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50747055 No.50747055 [Reply] [Original]

I am at a wedding where a black guy is marrying a white woman and her family is extremely racist but trying to pretend not to be

>> No.50747072

can't be any worse than having dinner with my chinese ex's family
jesus christ those passive aggressive bugs were up my ass nonstop about every little thing
stacy sweet16 levels of shit testing

>> No.50747087

>her family is extremely racist
Why are they there then?

>> No.50747091

>girl asks me out
>girlfriend proposes
Feels good living the herbivore life. Her family doesn't test me. Mine tests her.

>> No.50747094

They can't be that racist if they're at least putting in the effort to pretend.

>> No.50747097


Duty I guess

>> No.50747120 [DELETED] 

They need to fucking shut the fuck up and let the black man do his thing on their little princess. She's not so pure anymore, is she? Guess what, she can make choices of her own. She is a person, and her black husband is a perfect personification of that!
In other words, I'm sorry to say but that black alpha is about to be riling that beautiful pink white pussy until she gives him 6 babies and her body is wrecked and destroyed. Haha, it's over for the white race, such a joke that needs to be replaced.
If I was there I'd be high fiving the dude and transferring the cum from his penis into her vagina so I can personally be responsible for her first black child.

>> No.50747148

Who invited you? The black guy or the coal burner?

>> No.50747157

Nignogs usually don't last that long in interracial relationships. They are most likely perplexed it hasn't become violent yet.

>Could this one be different?

In due time, the rage of Africa will ruin that marriage. It's like in their DNA.

>> No.50747189

>source: my ass

>> No.50747204

Can confirm, half black, dad beat my mom almost dead
He in jail and I stay with my grandmama, but can tell my grandpa resents me

>> No.50747212
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marrying this quality of "human"

>> No.50747264

actually that white guy did a hit and run on one of their family members so they came back for justice

>> No.50747268

>marry a black guy
Cute, she thinks some White Christian traditions are going to keep a nigger around.

>> No.50747280

Dunno how you can tell your kids throughout childhood that they better not marry a brown or they're disowned, then they actually do it and you cuck out and show up to their wedding. The parents have no follow through. Maybe that's why their princess is marrying a brown in the first place

>> No.50747284

His mistake was he relaxed around blacks

>> No.50747290

you're right I have no source. If anyone would attempt to research this, they would likely get beat to death.

Damn, sorry anon

>> No.50747303

dumb whore will be back on white dick once he beats the shit out of her b/c niggers always chimp out. race traitors should be shot.

>> No.50747312

fuck off with your Cuck Fantasy

>> No.50747326

Kek it must be very awkward

>> No.50747331
File: 499 KB, 476x1000, Loving_The_Niglet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black guy is marrying a white woman

White women all have the "Beauty and the Beast" syndrome. "I will tame the nigger!"
Then the get pregnant and he bolts and she is left raising a feral niglet.

>> No.50747336

As they should be you degenerate race mixing faggot

>> No.50747339

sort of true, but it's the jewish media and jewish propaganda that made them think that way. soo it's the jews.

>> No.50747360

white guys fault for hanging around animals

>> No.50747366

laffin at uni graduating photos that are 40+% asian in every respectable discipline
ur gettin replaced posthaste unless you get with the program amigo

>> No.50747423

haha fuck that whitey

>> No.50747469

Her family will never accept you.
You children will hate you and grow up confused.

>> No.50747517

guys I just hate niggers to be frank