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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50686794 No.50686794 [Reply] [Original]

How accurate is this?

>> No.50686802

kys phoneposting faggot

>> No.50686814

what is this, it seems pretty valid

>> No.50687374

Something I saw posted a while ago and wanted to ask about

>> No.50687403


>> No.50687485

They all mooned hard except PRQ.

>> No.50687623

Does that mean PRQ will moon in the future or it’s a dud?

>> No.50687663

What web is that, OP?

>> No.50687819
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oh that's my site, lemme just update the xcm logo real quick https://gcg.netlify.app/

>> No.50687835


>> No.50687854

Do you still stand by those price predictions?

>> No.50687891

>low risk
wen refund

>> No.50687893

Kevin: Kadena is a T H R E E D I G I T A S S E T
Kadena: falls to a literally one digit asset ($1 (one) US dollar)

>> No.50687934

Why is VXV still there? Internally it’s a shitshow
t. insider

>> No.50687974
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if I had more time I'd rate kda higher, remove qnt and vxv, update information on all of them, all the new xcm stuff with future goals like becoming a proper financial ecosystem with their own tech stack - what neo bank that you know has copy trading for instance, all the ways kda compares to other L1s is crazy bullush one actually written down - all the flaws of most L1s really showcase the strength in a way words cannot, parsiq's pivot into things that their costumers actually need, the way tsunami api is so far ahead of the competition that it's not even a competition anymore.
I would add eth and near as a hedge, xmr but wouldn't want to waste lots of time talking about it since other people already did a better job.
Vxv is a scam, and QNT makes no sense, interop between chains is a dead end and interop between banks is not going to work and even if it does will not bring lots of demand.
Yeah, because it was low and on cm and at the time everything that is on cm was about to moon, which it did.

>> No.50688019

What about Parsiq? Do you still think it can reach 16$ by 2024?

>> No.50688032

It took Amazon decades to grow including a spectacular price collapse while they kept growing.

I think it's a dud personally. I just can't seem to grow any faith in Parsiq.

>> No.50688059

Well if you’re interested, the engineer team got castrated after Kasian impulsively fired their VP of Engineering because of they were not able to implement a subscription system in 2 fucking days. Lost all confidence in the company after that as the VP was extremely skilled, and as a result alot of other talented engineers resigned and the rest of the team has lost alot of motivation barely putting in any work.

>> No.50688070

apologies for the typos.

>> No.50688104

wtf happened QRDO and KDA sisters?

>> No.50688144

It's extremely outdated, none of these coins are relevant

For shitcoins, you want to be getting into GNS AVAX

>> No.50688153
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I am interested, did you work for them?
I am notoriously bad at price predictions, the site is just a big meme to make normies interested enough to read the actual research (which is the thing I'd say I'm better at than guessing price)
I think they made some mistakes in the past, like not focusing on the right thing and launching on bsc lol. But I like that they realize this and I generally cut startups some slack. They are doing better now than they ever did and price doesn't seem to follow, seems like a buying opportunity and I think they will be around for a long time, which doesn't guarantee line go up, but it probably might still do.

>> No.50688168

Still do, but slowly moving away

>> No.50688362

Pretty nuts, should cm delist vxv?

>> No.50688579
File: 256 KB, 705x679, Shamiko Question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is this XCM. Looking at it's 1Y chart, it's barely taken a hit while every other crypto is down huge amounts since the crash, also since the price prediction (9/20) it's 10x. It also features staking. Should I invest in this? It's probably too good to be true.

>> No.50688629

ceo of xcm does weekly amas https://youtu.be/xEZB2w__j1w?t=1129
ceo man did a price floor on the exchange, people can't make sell orders under 0.60c, it is what it is

>> No.50688633

dna seems the biggest scam of the all all its done is bleed to death

>> No.50688660

opinions on ALBT? getting the urge to slurp...

>> No.50688768

If the floor is set to 0.60$ that explains that huge jump. It also explains the volume traded, it's around 1-2k most days when it used to be atleast 2-300k most days before. I have no idea what volume trading means, but I see a big discrepancy here. Idk anything about crypto or stocks.

>> No.50688784
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They've had a jeet force for a long time. I want to say bearish, but then again Matic has had a jeet force on /biz/ too lately and it pumped hard.

I sold the rest of my tiny stack of DNA at a loss to buy WHL. I was supposed to hold long term to zero or higher, but I just don't see it doing anything and it will just be opportunity cost holding it forever. Other tokens seem more likely to get pumped and dumped.

>> No.50688806

Don't try any kind of technical analysis on this one chief. Look into the company/project then decide if you want in or if the price floor makes you feel fucky.
Maybe you'll fall in love with ceo man, in that case welcome to the cult

>> No.50688831

Tell us more, why is it a shitshow?

>> No.50688856

Read the thread

>> No.50688876

I just watched Lynx Research's video on access, and I'm thinking this CEO-man is based. How transparent is he on how he runs his company in his weekly Q&As?

>> No.50688901

Lmao Kasian sounds like a complete retard

>> No.50688934

>talented engineers
The people that took a year to implement a shitty front-end website? Kasian is a scammer but I have my doubts on their talent

>> No.50688948

I've gotten to know Kevin quite well over the past year. He's the CoinMetro CEO.
Since I was putting a large sum of money towards CM Kevin wanted to meet personally, so my wife and I traveled to his home to discuss things over dinner.
The first thing I noticed upon entering was that he did not make any effort to clean the house before our arrival, you know as one tidies up when expecting guests to present an unrealisticly clean home.
And I mean it was quite a mess. Empty bottles around, picture frames with the photos taken out.The dishes in the sink had piled up and Kevin was just kind of laughing and saying how that's reality. He kept reminding me that he is "The most transparent CEO in Crypto".
My wife was pretty put off by all of this, because the place looked like a bachelor pad. I figured this is a sales pitch or something.
Anyways at this point my wife was uncomfortable and we were expecting this to be a couples dinner, so she asked him "Where is your wife?" And holy shit Kevin came right out and said she'd left him a few weeks prior. I guess she took alot of the photos and stuff and you could tell he was upset, he wasn't holding back at all. He just told the whole honest truth.
The long and short of it was money and how things were really tight with the exchange.
My wife is nudging me that she wants to leave, Kevin could definitely pick up on it and he was really pushy that we stick around to eat. I told him we were leaving but he barred the door and wouldn't allow us to go.
As we began to tussle, the struggle had ripped his shirt and to my shock there was nothing underneath.
No skin, no bones, no organs. His body was completely translucent, you could see right through him like a ghost. My wife screamed in horror as we ran to the car. He gave chase a bit but couldn't keep up.
Say what you will, he is indeed the most transparent CEO in Crypto.

>> No.50688962
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This are all samefag scammers.

>> No.50688991
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Take your medications already you absolute baka gaijin, you no belong on anime site.

>> No.50689023
File: 124 KB, 1600x897, Okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW. He oughta be careful or else the Ghostbusters will come after him! I'm putting 1000k into XCM right now to fund his escape.


>> No.50689051
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Seethe you fucking scammers seethe.

>> No.50689067

Baka newgaijin seething shaking my head. Can't even imagine how sad your threads must be like.

>> No.50689127
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>Won't even give a me a (You)
So much seethe I can smell the smell of shit from your pants through my screen. Looks like somebody forgot to dilate today.

>> No.50689234
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And just like that this thread has been derailed, and all potential information I could glean is gone.
All because of one fag obsessed troll.

>> No.50689260
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>> No.50689268

You just said "trannies!!" you didn't call out anything

>> No.50689273

Just goes to show you how much of the market is driven by algos scalping pennies

>> No.50689284

Show me the post where I wrote "trannies".

>> No.50689295

Show me the post where you made a single good argument against any of the cryptocurrency projects discussed in this thread.

>> No.50689327

HAHAHHAHAH gotach you have just shown your true colours mr. "trannies". Scammer through and through.

>> No.50689340
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he got me bros, it's over

>> No.50689396
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>Parsiq €16.00

>> No.50689891

All crypto price predictions are utter bullshit. For every asset and in every time frame, every time.

>> No.50691976


>> No.50692138


Who the fuck made this? Some crackhead?

>> No.50693319

It's not possible to predict future crypto prices but it's possible to know which assets are worth holding for long term gains and ORE is top on my list which lets users earn passively from from LP mining by just holding it in their wallet

>> No.50693851

parsiq wasted the entire 2021 building IQP. now that tsunami (mvp) is out and they are back to building shit I would give them 6months to show growth or its officially over.

>> No.50693938

Looks like you just aped in on the asset without proper research. I always do mine and the current assets I hold are RAIL, MINA and SCRT which have good potential for profits.

>> No.50694787

That wasn’t us. We had very little to do with frontend. The current website was designed by a third party

>> No.50694802

no human itt
pure bot thread

>> No.50694886

I can't say he is retarded. He had a great idea that works surprisingly well: using NLP to discover hidden relationships between anything from stocks to genes and proteins, but he really isn't fit for his position. He is a mediocre CEO, and his company would have gone bankrupt by early 2021 hadn't the "current" Vice-CEO stepped in who transformed the company into an actual functional entity.
I don't know if he is still around though, haven't heard from him for over a year.

Another similar story is how he fired a very crucial contact for "subordination", Ted Sturidale. He got us on to the Chicago tradeshow and opened the door to numerous potential investors. He was then shortly fired after the show by Kasian because he was given a task that was literally impossible to finish within the deadline given.

For instance, most of the work the engineering team did was backend stuff, like data pipelines, model traning frameworks and so forth.

>> No.50694890 [DELETED] 

What is that anon? You must hate your funds. Staking is good, no doubt but what you stake matters. Would be here to say I told you so.

>> No.50694907 [DELETED] 

Fuck lp losses Would rather stick to single staking and payment solutions of cryptoxpress. It's all about working products and passive income after all.

>> No.50694959

*Ted Sturiale

>> No.50695064

kill yourself

>> No.50695114

What potential is that jeet? Stop capping nonsense. Let's see where they will be after the dip.

>> No.50695135

No one can predict. Better to save yourself with staking rewards. Binace, beefy, xpress, lots to choose from. Remember, what you can afford to lose.

>> No.50695137

parsiq is a shitcoin

>> No.50695227

What are you talking about?
Prq was 0.002 € and got to 0.60 € in the first moon, later to 2 € which is a x1000

>> No.50695246

Talking about from time of writing.
Yes, PRQ had a massive bullrun after listing on CM. True. I worded my post poorly, my bad.

>> No.50696627 [DELETED] 

XCM literally implemented a price bottom at 0.6. You can't sell lower, hence why it hasn't dumped as hard.

>> No.50696649

It was the aim of the moonboyz of 2020-2021.
I don't see it happening.

>> No.50696844

Kek, are you this ignorant about crypto anon? The incessant hacks and scams in the space are pointers to the need for privacy and asset protection. Privacy solutions that fill this gap are important and getting in on them is a wise choice.

>> No.50696857

Please someone tell me what to buy on coinmetro, i can't decide between HBAR, XCM, PRQ, KDA, WHL, QRD, LINK

>> No.50697033

Stfu benchod shill.

>> No.50697835

THT looks pretty good at the bottom

>> No.50697961 [DELETED] 

You're right fren. Taking into consideration what you're staking is really important and this reminds me of my RAIL which I staked to become a member of Railgun's DAO. Having governance rights gets me more involved in the platform and keeps me updated at all times.

>> No.50698180

I hold some SCRT but I'm not holding my breath for some face-melting gains. The fact that it enables private transactions ensures it will never be allowed to reach the mainstream, just like it happens to Monero.

>> No.50698471

I get your point but privacy solutions can go mainstream anon, especially with the regulations coming in hard. Users would still want to maintain financial freedom.

>> No.50698899

tht is shit

>> No.50701191 [DELETED] 

Although we are excited to see where this advancements will take us; it's still important to note that this is only a bird's eye view. Ever since the syscon inception in 2014, we have developed and we will continue to do so. Luckily, we don't have to wait long to see this monumental advancements to be realized.

>> No.50702037

That's awesome desu but I'm eager to use the POR concensus algorithm which is a eco-friendly initiative to mine the QANX tokens once the mainnet goes live by tye eoy.

>> No.50702561
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>Tokens with such potential of massive pump
Looks like ORE was cropped out.

>> No.50702584

I'll be surprised if they do.

>> No.50702610
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>> No.50704299
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What is the price prediction of QANX? And what about the research on it? I've seen people talking about it and based on my little research, it looks like a potential 100x

>> No.50704758

I don't know but considering the years involved, it might be possible. I'm also having speculations on ORE which has been holding up pretty well so far.

>> No.50704772

where do they post these prices?

>> No.50704783

parsiq lmao

>> No.50704996

>Who the fuck made this?
some arrogant retard who got all his predictions wrong
XCM is a shitshow now because the retarded CEO put up a price floor which helped lower the volume to the point where my personal daily volume when scalping is higher
> research
is lazy and wrong most of the time

>> No.50705020

frankly i don't even have the faintest clue how coinmetro exchange remains solvent
their MARS idea is terrific and in my opinion they should drop nearly all of their other projects and focus only on that

>> No.50705048


Qanplatform will be at least 7$ in 2024 when they've got their mainnet up and running and we finally hit the bull market. Just accumulate tokens and trust the plan.

>> No.50705055

a few weeks after the CEO added the price floor i saw him act like there is no bear market
a little while later the price of bitcoin dumps another 14k
he's terribly lucky there is no giant uproar in his community yet, any normal group of people would be livid about the fact they can literally not sell anything

>> No.50705126

>arrogant retard

>> No.50705152

>frankly i don't even have the faintest clue how coinmetro exchange remains solvent
They have more funds than they ever had in history, new offices on the other side of the globe (flat) and are hiring while everyone else is letting go people (female), today they released a roadmap for just XCM alone, makes me (male) cummy.

>> No.50705197

yeah you guys keep saying these pseudobullish things about it but if the market stays in a downturn for a few more years let's see how they fair
literally the only thing they got going is that they secured some funding
nothing more than : they secured some funding
how long will that last you think? does it sound sustainable

>> No.50705224

>how long will that last you think?
A year, kev said as much. It is very sustainable because one can always raise more. Do you remember the time where they were fund raising month to month? https://streamable.com/mou6s6

>> No.50705244

>It is very sustainable because one can always raise more
> A year, kev said as much
he said he could continue operations as-is for a year if they go down

>> No.50705255

Have you ever raised funds for your company?

>> No.50705271

have you?

>> No.50705307

No, b-but that's irrelevant to my point.

>> No.50705342

yes it is

FTX has maybe 300 workers
CoinMetro about 80
how is that anything but mismanagement?
you should be able to run that company with 20 people max

>> No.50705411

You don't understand the problem with being regulated, can you run your own exchange with just devs and designers? Yeah that's why defi teams have such a low head count. But as soon as you follow regulations you now need lawyer fags, compliance fags, risk fags, hr fags, support fags, cute receptionist, list goes on
Not sure what point you're trying to make by the way I thought we were talking about fund raising

>> No.50705679

you think you need 10 devs and 10 designers?
FTX follows regulations as well

>> No.50705698

>hr fags
>cute receptionist
you don't need this

my point about fundraising is that no you can't get infinite money from investors, that's absurd

>> No.50705706

>FTX follows regulations as well
you can

>> No.50705714

it does, did you actually use it?
any idea how many restrictions it has due to following EU law?

>you can
no, you can not you fucking idiot

>> No.50705738

You can literally trade SHIT-PERP, it is not regulated my guy.
>no, you can not you fucking idiot
no insults

>> No.50705743

exactly what is illegal about that?

>> No.50705799


>> No.50705880

post their loicense for that

>> No.50705905


>> No.50705956

post your favorite anime

>> No.50705983
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>> No.50706024
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do I have to keel now

>> No.50706503
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Everything about your post is (based)

>> No.50706566
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>> No.50707514

Most of them are far fetched but we'd have to wait it out. I'm also having good price expectations for ORE due to its deflationary supply.

>> No.50708491

Jujitsu Kaisen

Fuckin centralized bs

>> No.50709247

You can now margin long xcm for free and if you don't you are basically stupid.

>> No.50709335

What if they lower the floor in 2023 or 2024 and you haven't been able to close and the price goes down instantly?

>> No.50709593

Sue Kevin because he said multiple times the floor wasn't going to be removed

>> No.50710208

>Jujitsu Kaisen
Boring dogshit, I bet you also like Demon Slayer

>> No.50710555
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And more than that using the POR concensus algorithm people will be mining the tokens with mobile phones or with a raspberry pie.

>> No.50710784

Why do jeetbots think it's appropriate to absolutely obliterate XCM threads with massive shilling for shitcoins like rail/qanx/scrt/albt
It happens way often in these threads.

>> No.50711000

>It's all about working products and passive income after all
This is the same reason why I'm holding and staking LOX on Bitrue. Its SmartLox mobile security app has been designed to protect mobile users from theft.

>> No.50711043

SCRT is more flexible than Monero and as such, it will thrive. Secret also brings more value when compared to Monero as it is working towards private smart contracts and the whole web3 and NFT stuff.

>> No.50711083

good coins general is a scam for newfags
thank you for paying thier bottom surgeries, anons

>> No.50711297

>Released new roadmap
Link please

>> No.50711710

I'll pick out the first and last as I'm looking got invest more into privacy projects.

>> No.50711719 [DELETED] 

It's best to stake in the cosmos ecosystem and get even more benefits other than the APY. Airdrops for staking SCRT and ATOM keep coming.

>> No.50711771


>> No.50712041

Security with mobile devices is becoming a key factor in our everyday life as we carry very important data on mobile devices.

>> No.50712063

PRQ mooned a while ago

>> No.50712627

Why is there a countdown for 4 days and 14 hours on the main page?

>> No.50712650

That's when week 9 is ending?

>> No.50712937

Yeah. I guess airdrops come in handy once in a while. I'm waiting for the RAILNEAR airdrop too on the privacy protocols deployment to NEAR.

>> No.50712945

xcm qnt link. maybe kda

>> No.50714201

Don't touch prq

>> No.50714333

maybe the fuck do you mean maybe

>> No.50714386

THT and XCM, the only two actual products that aren't vaporware.

>> No.50714406

kda is a scam. kaddex was the final straw.

>> No.50714509

Kaddex rugpull was less than 10 million dollars as far as I can do math.

>> No.50714768

kdx failed 8 months ago what the fuck are you on about

>> No.50715003

Good plan chad. The regulations are coming in hard and we might soon see the highest adoption of privacy solutions so far.

>> No.50715007
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Railgun has a long history of airdrops and deployments

>> No.50715017

It was a downward moon

>> No.50715042

Checked. Part of the important data is the history of transactions publicly registered on the blockchain. Except they are shielded, there are serious questions about security.

>> No.50715194


You're right anon. The privacy protocol also as deployments to Polkadot and Tezos lined up. Looking forward to it.

>> No.50715362

I'm probably screaming at a bot, but holy fuck I am so pissed.

>> No.50715701

yo they are bots, stop replying

>> No.50715730

I like watching you scream at bots.

>> No.50715832

Kek this
Kda is the most solid out of all of them
I just wish i had the balls to throw in 10k now. But i'm a normie so i'll only be throwin 1 or 2k at it

>> No.50715846

I'm so fucking stupid.

>> No.50716285

Remove QNT? Fucking retard. QNT is the only coin on that list that will meet (and in time surpass) the prediction. Just wait till the Latin American dollar project is fully operational....

>> No.50716315

>Latin American dollar project

>> No.50716440
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>Latin American dollar project
Retarded spics can't form a single country even though they all speak the same language like every other country on earth and you think they trust each other enough to form a single currency zone?

>> No.50717324

>every other country on earth
Yeah like Ireland and Northern Ireland, right?

>> No.50718295

Bad example, Paco. They spoke different languages until one of the languages was made illegal and they forced the potatoniggers to speak English.

>> No.50718423

Retarded faggots all facing one direction.

>> No.50718446

What a disgusting KDA shill board

>> No.50718503

Do you even know what a bot is? Stop embarrassing yourself and head back to your fucking village

>> No.50718714

Considering it's going to be the backbone of the entirely of future defi, it's only fitting that this board should become a kda shill board

>> No.50718851

Fine, Germany Switzerland and Austria, two of the strongest countries on Earth and Austria, which speak a common language (ignoring dialect)

>> No.50718930

You need a vacation and therapy.

>> No.50719097

I see. I'm waiting for ORE to moon considering it has a deflationary supply.

>> No.50719683

I see QANX prediction as the most likely. What's your price prediction on RAIL? The asset has a huge amount of its circulating supply staked so I'm guessing it would hold strong.

>> No.50719913

> How accurate is this web page of someone shilling exclusively their bags?
> Further proof /biz is retarded

>> No.50719975


>> No.50720304

kadena shills are taking over /biz man just gtfo.
why would invest in this shitcoin when thers greats like Polygon reshaping web3 as we know it

>> No.50721435

get fucked idiot, see you never

>> No.50721600

there's only one kadena thread
meanwhile polygon shills are literally everywhere in every thread, and it's a fucking L2 where 5 pajeets can take all your money if they wanted to

>> No.50723236

That's disingenuous. The absolute majority of Coinmetro staff are customer service/support roles. They don't earn much. It's not comparable to companies like Coinbase or FTX hiring programmers to fuck about doing nothing alongside a cornucopia of HR and middle management roasties and pajeets on bloated salaries.

>> No.50723784

I don't want to wage for another 15 years Kevin PLEASE pump xcm with Saudi money

>> No.50724062

>no vinu
shit list