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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 85 KB, 828x855, j43gaje403g91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50777316 No.50777316 [Reply] [Original]

Midwestcels and middle America chuds, what do you do for a living?Are these bog witches hiring?

>> No.50777339

My town has no industry and everyone works at the warehouses or retail
Other than normal businesses needed in a town

>> No.50777347
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Also how do you keep going while living the most souless and cultureless lifestyle in the western hemisphere?

>> No.50777350

lol rentoids are so cute

>> No.50777359

This post is just for seethe bumps guys
What does most your friend group do? Trades?

>> No.50777366

Why do I live somewhere so expensive?
Why don't I live in a small town with no factory in 50 miles and all the land is owned by one guy who only hires mexicans.

>> No.50777371

citycucks are so universally fucked in the head. it's a prime example the connection of man with nature is quintessential. sever it and you end up with mockeries of humanity

>> No.50777382
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>> No.50777388

Healthcare is big because all of the dying boomers

>> No.50777393

Everyone should live in a random shack filled with niggers and boomers just like you

>> No.50777470
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>> No.50777479

Thanks for the bumps gents

>> No.50777524

I only spent the minimal amount of time necessary in a city so that I could get a good remote job and then fuck off back to Ohio where you can buy a nice house for 250k. The problem is if you stay in the small town, you won't be able to rise above it unless you really hustle to build a business or master a trade.

>> No.50777542


Shes literally right

>> No.50777559

That still makes you a citycuck desu. You're not allowed to move anywhere where rent is expensive

>> No.50777574

>Just fly over it in a drone instead of driving and it will look more aesthetically pleasing

>> No.50777593

Midwest chud reporting in. I'm a primary care physician in an unremarkable office in a new strip mall. I just don't care about women or skyscrapers or Ukraine or whatever this person is whining about

>> No.50777614

So your advice is to just become a doctor and then you'll stack 6 figures in small towns?

>> No.50777621

Why would you live in a city now that WFH is so prevalent?

>> No.50777636

Yes, just go to school for 20 years like me. Bootstraps.
But seriously, I don't know how to help people that live in an expensive city and yet don't have a well paying job. If the world is a binary between NYC or a swamp to someone they're too stubborn or arrogant to listen to any advice anyways

>> No.50777693

>eww what you mean move away from the big city? how will i get my daily tinder dicking then?

>> No.50777716

Not a midwestcel here but I do live in bumfuck north carolina. Rent is cheap, I pay 610 a month for a 3br2b. Issue is, spent four months applying everywhere, even the one walmart and McDonald's turned me down. Eventually got lucky and found a job at an engineering firm but the pay was pretty damn low. It's taken months of griding away at the social game to start making enough money to actually improve my situation compared to my life out west.

>> No.50777994

Stop bitching about your rent if you dont want replies.

>> No.50778023

Even Walmart and McDonald's will turn you down in the middle of a swamp you retard because there's nothing else there and everyone will apply for them

>> No.50778038

Its all factory work.
Making chips, beer, pepsi. Dog food, car parts, or turkeys.

>> No.50778041

The biggest mistake was the public school to college pipeline, left an entire generation without useless skills

>> No.50778575

>Its all factory work.
>Making chips, beer, pepsi. Dog food, car parts, or turkeys.
It's roughly that, yep.

One of the only people in my Ohio hometown friend circle that stayed in Ohio was a chemical engineer. So, add tires to the list of items.

>> No.50778590

Fuck off we're full. And I'm retired because it doesn't cost $10K a month to rent a hall closet surrounded by niggers and faggots. O I'm sorry "culture."

>> No.50778608

>Have you considered moving to a dilapidated shack in a swamp?

This is basically as much as your average American deserves for their work ethic and contributions to civilization.

>> No.50778623

The amount of damage control when this image dropped from shitlib weebs was intense

>> No.50778645
File: 81 KB, 1024x680, 1646125044392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok if you tell me to move out of my trendy downtown neighborhood you're LITERALLY suggesting I move to the SWAMP!!!

>> No.50778667

Said the seething yuropoor whose country hasn't contributed anything to the world since the Renaissance while he is using American-designed hardware and software on the American website hosted in America on American technology.

>> No.50778698

But somehuyTM is right
moving to a small town is a way to live comfortably
Its just these days every 20 yr old wants to be Ryan from The Office
Traditionally, most men had 2-3 kids and a half their mortgage paid before 30
get the fuck out of the cities
humans werent supposed to live in such densities

>> No.50778724


I grew up in a city and liked camping growing up so I could sympathize with the people saying to live fully out in the middle of nowhere shit holes because it’s cheaper. Until I did it because of a job I had and realized these places were fucking run down shitholes with no soul. All the locals are fucking weirdos and either old or socially maladjusted and the young people who are actually normal are just there until they have opportunity to leave. I guess it makes sense that people on this basket weaving forum recommend it but even as someone who has browsed it since I was a youth these places are shitholes for people who have given up on the future for the most part

>> No.50778755

>tfw no bogwitch gf

>> No.50778777
File: 1.12 MB, 1242x1143, 473E108E-F0A0-456D-9ED0-22BBBBDA7879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope and seethe
*sips sweet tea*

>> No.50778783
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This tiny business area is surrounded by endless farmland

>> No.50778784

Japan is a holiday destination where you can look at bright colors without being reminded of any particular fast food and oil company brands. I can't objectively assess whether it's better or worse than the US and I don't care.

>> No.50778804

What do you do there?
Pick tomatoes with beaners? Make omelettes at mom and pop diners for 5 bucks an hour?

>> No.50778809

>implying being on 4chan is a good thing

>> No.50778810
File: 630 KB, 425x800, 1526145034575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kidnapping children for bog witches
oh what a fine kek

>> No.50778818

>people don't visit America for vacations, only Japan

>> No.50778830

Kidnapping children does pay well, though. He's got a point.

>> No.50778836

>hey I'm gonna misinterpret what you said and rephrase it based on my misinterpretation

>> No.50778982

Forgot to mention I am a glorified button pusher at my local factory 3 days a week making $26 an hour

>> No.50779013

Pod dweller perspective

>> No.50779024

3 days a week sounds fucking tight m8 that's my kind of schedule

>> No.50779034

>hey I'm gonna argue with a faggot on /biz/ about his preferences on the ethnicity of signs

>> No.50779055
File: 857 KB, 1024x735, 01規制実績7年の変化s-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've lived in Japan since the late 90s. Here is a Cool Bug Fact's:

Japan is slowly getting rid of their neon signs. The picture on the left is from 2007 and the picture on the right is 2020. You might want to update your basedjack reddit meme.

>> No.50779091 [DELETED] 

i grew up in a rural shithole town. there were like 6 employers within a 45 minute drive that paid a living wage. they were all factory jobs on rotating shifts and they treated you like shit with mandatory overtime because they knew you had no other options. i worked in one of these factories for 2 years before getting the fuck out and moving to the suburbs of a city (philly.) i was able to start a career and now i'm making a lot more money, even with the increased cost a living. there's a reason why most people with a brain get out of small towns. they're dead end as hell unless you're okay with working a shitty factory/warehouse/slaughterhouse job for $40k/year for the rest of your life. and yeah, houses are "only" $150k because everyone makes $40k/year.

>> No.50779106

Need some wagie copium
>PT at Walmart
>7 year anniversary coming up
>have 50k saved in various assets
>getting FT hours and additional training
>get along well with everyone, but less and less staff over the years

Thought I could make some dough with options but Ive managed to piss away $1500 across a dozen trades this year

>> No.50779151 [DELETED] 

also the
crowd is dumb as shit. people in rural areas half-ass their own home improvements and commercial buildings don't really exist other than hospitals, schools, etc. which tend to contract with preferred regional shops that don't have a ton of employees. your trades career options are industrially oriented trades (which treat you like shit as an employee, my dad has been an industrial mechanic for 30 years) or handyman bullshit for a barely livable wage if you really work your ass off.

i had many friends fall for the welding meme when the marcellus shale boom was popping off. they made big money doing pipeline shit. then the worked dried up, they were laid off, and their job options were $15-20/hour in fab shops or $22/hour as industrial mechanics working rotating shifts (after busting their ass for 1-3 years as general laborers to build enough seniority to bid on mechanic jobs.)

>> No.50779162

That person is clearly a tranny.

>> No.50779175

This >>50777470 anon tried to distract people from the fact that america is a shithole by making a false accusation of hypocricy in the form of a meme that should've died years ago

>> No.50779177

Was that water get poisoned when I bought it without subsequent poisoning?

>> No.50779179

>thing, america -angrysoijak.png
>thing, japan- happysoijak.jpg

>> No.50779205

>They didn't just get a fucking CDL A.
A tale as old as time.

>> No.50779222 [DELETED] 

driving trucks for a career fucking sucks. most of the jobs, at least in my hometown, were over the road. my uncle did it for years, as did one of my neighbors. can't have a home life if you're wagecucking in a rolling prison cell for days at a time.

>> No.50779248

Waiting for your argument because I've never seen a post telling me what you can actually do there. You can pay low rent but where does the income come from?

>> No.50779255

>want to live in NYC, LA, or somewhere in the Bay Area
>have an art degree or something useless like that
>won’t take a job that just requires a degree, it has to be art related

Granted things have changed a lot with COVID and WFH. But the point is not everyone can have the privilege of living in HCOL areas, no matter how much you want to

>> No.50779258

Checked and why yes it does. What sucks more is being poor as fuck.

>> No.50779273

soul vs soulless

>> No.50779277
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Black population is <half the national average there. Sign me up

>> No.50779311

>3rd highest murder rate in the country

>> No.50779331

77+11=88. Fucking top kek.

>> No.50779340
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>> No.50779655

Maybe our cost of living wouldn't be so high if you fags in the Midwest contributed to the economy. Maybe people will stop flocking to the overcrowded cities if the Midwest and south actually created jobs/industries instead of relying on government gibs. Also Midwestern white women have some fat asses, I wish they all came over to the west coast so I can dilute your bloodline

>> No.50779675

Tell me you've never been to a nice gym in the Midwest without...

>> No.50779703

The ones that move to the west coast tend to be better looking than your average Midwestern woman

>> No.50779706
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Burn em both

>> No.50779884
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Small Town loser on their way to Applebee's (the only thing to do in 100 miles of them)

>> No.50779891

>tranny Ukrainian flag
No surprises here.

>> No.50779904

Enjoy your gook uprising, slants.

>> No.50779925

Ironically, my industry is all in the midwest, except for a few exceptions on the coasts. I live in Seattle at one of these companies but if I got fired I'd probably have to move to the midwest to find another position. Almost all the available jobs for my industry are located there.

>> No.50779944
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>1st one is clearly a day where the street is closed and there's some kind of parade or holiday gathering with tons of pedestrians and decorations
>2nd one is just a workday

>> No.50779950

Everything about that picture reminds me of being a teenager on my way back from some band trip on a bus with friends and getting to stop for a 20 minute break in the evening. Everything about it is nostalgia for me. Even if it wasn't a bus with friends, places like that remind me of coming back from long road trips and getting to stop and reminisce. There absolutely is culture there.

>> No.50779959

Looked better with the signs.

>> No.50779971

Yes, because it's intended for drivers passing through to get out, eat, use the bathroom, and chat. It's nice.

>> No.50779990

Yep, noticed the same thing in Korea in a lot of areas. The alleys between businesses like these are still filled with neon signs for bars and everything, etc. But the big business districts are starting to look indistinguishable from other big cities like New York, etc.

>> No.50780081

Remote work

>> No.50780406

>kidnapping children for bog witches
More SOVL than 90% of white or blue collar work in the big cities.

>> No.50780424

I work at a Dashmart as a shift lead. This is a delivery only store operated by Doordash. The pay is shit, I make $19.25 per hour. Still, I have an okay standard of living. I live in a luxury apartment in the downtown neighborhood of my city. I pay $775 per month for about 700 sq ft plus a balcony. I have a washer and dryer as well as a dishwasher. I also have covered garage parking. This is considered an expensive apartment in my city. I could've (and should've) been more frugal and gotten one of the $400 or $500 one bedroom apartments, but I didn't want to deal with having to go to laundromat to do laundry.

It still kinda sucks though and I am barely saving any money. After taxes and insurance, my paycheck is about $1250 every two weeks. And all of that basically goes to rent and bills. At the end of the day, I am only saving a few hundred a month, but I invest in crypto and like to do things so in reality my bank account doesn't increase very much each month

>> No.50780441

yeah in some places maybe
there is still no shortage of that shit all over the place om tokyo

>> No.50780649

to add to this anon;
DO NOT fall for the welding meme, it's exactly as he said. you DO NOT want to be doing this shit into your 30s or god forbid your 40s and beyond.

>> No.50780827
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>I wish they all came over to the west coast so I can dilute your bloodline

>> No.50780864

Paco can you mail me some weed?

>> No.50780885

Why do women think living in a smog city filled with hobos and human stench is better than a swamp?

>> No.50780892

There is nobody more insufferably smug and stupid that cityfags.

>> No.50780931

But that's literally what an apartment complex is.

>> No.50780937


>> No.50780948

>fat asses
That's a weird way of saying obese.

>> No.50781004

Real rich posting this in the thread where everyone is smugly talking about how dumb cityfags are and how superior non-cityfags are

>> No.50781013
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>life in the Midwest
I guess you can watch football on Sundays? So can anyone though

>> No.50781076 [DELETED] 

Facts are really make you upset. Go and jerk offabout your overblown shitty pizza and dirty corner stores you think are special.

>> No.50781097

Facts really make you upset. Go and jerk off about your overblown shitty pizza and dirty corner stores you think are special.

>> No.50781121

Alright, thats the last straw

>> No.50781304
File: 46 KB, 300x300, 1524344298036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Facts really make you upset. Go and jerk off about your overblown shitty pizza and dirty corner stores you think are special.

>> No.50781374

you do whatever work that contributes to the coomunity. Even garbage truckers are content

For Leisure, theres fuck loads to do. Go for bike ride, go for a hike, chat on the internet, have fun with your 4 kids that you can afford, have bbqs, hell buy a motorcycle if youre into the fast life. Theres far less shit you can do in overpopulated, overpriced cities

>> No.50781690

Sounds very limited to what a suburban/city man could provide. Good way to have you kids grow up stunted

>> No.50781777
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Should votes from cultureless midwestcels count less than real American humans?

>> No.50781778

heres copium
hold actual investments

>> No.50781812

>Doesn't have any culture or soul
They'll defend it to the end. Anon land is cheap out there because life isn't worth living. Get over it man

>> No.50781873

how do americans not kill themselves looking at these atrocious strip malls all day? ive lived in a house thats older and much more aesthetic than your entire country

>> No.50781892

These people don't know anything else and will defend it

>> No.50781927
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>tear it all down, i need somewhere to park my car

>> No.50781964
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damn kansas was bussin ong frfr

>> No.50781985
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>> No.50782001
File: 112 KB, 1024x576, 7stroad%2Bwith%2Bwalking%2Bperson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? you telling me this doesn't look comfy?

>> No.50782025

>Why would you live in a city now that WFH is so prevalent?

because it was never about the ecpnomic opportunities, it was about being cool and gaining social status.

>> No.50782050
File: 472 KB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20220807-182322_Maps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coulr be anywhere, best cities in the world will have steets that look like that.

Pic rel is abut 1 hour outside of sydney in a reasonably working class area. your roads look shitter though.

>> No.50782060

>I, too, deserve to live like a king, even tho I accomplished basically nothing

>> No.50782075
File: 87 KB, 974x643, stroad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you rebuild america so you don't have to get out of your car and now it all looks like shit

>> No.50782103

but what if the entire city and every surrounding city, and basically the entire country, no the entire continent, looks exactly the same everywhere you go. every city the same stroads and endless sprawl with the same stores and the same signs and the same ugly strip malls everywhere. and its all ugliness everywhere you go without a nice building in site. what if that becomes all you've ever known and you can't even imagine different so you just keep building stroads and sprawl and strip malls and a million parking lots everywhere. until its all ugly, and you begin to internalize that ugliness. thats north america, it used to be beautiful, they tore it down and replaced everything with endless sprawl.

>> No.50782120

Just move to Boston tbqh

>> No.50782133
File: 681 KB, 2384x992, detroit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than "tear it all down I need somewhere to park my negros"

>> No.50782152

neon lights are pure cyberpunk kino. we should embrace it and get ready for gynoids.

>> No.50782157

that's for hiroshima

>> No.50782169

>Ukraine flag
opinion discarded

>> No.50782216

sydney is a fuckin shit hole

>> No.50782223
File: 125 KB, 1573x598, row-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all ugly and dehumanizing because they're trying to dehumanize us. get in your car, go to work, get back in your car, sit at home in front of the tv, repeat. never go outside, never go for a walk, there's nowhere to go, everythings ugly. don't talk to your neighbour, don't walk to the store, don't participate in your community. there is no town center, there is no local shops and architecture, there is only the sprawl and the chain stores and strip malls pounding the humanity out of you with relentless ugliness and neverending parking lots. the planners who bulldozed america and replaced it with sprawl did it because they hate humanity and want to crush our spirits. that's why it's all ugly, that's why it all looks the same. HONK HONK VRRROOOM VRROOOOM HON HONK

>> No.50782455

The guy is literally right.

>> No.50782478

>you know what this beautiful piece of nature needs? McDonald's and Tacos.

>> No.50782504

Yeah so?
I get nostalgic for the smell of hot tarmac since it meant summer days and gasoline cause my grandpa would always take me with on odd jobs in his truck but that doesn't mean those things are good

>> No.50782507

Nobody lives in cities apart from 150k debtcel burger flipping wagies and of course niggers. Most Americans (with actual Jobs, Family, car and House) live in suburbs.I have to go work thrice a week, rest is WFH. Rentoid slaves can seethe and cope.

>> No.50782532

Maybe there's a "them", maybe there isn't, this would've happened regardless. It is the most productive and profitable mode of existence and your culture values productivity and profitability.

>> No.50782540

At least the scene is compositionally beautiful
Real streets like these don't even bother with that

..also holy shit those index prices! BUY BUY BUY!

>> No.50782663

>be 99% of threads on biz
>have interesting conversation for 20-30 comments
>devolve into argument over strip malls vs. cities
never change you perseverating faggots

>> No.50782691

short term gains, long term pains

>> No.50782699

also its not very efficient, its actually horribly expensive in terms of infrastructure. it really is bad you have no idea. its profitable for some and productive for a time but the true costs end up paid by the taxpayer in the long term. running the sewers and plumbing and electricity across half a dozen parking lots and a wendys isn't the stunning model of efficiency you think it is.

>> No.50782768

>dumb thotposts
>ukraine flag
>bog witches
into the trash it goes

>> No.50782818

American cities aren't meant for "living" unless of course you are some sort of bottom barrel retail/fastfood chain wagie who must sleep in the pod or worse - a jobless criminal nigger from the hood, this doesn't mean the midwest rural life is any better, it is in ruins thanks to de-industriaisation, drugs and opioids.

>> No.50783152

All of her insults appear to be inspired by video game themes. I'll leave it at that.

>> No.50783299

Not American but, yes?

>> No.50783368
File: 1.39 MB, 200x150, eye_roll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post wall roastie
>no clue what she's talking about
>latest fad in her twitter header thingy

>> No.50783384

I work for an insurance company and make over 300K a year in a very low cost of living area.

>> No.50783720

>As you can see, America is not really an absolute dystopian hell but is actually very beautiful

>> No.50783743

Jews ruin literally everything, like they are incapable of not ruining shit even when that shit was already dystopian

>> No.50783761

This so much

>> No.50783789

She's right though. There are so few jobs outside city centers

>> No.50783857
File: 120 KB, 915x1003, E-8CCzqXEAA4l1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the bog witches are getting arrested

>> No.50783864


>> No.50783893
File: 117 KB, 663x960, 1646853165444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do so many foreigners put my country's flag in their nicknames on social media?

>> No.50783939

Japan’s is better because you can walk around.

>> No.50784105

Why do leftoids seethe at this? They don't like the concept of restaurants?

>> No.50784184

Why the fuck do you want to walk around a damn city like its 14th century?

>> No.50784190

thats true tho

>> No.50784210

im looking into leaving but the quality of life in most places in the us is way worse than my comfy home town, and not worth the proximity to cool parks

>> No.50784286

People don't live in these places. Very few people even work there. These are meant for people to go and buy gas and a burger or whatever they need on their way to somewhere else, then get out as quickly and cheaply as possible. The existence of places like this enables the rest of the country to be that much less shitty by concentrating the ugly stuff only where it's needed.
Replace those shitty fast-casual chain restaurants with the local greasy diner and you have peak comfy.

>> No.50784350
File: 81 KB, 600x600, 1658635017462628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everyone keeps posting this to try and be edgy, but any American that has ever touched grass knows, this is what off-ramps look like on freeways/highways.

You should actually be happy these exist. It's just a little intersection with fast food, gas and some basic dollar general shit for people that are traveling across the country.

Would you just rather have nothing In-between major cities? Would you rather just drive 2 hours with no chance to stop at a gas station or get food? You people are retarded.

>> No.50784361

there are many of the exact same places in europe, just change the branding.

>> No.50784446

>Would you rather just drive 2 hours with no chance to stop at a gas station or get food?
the rest of the world can go 2 hours without eating 1200 calories of seed oils and corn syrup

>> No.50784499 [DELETED] 

Syscon relies on the most widely trusted and thoroughly tested security model in the industry Bitcoin's Proof of Work through a process called merge mining.

>> No.50784514 [DELETED] 

what do you do? i also work for an insurance company but i only make $100k a year.

>> No.50785759

kill yourself twitternigger

>> No.50786058

>i HAVE to pay 2500 a month rent so I can go to gay bars and be kept awake by random noise all night

>> No.50786167


kill yourself bikecuck. Move to the Netherlands if you love it so fucking much, loser.

>> No.50786535

Correct. Op is just spurging out. Very specific and irrational fixations like this are a behavior of autism.

>> No.50786586

>Hurt feelings
So fragile

>> No.50786773

this, imagine how much burgers are spending on cable alone. No wonder your infrastructure is becoming third world tier

>> No.50787736

kek your country still watches TV?

>> No.50787815 [DELETED] 
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Posts jew tranny and they are just deflecting. He'll hire you to kidnap children for him.

>> No.50787850

This idea is retarded because the houses get bigger and cheaper the further from the city you are. Fucking hell people who live in cities really project the way they live to everyone else.

>> No.50787868

>Imagine inflation so low that you can make permanent signs advertising prices

>> No.50787922
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op is a faggot

>> No.50788035

I love seeing how triggered and offended suburbanite cucks get when anyone criticizes their shitty infrastructure. Utterly seething lmao

>> No.50788062

I hope you get your throat slashed.

>> No.50788068

looks comfy ngl. Maybe i’ll get some gas and. apack of smokes, hit up quiznos, then go shopping for a gift or souvenir

>> No.50788089

>it was about being cool and gaining social status.
It's about me needing a job and not having money.

>> No.50788140

This is not an offramp you kike apologist.
This is the eternity of suburban hell reserved for shabbos goys like you:

>> No.50788206

it all looks like this, everywhere. entire cities of millions of people with pathetic tiny town centers and vast stretches of sprawl. its not just the highway off and on ramps its everything everywhere. it all looks like this and its all dehumanizing ugly garbage.

>> No.50788220
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Seethe rentoid. You enjoying spending 50% of your income on a small box in the piss smelling, literal shit on the streets nigger jungle?

>> No.50788255

considering you live in the city, that is 100x more likely to happen to you, cuck :^)

>> No.50788306

>bicycles are bad
>the netherlands, where you can raise a family and let your children play outside without them getting hit by a car. vs america where you let your kids outside and the police arrest you for being a negligent parent because the streets are death traps unfit for children

>> No.50788468

Why the fuck do you not want to walk around they city you live in? You love sucking off the automotive jew that much that you're willing to pay extra for no good reason?

>> No.50788554

the funniest part of this is how you think the right is somehow an improvement. it was ugly before and it's ugly now.

>> No.50788556

he's going to say because of niggers, or he's going to say he doesn't live in a city and call you a cuck

>> No.50788607

I don't live in a city either and also hate niggers but i'm not so fucking stupid as to swear off the fucking concept of cities, the lynchpin of civilization, just because the ones we have are currently shit. Suburbia is intentionally designed to fracture and isolate normal people from creating a healthy society.

>> No.50788831

You could trade and watch the charts all day or you can explore passive income streams on crypto. I for one have taken a liking to LP mining pools considering the yields so far.

>> No.50788869

Actually, instead of it being like her stupid hyperbole, there are in fact tons of livable $150-200k homes throughout middle America, she just doesn't want to live there and not feel glamorous and "relevant" or whatever else tardnugget roasties need.

>> No.50788913

Don't you see the crap in your reasoning? If the midwest contributed as much to the economy as coastal cities, they would just become as expensive as coastal cities. Your suggestion is the one thing that would make cost of living higher. The existance of the cheaper midwest reduces the cost of living in your expensive shitholes you moron.

>> No.50788944
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>muh high way truck stops
Kill yourself Predditor.

>> No.50788986


Most corporations, and finance hubs, are clustered on the coasts. That's where the transactional aspect of business and industry is concentrated and why so many rich asses live there. But make no mistake, it's collecting off the top of the actual, real production and contribution from the rest of the country. If middle America didn't exist these would be doors without a house, basically.

>> No.50788989

entire cities are built like a highway truck stop, it all looks like this everywhere.

>> No.50789026

I don't understand all the newfangled -cel portmanteaus

>> No.50789033

Those towns are a god send when on a long road trip.
Reminder that Texas alone is bigger than most of Europe. You can drive for 36 hours straight without rest and still be in America.

>> No.50789131
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The 19th century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer also had some interesting things to say about beauty. For Schopenhauer, everything is moved by a restless ‘will’ (roughly what the modern physicist means by energy). This includes human beings, who are forever trapped between frustrated desire (for food, sex etc.) and depressed boredom once the desire has been satisfied. Only when transfixed by beauty, Schopenhauer argued, are we free of this painful cycle. In the presence of beauty a person feels neither desire nor boredom.

>> No.50789132
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these are the people calling you a bogwitch henchman
twitter profile
yeah she'll kidnap children to her bog herself in 10 years
presented without further comment

>> No.50789162
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>> No.50789186

1 is kino
1 is not


>> No.50789190

I'd fuck the middle one.

>> No.50789315
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Aesthetes believed that beauty should be everywhere, woven into the fabric of everyday life, from the way you dressed to the way you decorated your home. In 1873, for example, Pater published Renaissance Studies and concluded it with a passionate call for people to live their lives by a philosophy of beauty. Ruskin believed that a reverence for beauty would also lead to a more humane and moral society. If you loathe ugliness, you will behave decently because cruelty is ugly.

>> No.50789358
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>a reverence for beauty would also lead to a more humane and moral society. If you loathe ugliness, you will behave decently because cruelty is ugly.
> forever trapped between frustrated desire (for food, sex etc.) and depressed boredom once the desire has been satisfied. Only when transfixed by beauty, Schopenhauer argued, are we free of this painful cycle. In the presence of beauty a person feels neither desire nor boredom.

>> No.50789394

you can drive for weeks and every place looks the same, with the same ugly buildings, the same goyslop chain restaurants and big box stores and nothing else anywhere. just mcdonalds and sprawlmarts and parking lots as far as the eye can see across all the land.

>> No.50789419

without aesthetic beauty, the PEOPLE become ugly. we can't live like this, it's inhuman

>> No.50789436

I'd rather live with my parents than be a rent cuck.

>> No.50789500

Correct, and faggot leftoids believe that's a model society to live that way.

>> No.50789537

Look, douchebag: if I'm driving for six hours on the highway, you're sure as fuck damn right that a truck stop with a bunch of fast food places is good.
Believe it or not, but contrary to what you saw on woke Twitter, your Funko Pops and Bad Dragon dildos don't magically appear at your parent's basement when Mercury is in retrograde. Believe it or not, you get your consoomer goods thanks to an elaborate network of supply chains, shipping, and distribution.

>> No.50789574
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Interstatecels have never taken the scenic route

>> No.50789583

>just walk to the grocery store
>just never leave a mile radius of your apartment bro
No. I am a free man.

>> No.50789591

>it HAS to be a macdonalds, i can't eat at any of those small business shitholes, i NEED my 20,000th mcburger, it never gets old

>> No.50789659

imagine if every place you drove through had different restaurants and unique architecture and everything just looked nice. how horrible that would be.

damnit you DEMAND your goyslop. fuck aesthetics, you want a wendys next to a subway next to a parking lot next to a boston pizza next to a strip mall with a staples and another parking lot and another mcdonalds. and you don't want to see any weird freaky independent businesses, you want to see the same shit everywhere EVERWHERE and it all has to look the same. because thats what you like.

>> No.50789716

>God if I can't live within shambling distance of my Pret slaves then I'm going to do a school shooting
I hope this girl hits the wall so hard that she disintegrates.

>> No.50789731


>> No.50789888

You've never traveled if you think this is true

>> No.50789932

So based on this it seems like the option is living in an expensive place where you can get a job that can't support your rent, or live in an affordable place with no job. Seems like an easy choice.

>> No.50790324
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>woman gives opinion.
Discarded. Back to the kitchen, bitch.
Why do you live somewhere so cheap, lulz? Have you considered becoming cattle, to live in one of these stacks of small concrete boxes and pay 1/3rd of your income for it? It's so much heckin fun!!1! You don't want to become a wageslave? My buddy has a job fucking over the populace to enrich mr. Shlomo. It's not glamorous but it pays well. Diversity is-

>> No.50790425


>> No.50790434

Truck cost more than the house

>> No.50790440
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it easy, you hunt, fish, hike, rape and kill tourist. You know the usial things!

>> No.50790463

Ukraine flag in bio/name, mega cringe

>> No.50790480

This explains my desire to learn how to make beautiful things.

>> No.50790508
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post more mid western fatties plz

>> No.50790600

>Have you considered moving to a dilapidated shack in a swamp?

The roastie in the twitter pic is using fun old timey imagery.
Because she is a liberal, and doesn't want to say the truth.
The cheap apartments will be in the ghetto, next to the niggers.

Also, chud is such a weak insult.
It's a combination of chad and dud.
Chad has a positive connotation, and dud is mildly negative.
So you end up with a mild insult.
Why use mild insults, when there are stronger ones out there?

Props on "midwestcels"
That got a mild chuckle out of me.

>> No.50790638

its just from her twitter anon, you can look it up yourself from op's pic anon

>> No.50790664

Do you see any fucking suburbs in that picture, you drooling idiot? Do you know what a fucking suburb is? I'll give you a hint, there aren't fucking mcdonalds and gas stations inside a suburb.

>> No.50790708

>Props on "midwestcels"
>That got a mild chuckle out of me.

>millionth iteration of "-cels" is funny

>> No.50791032

It's a low bar on this Mongolian basket weaving forum.
Most anons resort to just adding oid onto everything.
Which is incredibly stupid.
Oid means imitation.
For instance humanoid.
An imitation human.
So generally, you would want the root word to have a positive connotation, so that an imitation of it, would be a negative thing.
But most anons don't do that.
Liberals will call anyone to the right of them, rightoids. As if they (liberals) somehow have a positive view of the right. And anons just aren't measuring up to it.
Which is clearly not the intent of their insult, even if that's what it means.
I'll also see the reverse of this, with leftoids.
It's like no one on here understands what they are actually saying, and just repeating what they've read.

>> No.50791105

holy kek it's even on wikipedia:
>Added to nouns to create derogatory terms, typically referring to a particular ideology.

>> No.50791139

also the term "creepoid" goes back to at least 2012, so it's not just hurr durr only 4channel anons repeating

>> No.50791200

Fair points.
I was going off the first definition, and combining that context, with the third definition.
But the third definition, is listed independently from the first.

I had forgotten about creepoid until you mentioned it just now.
I'll concede the point to you.

I guess my real issue, and this will sound stupid, is that words ending in oid, have terrible mouth feel.
I also hate the word promulgate for similar reasons.

>> No.50791247

you can see she is from ukraine so she probably didnt pick where she lived as a refugee

>> No.50791273
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I go snowboard in the winter and go to the gym 5 times a wk. We also don't have water shortage issues and an overabundance of virtue signaling libshits.

>> No.50791310

at least promulgate is the kind of word you probably only hear or say once or twice in a lifetime, I guess
IMO both -oid and -cel are lazy and unfunny

>> No.50791550

Anybody that has a hohol flag in their bio, or worse, their pronouns, opinion gets dismissed immediately.
Never mind the fact that she looks like an ugly Jew on top.

>> No.50792057 [DELETED] 
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>I guess my real issue, and this will sound stupid, is that words ending in oid, have terrible mouth feel.
Checkmate, bigot

>> No.50792067
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>> No.50792118

>non-citycuck areas grow all the food and extract all the natural resources and manufacture all the goods, all of which spend 99% of their travel time passing through these areas in transit
>"why won't you fags contribute to the economy"
Why are you stupid cunts so retarded? Did Europe kneeling to Russia teach you absolutely nothing? The people who produce the goods are the ones in charge. The people who consume the goods and shuffle them around to feed the economic machine are the ones who kneel.

>> No.50792123

How else are you gonna get the nigger stench? Citycucks are hooked on this aroma.

>> No.50793196

and what exactly have you contributed to civilization, nigger?

>> No.50793249

People who rent are idiots. I purchased a fucking box to live in at 18 so I wouldn't ever waste money literally to air. Then at 21 I upgraged to 0 bedroom studio. Now I live in 2 bedroom house and no plans to move higher unless I somehow become careerholic person with capabilities of making 6 figures a year.

>> No.50793571

I wonder what point this hole thinks it's making. My mortgage payment is $420 and I make $100,000 a year. It's not a crazy salary but my expenses are so low. The only downside is it can be annoying when I just need one or two items but the closest store that sells them is 45 minutes away. Other than that, you can shove your city up your cunt.

>> No.50793869

i meant wiring (copper) kek

>> No.50794472
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>what do you do for a living?
colorado anon here.
production coordinator at manufacturing company. Boring but production and purchasing is the cozy side of business.

Also, I drowned 3 witches this weekend. one didn't die so we're burning her on a pyre on Tuesday.

>> No.50795084
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this pic here
dont fall for the psyop intended to demoralize you

>> No.50795146

lel no it doesn't. obviously there's shitty towns with only a DQ and Mcdonalds but usually those are on the county highway or the off-ramp of the freeway. high-traffic areas always will have gas-stations and fast food

>> No.50795184

Dont care. Still would perfer bottom.
At least I could walk around at night without fearing getting gangraped by a pack of homeless niggers

>> No.50796475

No man actually said that to her. Twitter is performative theatre for these leftoids. They're on an imaginary stage speaking to an imaginary crowd and getting imaginary applause for talking about imaginary things that never happened.

>> No.50797524

>disregarding supply and demand basics for the epic win against muh rural retards
lol ngl famalam, these "people" deserve to be homeless and wandering the streets of their cities as broken druggies and prostitutes. Hope they at least enjoy the ride there.

>> No.50797599

>just walk to the grocery store
>just never leave a mile radius of your apartment bro
You know, developed countries have this thing called public transport.
If you just keep subhumans in check, or, even better, don't let them in your country, public transport is the most convenient transport you can ever get.