _SYS_ pair with ETH would be a great one.

>> No.50787328

It's already built.

>> No.50787384 [DELETED] 

Due to the immense potential of the _SYS_ and the future prospect of this gem, I'm not just hodling; I'm also stacking more and more. ZKRollups' emergence will be among the deciding factor. From this, you can tell its _SYS_ for me

>> No.50787534

Can't even think of adoption if users are struggle to interact with hundreds of blockchain services at the same time

>> No.50787674 [DELETED] 

The value of bitcoin is rising. beside green candles. The best news that everyone has been waiting for all this time is bullish on all fronts. Be sure to participate in the impending, enormous _SYS_ bull run.

>> No.50788286
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Yes, get ETH. It is a safe play.
Bag some QANX and become a rich fag in 3 years

>> No.50790036

The liquidity mining pair is super cool, considering the state of market

>> No.50790050

Copied and pasted across 5 boards at the same time. Definitely a fucking bot

>> No.50790085
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ORE ID already fixes that problem. Only a matter of time before it reflects on overall adoption rate

>> No.50790362

It scares the shit out of me that I'm starting to see more and more SOL recommendations on /biz/. It's my second biggest bag and I'm wondering if it's time to dump.

>> No.50790490

Don't act like a pussy, Rather than go all in into one token just DCA

>> No.50790867

A single multichain access point will be a perfect solution for this.

>> No.50791029

Based, they already got audited by IBM platinum partner (VIR) and even launched its QVM. Mainnet will make it all complete

>> No.50791055

why is this going to be good?

>> No.50791614

If the focus is on interoperability then DOT should be high on your list, shocked no one is talking about it the closest we have is >>50790490 who mentioned GLMR which is built on DOT.

>> No.50791683

ORE seems like the only based lowcap on this list since BNB is not a lowcap.

>> No.50791741

The next big thing would likely come from platforms that focus on :
Cross-chain compatability

>> No.50791745

>Privacy and security
This is the best place to throw some funds, transaction privacy is at all time high now.

>> No.50791880

This interoperability has really been the major selling point to get projects building on DOT, it's helps them expand their reach.

>> No.50791928

Perfectly said, only project with functioning products will survive this bear season, I have got my fingers crossed for RAIL and the railway web app.

>> No.50791972

Right 53% Apy in the ETH-ORE pool even in a bear market is fucking based.

>> No.50792012

The crypto space is gradually evolving and as it grows the role of interoperability can't be underestimated just as >>50791741 highlighted and this is one of the reasons why i commend Alliance Block for building their Fundrs product on Polkadot.

>> No.50792144

That list is incomplete without Privacy focused projects besides every sector in crypto now needs privacy and security.

>> No.50792351

Privacy is also as important as every other ecosystem listed >>50791741 with loads of attention on the DOT ecosystem cause of their role in creating an interoperable ecosystem >>50792012 any privacy project there?

>> No.50792526

I know only of Phala, you can do your research as well anon.

>> No.50793854

We can never over flog the importance of privacy and security in the crypto niche especially seeing what went down with the centralized platforms in terms of exploit anyway if you need a recommendation on which privacy platform to explore I'd say Railgun it's by far the most complete protocol I have seen, in my opinion.

>> No.50793871

Right the tech is well advanced than most privacy protocols I know and my main attraction is the ease of access and private DEX.