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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 333x500, the mystery of banking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50772399 No.50772399 [Reply] [Original]

so it turns out the entire financial system is actually literally genuinely a fraudulent scam


>> No.50772416

wow, what a new and exciting discovery you've made op!

>> No.50772436

so does everyone know and they just pretend not to know or do we just not care? thats probably why things havent completely imploded

>> No.50772459

My nigga Murray schooling us to the scam! Shout out to the rothbards!

>> No.50772508

You’re thinking of the Rothschilds. But Rothbard was based.

>> No.50772510

>dollar dies
>commodities skyrocket
>no one knows what to do
>instantly boomers and Xers use silver
>people starting to actually riot,die etc
>silver x10s in days
>gold x2s in same time
>this saves the economy/society
>all paper assets are literally 0
>computers can't figure out price of anything
>must be rebuilt with real world price discovery
>this lasts months to under a year
This is when you sell silver for a ton of land and equipment for working, food, water, seeds, building materials etc
>turns out banks have tons of gold
>this saves economy x2
>things actually begin to make sense again
>dust settles over time months/a year pass
>some countries collapse, banks collapse
>new good people in power, new bankers
>the saturnites are kill, almost fully now
>but now countries can reasses prices
>stocks and paper assets revalued
>BTC survived whole time but didn't moon
>remained useful as store of value
>market realizes XRP has been making moves
>some countries actually used XRP
>reassessment finds XRP is the standard
>as underlying messaging system of everything
>BTC can stay store of value(gold)
>XRP is means of conveyance for public(silver)
>by this time more months to another year pass
>during this gold moon to 10k-20k power
>silver is also higher 1:10-1:20 of gold
>your assets you bought also mooned
>now you can use assets to start buy silver
>work hard for a couple more months to a year
>start businesses, expands
>sell some of your now $500-$2k XRP
>buy some silver with it and more land
>another months to a years pass
>silver steadily rising/depeg from gold ratio
>takes many years to eventually be 1:5-1:1
>during this time saturnite remnants use XMR
>XMR defacto private standard; moons
>even "regular" people now use it
>this is when you sell some, buy more land
>silver etc, should own small town by now
>use all of the profits for more silver
>wait until silver overtakes gold
>buy entire geographic areas, be noble king

>> No.50772518

Thats new!

>> No.50772531

Most people are oblivious.
Merit to the non-stop stream of propaganda that diverts their goldfish attention span away

>> No.50772645

Always has been

>> No.50772804

The average person doesn't truly understand so they can't be outraged. If you try to explain it to them they will
1. Think you're wrong/crazy (they don't want to even try to understand)
2. Agree because someone else told them too (they don't really understand) and they trust them but will do NOTHING about it even if you tell them what to do exactly

The reality is most people are like children, they just want to live and let live, have a good time and not have to do too much physical work or mental work to get it.

>> No.50772815

is this baby's first red pill? Why do you think everyone on PMG is buying silver, and gold, we are trying to escape the scam before it blows up.

>> No.50772827

No, if you are a devout Statist you are able to believe hard enough to accomplish miracles. You can even make something out of nothing!

>> No.50772833

Try explaining fractional reserve banking to a normie, or redpilling them on the system. They refuse to believe its true, that is why this system has lasted so long.

>> No.50772910

How new are you

>> No.50772934

Also because they just don’t give a fuck, even if you explain it to them and they take your word for it. Give the plebs their alcohol, footie and weekends off and they’re happy being the cattle they are.

>> No.50772939

>belittling an anon's most important realization

>> No.50772945
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The Federal Reserve was a slow motion Rugpull. Fiat Money is a shitcoin.

>> No.50772951

Yes we know. why are you reading jewish books, twitter tourist? pol 101, stop reading jews.
He's a jew too

>> No.50772964

your right, I shouldn't be so condescending.
OP, go watch this series to further your learning.

>> No.50772983

>He's a jew too

So was Bobby Fischer but he called them out for their bullshit.

>> No.50772987
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fren spotted

>> No.50773306

>its da joos!
Nasty fucking hateful scum bags all of you are. I'm a 56 year old truck driver who is married to a Jewish women who saved my life. You fucking people think the world would be a better place place if she was dead and you disgusting fucking animals deny the historical FACT that 6 million Jews were killed during the holocaust. How fucking dare you, if I met any of you fucking scum bags in real life and you have the balls to spew your hatred in front of me I will sock you so hard in the jaw your grand kids will feel it. This anti semetic crap doesn't have a place in our modern world you horrible fucking offensive dogs.I'm more than happy to be an avid member of the Jewish community of Montreal's events where we share food and dance together with people from all walks of life and different cultures, diversity is beautiful and I have my wife to thank for introducing me to those community events. You're all slime balls, nasty fucking humans, you all should be ashamed of yourselves

>> No.50773409


Good goy. Remember though, you will never be one of the chosen.

>> No.50773474

Average jews are normal people. High up talmudic rabbis rape/sacrifice/eat children to moloch with world leaders and central bankers and then use this to blackmail them which in reality becomes more of an initiation trust type ritual/hazing for the big club they're all in which originates from or takes inspiration from an ancient predeluvian (last major cataclysmic event) cult who did the same thing. The good side of the ancient higher knowledge cults were the real Hebrews and so thus the ones you see now are actually not even jews themselves they're khazarians, aka the name stealers, aka the pedo cabal, aka those who run all major criminal organizations and intelligence agencies.

So in short, jews today are not the "select God's chosen" of old, they are liars, deceivers who have pretended to be them to take the place of rightful just kings and queens and instead be unjust pedophilic fiends and the average jew you see is basically just another normie with added persecution delusions. So, the reality is, I don't hate jews, i hate psychopathic civilizations that fake being people who they are not in order to control all of civilization, leading it into the dirt before the next major cataclysmic event.
>disliking psychopaths is anti semitic

>> No.50774114

Thanks for playing

>> No.50774479

So, if hard money was used, this system would likely have never developed. But do you really expect your governments and overlords, basically anyone with access to a money printer to keep their grubby little fingers out of the cookie jar?

The finance industry as it is wouldn't exist today if everyone used hard money. Sure there would still be investing and speculation, but it wouldn't be nearly as rampant as it is today. People need a product for savings. If the money is designed to lose value, then people need a product for saving against it. Big finance is just providing solutions and skimming the cream.

Not to defend banking or fiat in general, but in a world where you can't trust your money to hold value, there's going to be solutions invented to solve that problem.

I know I'm just preaching to the choir here, but finance is a tool, and just because it's an ugly slimy disfigured tool doesn't mean you shouldn't use it. That tool is a magic fucking wand that siphons energy from all of humanity, when wielded properly.

So for some of you disenfranchised newfags that come here looking for answers, don't be discouraged because you're getting fucked. That's part of the game, and there's no pause button or power button, you're playing that game whether you like it or not. So best you can do is learn the rules, min/max your build, and git gud.

>> No.50774486

I pray for this. I am a hard working, sober man and this world is such a cancer.

Im suicidal as I can't find any refuge from my frustrations. The women are all weird as fuck these days and the men are disloyal back stabbing cunts.

>> No.50774528

fractional reserve banking isnt really even a thing anymore, it has been replaced with more static reserve requirements (which are even lower and its even more fraudulent)

>> No.50774563

Do you have the assets I mentioned?

>> No.50774571

Glad to see you took the rothbard pill
Fractional reserve is theft and it’s gotten worse since that book came out.

>> No.50774619

Fuck off glowie
Rothbard is The Godfather of anarcho-capitalism
Glowie actor
No boomer is on biz

>> No.50774742

Fractional and central banking are literal scams that rich people pulled on dumb boomers

Nixon took us off the gold standard and most boomers never even knew it.

The us went from backing the dollar with gold to backing it with nothing and it barely made the news.
Things like these are why bankers are the biggest believers in conspiracy theories.
That’s why Wall Street thinks Bitcoin was created by the NSA. I don’t know if they’re right about Bitcoin but I see why they think everything is a psyop, because they started all the psyop with fiat

>> No.50776006

How much does it make poltards seethe that the greatest critic and opponent of the central banking fiat money scam, is a jewish nerd? Didn't your boy Hitler like printing funny money? Does central banking become "based" when it is nationalized under the control of a power hungry personality disordered maniac?

Anyways people who enjoy Rothbard's books will probably also enjoy Saifedean Ammous' books "The Fiat Standard" and "The Bitcoin Standard". He's got the same sort of clarity and knack for explaining things in his writing. Just get them off libgen.

>> No.50776016

Still jewish
Fisher was not jewish, that's a psyop just like when jews claim Jesus is a jew.

>> No.50776049


>> No.50776094

How about you go the fuck back to /pol/, how about that retard ? mh ?

>> No.50776152
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it's a time value and nothing more

>> No.50776173

Lol? Congrats on your Jewish wife bud, I don't see how that's relevant

>> No.50776210

woops meant to post this one

>> No.50776253

>it’s those heckin elites, normal jews are based
Sure thing Hershel

>> No.50776277

this sums up everything quite nicely.
i jokingly mentioned the fed when some normie was talking about money being all made-up and i got called "Q-tard" or something similar.
the cattle are quite well-trained to defend the system that causes the problems.

>> No.50776365

Nice fantasy you have there.

>> No.50776404

the only people who care want to get rich, and you can only get rich playing the game so there you have it

>> No.50776407


>> No.50776422

>banks have tons of gold

>> No.50776441

>replaced with more static reserve requirement
you mean like ZERO reserves?

>> No.50776531

This looks like Doge's chart, only painfully slower.

>> No.50776760

I think the way deposits work (which is what drives everyone crazy) is just a trade off that developed out of the banks providing a convenient payment system. For most of the history of modern banking, average people didn’t keep accounts there. Businesses and rich people did, they were paid interest on their accounts, and the banks reduced transaction costs associated with moving around bullion (though such payment mediation was established much earlier with the European system of bills of exchange). It’s only a very modern thing that people keep zero interest demand deposits at banks for ease of their own payments. But fractional reserves wasn’t seen as some exotic scam in the past, insofar as the modern system had abandoned religious prohibition of usury, because it was obviously just a loan you made to the bank with special conditions. You kept your hard money at the bank, the bank paid a small interest rate, and you had the right to demand repayment at anytime. Savvy merchants willingly accepted these terms understanding the risks, clearly liquidity crises were well known since at least the collapse of the most prominent bank of Europe in Amsterdam. The thing that is kind of interesting about the modern system is just how consumers are so widely willing to lend their short term spending money to the bank at zero interest in demand deposit accounts, but it’s pretty clearly a consequence of the banks being sufficiently insured by the state. People barely think there is a difference between a dollar and a deposit, since it is likely even if they don’t know much about FDIC insurance or the central bank that average bank deposits are protected.

>> No.50776798

Thanks for the recommendation

>> No.50776885
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/biz/ is an austrian economics board

>> No.50776907
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>> No.50776925
File: 197 KB, 1080x1111, mises2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews are smarter than you lmao

>> No.50777064

Jesus was born a Jew because its the Jews that need to be saved the most.

>> No.50777106

Got back to the hole your clawled out, jewlover
Jewish psyop.

>> No.50777139

based, fuck these niggerkikes

>> No.50777820

mike maloney's series is pretty good, but too eurocentric. he should do an analysis on civilizations outside of Europe and the US

>> No.50777896

Fiat currencies have failed 100% of the time. Are you gonna bet against that record?

>> No.50777904

Rothbard studied at the Ludwig Von Mises institute
Biz loves Murray, he gets posted here more than mises himself

>> No.50777907

The police exist to protect criminals from good men.

>> No.50778033

You people are useless low IQ animals. Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.50778059

Jesus was not born a Jew you lying kike.

>> No.50778119
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>You people are useless low IQ animals. Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.50778134

>Murray Rothbard
based banker

>> No.50778358

They had him crucifed because he said he was their Savior.

>> No.50778422

He was but they couldn't stop being Jews.
Jesus was a descendant of the Tribe of Judah. Jews are not. They conquered that land.

>> No.50778425

I spit on you and your Jewish American Princess, yankee dog. Delicious copy pasta and i will be posting your enlightened words all over the tubes of the internet

>> No.50779733

Roll up a $100 and do a bump for Murray

>> No.50779750

99% of people don't understand how banking works. They think banks lend out deposits or something naive like that.

>> No.50779802

The problem is that deposits are created out of thin air by banks, they are not "deposited" by customers.

>> No.50779830

It’s not that we don’t know it’s just we don’t have a good alternative since crypto is even dumber

>> No.50779887

>crypto is even dumber
I found the retard

>> No.50779913

Isn't there some system where they can lend out the same deposit over and over allowing them to essentially print money? There was some image circulating on here detailing how they do it but I never saved it.

>> No.50779936

They literally create deposits out of nothing. The money supply expands with every bank loan.

>> No.50779953

You are right, anyone who knows thinks "lamo i can't do shit" and everyone who doesn't know thinks "wow thats evil there is no way anyone does that"

>> No.50779970

It’s called our current monetary system
Fractional reserve with 0% requirements

>> No.50779995

I was thinking more along the lines of:
>Bank has X amounts of deposits
>Lends out customer cash at a premium, gives customer IOU for base amount.
>Debt + profit is now owed to you thus you have an asset on a balance sheet greater than liabilities
>Use said asset as collateral to get loan from central bank
>Lend out money at a premium creating an even larger asset on balanced sheet.
>Go back to central bank and borrow more, repeat forever.
If there isn't a glaring error in my logic then local banks can essentially print money independent from the central bank given they can rope enough suckers in to borrow off them?

>> No.50779997

It's way worse than that. "Fractional reserve" is an inaccurate label for outright money printing by private banks.

>> No.50780023

>literal ponzi/wheel of fortune/scratch off ticket term "money multiplier" is a foundation of central banking
clown world

>> No.50780028

Nope, none of that is correct. Central banks are irrelevant. Private banks don't "lend out customer case". They literally create new money every time they make a loan.


>This paper presents the first empirical evidence in the history of banking on the question whether banks can create money out of nothing. The banking crisis has revived interest in this issue, but it remains unsettled. Three hypotheses are recognized in the literature. According to the financial intermediation theory of banking, banks are merely intermediaries like other non-bank financial institutions, collecting deposits that are then lent out. According to the fractional reserve theory of banking, individual banks are mere financial intermediaries that cannot create money, but collectively they end up creating money through systemic interaction. A third theory maintains that each individual bank has the power to create money ‘out of nothing’ and does so when it extends credit (the credit creation theory of banking). The question which of the hypotheses is correct has far-reaching implications for research and policy. Surprisingly, despite the longstanding controversy, until now no empirical study has attempted to do so. This is the contribution of the present paper. An empirical test is conducted, whereby money is borrowed from a cooperating bank, while its internal records are being monitored, to establish whether in the process of making the loan available to the borrower, the bank transfers these funds from other accounts within or outside the bank, or whether they are newly created. This study establishes for the first time empirically that banks individually create money out of nothing. The money supply is created as ‘fairy dust’ produced by the banks individually, out of thin air.

>> No.50780046

Holy, fucking, shit. They just edit the ledger?? I knew central banks did this but private banks lol? How do these people keep their heads on their shoulders?

>> No.50780078

I've had people try to physically attack me when I told them their money was backed by nothing and the central bank magic's money out of thin air and that government bonds break down to essentially being a promise to print more money. They seem to justify it because it's some super special magic government organization that must be acting in our best interest. I wonder how normies will take it when they realize they worked their ass off for their entire lives and suffered greatly for something your local bank produces out of thin air.

>> No.50780079

>How do these people keep their heads on their shoulders?
Because it is too complicated for the average person to comprehend. Not to mention brazen. The entire money supply is lent into existence by private banks. Whenever somebody gets a $X bank loan, those X dollars are newly conjured into existence. All the Fed does is manipulate interest rates. Private banks create the actual money supply.

>> No.50780114
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>muh greatest critic
>muh hitler

As a fellow /pol/ tard it doesn't bother me that much. Economics always will be seething retards. Adam Smith who didn't even want to be an economist wanted to prevent people from inheriting family wealth because he was on a spiritual level just another jealous retard.

Rejecting central banking isn't unique to economists, the shell shocked nigger teir president Andrew Jackson was able to figure out exactly what central banking was all about and how it would cheat it's users despite huffing gunpowder his entire life. Literal third world despots frequently get killed because they understand instinctually or intellectually the evils of central banking.

As far as I am aware, austrian economics exists only so that Mr.Friedman could pretend not to reject it.

This game of propping up "great thinkers" is really rather exhausting have you even read any of them?

>> No.50780123

nigger the tribe of judah are jews you absolute idiot

>> No.50780128

While this is all true, please do not absolve central banks of the core responsibility for they set the rules the other banks play by. They're the cnetral point of this evil system and as such anything that can be done to subvert and expose it should be done with the ultimate goal to destroy all central banks in existence.

>> No.50780157

While this >>50780028 is true,
saying consequently that "central banks are irrelevant" is absolute retardation.

>> No.50780165

The Fed is just a puppet of the banking cartel. Nobody with any power in the banking world has ever worked for the Fed. It's a ceremonial society whose decisions are predetermined by higher ups in the food chain.

>> No.50780167
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I hope we get hyperinflation, or debt default. I just want to see the normies suffer.

>> No.50780174
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>banks use credit score
>observing/sharing your credit score lowers the credit score
>making sacred and unknowable the number

I'm surprised people are surprised a cultish scam that appears outwardly cultish and exploitative is indeed, exploitative and incestuous at all levels.

>> No.50780223
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>The Fed is just a puppet of the banking cartel
This is true, but "banks" aren't an homogeneous group. The ones at the very top like JPMorgan, Rotschilds and such make the rules yes.
Still, it's not because commercial banks can legally conjure up on their ledger the loan deposits that they aren't ultimately constrained nor that the central banks are irrelevant, the scam is more convoluted than that

>> No.50780228

cope lmao im not wrong
jews are smarter than you

>> No.50780252

The Fed attempts to coordinate the rate of money creation by manipulating interest rates in the overnight market. Sometimes it works, but not always and not recently.

>> No.50780309

Also yes but analyze the system
They stand atop their other lofty position as heads of financial institutions with cozy duties for a reason, they CHOSE it because it is EASIER and they then apoint their lackies where they deem fit and necessary. BUT in their thousands year rule of things they have gotten TOO lazy for now they have given the reigns to their pawns whom they control through ritual sacrifice and pedocannibal blackmail and thus, using video game analogies, the weak spot of the final boss is exposed as the monetary rules the central bankers set forth. Furthermore due to the internet, their other egregious doings (the child crimes not the covert world enslavement through fiat) are now exposed as so thus even IF they are not using pawns it no longer matters. Pair this with the fact that the king fiat used to value other fiats is beginning to hyperinflate.... and that the rival nations no longer want to play ball with this sort of setup, BRICS to keep it short..... and that the market has come up with new inventions that usurp their systems by being objectively better and it is clear to see that we are at the end of this economic paradigm.

But make no mistake, the central banks are the root abomination from which all other societal decay stems from for the removal of objectively valued assets through genuine price discovery generates the conditions from which all negative aspects of a human are rewarded and thus incentivized in tandem with good behavior being decentivized.

In short
Real sound money system = good promoted evil denounced =
>clown world
Non sound money system = evil incentivized good decentivized =
>honest world

>> No.50780374
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As long as I get to profit off my physical silver and gold while normies suffer, I will be happy.

>> No.50780396

I wrote the bottom part backwards, my apologies.
>clown world
>honest world
Should be flipped.

>> No.50780425

Normies will not suffer, they shall be freed. And so thus you WILL profit BUT it won't be to the same degree as things were before, ie, you will not have the same luxurious lifestyle rich people do now. The rich people of the future aren't as spoiled and that's a good thing, this will help and promote good growth and advancements in all major populations while demoting the life of all who refuse to work (real work not some middle management HR position that shouldn't exist to begin with) and partake in things as they should have been.

>> No.50780439

your not wrong, just look at the how the FED gives money to promote the woke stuff in the form of ESG scores. If we had sound money the FED wouldn't be able to just print money out of thin air, and give to corporations to promote the ESG score.

>> No.50780450

I want to own slaves, and I want to shit on the plebs. I was promised Weimer Germany 2.0 would let me do this.

>> No.50780544

Whoever promised you this obviously doesn't understand the macro game and has led you astray with this thought of being an unjust overlord. If you want that then sorry, should have gotten rich scamming people 2 decades ago, you would have been living the life you'd like except without the responsibility of caring for slaves! You'd have just bought everything you usually need slaves to do for pennies on the dollar, for fiat I owe you nothings! Want to pick some cotton? Pay a bunch of poor people in poor countries to do it! Want to abuse youths sexually emotionally and other such? Just arrange a temporary legal marriage in some part of the world! Want to kill people? Why do the dirty work yourself and you can only kill so many with your own hands.... Just invent a new drug that helps something that doesn't exist and watch as the parents of teens die from heart disease!

Hahahahaha, sorry anon, that world is coming to an end and I regret to inform you that if this is the life you wanted and will try to remake after the shuffling around of power..... you will NOT have it! Furthermore if you fight against it you will pay the price and so will your children and family. So in a way I am happy I am able to warn you, that way you change or can't say you weren't warned.

>> No.50780565

based anarcho capitalist

>> No.50780575
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>> No.50780587
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>> No.50780726

you confuse the intent of what I mean by shitting on the plebs, and owning slaves. By owning slaves I mean sex slave harem of wives. By shitting on the plebs, I mean by having more wealth then them, and making fun of them.

>> No.50780792

Your aims are weak and childish but so be it, destroy yourself and hopefully on your next life you will make better decisions, as we all do. Do as you will!

>> No.50780815

What's wrong with my goals. As a zoomer, I have been priced out of housing, woman, and treated like shit for being a straight male by society.

>> No.50780848
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>> No.50780867

If you truly understood the first one you wouldn't shill the 2nd

>> No.50780912

stfu simpleton

>> No.50780918

Are you ready to understand the ultimate truths of relationships and women? Surely you are not falling for the "redpilled" Andrew tate, fresh and fit, manosphere type content right? It has its place and at the current moment it's effects are much needed to balance out the societal norms but make no mistake they are not the pinnacle of understanding on this subject, merely the opposing force of the SJW feminist types who have made women promiscuous and unfit for marriage due to their own egos.
Surely you were joking about making fun of people less rich than you, correct? And if you weren't then surely you understand that it is a childish goal, correct? If not then I hope you figure that one out by yourself.

>> No.50780923

And I do not mean to insult you, I see your generations issues and I do not blame you for these sentiments.

>> No.50780953

fuck Andrew Tate he is a faggot. But woman of my generation are retarded and not trust worthy at all. Why would I risk getting divorce raped, when I can wait for the currency reset, and just buy sex slave wives who I will have complete control over. And when families are starving cause their paper money is worth nothing, Fathers will sell their daughters, it is a tale as old as time itself. Secondary, how can you defend the normies, haven't you been belittled by them constantly for pointing out the flaws in the system or by telling them to buy silver, gold, and XMR. They laugh, and think your crazy, and even defend the system that wants them poor. The fact of the matter is these normies don't deserve to make it, and a lot of them deserve to suffer in the next currency reset as well.

>> No.50780974
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Correct. It's a giant ponzi scheme.

well what the fuck are you going to do about it?
>refuse to use the banking system
Then you stay poor.

You can't win against the rigged system.

>> No.50781014


Tell you what anon
I will tell you a secret
It is counter to what many say
Especially here
What they claim as "redpilled" is just
Astroturfing false narrative
The secret is that our consciousness
Are tied to family lineage and race
When you die, you lose your individuation
But behold, if you have not betrayed
The fabric, you shall be once more!
Most always repent and spend a long time
"Asleep" between lives, this cleanses
But yet your consciousness has a purpose
It is to GROW
Throughout your life you gain things
The most important of which is WISDOM
This innate ability to KNOW correct choices
Is what God, the fabric, existence desires
Through this, God, the fabric, existence grows
This perpetuates the cycles and serves itself
Which is the all serving others to exist
From which a symbiosis is made
This is the nature of existence and it is good
Good allows all to exist, good - evil
Evil wishes to destroy all that is good - evil
And so if you desire to reign in the future potential of the all by spreading your seed which will allow for more possibilities for your new life and consciousness to once more be again, yes, you should have many many children and thus women, but they can be treacherous even in ownership. It is better to pay for wombs and then raise the kids yourself, select maybe only 3 wives for the aid.
1 more secret I wish to not write more but I will tell you with no explanation
The secrets to higher mental abilities lies in the mixing of races in order to provide a greater access to the web of our collective consciousnes but while NOT denigrating mental/physical potential. In short, say as a half European half native american, many of your surrogates should be half Japanese half either hispanic or Indian.

I will read your post more thoroughly and respond, I began typing before you posted.

>> No.50781033

QRD on the book?

>> No.50781052

Jesus was Galilean you jew rat.

>> No.50781070


it gets better when you realize we have an opportunity to end the fed soon

>> No.50781119

It is okay I agree, my initial understanding was that you were going to do this out of hatred, NOT selecting to be an honorable and just leader. If you are able to partake in the coming moves destined to give wealth it is your duty to not do things out of spite and hatred, to do it because you are getting back at the injustices inflicted upon you. But again, I see your point and if so that is what you want do as you will! Keep in mind the word slave is the main concern here, as that is an abomination and should not be allowed. Paying for sex and company is one thing, owning people is another and will get you killed for I and others will will it so and your own people will rejoice due to your death.
Hahahaha I see anon..... I must go, but I will leave you with this.
Without them being normies you wouldn't exist to not be one, a complicated game we play here in the material..... and so thus it is up to those who are not normies to pick their side..... enslavement of the normies or the careful shepherding of the normies. This is the fundamental difference and clash between the highest members of secret societies and another reason why the evil ones are losing. One side sees the normies as their pawns to enslave and control, use and abuse through this elevating themselves and thus the greater potential of all humans. The other sees them as what they are, our kin which need to be guided in order to obtain greater feats which in effect also greater the potential of all humans.

One is good
Other is evil
Again, make your choices anon
That is what you are here to do, TO CHOOSE
To act..... to BE
So what will it be?
Good, or evil?
That's it...... nothing more yet
Nothing LESS.
Do as thou will!


>> No.50781159

you lost me

>> No.50781162


>nothing ever happens
>bitcoin crashes to $10k
>recession for few months/years
>next bull market starts
>bitcoin might go to $100k in 10 years
>xrp will be around $1 by then

>> No.50781270

lmao greenbacker nazis are fucking retarded

>> No.50781283
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/biz/ is an austrian board

>> No.50782058
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so all we have to do is just buy and hold monero?

>> No.50782124

Most people are too stupid. Especially the bootlickers that gloat about their "work ethic". Most people still think effort = wealth

>> No.50783726

The thing about money printing, is that you cannot stop it in a fortnight. Stop money printing, and you'll see bankrupcy piling up in domino effect. It's one giant buble, and deflating it hard mode would collapse the whole economy.
Try a pure gold standard backed 100% by gold. See the collapse in a few weeks.

>> No.50783756

Everything is a scam including life itself. Just stop.

>> No.50783817

>Fractional and central banking are literal scams that rich people pulled on dumb boomers
The fed exists since 1913. Prior to the fed, it was already a trium virat of Bank of Chicago, new york and Saint Louis.
Reminder that the Bank of England, fractional private central bank based on debt exists since 1694.
You people have to stop pretending this thing exist since recently.
It was literally what pushed forward Capitalism, with constant fresh fictitious credit.
The money bubble isn't only a money bubble because muh jewish multimillenarian conspiracy. It's a bubble because fake money is the best way to develop production the fastest. Want some loan? I don't have the deposit, but hey, i'll give you money anyway. The borrower can then start or develop his company with fake money, but the company and what it produce will be real. Whatever if more fake value than real one has been created. The total production capacity increase. People coonsumed more. Rich got richer. The mainstream system, this unsound alliance between a tiny minority of psychopath combined with a vast majority of cattle, is happy.

>> No.50784726

This gay fantasy has little charm

>> No.50784741

Footsie is a better sport

>> No.50784778

Hard money is hard to use

>> No.50784806

Happiness (for some) at the cost of all our souls.

>> No.50784836 [DELETED] 

I fear these evil twins are not really dead.

>> No.50784842

Faggot cope
The 1800’s saw the industrial revolution without central banking
If you had read the book OP pictured you would realize the FED is a modern invention but central banking is a scam we end periodically

You’re time is almost up cuckk

Banks rob industry of production, they raarrly increase in the long term. How do you think they siphon off profits? Banks are parasitic

>> No.50784926


>> No.50784957

5 posts in a row
What are you doing?
Are you a glowie?

>> No.50784961

Normies obey until someone spins them up to care
Democracy the same but people shamelessly vote despite Epstein type pimps who blackmail all them

>> No.50784969

Martin Luther and his contemporaries knew about blood drinking Jews too but Protestantism hardly was a Big Short on Jews.

>> No.50785011

>meanwhile, all sitting and complaining on 4chan while penniless
thanks for the lesson, professors

>> No.50785064

> Just marry Negroes anon
Many such cases

>> No.50785090

> Degrading my gay fantasy means you're a glowie
Okay anon

>> No.50785092

Now now, he did say to mix with japs but he still lost me with that

>> No.50785108
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>> No.50785116

10 posts in 30 minutes will get you banned for spamming or flooding
Calm down glowie

>> No.50785127

Go read a book child, the adults are talking.

>> No.50785138

disinformation agents going hard ITT

>> No.50785178

Boomers leaping to the use of commodity silver money in their daily life is even less likely than Jesus flying in on a Vimana and laying waste to synagogues across America. They're more likely to huddle in the basement watching CNN until the Ashkenazim send them out their Suicide Kits (TM)

>> No.50785191
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The change to the banking system was subtle. You used to go to work and get paid in physical assets. Dollars were a fraction of gold and your change was made up of useful materials such as silver and copper.
The banking system took over and now they control every aspect of the economy, and they literally plan how much comsumption you should be able to afford, they plan what % if your income your house should be, they force people on the margin to require debt, mortgages, and credit cards to afford to live. It's very insidious.

>> No.50785227

I never said silver would become the major currency
What points are you even making?
Why haven’t you been banned for spam?

>> No.50785230

A propos of this thread, the Biz movie thread recommendations were great, and any Biztards who haven't seen OECONOMIA and MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE gotta watch em.

>> No.50785246

Our man BARON above said it. Why are you getting your panties in a bunch anon? You've been using your butt plug too much.

>> No.50785258

Lay off the meth

>> No.50785289

Biztards also need to read DEBT: THE FIRST 5,000 YEARS by David Graeber, RIP. Even though he's a Jew there's no better writer on that scale of history.

>> No.50785338

No matter what happens, a new consensus on the preferred medium of exchange will be decided at some point. The point of silver is to have physical value that can facilitate a transaction. If the dollar keeps losing X% of its purchasing power year over year, people are going to be looking to store their purchasing power in a more tangible form. And luckily for metal holders, it is a form of capital widely accepted by banks. So you can easily buy back into whatever system comes next. Storing your wealth in stocks, bonds and cash is where you will get wiped out.

>> No.50785388
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>You fucking people think the world would be a better place place if she was dead

>> No.50785402

Silver and gold preserve purchasing power but don't expand it. Credit money is the oldest form of money because shared debts get at the nature of human relations: favors for favors. The era of commodity money was not able to save itself from colonization by Parasites, but that's because they were weak and outnumbered. For me, virtue is becoming more important than the details of economic systems. A virtuous man can use a fiat dollar or a gold doubloon the same.

>> No.50785459

>new good people in power
kek stopped reading there

>> No.50785535

where's the best place to buy some physical silver? everywhere jews you 20% above spot

>> No.50785570

Most people don't know how the banking and monetary systems work.

Then you have 4chan retards like in pol and this thread who have only read or watched basic information on YT videos (usually heavily manipulated by the authors of the videos / articles, because of ideological agenda) who think they have understood everything and the world is a scam.

Then you have the people who actually studied this shit and work for institutions who can instantly tell you that none of this bs about the banking system and fiat being scams is true.
And that no crypto will EVER replace fiat because they are by inferior to fiat in almost every way.

>> No.50785585

Your average /pmg/-fag delusional world

>> No.50785587
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Credit money ultimately destroys capital as it's exponential nature compels even more credit expansion and begins to vacuum up all capital in the world up to the top 1%.
I am not an advocate of commodity money as a system, but when we are on the cusp of a deleveraging collapse I very much want my wealth stashed outside of that system when the losses start getting tallied up.
The best form of currency is used to harness PRODUCTIVE work. Getting paid to do productive work is what can bring us prosperity while simultaneously eliminating the parasitic classes. We can only consume things because of farming, mining, manufacturing, shipping etc. Everyone who eats and is not participating in that system does not deserve to do so unless you are retired.
A classic example to demonstrate this is seeing finance and healthcare as a percentage of GDP explode from the 1950s to present day. Neither of these sectors of the economy are productive, but more akin to a COST. Hiring millions of people to move money around or act as administrators for a bloated, overcosted healthcare system is essentially just adding "dead weight" to the economy. There are no productivity gains to speak of when costs have done nothing but increase. We are all collectively poorer as a result. We now need 30 year mortgages to buy a house when it only took 5-7 years of saving to afford to pay in cash. Credit money is a complete scam, and the banking sector needs to be nationalized, and all billionaires and extreme multi millionaires taxed back down to being not much more powerful than the average citizen. No more "philanthropists" or NGOs subverting nations and peoples.

>> No.50785598

crypto (read, bitcoion) doesn't need to replace fiat. it will be an alternative similar to any other asset class.

>> No.50785650
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He's not wrong. There is a pile of money $46TN in size called the bond market that needs to be paid back. Go ahead and give your thoughts on the notion that there is a pile of "wealth" that we all collectively own that is twice the size of the U.S. GDP.
Let me also give you a little secret. A reduction in consumer credit also has a multiplier effect. A reduction of $200M of consumer credit in 2008 led to a collapse of $7TN shaved off of the housing market.
The problem is so scary because we have literally lost control of the monetary system and have to keep interest rates comically low (and therefore prevents capital accumulation, stifling economic growth).
This is not an accounting trick. There is a real-life shortfall of resources relative to the claims that you believe you can purchase with your ownership of "claims". Bonds, -worth pennies on the dollar. Stocks, on average overleveraged 17x earnings. Cash,- being actively devalued and backed up by toxic MBS paper on the fed balance sheet.
The little secret here is the gold sitting on central bank balance sheets will recapitalize all banks by being revalued higher. To the detriment of savers around the world as all commodity prices move higher with it. PM holders outside of the ponzi system win big.

>> No.50785729

Being a different asset class makes it the opposite of an alternative.

Like equities aren't an alternative to cash because each fills a different role.

Either way this is semantics.

I would also argue that almost 100% of crypto isn't even a good asset in general as it has as much volatility and risk as the most speculative of stocks, while less intrinsic value (arguably zero) of basically any to justify its pricing levels.

They aren't a store value again because of insane volatility and risk (it's a joke to compare BTC to gold).
I struggle to see any real purpose for most crypto (including the largest like BTC).

>> No.50785754

National socialism was already tried and it was a Jewish LARP. I agree productivity is the goal; probably another hybrid system will get us there. But this century seems doomed to some CBDC eat the bugs pill nightmare for a large proportion of the population. The ones most likely to escape it are the ones you want to tax into oblivion lol

>> No.50785842
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Crypto has a bright future, but the nature of the economic woes we face can be summed up as an extreme shortfall of goods and services relative to the paper claims. Inflation levels this high are a dead giveaway to the nature of what is happening. Under no circumstances do you want to be owning a large portion of your portfolio in crypto in this environment. The economy is severely damaged by misallocation of resources and it could take a decade of extreme contraction to unwind this retarded service economy we built. Cryptos will be selling for pennies on the dollar for an extended period of time before people again have the luxury to be investing in such frivolous investments. There will also not be another wave of credit expansion like what we have seen for the last 80 years. The days of easy money are going to go away for a very long time. You will not be able to just buy up a shitcoin and make 10x your money doing nothing. Go read any boomer investing book from the 1970s to see what investing is really like with real interest rates. Our grandparents used to was their aluminum foil, and the boomer generation probably are out no more than a few times a month. We are not in some golden age of post-scarcity. Where we can live our lives selling each other craft beers for $7 each. No more $700BN trade deficits. If we return to a net-zero balance of trade, our economy will crater as we lose countless jobs, profits, dividends, service economy jobs, and taxes. It's time for everyone to get fucking real here. 2008 was a walk in the park compared to where we are going.

>> No.50785856

>only professors can give lessons
uh oh we've got a modern academic here, hello commie

>> No.50785882
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>National socialism was already tried and it was a Jewish LARP.
False. National Socialism is the logical organization of people and resources to maximize the wellbeing of everyone. The pictures of NS are astounding, the level of power that you can unlock in a cooperation of all people and classes to a common goal. This is a threat to hucksters, foreigners, international finance and the like. Hence it is so ruthlessly slandered. It still to this day lives in their heads, rent free,

>> No.50785900

In HOW MONEY DIES they're saying the same thing in 1923 Austria about government money; meanwhile those who buy industrial shares of the new combines go 20X even in real terms and never have to work again. Risk profiles are assessed according to who is most likely to win, not who "should" win.

>> No.50785901

I think most people are willfully ignorant and oblivious. We can all agree something is wrong, but most people don't even have the conception of the banks and institutions that embody the global financial network being totally arbitrary.
It's a little society unto itself where the people acting as regulators weaponize the financial system against some of the most vulnerable to keep an equilibrium where capitalists (bankers, business owners, corporations) dictate the terms and hold all the power and not laborers, employees, or just the majority public. The latter don't even qualify as people by their standards.

My point is that it's all arbitrary and is in fact decided upon personal whim and privately aligned interests by little enclaves of acquainted fellows in phone calls and backroom deals. Whether a person qualifies for a loan, gets the opportunity to start a business without capital, even getting employment at a rate that guarantees ownership of food, clothing, transportation AND shelter let alone actually thriving, it's all happenstance.
The post-WW2 economy the entire world worships, that was exported, has decided that in order for the majority of the world to live well (some obscenely), it needs some percentage of actual slaves, vagrants, the lost and the broken suffering at the very bottom. Somebody needs to be left holding the bag for the whole thing to work. Whoever that is, "fuck them, they deserved it."

>> No.50785917
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Hi there, Ivan.

>> No.50785934

>Russians everywhere
my my my we have a genuine late night comedy watcher here

>> No.50785941

Any recommendations on stocks to look into? I believe I have seen you post before.

>> No.50785944 [DELETED] 

The people currently holding that, I have to think are most of gen z, but I'm probably wrong and it's a neat slice that runs through all the generations currently alive.

>> No.50785984

>blind appeals to authority
>muh industry insiders (who benefit the most from maintaining the parasitic status quo) says they have to exist
>stop fucking reading things goyim and get back to work, here's another holiday

>> No.50785999

Tell me more about America, Ivan.

>> No.50786002

Me, I'm a Bitcoin maxi lol.
But as I get older I'm trying to diversify. But I don't see a better risk/ reward ratio than BTC when it comes to money. Of course all the joys of life like land and gardening and home improvement are even better investments but they cost money too :)

>> No.50786012
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The 2020 election was blatantly stolen

>> No.50786043

This is true, Ivan. And powerless, weak and stupid rightists just let it happen. The rightist is a dying breed because you went to hard with the conspiracy shit kek

>> No.50786054

nah I just stopped paying taxes

>> No.50786065

Yikes. I own some BTC just merely just to dip my toes in some crypto. For the life of me, I can't see the financial woes unwinding without a severe loss of purchasing power for everyone. Like, we are all going to be materially poorer. And there is nothing a central bank can do about it if the world stops accepting dollars for payment similar to how they do now. I bet BTC goes on firesale long before we ever begin resuming economic growth and higher wages.

>> No.50786084
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I know alt-right incels have a persecution fetish, but if you make it to prison you might actually get laid.

>> No.50786095

There is no democracy, biden is a plant, trump was a plant, obama was a plant.. and so on.

>> No.50786098

You could be right, but because BTC is CIA I see it as the last punt of the current regime, to appear to "go straight" as the sea change occurs. Also I have faith in American ingenuity and stubbornness, despite everything. Having lived in Canada and the UK, I know we will come out ahead because we have more fighting spirit.

>> No.50786111

I know you believe everything you see on TV, but you will never be a woman

>> No.50786153

I thought OANN wasn't on TV anymore

>> No.50786177
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Were those the guys claiming a kid beat a native american to death with his own drum

>> No.50786186

Probably, OANN is know for only spreading rightist propaganda.

>> No.50786196

Like about a mob chasing Jussie Smollett down and lynching him with lunchmeat?

>> No.50786354

This is not about ingenuity and stubbornness. I don't think America will just stop being a player on the world stage, but the historic mean is every nation wants to have a net-zero balance of trade because otherwise someone is extracting your capital (similar to what China did to us. We buy plastic consumer goods and they turn around and buy up our companies and real estate). If we lose $700BN annual trade deficit our economy is going to be in a very rough spot as we have to adjust to that shortfall of goods, jobs, taxes, and profits. We literally won't be filling these massive big-box stores with cheap goods anymore. There will be a collapse in employment with skyrocketing prices. Yes, we will demand more for our exports as well, but the ultimate adjustment to the economy will see to it that we are far poorer in the next few years than we are today. Purchasing power is going to be allocated based on how nations settle trade, which it looks like gold will be playing a major role once again. That is where I want to be sitting. BTC and crypto are acting as great placeholders for a real flight to safety. It is a bubble that does not damage the economy in the same way that housing or a stock crash would cause. They are able to burn those who expose their disloyalty to the current system.
I don't think anyone will be trusting magical digits on a screen in the coming years once people's pension and stock portfolios and "rest estate values" all evaporate. Paper millionaires will be falling into the lower classes if they trust the system will take care of them. The reality is the shortfall of resources means everyone will be looking out for themselves, there is no capacity to have anyone be propped up outside of providing welfare for those who are helpless so as to prevent a political crisis.

>> No.50786388

Well, I don't disagree, except for about ingenuity and stubbornness. In a way that's the one part of "national socialism" I could even be said to agree with: it harnessed the stubbornness and ingenuity of the German people (but to Zionist ends). Bitcoin is an American (or Anglo-American) invention. It will be part of what is coming, for better and worse.

>> No.50786683

All socialists deserve the death penalty.
Especially "national" socialist manchildren.

>> No.50786690


How is it a scam?

>> No.50786700

Read Rothbard

>> No.50786801

> Being a different asset class makes it the opposite of an alternative.
>Like equities aren't an alternative to cash because each fills a different role.
>Either way this is semantics.
literally not semantics and different asset classes can be alternatives. eg. precious metals vs real estate as a store of value.

if bitcoin's main fallacy as a store of value is its volatility, one could argue that real estate is just as bad - it just moves in slow motion.

gold isn't as volatile as bitcoin because alot of the physical gold sits in a vault and isn't traded. the volatility of bitcoin should smooth out over time as it becomes hoarded and regulated much like gold. the main advantage over gold is that it can be easily transferred between parties.

even contrary to your point, cash is used as a store of value, if only for brief moments. look at any company balance sheet. cash in the form of a foreign currency can be an investment just like equities, only with a different risk profile.

bitcoin is a new asset class so finding its place in the world will take time.

>> No.50786821



>> No.50786863

How does society deal with issues such as usury or the sex trade? If powerful people want to turn my city into the sex sex-tourist hub, how do I prevent this? That's the problem with liberalist mentalities because it gives full power and control to private interests. So much so that you end up in a situation where your nation's manufacturing base is shipped overseas, your women pay their bills on only fans, and they import opioids to thin out our numbers. Liberalists have no way to stop any of these societal ills from happening.

>> No.50786949
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Did you guys see John Oliver's recent video on Inflation?

lmao how are so many retards brainwashed by this
Oliver is an establishment mouthpiece

>> No.50786974

>How does society deal with issues such as usury or the sex trade?

Usury is a great thing though lol. Our economy would be far less productive without people being compensated for loaning out money they did the work of saving.

>sex trade
A very small portion of society does this. Who gives a shit?

>> No.50787061

A Venetian republic works pretty well at least on issues like this: you can do what you like with proponents and slaves of vice (unless you become one of them). For that matter, the same is true of absolutist monarchy, or a suzerainty.

>> No.50787071

A logaritmic chart would be more realistic way of representing this issue

>> No.50787099

>Usury is a great thing though lol. Our economy would be far less productive without people being compensated for loaning out money they did the work of saving.
Wrong. Finance can be more easily used to destroy capital than build it up.
>A very small portion of society does this. Who gives a shit?
That's my point retard, you don't have an answer. Society is crumbling thanks to liberalism and you having nothing buy college tier talking points to refute it. Let me guess, I should go read Atlas Shrugged, haha.

>> No.50787235
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History proves you anti-usury retards dead wrong.
The last time we had anti-usury laws was when we were stagnating economically back in the middle ages.

>Finance can be more easily used to destroy capital than build it up.
Don't mention through central banking because I'm obviously against that.

>Society is crumbling thanks to liberalism
It's crumbling due to government, not liberalism. If anything we need more liberalism.

>Atlas Shrugged, haha.
lmao you leftists are all the fucking same and YES you are a leftist and use all of their talking points.
You know nothing of libertarianism/ancap and think we are the same as any rand fans.

>> No.50787336
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Our economy is dangerously overleveraged. The U.S. economy hasn't grown since 1983 if you net out the increases in debt. We literally spent the last four decades WASTING our time building some fake and gay service economy with crumbling infrastructure and over inflated asset values that can evaporate overnight.
Yea, great economy, bro!
30 year mortgages, no manufacturing base, crumbling infrastructure, 20% inflation, taxed to hell, unaffordable healthcare.

Things literally don't have to be this way.

>> No.50787371

The only problem Mr leftist anarchist is the power brokers will just take control of the economy and the government EVERY SINGLE TIME. Liberalism is the mindset that makes you impotent because the only way to oppose capital is through authoritarian collective political action by the masses. The rich and powerful want to beget money with their money. They want to eat without working. And most importantly they want to create the conditions that compel you to work harder and longer so there is more for them to steal.

>> No.50787388
File: 1.15 MB, 1242x1233, If only you knew how based things really are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you use Bitcoin / Monero to trade goods and services and watch the enemy seethe as they desperately try to fight a losing battle

>> No.50787404

>Our economy is dangerously overleveraged
No shit.
Why are you bringing up our insane central bank, inflationary debt economy?
What does this have to do with usury in a free market?

>The U.S. economy hasn't grown since 1983 if you net out the increases in debt. We literally spent the last four decades WASTING our time building some fake and gay service economy with crumbling infrastructure and over inflated asset values that can evaporate overnight.
Yea, great economy, bro!
>30 year mortgages, no manufacturing base, crumbling infrastructure, 20% inflation, taxed to hell, unaffordable healthcare.
I literally agree with all of this. Nice reading comprehension.

>The only problem Mr leftist anarchist
I'm a Libertarian. You're the one promoting leftist ideas like abolishing usury.
>the power brokers will just take control of the economy and the government
That's why we need to fight them.

>> No.50787460

>That's why we need to fight them.
But the people you want to fight actively promote libertarianism. This is the dumb shit they want you wasting your time on in college because you spin your wheels and get turned off by authoritarian measures to oppose capital.
Trust me, been there done that. I have read Atlas Shrugged, Human Action and Man Economy and State as well. It's not where you want to be.

>> No.50787574

protesting fractional reserve banking is antisemitic goy, now turn in your gold bars! disclose your private wallets now!

>> No.50787686

>But the people you want to fight actively promote libertarianism.
No, they literally don't.
They actively fight against it.
>This is the dumb shit they want you wasting your time on in college
In college, they teach that libertarianism is bad and the government should control the economy. They support central banking and "progressivism" in college.

>get turned off by authoritarian measures to oppose capital.
This is exactly what they teach in college lmao

>Trust me, been there done that. I have read Atlas Shrugged
Do you know how many outright leftists claim to have been libertarians in the past and then when asked start spewing off whatever strawman arguments they THINK Libertarians believe which they got from leftist youtube videos.
It's a big meme in the Libertarian community.

>Human Action and Man Economy and State
You clearly did not read these books.

>> No.50787879

>Until January 2012, banks had to hold a minimum of 2% of certain liabilities, mainly customers’ deposits, at their national central bank. Since then, this ratio has been lowered to 1%.
kek so now instead of only being able to lend out 10x what they have in reserves, they can now lend out 99x what they have?

>> No.50787904

End usury and fractional reserve

>> No.50787943
File: 41 KB, 400x323, Confussed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, they literally don't.
>They actively fight against it.
That's factually not true. Even still, libertarians receive no political pushback in the same way NS groups do. This is because libertarians are not a political threat.
>In college, they teach that libertarianism is bad and the government should control the economy.
Academia does not like libertarianism but as a political movement it is impotent so they allow it intellectually. Real threats such as NS they do not.
>This is exactly what they teach in college lmao
Wrong. They teach a liberalist view of socialism, not an authoritarian socialism. The system is scared of right wing socialism, not left wing socialism. It's crystal clear what the current power structure is afraid of and you can gauge that threat with how oppressive they are. Libertarians and socialists can openly speak and have clubs on college campus. NS? Not a chance in hell. lol
>You clearly did not read these books.
Sorry bro. You may think muh "free market" is the be-all end-all of political discourse but its not. You are not going to get anywhere with people who can't afford healthcare by telling them that we need to destroy Medicare & Medicaid in order for free market principles to take hold and we can allow muh free market to properly allocate resources. I've tried it, no one knows wtf you are talking about. It's functionally pointless because you are refusing to oppose those in power with collective action. You have a hands-off approach to oppose some mysterious, nebulous force that is stifling muh free market. I cannot stress enough just how impotent your politics are. Are you going to tell people that we need to abolish the minimum wage? Are you going to save your first and second amendment rights via boycott?
I'm actually sick and tired of defending my rights as a citizen from the elite, the foreign tribes and all of that. I want illiberal solutions because I see no point in this political process.

>> No.50788192

If by "fraudulent scam" you mean the thing that literally allows civilization to function then yeah, sure.

>> No.50788205
File: 64 KB, 604x403, ComfyCatNewspaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well? Was the opioid epidemic the free market? That was all ok by your standards, right? We're all just individuals and if you want to get addicted by opiates then that's your prerogative, isn't it? The Sacchler family was merely providing a service, and individual economic actors need to make these decisions on their own. It's not muh free market's fault. It's not the business owners fault. It's your fault. Who cares if a million people are killed and the system steps in to legally shield the culpable party? That's capitalism, baby!

>> No.50788225

Central banks crash modern civilization
You need to ready OP’s Picrel because he talks about free banking before the fed’s creation in 1914

>> No.50788248

Central banks are parasites
They haven’t helped, they’ve hurt growth, we would be so much farther without them

>> No.50788259

>It was literally what pushed forward Capitalism, with constant fresh fictitious credit.
it also pushed forward every major conflict / war since the 1700s and is responsible for more human deaths than anything else in history

>> No.50788295

The only part of this that is real is the silver and gold part not the crypto pipe dream. Should have gone on about guns, ammo, and food after that.

>> No.50788345

end fractional reserve but keep usury

>That's factually not true.
Wrong. The establishment promotes big government and corporatism, not Libertarianism. Stop lying.
>libertarians receive no political pushback
What the fuck man?
The media, establishment, universities, government does everything in their power to shit on libertarianism. They actively ban libertarians and promote actual communists or "progressives".
>Real threats such as NS
NS isn't a threat. It's just a joke internet ideology nobody takes seriously.
In fact many of the ideas promoted by NS, the non-racial ones are promoted by the establishment.
You people are socialists.
>Wrong. They teach a liberalist view of socialism,
They teach socialism is good. They teach big government and keynesianism is good.
They teach that the free market is evil.
>ight wing socialism, not left wing socialism.
Socialism is socialism. The only difference between you people and AOC and Bernie is the fact you're racist.
>:You may think muh "free market" is the be-all end-all of political discourse but its not.
It is.
and you've clearly not read these books
> I've tried it,
No you didn't you compulsive liar. If you actually read and understood it, you wouldn't be promoting socialism.
Kill yourself.
>you are refusing to oppose those in power with collective action.
Wrong. lol
> I want illiberal solutions
These aren't solutions.
You're actively advocating for your own enslavement. You keep illiberalism and think we need more of it.

>> No.50788373
File: 62 KB, 509x490, nazis faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was the opioid epidemic the free market?
No, it was mainly the result of the drug war. Fentanyl came from smugglers needing smaller and smaller packages with a stronger hit.
>We're all just individuals and if you want to get addicted by opiates then that's your prerogative, isn't it?
No, there would be incentives in place to physically remove drug users from society and force them into rehab if they want to rejoin
read hoppe

>That's capitalism, baby!
All socialists deserve death.

>> No.50788397
File: 230 KB, 4000x4000, jej.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that national socialists worship central banking, but they think central banks will be "based and redpilled" if white people control them.

They are actually this retarded and simple minded.

>> No.50788438

>keep usury
Go back and read your Bible
Usury should’ve remained illegal
Bankers had to kill and replace the royal families to get usury laws passed

>> No.50788465

>Go back and read your Bible
Fuck the bible.
Anti-usury laws are what kept europe stagnant during the middle ages.
Allowing usury is what gave us the industrial revolution and massively increased living standards.

>> No.50788581

Wrong you faggot cuckk
Technology advanced society, usury wasn’t the causation
That’s like saying sliced bread is responsible for the last hundred years of advances

You fake like you’re a libertarian but you’re a cock sucking commie

>> No.50788603

Well yeah, you sell your time, health and wellness for something to government makes out of thin air. Money hasn't been real since the gold standard. It's a ponzi scheme.

>> No.50788606

>please mr banker charge me interest on monopoly money
don’t be a gross little bitch
Go back

>> No.50788633

>Technology advanced society,
kek LMAO
First off, this technology was only created due to the massive economic growth. Secondly technology is useless on it's own, the technology needs to be applied to production to be useful. Thirdly, it's the economic production in and of itself that increased.

>usury wasn’t the causation
People who are against usury are just low IQ grugs that want to live as cavemen.
Imagine if back then, the supply of available loans was 95% lower than it is today because there is no longer an incentive to loan out money. Businesses wouldn't have the capital to increase production, research technology etc, and wouldn't even exist.

Imagine thinking it's a good thing that someone can't loan out money and get rewarded for doing so.

>You fake like you’re a libertarian but you’re a cock sucking commie
You support banning people from making interest based loans, which is a policy which all communists support, then you call me a communist.

You people are literally national socialists, you're extremely similar to communists.

>> No.50788648

>>please mr banker charge me interest
Would you rather have NO LOAN. Because this is what you are advocating for.

>on monopoly money
I don't support central banking.

>Go back
Where? 4chan was originally a Libertarian website.

>> No.50788682

You have no idea what ideologies your arguing for or against
You post don’t tread on me pepes
Then support usury
You say you’re anti bank and argue with everyone else who is anti bank and stick up for central bank policies as the reason we’ve had economic growth
But none of the evidence agrees with you.
You’re lost or a misinformation agent

>> No.50788719

You’re not libertarian by supporting usury and then acting like you don’t support central banking
Usury is the number 1 tool of central banks
You need to read some Murray Rothbard fast because you don’t even understand history

>> No.50788742

You’re not a libertarian
You’re a lefty pretending to be libertarian
Lefty leaning libertarians are my favorite ones too but you’re drinking the banker koolaid

>> No.50788747
File: 11 KB, 174x290, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have no idea what ideologies your arguing for or against
Yes I clearly do.
>You post don’t tread on me pepes
>Then support usury
Usury is based.
>You say you’re anti bank
Nope. I love banks. I just hate central banks and fractional reserve banking.
>argue with everyone else who is anti bank
This entire fucking thread is about austrian economics, and the image is a rothbard book. You're clueless.
>stick up for central bank policies
Central bankers also support the breathing of air. What kind of retarded argument are you making here?
>But none of the evidence agrees with you.
Of course it does. Read a history book you bootlicking manchild.

>> No.50788758

itt: goys

>> No.50788781

>You’re not libertarian by supporting usury

So I'm not a Libertarian because I don't want to use violence against two individuals making a loan contract with each other that requires the lender to be compensated for the risk and forgoing of funds of a period of time?

Do you even know what Libertarianism even is?

>Lefty leaning libertarians
Left Libertarians do not exist.
Leftists in general are against usury.

>but you’re drinking the banker koolaid
National socialist cuckolds like you support central banking.

>> No.50788784

22 posts?
And almost 4 hours on this thread?
Are you paid for this?

>> No.50788804

>I hate banks but love their policies
glowie found
look at his schizo post history

>> No.50788806

>22 posts?
fucking lmao
Grasping for straws much?
Post number posting retards never have an argument.
>1 post in this thread
>40 posts in this thread
who gives a shit?

>Are you paid for this?
Why would I be paid to shill against central banking? Who the fuck would be paying me?

>> No.50788824

>>I hate banks but love their policies
No, I hate their policies. I hate central banking, fractional reserve and fraud.
I love real banks, ie. free banking.
Banks are only bad if they commit fraud and get into bed with government to rape the population.

Are you advocating banning all banking?

>glowie found
Yes, the CIA and FBI are funding people to promote austrian economics and libertarianism on the internet. Makes sense.

>> No.50788826

paid shill at work
all threads about economics attract retards like this

>> No.50788843

>paid shill at work
Yes. I am paid by the CIA and FBI to shill against the federal reserve, fractional reserve banking, the US government, the CIA and FBI etc.

You are very smart.

Notice you cannot refute me.

>> No.50788859

>so what if I’m a glowie
controlling the narrative online is much more important than you realize
You’re willing to insult and fight countless people and spend massive amount of time bumping ideas in a thread you disagree with but say you agree with
You need meds bro

>> No.50788901

Okay little baby
You’re right about everything
Do you even know what you’re arguing about?
You’re talking about making banks illegal after someone typed end usury?

Dude you’re fucking nuts

>> No.50788927
File: 33 KB, 511x681, 6A74A178-5BCA-49CA-8D7B-0D60842BB1D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this guy has lost his mind

>> No.50788953
File: 51 KB, 656x656, misesp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>so what if I’m a glowie
You're shilling for central banking and the CIA and you're calling me the glowie?
>controlling the narrative online is much more important than you realize
Yes. I know. You keep to have falling for the government's disinfo like a retard.
>You’re willing to insult and fight countless people
Everyone on 4chan does this.
> thread you disagree with
This is a thread I agree with and you retards DISAGREE with.
It's a fucking rothbard/austrian econ thread.
You should be here crying about the thread and calling rothbard and mises a kike.

>You need meds bro
Listen to yourself.

>You’re right about everything
Everything I said is correct.
>Do you even know what you’re arguing about?
Yes, do you?
>You’re talking about making banks illegal after someone typed end usury?
No, dumbass. Someone strawmanned me because they had no argument so I followed their implication to their logical conclusion.

Cry harder you absolute retard.

>> No.50788977
File: 15 KB, 372x363, df2da37278e0270d873015fb5613e57a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People on this website are so fucking retarded. I don't know why I keep coming back here. It's better than reddit but not by much...

>> No.50789056

>new good people in power, new bankers
>the saturnites are kill, almost fully now
bitch be trippin

>> No.50789061

hello I'd like to uninstall the federal reserve please

>> No.50789079

shut the fuck up niggercattle
You're making me roflcopter @ (You) rn fr fr (0 caps were expended during the making of this post)

>> No.50789113

you’re having a meltdown, just sign off 4chan for a while

>> No.50789137
File: 529 KB, 1037x632, 467BBE39-B931-46DA-A2B6-54F812CBD000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arguing for usury
you already lost moishe

>> No.50789155

>you’re having a meltdown

>say absolutely retarded schizo shit to me
>I call you a retard
>claim I'm going crazy

ok retard

>being against usury because some 2000 year book told you so
Enjoy living in absolute poverty with a stagnating economy, you central bank cocksucking faggot.

>> No.50789160

>I swear I hate banks

>> No.50789179

OP is probably shitting himself right now.

I don't know what you expected promoting austrian economics on a website that has been poisoned by national socialist collectivist horseshit.

Holy kek your mind is so simple and you cannot understand basic fucking arguments ahahahaha

>> No.50789189

Calm down rabbi

>> No.50789201

your tears are delicious central bank loving cuckold

>> No.50789242

I mean, the Federal reserve by it’s very design was meant to be a buffer between the real economy and banking trust insolvency. A trust to end all trusts and control the money supply. It wasn’t until Bush and Obama (and a to a lesser extent Clinton with Greenspan) began working in conjunction with the federal reserve that you got the modern monetary theorists calling the shots and creating a command economy, which is by it’s very essence a Ponzi scheme wherein the managers of the scheme can create limitless liquidity and perpetuate the system endlessly. Short of the proles getting pitchforks and burning everything to the ground you could keep this racket up forever as long as you don’t squeeze them too hard.

I’m not sure why you can’t see it isn’t a racket. Anyone that understands even the most basic aspects of the Fed and it’s reasons for being as well as it’s evolution over time knows this.

>> No.50789261


It was Bastiat who created the rationale for Usury as put forward by Austrian Economics today: the lender should be compensated by the borrower for the time during which the former could not make use of his capital. However, as the Transparent Unicorn shows, this argument is inconsistent with Bastiat’s own, original, thoughts on economics.

Of course, Bastiat, as a proponent of the Illuminati deception that is Libertarianism, mixes a small amount of subtle but poisonous disinformation with a good deal of truth. It should come as no surprise to learn that Bastiat was a high-ranking Freemason, like his contemporary and political nemesis, the noted socialist theorist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Indeed, the fact that Proudhon and Bastiat, who debated fiercely in the French National Assembly, probably took part in the same occult rituals only adds to the mounting evidence that the elites control both sides of the socialist/capitalist dialectic.

One of the most cherished lies of the Austrian School is its defense of usury. Indeed, interest is one of the main tools by which bankers have enslaved humanity, and over the last few centuries they have recruited the best economists to justify this practice condemned by all Abrahamic religions.

>> No.50789279

You’re the central bank supporter
They literally make their salary from usury
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You’ve been fighting for hours with different people just in this thread
Take a lunch break

>> No.50789296

The invention of money is designed to deligate the authority of the sovereign in a meritocracy. Instead of the chieftain picking who picks berries and who hunts mastodons, money makes that decision by rewarding the best berry picker and best hunter. The money the picker receives is a fraction of the sovereigns authority in society. Money is a method of sharing power in society as an attempt to create more efficient forms of delegation. This is why the fed and the banks are regressive. Instead of allowing for the natural efficiency of this system to pick winners and losers, the banks pick and choose winners in society by deciding who gets financing and at what rates. This destroys the efficiency gains that money provides and regresses us back to a society where the chieftain picks a berry picker based on things like family ties or favors. Basically, the banking system prevents winners from the using and losers from falling regardless of their performance and calcifies social status. This weakens the society as a whole because it makes it less efficient. That’s the point of central banking. To keep the incompetent rich from falling and to prevent the genius in poverty from rising and threatening their power.

>> No.50789321

Capital and Interest: Bastiat’s justification of usury
Bastiat’s essay Capital and Interest is based on a series of examples through which he makes the case that the lender should be compensated by the borrower for the time during which the former could not make use of his capital. This argument, which is essentially the same one advanced by later Austrian economists, can hardly be disputed: indeed, there would be absolutely no economic reason for James to lend his tool to William for a year if he is not compensated in some way. Furthermore, this is a voluntary transaction, which William may evidently refuse if he does not think it is advantageous for him; thus, as Bastiat remarks, James’s compensation is “naturally limited” by William’s self-interest.

So far, so good. But Bastiat then points out that, whereas most people will agree that such a compensation is perfectly just in the case of the lending of tools or materials, many will object that in the case of money, which does not produce anything by itself, it is immoral. However, since money is merely a symbolic representation that functions as a transitory substitute for real values (as explained in What is Money?), Bastiat argues that it is pure sophistry to treat interest differently in the latter case.

There are, in fact, at least two important distinctions to be made between physical capital (useful wealth such as tools and materials) and financial capital, which is monetary credit advanced to a borrower, but Bastiat ignores them, and therein lies the essence of his subtle but deadly deception about usury.

>> No.50789340

>Transparent Unicorn
What? lol

>this argument is inconsistent with Bastiat’s own, original, thoughts on economics.
So? Bastiat wasn't even an austrian. He was part of the french liberal school. Menger, Mises and Rothbard's economics are much more consistent with reality.

>Illuminati deception that is Libertarianism
Meds take them now. This is the dumbest excuse to take away people's rights I've ever seen.
Anyone even related with the illuminati supports central banking and extreme government control.

>Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Bastiat had massive debates with proudhon on the nature of usury back then. Bastiat being pro-usury. Bastiat destroyed him.

>occult rituals
meds take them now
not all freemasons were illuminati
a large amount of people back then were part of fraternal societies like this

>One of the most cherished lies of the Austrian School is its defense of usury.
Notice you don't have any actual critiques of usury using economic theory.

>condemned by all Abrahamic religions.

>You’re the central bank supporter
How? Austrian economists like myself want to abolish central banking and allow free market banking. It's national socialists like yourself who are pro-central banking.
Why are you trying to pretend it's the opposite?

>They literally make their salary from usury
They make money by printing it and lending it at interest. Not from lending their own savings to others at interest.

>> No.50789371

Menger used Bastiat’s beliefs to form the Austrian view on usury
You’re following French fucks like a cuckk

No justification for charging interest on financial capital
Bastiat’s examples always involve physical capital whose creation (or accumulation) require a significant amount of work. Whereas it is logical and just for the lender to be compensated in such cases, it is difficult to justify why a monetary loan, which in the modern banking system is created at the time it is loaned by punching a few keystrokes on a computer, should be compensated. The bank is essentially crediting the borrower based on his reputation and ability to pay back the loan. In fact, we can say that it is the community which is crediting the borrower, and the bank is merely an intermediary providing a service. The “time preference” justification is hardly valid in this case, since the bank is not really loaning its own capital and a fair compensation should merely cover the bankers’ administrative charges and salaries.

It may be argued that Bastiat’s experience under the gold standard was different and that the banks would have been, in fact, risking their own capital in a “hard money” system. However, this would be only partially true under a fractional-reserve banking system, which was already prevalent at the time. In any case, 20th-century Austrian economists, aware of the perceived inequities associated with modern banking, have addressed these issues by proposing a return to a gold standard. Essentially, the idea is to bring back the symbolic representation of money into the physical world: by basing the currency on a commodity such as gold which is scarce and difficult to extract, it is easier to justify charging interest on monetary loans.

>> No.50789395

>many will object that in the case of money, which does not produce anything by itself, it is immoral.
Why? Money is just a medium of exchange.
You think it's okay to lend tools, but not money.

>There are, in fact, at least two important distinctions to be made between physical capital (useful wealth such as tools and materials) and financial capital, which is monetary credit advanced to a borrower, but Bastiat ignores them,
Of course they are different, but this doesn't change the fact that usury is voluntary and is a good thing.

>Menger used Bastiat’s beliefs to form the Austrian view on usury
It's not exactly the same. You are a fool.

>You’re following French fucks
You're making retarded nonsense arguments.

>> No.50789426

But Bastiat himself tells us that money is only a symbol, not to be confused with useful wealth. If this is the case, why are Austrian economists trying to confuse the issue? Moreover, using gold (or a similar scarce commodity) leads to an artificial scarcity of credit: the amount of money loaned is restricted by the amount of gold available. Austrians would make the case that this is preferable to human control of the money supply. To be sure, a monopoly on the issue of a symbolic currency leads to all kinds of abuse, as can be seen with our modern fiat currencies. But it does not follow from that observation that it would be advantageous to tie the money supply and the economic activity of a community to the amount of gold available. The only entities that would benefit from this situation are those that own most of the gold.
What is not seen: the third party in the lender-borrower transaction
In order to justify interest as a just compensation to the borrower, Bastiat insists that the loan is a free voluntary transaction between two mutually consenting parties. But what about the third party, the one Bastiat claims is always forgotten by classical economists in “What is seen and what is not seen” Austrian economists will object: there is no third party directly involved in this transaction, so they should not have a say. But is this really the case?

If, as in Bastiat’s examples using physical capital, William borrows a tool from James, and James accepts an additional wood plank as compensation, then indeed one can hardly claim that the community is affected by this transaction. In fact, society may potentially globally benefit from the increased efficiency of labor brought by the loan of a tool, a benefit which Bastiat is right to point out.

>> No.50789430

>it is difficult to justify why a monetary loan, which in the modern banking system is created at the time it is loaned by punching a few keystrokes on a computer, should be compensated.
Yes obviously this is fraudulent and should be illegal.
This isn't what usury is though.

People should only be allowed to lend money they have saved.

>risking their own capital in a “hard money” system.
Austrians only advocate for hard money.

kek what the fuck

>> No.50789457

But when a) the only thing exchanged is a symbol of wealth, whose only value resides in its being accepted as a means of exchange within a community, and b) this symbolic representation of wealth can only be created by one economic actor (for instance, in a currency monopoly), or at most a few participants (such as private banks), and furthermore c) the time compensation, or interest, must also be paid using this monetary symbol, then yes, the rest of society is indirectly involved in such a transaction, because society at large has now involuntarily become the “third party” from which the monetary units necessary to pay the interest must be extracted.

If he were true to his own principles, Bastiat should therefore remind us that the community, the third party in this transaction, does not necessarily benefit from a transaction involving the lending of financial capital: in fact, the borrower’s incentive to capture some additional monetary units to pay the interest simply leads to a heightened competition for the monetary units circulating in the community. In the end, the lender gains, and the borrower may gain (if he calculated properly and used his loan shrewdly), but these gains are necessarily made at the expense of the rest of the community.

Even if the loan eventually leads to an increase in productivity (for instance, if the borrower uses the money to acquire new machinery), it will still bring, as a side effect, an increased competition for the monetary units in circulation, and an unwanted transfer of wealth from society at large (the third party) to the lender. Would a community consent to such a transaction, if it were allowed to express its opinion? Probably not, if it could see the effects of this transaction.

>> No.50789458

>But it does not follow from that observation that it would be advantageous to tie the money supply and the economic activity of a community to the amount of gold available.
The supply of gold is completely irrelevant. What matters is how the economy values the gold.

>> No.50789472

No what matters is who owns the most gold
Fucking retard

>> No.50789487

>and b) this symbolic representation of wealth can only be created by one economic actor (for instance, in a currency monopoly), or at most a few participants (such as private banks),
You don't understand austrian economics whatsoever.
I already said many times we are against central banking and fractional reserve banking.

Banks would only be allowed to lend out what they have previously saved. They obviously wouldn't be allowed to print money to lend it out.

This has nothing to do with usury in and of itself.

>> No.50789495

At the very least, a third party which is aware of the unseen effects of interest paid on a monetary loan would likely want to know what the borrower intends to do with the loan and whether it could also indirectly benefit from that loan (for instance, with a gain in productivity). Indeed, it is probably a growing societal awareness of the unseen effects of usury on symbolic wealth that led to the universal prohibition of usury observed in Abrahamic religions, as well as to some of the principles governing Islamic banking.

Bastiat’s dishonest justification for usury ignores two valuable concepts that he introduced himself, namely that money is only a symbolic representation of wealth, and that we should always keep in mind the “third party” and the unseen effects of an economic transaction. By taking into account these concepts, we have shown that, contrary to Bastiat’s claims, interest on a monetary loan has much broader implications for the community than interest on purely physical capital such as tools or materials, and that there is hardly any valid justification for compensating the lender of a symbolic currency created effortlessly.

Let us heed the words of Frederick Soddy, the Nobel prize-winning chemist who emphasized this distinction between “real” and “virtual” wealth:

“Debts are subject to the laws of mathematics rather than physics. Unlike [real] wealth, which is subject to the laws of thermodynamics, debts do not rot with old age and are not consumed in the process of living. On the contrary, they grow at so much per cent per annum, by the well-known mathematical laws of simple and compound interest … It is this underlying confusion between wealth and debt which has made such a tragedy of the scientific era.”

>> No.50789499

>No what matters is who owns the most gold
Savers? People with high time preference? How is this a bad thing?
If we switched to a gold standard now, the kings would be libertarians and goldbugs like peter schiff who have saved most of the gold.

>Fucking retard
Cope central bank cuck

>> No.50789516

you keep posting this long article after it was refuted in the first few paragraphs lol

>> No.50789539

I literally just copypasta’d this from a financial blog and this guy
Argued with a copypasta the whole time

>> No.50789564

You can’t refute everything in the first paragraph
You have to address each point by itself based on facts
You just typed some schizo shit and didn’t prove anything wrong

>> No.50789587

Gold mining companies not savers you dumbfuck

>> No.50789590

Things will implode when population drop. We need an ever increasing population to keep the banking ponzi running

>> No.50789589

>Argued with a copypasta the whole time
no shit lmao
it was something you read and supported though

>You can’t refute everything in the first paragraph
Of course you can. If the underlying premise of someone's argument is flawed, then the rest of the argument is also flawed because it depends on that original premise.
>You have to address each point by itself based on facts
I also kept arguing against the rest even though it wasn't necessary.

nigga you think austrians support fractional reserve lmao

>> No.50789603

They produce gold, yes. They would also benefit and it would be a good thing.

>> No.50789624

are you ok? i’m genuinely worried about you.

>> No.50789660

Richard Werner himself says that central banks are the most relevant factors in that scenarior because they control the conditions that individual banks create money in

>> No.50789702

honestly you don’t understand Austrian economics
Austrians are for usury Keith a gold standard only

As long as we have fiat, Austrians should not support usury
They only should support usury on sound money
Fiat isn’t sound money

>> No.50789866

he’s larping, he’s not a real libertarian

>> No.50790201

To learn this over the years, to accept this and to live well despite of this is challenging.

>> No.50790567
File: 59 KB, 1021x629, economy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone knows
too afraid to call it out. if you do, what happens? you look like a tinfoil hat. without the government what will happen? haha

>> No.50790580

yes. they don't want to think about it.
they fill their minds.
you're projecting or attempting to disrupt. either way, kys.

>> No.50790628
File: 618 KB, 957x636, 1659267942459051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>284 posts by this ID...

>> No.50790642

wow, he's laughing at one guy who's making it his mission to call out shrinkflation in consumer products
>they're laughing
>LOL HIS WEBSITE IS CALLED MOUSEPRINT.ORG (ignore I just pointed out gasoline is up 59% and electricity 10% in a year

>> No.50791470


>> No.50791864

This shit was figured out at the end of 19th century by the Austrian economists. They're literally scamming us.

>> No.50791917

>society nearly collapses and silver only does a 10x
And you fags will think that's a GME tier financial event lmao.

>> No.50791956

Kek this. Chad and Stacy will still be paper pushing at homocorp and fucking in the bathroom.

>> No.50791993

There's nothing wrong with FR banking or even the traditional finance system in general. It's the one two punch of entitled boomers rigging everything about the free market to shit and millennials being raised as fucking Communists.

>> No.50792036

the entire system is based on fraud before the boomers were even born
they just embraced the fraud and made it worse

>> No.50792052
File: 387 KB, 2197x3407, History of Central Banking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50792099

I think it's important for anons to realize they probably wouldn't cut it in a society with money as hard as metalfags would like. I'd rather die than live in a society of tight fisted Protestants that wont invest in anyone. Being fixated on how hard money is the easy mode for brain-dead retards who don't know how to use money like the commodity it is. I've seen many people in my life lead miserable lives beating their heads against the wall because they treated money as something to save for it's own sake instead of leveraging it.

>> No.50792142

boomers are oversocialized natural scammers
millenials are generally too autistic to run a successful scam. you know who the natural scammers are now? jeets, they will be imported to replace the boomers in the modern scam called economy and you will not redeem.

>> No.50792166
File: 64 KB, 457x671, 572828858584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are on Esau's side

>> No.50792189

To me the scam part is where the banks create money out of thin air and lend it to you and you're expected to pay it back with interest. So, you have to work (ie produce real goods and services) to pay that money back and all the bank does it collects the profits. Doesn't sound like a fair system to me.

>> No.50792216

Fun fact, they did the same with gold and handed out more gold ticket iou's than actual gold they had.

>> No.50792773

Only when there's no dollar backing and when they can print willie nillie, so yes all current financial institutions and systems are fraudulent.

>> No.50792897

Its simple.
The citizens are the collateral the government uses to pay the FED (privately owned). Normal people are slaves.
By 2030 the collapse would result in a universal income where they would utilize the new tech to have even more control over the population.

>> No.50793352

And this

>> No.50793424
File: 57 KB, 680x453, 1631026338933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby's first libertarianisms: the topic.

It all sounds good on paper until you realize the nature of the power struggle we are all in is a struggle between groups.
But you're an individual! You're smarter and better than everyone else. You don't owe them anything. You can do it ALL BY YOURSELF. The others are jealous, they want to take your stuff! The horror! Don't they know anything about not initiating violence? We would all be better off if we were just individuals! Pay no attention to the different groups carving out ethnic niches in your country! They would totally not be doing that in a free market... for.. uh... some reason.
Remember: You win by NOT organizing. You win by being principled. Those in power are UNprincipled. You don't want anything to do with that, do you?

>> No.50793564

Good book, he goes a little bit too much for hitler but interesting history of central banks

>> No.50793674

>an asset x10s in days to weeks
>doesn't care
You missed the boat on GME, you won't be getting rich off of that. Also, that is just the beginning, by say around 2045+ silver should have a purchasing power of $35k+ meaning its going to get a 1000x in 2.5 decades, and HOLD this value. Think BTC levels of mooning with golds stability yet DOWs marketability but the use case is literally silver, the stuff that will shape the technology of the future. If I had to pick one asset to buy, out of the best 3 ever (silver, XRP, XMR) I'd pick silver.
You don't understand the macro shifts of existence.
>doom and gloom type mad max poster
Anon it's going to be OK.
You have no idea what you're talking about lol.
>The little secret here is the gold sitting on central bank balance sheets will recapitalize all banks by being revalued higher. To the detriment of savers around the world as all commodity prices move higher with it. PM holders outside of the ponzi system win big.
Winner winner
And guess which commodity moons the most, the highest multiplier from todays prices? The one that's also a monetary mettle that has been suppressed for far too long. If you really like gold, you need to buy silver now and swap it later. Then when it all starts to settle, keep buying silver because as time passes, it'll be worth even more than gold.
Good, the future doesn't belong to you then.

>> No.50793698

Opinion disregarded

>> No.50793810

Same lol.

>> No.50794049

You use lol like a bitch

>> No.50794069

Yup. Bend over and grab your ankles.

>> No.50794186

I read all your posts and you clearly know your shit. What can I read to become as redpilled as you?

>> No.50794452

You're right anon I'm a woman(man)..... I am phoneposting and regularly frequent conversation with normie women.....

>> No.50794545

Then keep your mouth shut about economics
Small brain
Women are valued for their beauty

>> No.50794636

You're a fucking retard hahahaha. Go be an impulsive angry grug somewhere else, it'd better for all parties. Or better yet, change your ID and your writing style, irrelevant of the choice, the outcome is you bent the knee and I won.... you lost. Better luck next time triggered idiot.

>> No.50794640

God does not exist he allows elite pedos to run the world yet does nothing, allows scam that is fractional reserve banking, currency is not backed by shit, inb4 muh atomic bombs backs the usd, media is jew kikes manipulation scam normies watch retarded shit imagine for 2 weeks the entire world goes on strike no one lifts a finger and the whole scam burns to ash the sad fact is this will never happen becuase people are brainwashed to cooom and consume, the sad fact is that every single person is too pussy to work together to do this or to stand up against our kike political overlords, ffs we have a 90 year old president that is beyond out of touch and useless as fuck changes definition of inflation at will son is crack head money grubber fagggot pedo, people are always being divided instead of united, people are only out for themselves in the long run no1 cares about any1 but themselves