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50713435 No.50713435 [Reply] [Original]

Financially speaking, is it fraud to max out my credit on crypto and flee the country? (USA->EU)

I want to buy the dip and just leave the Amerimutts with my bags.

>> No.50713450

nah man sounds fine just do this in every country on earth for free money

>> No.50713453

Won't work out for you. The EU will extradite you back to the US when they come looking.

>> No.50713480
File: 62 KB, 604x577, russian war cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are about 200 countries. if you can just get 10k from each country then you've got 2 million. but realistically, as you build up your crypto you can use it as leverage to get bigger and bigger loans. make sure to do all the research beforehand. you need to have a final destination, or find a way to compound your money so much that you can simply buy a country or an island.

>> No.50713501

From what I've read so far, the debt just goes to collections and is written off.

>> No.50713628

depending on the amount, timing, and other financial activity, it would be prosecuted.
the amount of money to move to europe from the us, in my opinion, would put him into the obvious fraud category.
you can't just take out 10 loans all at once, pay nothing, and expect people to not notice you intended to fuck them.
i worked as a loan officer and collector, we wrote most things off, but occasionally some fucker would get a loan from every place in town that would approve it, as fast as possible, then try to go to another state. They got prosecuted and went to prison every single time even if it took years to find them. The money still gets written off because that's the only option for taxes, but the people get prosecuted, particularly when it's large enough to make it into a felony case, or it's small enough that it only takes 15 minutes in small claims to get it.

>> No.50713674

Thanks for the tip. So, let's say I start now and just let all my debts go delinquent over the next two years. I could simply just say I have a gambling addiction.

>> No.50713717

I'll add that I have $20k total credit line across 3 credit cards.

>> No.50713816

If you don't have a way to get an (obviously non-registered) way to go to a country without US Extradition, i wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.50715365
File: 208 KB, 1176x392, The Story of Banks 1979 Federal Reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legally, YES it is fraud. Morally, NO it isn't fraud.

Credit Card companies lend you digital money created in their own computer. (All money is created by banks issuing loans, NOT by government). Credit Card companies lend you money that didn't exist before you signed the loan contract. And they collect billions in profit for loaning money they never had to begin with.

This scam is completely immoral, but totally legal. But if you give these parasite the shaft, your actions are completely illegal yet totally morally justified.

Proofs at:
bank LIES dot ORG

>> No.50716159

they loan you other peoples money and they get share of the interest in their savings account

>> No.50716181

Learn ukrainian, fake your death and seek asylum in the EU.

How you'll get there unnoticed I dunno though.

>> No.50718660
File: 1.25 MB, 1872x2680, Bank of England money creation in modern economy JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Banks do not lend out the deposits of savers. Banks create new, digital money out of thin air AFTER you sign the loan contract. Our entire money supply is created this way; by PRIVATE BANKS.

Richard Werner proved this empirically in 2014. And even the Bank of England now admits it in their 2014 essay called, "Money Creation in the Modern Economy." (see attached picrel.)

More proofs at:
bank LIES dot ORG