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50694961 No.50694961 [Reply] [Original]

We all talk of 'making it'

But what is making it to you anon ?

>> No.50694973

My face lodged firmly between the brap cheeks of the woman I love

>> No.50694998

"Making it" or financial "freedom" is the story capitalists and aristocrats force feed the masses to keep them obedient, compliant, submissive, productive and ignorant enough to work hard and preserve the status quo that enslaves and subjugates anything good and innocent. It is the carrot and the stick, the highly optimized neoliberal propaganda that is beamed directly into the brains and hearts of all citizens upon birth. It is the american "dream" and the cancer that will murder all of mother Earth.

"Making it" implies that individuals are fundamentally broken and corrupted. It is the idea that living beings are degenerate and need to prove their worth in order to exist. I sincerely hope every single financier and rightoid parasite perishes

>> No.50695000

Having a huge tiddie gf that blows me and also a house.
Have the gf already but not the house.

>> No.50695002

being able to go places and do things
nothing specific really

>> No.50695014

Very interesting, face the wall now.

>> No.50695023

this. He's probably not even racist or an anti-semite. Likely has sex too

>> No.50695024

a small rooftop penthouse entirely paid
my actual gf giving me 3 kids
a crf300l and a renault megane in the garage

>> No.50695030

A woman who loves me and wants to carry and raise at least 2 of our kids, and the material security for all of us.
Apparently that's asking too much :(

>> No.50695032

>It is the idea that living beings are degenerate and need to prove their worth in order to exist.

It’s kind of necessary when there’s 7 billion of us on this planet. It would definitely be great if people could do nothing but eat and sleep all day and we could all just get along. But that’s not how it works.

>> No.50695059

For me 'making it' is being able to do whatever the fuck I want during the day and not have to work 8 hours and commute 2 hours of my time every fucking day of the week.

>> No.50695065
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I want to wake up in the afternoon in my big wapanese house close by the sea, not having to worry about money, time or energy,
Just hearing the sounds of the waves and relaxing.

>> No.50695073

Making it means that I can be with my children and watch them grow up/raise them, without needing to wage slave for jewish globohomo.
My legacy is my children, and the life I was able to provide them.

>> No.50695085

Literally not having to work. I can't NEET have to support myself til then.

>> No.50695104

Having a loving wife and family that are Christian.

>> No.50695106

Some of the happiest people I’ve ever met were the poorest. Not just western-standards poor, I’m talking cardboard roof and 10 people to a toilet poor. And these people still danced, smiled, and invited me into their homes for dinner like they lived in paradise.

Making it is a state of mind.

>> No.50695120

You sound like a stinky communist and I'm glad you never got trips
The truth is that you can always be a better person. 'Better' is defined by you first and foremost, then your loved ones, then your society. So is 'making it'.
Maybe you're right in your post, but to me it looks like you're barking up a tree that's too big to be worth barking at, or one that straight up doesn't exist.
If I don't work I'll get depressed as fuck. By work I mean doing anything productive with my body, whether I'm being paid for it or creating value for myself doesn't matter. I feel like too many people here want to be NEETs and don't realise that this lifestyle is exactly what makes them miserable. Not all, of course.

>> No.50695140

$1,000/day passive income.

>> No.50695168

Kek, that's a good one. Now turn around and look at the wall next to him.

>> No.50695187

>I feel like too many people here want to be NEETs and don't realise that this lifestyle is exactly what makes them miserable.

Very true. However, it would be extremely nice to work at a coffee place or something, and know you have $3k coming in passively every month and don’t really have to worry about paying bills or keeping your job.

A man should always be working though, you will literally go insane after a few months otherwise.

>> No.50695213

You misunderstand. I agree with you. He should be killed for having a different perception of what the American dream is.

>> No.50695241

Going to make it

Not going to make it

>> No.50695423
File: 150 KB, 680x999, wagecage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be free of the wagecage bro...that's all I really want...don't make me go back in the cage bro please I'll do anything...

>> No.50695544

You vill get in the cage

You vill rent the pod

You vill eat the bugs

You vill save and invest your money and vill be able to afford a 2 bedroom house in a diverse neighborhood when you’re 67

And you vill be happy.

>> No.50695685

i don't really know.

money is just one part of it. financially, i guess it's enough money to never have money be the thing that is stopping me from pursuing something

but i have to change myself a lot as well. money is just one part, if i stay as i am now you could hand me 8 figures cash and i still would be the same person...

>> No.50695704

Roger that. ‘Making it’ is nothing but a program. A model memed into us from day 1, making you believe you need to live up to other peoples idea of success. It has absolutely nothing to do with true happiness which is completely dependent on the individual. By all means acquire wealth if it helps you reach YOUR goal. Midwits will call these ideas communist but couldn’t be further from it. Breaking out of a prescribed way of life and rejecting all except what is true for YOU is probably one of the least communist things you could probably do

>> No.50695723

money translates to the easiest way to get basic goods such as food, water, and shelter
it plays a part in most success stories as a result

>> No.50695808

Having enough money to even choose if i want to work or not tomorrow

>> No.50697089
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>> No.50697640

After making a lot of money from crypto, I've realized that "making it" comes from experiences. Experiences with loved ones, friends, and even by yourself. I really want to do some true living one day like backpacking through Europe. Seeing the northern lights. Seeing the natural world is "making it." Simple as.

>> No.50699913

Half of it is that and half of it is finding someone who loves you and you love

>> No.50701907

Buy a nice place.
Have enough to not be affected if I lose my job.
That's about it, really.

>> No.50702187

To me "making it" is just not having to worry about money/security. I don't need nor do I desire a Lambo or a yacht, I don't need or want to "flex" on anyone. I simply don't ever want to worry about my bills being paid or the stress of having to make a purchase for something I need or want that's within reason. It's things like if I had my engine go out in my car or some big repair that my house needs - I want to be able to deal with it without it putting a knot in my stomach. Same thing just with getting groceries or something; I don't need to be going out and buying steak for ever dinner, I just want to be able to buy things without having the inner debate with myself about "Can I justify buying myself this? What if I don't like it and it's just wasted money?"